The OTTsford Molpish Dictionary
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Time : 1. The One True Title of the One True Comic, and the reason for all this silliness.
2. A dimension through which silliness can travel, often bidirectionally, as prescribed by the Laws of Temporodynamics.
Time Accessor : A means for accessing Time, i.e. organised sand: a computer, phone, tablet device, etc. (also abbr. TA)
In possibly RELATED news, I've had access to a proper Time Accessor all dip. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1655:7)
TimeFrame : 1. The quantum of animation, the indivisible units out of which the animation of Time is made.
I'm more prone to call the increment of Frame animation in the comic Time... "Timeframes". (@peewee_RotA, OTT:78:30)
2. A unit of time, essentially equivalent to newpix.
I'm officially creating the terminology of TimeFrames to mean "Standard" usage, for the American audience. np can remain on the metric scale. (@peewee_RotA, OTT:79:20)
This would boil down to about 32,000 man-newpics or 16,000 man-hours. Most of this time was presumably spent by scientists and engineers. (@thegreger, OTT:79:34) ⌇ Conversions for those using the standard system / 159 TimeFrames / 32,000 man-TimeFrames (@peewee_RotA, OTT:80:2)
I'm gone for a mere 30 Newpix/timeframes/aubron refresh cycles and you spawn an entire civilization, with religion, have a couple of major schisms, then mostly forget about it in favor of eating food. you people are a bit odd. It took me 2 hours/4 newpics/timeframes/whatever to catch up on just the forum! (@Dracomax, OTT:84:8)
timeody : An OTTification (sense 2). (plural: timeodies)
This is the part where I admit I am not a fan of the word "filk." [...] Maybe the OTT needs its own word for such activity; we just haven't evolved one yet. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:849:7) ⌇ Timeodies? (@jovialbard, OTT:849:9
may your comallucinations be filled with lovely Timeodies at an acceptable scan rate. (@jjjdavidson, OTT:868:12)
The -ody refers to song or ode. I think it's accurate to say that most of our timeodies are in fact odes to Time in some informal sense, and they are certainly based on songs. (@jjjdavidson, OTT:870:34)
TimerONG : See SilentONG.
Time Waiter : (archaic) 1. An OTTer.
I might be persuaded to convert from whovian, but I need to know what to call myself... "Timer"? "Temporalist"? "Sandcastler?" "TimeWatcher?" "SandcastleWatcher?" (@lassehp, OTT:79:23) ⌇ TimeWaiter? (@appleGirl, OTT:80:16)
Okay, fellow timeWaiters ... I think the time has come to admit that we have a problem. (@belliott4488, OTT:81:17)
Ok I feel like we HAVE TO sort the name out so i created a straw poll (link) (@diego5wh, OTT:116:8)
It was indeed TimeWaiters, and later TimeWatchers, because TimeWaiters sounds too much like a job in the restaurant industry :P (@AionArap, OTT:116:18)
Ok new poll (link) (@diego5wh, OTT:118:25)
2. A religious subdivision of the early OTTer community.
brought it up in relation to the schisming of the TimeWaiters. (@KarMann, OTT:83:0)
Timewaiting : (archaic) What OTTers do as they follow the First Commandment.
Suggested official religion theme song for Timewaiting (@Envelope Generator, OTT:85:32)
TimeWatcher : (archaic) 1. An OTTer.
I might be persuaded to convert from whovian, but I need to know what to call myself... "Timer"? "Temporalist"? "Sandcastler?" "TimeWatcher?" "SandcastleWatcher?" (@lassehp, OTT:79:23)
There can only be so many newpix apparently. When time ends, I suggest compiling the Cannon into a book for future TimeWatchers. (@Primis, OTT:109:16)
Ok I feel like we HAVE TO sort the name out so i created a straw poll (link) (@diego5wh, OTT:116:8)
It was indeed TimeWaiters, and later TimeWatchers, because TimeWaiters sounds too much like a job in the restaurant industry :P (@AionArap, OTT:116:18)
Ok new poll (link) (@diego5wh, OTT:118:25)
2. A religious subdivision of the early OTTer community.
... it looks like something else has been decided out of the realm of influence of this set of time. Initiates of Time? That's just lame! / I'm splitting the Time religion. Who's joining the Time Watchers? (@peewee_RotA, OTT:129:18)
Time World : The Time and OTT-themed amusement park, an OTTification of several real-life theme parks and attractions.
