Glossary part 6
This web page is an RHTF glossary, a series of short entries separated by large amounts of blank space.
If you followed a link from another page, the creator of that page failed to place the correct label anchor in the link URL. To find the glossary entry you want, use your browser's find command (usually in the Edit menu). (Or if you wish, you can scroll down but it'll take a lot of scrolling
RT: supercomputers
CRC-Weisstein Encyclopedia:
WT: books I am mentioned in
cricket (game):
RT: rugby football
RT: baseball
RT: England
RT: H. P. Lovecraft
RT: satan
RT: illuminati
Cuban Missile Crisis:
RT: cold war
RT: early sixties
RT: John F Kennedy
RT: Khrushchev
RT: cold war
RT: charismatic people RT: dogma
RT: Pod People
RT: self-help movements
RT: multi-level marketing systems
Dad (Paul Munafo):
RT: Apollo program RT: NASA
RT: contract bridge
press release links
RT: Angst Is In RT: Brecht
RT: David Bowie
Dartmouth College:
RT: Angst Is In RT: Animal House RT: Brown University RT: Dartmouth Glee Club RT: Phi Tau
RT: Dartmouth Fraternities
RT: Hanover, NH
WT: Ivy League
RT: New Hampshire
web page
Dartmouth Fraternities:
NT: Alpha Theta RT: Dartmouth College NT: Phi Tau
RT: Drinking School
Dartmouth Glee Club:
RT: my performances
RT: Dartmouth College
RT: Mozart Requiem Mass
Data Powers of Ten:
RT: Powers of Ten (film)
RT: Moore's Law
NT: Hari Seldon's calculator NT: Hitchhiker's Guide Dator
RT: iPhone
RT: futurism
David Bowie:
RT: 'Darren'
RT: Brian Eno
David Byrne:
RT: Brian Eno RT: knee plays
David Brin's universe:
WT: Galaxy epics
RT: War Games
Dewey Cheetham and Howe:
RT: Strauss and Howe
RT: Harvard Square
RT: Johnny Carson
RT: Dewey decimal system
Dewey decimal system:
RT: Dewey Cheetham and Howe
RT: LC system
RT: library science
RT: Extropianism
RT: Libertarianism
RT: illuminati
RT: Spam Jake Day
RT: empty and meaningless NT: etymology RT: Freemasons RT: Goedel, Escher, Bach WT: technology RT: transformation
RT: clarity
RT: insight
WT: futurism
RT: Malthusians
RT: Engrams
RT: RC Therapy
distributed AI:
RT: artificial intelligence RT: global subconscious
RT: Adolescence of P-1
RT: Earth (David Brin)
RT: Internet
RT: distributed parallel systems
distributed parallel systems:
RT: brain simulation RT: distributed AI
RT: parallel processing