Glossary part 21
This web page is an RHTF glossary, a series of short entries separated by large amounts of blank space.
If you followed a link from another page, the creator of that page failed to place the correct label anchor in the link URL. To find the glossary entry you want, use your browser's find command (usually in the Edit menu). (Or if you wish, you can scroll down but it'll take a lot of scrolling
world history:
NT: 1914 NT: 1989 RT: accelerating change RT: civilization NT: early sixties WT: history RT: language evolution RT: old languages RT: sociology RT: Strauss and Howe RT: year 2000
RT: timeline octaves
RT: stages of civilization
RT: language
RT: printing
RT: stages of civilization
(Whirling Sucking Quagmire of Despair) RT: Seth-n-Dave
RT: RTFM RT: Webb Scales
Xerox PARC:
RT: Smalltalk
RT: Apple (company)
RT: OTTers
year 2000:
RT: 2001 A Space Odyssey
RT: Extropianism
RT: world history
RT: 1950's futurism
yellow, gray and black:
RT: orange and yellow RT: Roger Bourgeois
Yorktown Heights:
RT: Benoit Mandelbrot
RT: enlightenment (spiritual) RT: Goedel, Escher, Bach RT: Transcendental Meditation
RT: koans
RT: Landmark Forum
RT: WGBH Channel 2
RT: orange and yellow