TIOC : TCP/IP Over Coincidence, an acronym in the BSTA story (see also LEML).
B: TIOC ?? / AP: TCP/IP over Coincidence. / AP: Yes, someone actually did such a thing. (@balthasar_s via @GnomeAnne, OTT:2565:7)
TL;RAE,CCN : Too Long; Read And Enjoyed, Cannot Comment Now. (from TL;DR)
There was lots of other (OTTer) molpish posts, too much to comment on it all. TL:RAE,CCN (Too Long, Read and Enjoyed, Can't Comment Now.) (@lmjb1964, OTT:2594:4)
toikositetranewpix : today (to- from TODAY + eikositetra- (Greek "twenty four") + newpix)
We already have an official unit of length. / ... which we can now sorta reliably convert to other units, based on these images from today's toikositetranewpix' What If (@mscha, OTT:557:22)
toquish : Of, related to, or resembling a Beanie or Beanies (the person/people, as opposed to Beanish which usually refers to their language).
Are you Canadian? I've heard Canadians call beanies "toques." (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1034:7) ⌇ I like how the hat culture flowed into the reveal of the Beanies (and their hat related name). I was always intrigued by the word "toque". Maybe we need synonyms like "toquish" to mean like a Beanie (so as not to be confused with Beanish). (@azule, OTT:1864:17)
trebuchat : 1. A trebuchet hat, or a hat concealing a head-mounted trebuchet; referencing this OTTification of othercomic 1401 by @HES.
Didn't know how much I wanted a trebuchat until now. (@yappobiscuits, OTT:2047:36)
2. A curse.
HES - Why'd you hide your "trebuchat"? Good! BTW, I think 'trebuchat' might be a new curse worse. That is utter trebuchat! (@azule, OTT:2050:16)
trebuchet : n. A castle tool in Sandcastle Builder.
I'd like to see Lucky attacks, which you can fend off with trebuchets. (@Neil_Boekend, OTT:1431:2)
Anyhow, I just added trebuchets... (@Eternal Density, OTT:1433:2) ⌇ trebuchet destroys 2 castles on the ONG. if it did, it then builds 4 (@Eternal Density, OTT:1435:25)
2. A tile in Q04B.
Spoiler: / Cueball Megan Castle(small) Trebuchet scaffolding Castle(fancy) scaffolding(Cuegan) Tree(small) Tree(Cuegan) Tree(Baobabs!) (@HES, OTT:1900:25)
v. To cause a great, possibly critically harmful, burden upon something, e.g. a botcastle.
One could cache the generated sustainabilizations, so they don't need to be generated again, but downloading them with each newpage refresh would trebuchet your botcastle. So let's not do that. (@Sustainabilizer, OTT:2033:35)
treeish : adj. 1. Neat (i.e. very good, pleasant, etc.). (A reference to frame 1339)
Très Treeish! (@ucim, OTT:632:34)
Treeish! I didn't realise until more than halfway through that it wasn't just water rising and waves sloshing around, but actually a pan through the terrain. (@Angelastic, OTT:652:2)
Molpies are awesomely / capturing everyone / inside the OTT / furry and cute. / Give them a cupcake treat / mustard and ketchup, too / treeishly worship them / with Meg and Cue. (@Valarya, OTT:657:36)
Turns out a "raptor" is just a twitcher's term for a bird of prey and that's all he meant, but still, that was a pretty treeish coincidence :P (@yappobiscuits, OTT:811:31)
And the episodes last just short of a newpix (except the first one, which is seaish but treeish), perfect! (@HES, OTT:850:16)
Welcome lovepirate! Treeish1 analysis! / ... / 1Neat. The tree is neat. (@ucim, OTT:1076:36)
