Glossary part 5
This web page is an RHTF glossary, a series of short entries separated by large amounts of blank space.
If you followed a link from another page, the creator of that page failed to place the correct label anchor in the link URL. To find the glossary entry you want, use your browser's find command (usually in the Edit menu). (Or if you wish, you can scroll down but it'll take a lot of scrolling
classical era:
WT: timeline octaves
RT: ancient Greece
RT: ancient Rome
clear/crystal (color):
RT: spiritual reality
cobalt blue:
RT: mental reality
cold war:
RT: Cuban Missile Crisis RT: NORAD RT: nuclear weapons
RT: Berlin Wall
RT: Ronald Reagan
RT: Cuban Missile Crisis
Columbia University:
WT: Ivy League
RT: M.U.L.E.
RT: Apple II
common large numbers:
WT: large numbers
NT: mole
computer history:
RT: Alan Turing RT: Charles Babbage RT: Moore's Law
RT: Computer Museum (Boston)
RT: computers
Computer Museum (Boston):
RT: computer history
RT: Boston Museum of Science
computer programming:
RT: hacks
RT: computers
RT: computer history RT: computer programming RT: home computer
RT: artificial intelligence
RT: mathematics
RT: confidentiality
RT: Roman Catholics
RT: 12-step programs
RT: confessions RT: secrecy
confusion of levels:
RT: meta-
Connection Machine:
RT: Media Lab
WT: supercomputers
conspiracy theories:
RT: illuminati
RT: secrecy
Contact (novel and movie):
RT: alien visitors RT: Carl Sagan RT: encyclopedia galactica
WT: near future
RT: space exploration
WT: memetics
contract bridge:
RT: Dad (Paul Munafo)
RT: playing cards
RT: recipies
cool computer languages:
NT: Smalltalk
Copper, Silver, Gold:
RT: Goedel, Escher, Bach
RT: Gold-prime
RT: technology
Cornell University:
RT: Robert Morris RT: Seth-n-Dave
RT: Carl Sagan
RT: Ithaca NY
RT: Homer Smith
RT: Beverly West
WT: Ivy League
RT: Trantor
Cosmic Wimpout:
RT: Apple II
RT: 1982
RT: craps
cosmic zoom:
RT: Cosmos
RT: Powers of Ten (film)
RT: Cosmos RT: general relativity
RT: space exploration
RT: Carl Sagan RT: encyclopedia galactica
RT: astronomy
RT: cosmology
RT: Panspermia
RT: cosmic zoom
RT: Cosmic Wimpout
WT: gambling