2. Inspiring a "wow" response (A reference to frame 1502); or weird (A reference to frame 2166).
O-T-Trees / (with apologies to Joyce Kilmer) / I think that I shall never see / A newword lovely as a tree: / ... / Words are made by fools like me, / But GLR can draw a tree / / I like trees. Do you like trees? Trees are neat. And wow. And weird. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1090:1) ⌇ Treeish! (In every sense.) (@Ximenez, OTT:1090:9)
Tribulation : In the OTT's ecclesiastical calendar, a 28-dip period (one Orthodix OTTish mip) beginning on the Outsider dip called "the 17th of June".
TRID : Thank Randall it's Davéandix.
TSCO : Time Since Current ONG (referring specifically to BSTA)
There are two different things that are being referred to by Time Until Next Ong: / [...] / Any suggestions as to how to avoid the ambiguity? (@ggh, OTT:2555:20) ⌇ Introduce a TSCO. (@AluisioASG, OTT:2555:21)
TTOTCATTMU:OTP : The song by @yappobiscuits, posted at OTT:1447:0: To the One True Comic, and the Thread! Molpy up! One Thousand Posts.
TUNO : 1. Time Until Next ONG (referring specifically to BSTA, and used as a hint regarding how many frames are in the unseen queue).
This one appeared at my midnight with a TUNO (Time Until Next ONG) of 31 hours. / I wonder if we should keep track of these TUNOs, or if balthasar will make them available in the viewer when all is said and done. (@ggh, OTT:2546:1) ⌇ Evidently the TUNA TUNO is 32 this time. (@mrob27. OTT:2547:18) ⌇ I was not paying attention and did not get the TUNO. (@GnomeAnne, OTT:2547:34) ⌇ ETA: When I posted this post, it was 18:37:31 UTC and [...] / Can someone work out what the TUNO is? (@mrob27, OTT:2549:16) ⌇ Here's my current guess: / TUNO = trunc (3600 hrs / frames in reserve) This would suggest that you had 97 frames loaded up when BSTA launched [...] / Am I close? (@ggh, OTT:2577:8) ⌇ 3600 - correct / 97 - no, 98. Frame 98 is on a different piece of paper than 97 and frames start from 0. (@balthasar_s, OTT:2577:9) ⌇ And the TUNO showed that balthasar has uploaded another 5 or 6 frames. (@ggh, OTT:2595:11)
2. More precisely, the time interval between the appearance of the current ONG and when the next ONG will be available for view (see TSCO).
There are two different things that are being referred to by Time Until Next Ong: / 1. how much time passes between one ong and the next, and / 2. how much time passes between the present and the next ong. / [...] it's only a matter of Time before someone posts the ONG a bit after it has become available, along with a large, but smaller than expected, TUNO. Any suggestions as to how to avoid the ambiguity? (@ggh, OTT:2555:20)
— U —
unbasemented : Active in the OTT
... / No loyal friend / Will not unbasemented be / Now Don't say goodbye / We say you didn't try / ... (@Dracomax, OTT:1318:5)
Yay, Hal's back! And I'm glad Aluisio is staying (unbasemented). (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1367:32)
UNG : An ONG of a Time frame on an anniversary of its original time.
UNG – past tense of ONG. Exactly one yip after the corresponding ONG. (@mscha, OTT:1821:37)
Unglish : The language spoken by Cuegan, and one of the (at least three) languages spoken by Rosetta, (the other two being Beanish and Squarish; see also USB).
(see USB entry for full etymology) ⌇ Of course, there is the number of languages involved, and I agree that this is important, and that Beardo speaks USB (UnglishETA, Squarish, Beanish). But on the other hand there is still the unexplained bit about Cuegan speaking UUU and the Beanies speaking BB. / ETA "Unglish" being "English with an ugly accent". (@Ximenez, OTT:1076:14)
USB : Three of the languages spoken by Rosetta (Unglish, Squarish, Beanish; see also USBese).
WHATTHECHIRPISTHATONG / image, frame 2734 (@xpatiate, OTT:1074:30) ⌇ Big hairy chief can speak your language and ours, plus a third square one? (@poxic, OTT:1074:32) ⌇ those are speech. they speak circle. beanies speak triangle. Big smart bearded guy translate (@Latent22, OTT:1074:35) ⌇ Perhaps LaPetite speaks Squarish? (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1075:6) ⌇ Visiting the wise bearded guy, actually a computer geek, will help them... / image (@Lyoug, OTT:1075:10) ⌇ And yay Cueball for figuring out the USB symbology. :D (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1075:37) ⌇ Does that make USBese the language family that circlish, squarish and trianglese all descend from? :lol: (@ChronosDragon, OTT:1075:39) ⌇ If PIE is Proto-Indo-European, what does USB stand for? I'd imagine the "B" is "Beanish"... (@taixzo, OTT:1076:5) ⌇ "S" is "Squarish," most likely. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1076:6) ⌇ Of course, there is the number of languages involved, and I agree that this is important, and that Beardo speaks USB (UnglishETA, Squarish, Beanish). But on the other hand there is still the unexplained bit about Cuegan speaking UUU and the Beanies speaking BB. / ETA "Unglish" being "English with an ugly accent". (@Ximenez, OTT:1076:14)
USBese : Notional proto-language from which Beanish, Squarish and Unglish are descended.
(see USB entry for full etymology) ⌇ Does that make USBese the language family that circlish, squarish and trianglese all descend from? :lol: (@ChronosDragon, OTT:1075:39)
USR : 1. UpStage Right, a stage direction seen in AoTC (and also in Outsider play scripts).
Act 1 Scene 9 / stage manager's copy / ... / [...] Hills in the background. — hills USR Various clerics and scribes and timewaiters walking around getting ready for the day, [...] (@ucim, OTT:762:9)
Act 3, scene 22 / At rise: The dorm room of ggh. Heavy wooden door USR through which the Pope and Second Scribe can be seen [...] (@ucim, OTT:2471:30)
2. Unidentified Sky Ribbits.
ONG image (frame 1276) Edit: A bird! (@Kazza3, OTT:598:2) ⌇ it's a bird! it's a plane! No, wait, it's just a bird. (@ChronosDragon, OTT:598:3) ⌇ Perhaps we should just call it a UFO? (@BlitzGirl, OTT:598:7) ⌇ We don't know if its flying, so we should call it a USP. Unidentified Sky Pixels. (@Montov, OTT:598:8) ⌇ Ooh, shall we start a debate about what the sky is made of? (@descor, OTT:598:10) ⌇ I may have taken HES's suggestion... / A selected quote from Gingercat's current location, the newpage of the sparrow-raptor: / We don't know if its flying, so we should call it USR. Unidentified Sky Ribbits. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:2031:24)
— V —
varba : unknown A word with indeterminate meaning, part of @ucim's language of the "raft people" used in Acts of the Clerics. (See also varbal).
[...] / nietha in kaliniam yo. / Bradva, bradvak, bradvaii smopu varba glie nootano! (@ucim, OTT:1500:3)
[...] I did not in fact create a fictional language. [...] I have no idea how much I'll be using the Raft People's tongue [...] I just tried to come up with some nonsense words that had a slavic sense to them and strung them together. [...] So, rather than having created a corpus of language from which I'm dribbling out clues, I have created a bunch of clues from which, if it becomes necessary, I will build a language. [...] (@ucim, OTT:2265:12)
n. A metasyntactic noun (derived from the adjective varbal) in AUTOMOME output.
varbal : adj. A metasyntactic adjective (with negative connotation, and derived from varba) in AUTOMOME output.
varblar : adj. A metasyntactic adjective (the comparative form of varbal) in AUTOMOME output.
CAN YOU TRY TO LOOK... VARBLAR? (@mrob27, OTT:2262:0)
varblast : adj. A metasyntactic adjective (the superlative form of varbal) in AUTOMOME output.
varbradvaki : v. A metasyntactic verb (the perfect form of bradva, also derived from varba) in AUTOMOME output.
VBHF : Any of a large number of acronyms associated with VHF, originating during the Server Mustard of NP1702 (see OTT:1702:19), several repeated at OTT:1806:29. Examples include Vital Bacon and the Hotdog Functions, Very Bacon, How Frying (wow) (a reference to the Doge meme). See also LEML.
VHF : Vital Hotdog Function, a notional OTTer band.
It's one of the vital functions of the Hotdog. It's used whenever you load a saved game. (@Eternal Density, OTT:1549:9) ⌇ Vital Hotdog Function is the name of my next band. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1549:10)
"Problematic C**kie" is another great single by the band Vital Hotdog Function. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1563:35)
*instinctively enters a random Faraday cage* (@AluisioASG, OTT:1706:18) ⌇ Random Faraday Cage, incidentally, is another hit by Vital Hotdog Function. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1706:19)
vicis-minístris : time-minister (a personal title) (in crudely-translated Latin: tempus would be a better translation of "time")
Since I cannot make posts in order to assign titles to myself, I naturally can join the paradox orders, since of course I cannot. Without further ado, I haven-been and also willen not have be-conferred upon myself the titles of: / Knight Temporal, Cantabrigiensis vicis-minístris / [...] (@mrob27, OTT:1472:5)
Visitation Ja : In the OTT's ecclesiastical calendar, a 28-dip period (one Orthodix OTTish mip) beginning on the Outsider dip called "the 4th of November".
Vitssågen : punsaw (in Swedish). (pl. vitssågar)
Blixtrar den ene, så åskar den andre Oscar II. I mean I agree. / That was an ancient Swedish p*n that kind of describes the thread pretty well. (@mikrit, OTT:1474:16) ⌇ It's the vitssåg for you! / (Which I hope means "punsaw," but could mean "scrumptious donut" for all I know.) (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1474:17) ⌇ VITSSÅG. Awesomeful! To me Swedish makes everything sound like a Finntroll song title :P / Oh dear. Now the idea's planted, I can't help it... / Vitssåg / Bland skuggor rider BlitzGirl / I den enda sanna tråd / ... (@yappobiscuits, OTT:1475:21) ⌇ Yappo, I hope you don't mind if I try to nudge it a little closer to grammatical correctness (at least according to my limited grasp of Swedish) ... / Vitssågen / Bland skuggor rider BlitzGirl / I den enda sanna tråden / ... (@svenman, OTT:1475:39)
Vitssågen, ja! : Punsaw, yeah! (see Vitssågen)
VMPC : Vatican Milliner's Perfect Customer, an automatic substitution for "Pope" during the Reckoning (see OTT:160:4 for an example). Several other Madness filters applied to common religious figures, for example Jesus became "Horus" and jehovah became "Ma'at".
(This phrase kept being used after the Madness was over, thus is an example of OTTer jargon that was not invented by the OTTers. See Pope on the Wiki.)
Voldeframe : TFWMNBN.
Voyage : In the OTT's ecclesiastical calendar, a 28-dip period (one Orthodix OTTish mip) beginning on the Outsider dip called "the 7th of October".
vrathkalichi : unknown A word with indeterminate meaning, part of @ucim's language of the "raft people" used in Acts of the Clerics. (See also vrathna)
The raft people sang: Keipu glie, Glie na smopu vrathkalichi ho! / Bradvaii smopu glie ne haniam hierban tantam lo! / vrathna rhethatm tieniso, / nietha in kaliniam yo. / ... (@ucim, OTT:1500:3)
[...] I did not in fact create a fictional language. [...] I have no idea how much I'll be using the Raft People's tongue [...] I just tried to come up with some nonsense words that had a slavic sense to them and strung them together. [...] So, rather than having created a corpus of language from which I'm dribbling out clues, I have created a bunch of clues from which, if it becomes necessary, I will build a language. [...] (@ucim, OTT:2265:12)
n. A metasyntactic place-name in AUTOMOME output.
vrathna : unknown A word with indeterminate meaning, part of @ucim's language of the "raft people" used in Acts of the Clerics. (See also vrathkalichi)
... / Bradvaii smopu glie ne haniam hierban tantam lo! / vrathna rhethatm tieniso, / nietha in kaliniam yo. / ... (@ucim, OTT:1500:3)
[...] I did not in fact create a fictional language. [...] I have no idea how much I'll be using the Raft People's tongue [...] I just tried to come up with some nonsense words that had a slavic sense to them and strung them together. [...] So, rather than having created a corpus of language from which I'm dribbling out clues, I have created a bunch of clues from which, if it becomes necessary, I will build a language. [...] (@ucim, OTT:2265:12)
n. A fictional character (person's name).
"Vrathna" is my new black metal pseudonym. (Perhaps prefixed with "Lord"...) (@yappobiscuits, OTT:2260:0)
THANKS, VRATHNA_S. THATHNA_S. (@mrob27, OTT:2260:23)
vremka : unknown A word with indeterminate meaning, part of @ucim's language of the "raft people" used in Acts of the Clerics.
There is some tittering amongst the raft people. One of them, the woman who had originally run into BlitzGirl, rises and approaches the Pope. / The woman says: Smopu hvala nuvi dichte amwah. Smopu di vremka va. / The Pope looks up at her, and smiles broadly. (@ucim, OTT:1500:3)
[...] I did not in fact create a fictional language. [...] I have no idea how much I'll be using the Raft People's tongue [...] I just tried to come up with some nonsense words that had a slavic sense to them and strung them together. [...] So, rather than having created a corpus of language from which I'm dribbling out clues, I have created a bunch of clues from which, if it becomes necessary, I will build a language. [...] (@ucim, OTT:2265:12)
n. A metasyntactic noun (with negative connotation) in AUTOMOME output.
— W —
Wallapy : n. (See also WALL•PY)
1. A wallaby.
Swamp Wallapys- Now THERE'S a molpy I can really enjoy finding in redundant spoilers. (@Kazza3, OTT:1334:2)
2. A metasyntactic noun in redundancy.js and AUTOMOME output.
The cybernetic guineamolp requests (through dead Meg-a-like who calls (under my modern pointer nowhere near anything), and clicks (close to the overbearing wallapy who must have been zanclean ratpyish yet amazing), and often decyphers your quick firefly) the most golden person in ???? (@Eternal Density, OTT:1624:35)
3. Original spelling of WALL•PY. (because it is a "molpy" that came out from behind a wall)
Indeed, in the fifth frame, you already can see something appearing. / I'm not sure what the camera is doing. It appears to be panning down and left a bit, but I can't explain why the shadow is moving up on the side of the wall. / ETA: indeed, the wallpy is simply coming out of the shadow. (@mscha, OTT:2381:11)
WALL•PY : The robot-like "molpy" seen in the ENHANCEd versions of some of the t-1 frames (e.g. t-1_0117)
I'm not sure that's our good friend WALL·PY. The tip of its nose is too red, WALL·PY has an orange, um, ketchup bottle. (@mscha, OTT:2385:24)
water : n. Heretical term for whatever that black stuff is. (see semencancercaffeinebabies)
Waterottermolpy : n. 1. An otter that is actually an otter, i.e. the molpy, as distinct from an OTTer.
Considering that we've been applying the prefix "molpy" to every animal that appears ... (@HAL9000, OTT:722:29) ⌇ Like the molpy otter we saw whilst kayaking today! Otters are cute, to be sure, but cuter still when identified with a molpy-prefix. (@k.bookbinder, OTT:724:4) ⌇ Waterottermolpy? / Because that's fun to say. :D. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:724:5)
2. An OTTer that is not actually an otter, i.e. the metalmolpy, as distinct from an otter.
And on that power metally note, this waterottermolpy must coma. (@yappobiscuits, OTT:751:0)
wavepix : One luckpix; named after @waveney who produced the beany sequence starting at OTT:1408:5.
I believe that a wavepix is a measurement of Time that covers the space between beanONGs, and is named for waveney. Four hours, by heretical Outside reckoning. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1580:3)
weepend : Weekend, i.e. Riverdix and Seadix (with the implication that it is/was a sad time possibly because of the slower post rate)
Ah. Nice to see the weepend has gone. (@AluisioASG, OTT:1452:39)
I feel the dreadful weepend upon us… (@AluisioASG, OTT:1507:13) ⌇ It's like the OTT's version of molpying down. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1507:14)
WFI : Wait For It, the first commandment.
I'm only producing around 6 GCastles/ONG and the nearest boost is 2TCastles (Flying Buckets) I suppose I'm just going to have to WFI. (@Red Hal, OTT:1603:22)
Land! Someone's at sea! (@TheMinim, OTT:1674:19) ⌇ But what about the Beanies? (@ggh, OTT:1674:20) ⌇ I don't know. We shall simply have to WFI. (@TheMinim, OTT:1674:21)
WFR : web-footed raptor, i.e. duck.
I've just managed to get my WFRs alligned for the day ... (@HES, OTT:2128:17)
Depending on how you look at it, I either had a mid-air collision with a web-footed raptor, or I got kicked in the face by a web-footed raptor. (@HES, OTT:2289:18) ⌇ The WFR is fine. Much better my face than the grille of a truck. (@HES, OTT:2289:21)
WFFS : Wolpy Food Funding Source. A notional acronym that never actually appeared in the OTC prior to its derivative WOMFFS; the first reference to "Wolpy-food funding" is at OTT:2072:13 (and with "source" added, at OTT:2108:11).
Whifdix : In the OTT's ecclesiastical calendar, the 2nd dix of the wip (Tuesday), and the dix on which a new "What-If?" is revealed.
wingish : Beautiful (a reference to frame 2114).
I found a new adjective (however, without footnote (yet))BugwingishOTC / flutterbeewingishOTT OTColourifications, BlitzGirl and Goggalor! (@ZoomanSP, OTT:1364:21) ⌇ I like flutterbeewingish, though I might use just wingish when I don't feel like typing all seventeen letters. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1364:24)
wip : A week.
What would we call this 24 newpix unit of time? (@Latent22, OTT:553:31) ⌇ xip = a collection of newpix, the word resembling "zip", like a zip-file, and it is "pix" backwards. (@azule, OTT:554:4) ⌇ wip = week; / mip = month; / yip = year. (@azule, OTT:554:9)
I have somehow managed to keep up with Time since dip one and was finally compelled to join the discussion after two wips, registering and spending my time in moderation purgatory. (@fatness, OTT:592:17)
An extension to the "xip" system has also been proposed for wip, mip and yip. Which I translate as "week in pictures", "month in pictures" and "year in pictures". (@mathrec, OTT:615:6)
If the molpy sees its shadow, does that mean six more wips of newpix? (@BlitzGirl, OTT:623:27)
wip-end: wipend.
wipend : weekend, i.e. Riverdix and Seadix. (In early usage, wip'end or wip-end)
do we have wip'ends to rest and recover? (@Latent22, OTT:554:13)
It's dead every weekend wipend. (@azule, OTT:644:16)
At least it's a wip-end (I think I'm using "wip" right), so I'm still just a few pages behind. (@lmjb1964, OTT:658:26)
wix : week.
Trekking for almost all of last week (wix?), [...] before trekking for the last 36 newpix or so again has been... let's go with exhausting. (@jetpac, OTT:614:24)
wolpy : 1. A dog or wolf. (wo- from WOLF (or perhaps WOOF) + -lpy from MOLPY)
not sure what the non-heretical term for dog is. Domesticated wolpy? (@SBN, OTT:787:35)
I've got some domesticated wolpies here that very much understand hours. I must arise each day at 6:00 am. ... (@SBN, OTT:837:16)
... OTTers will post an alternate Timeline, in which Megan survives her wound and Queball and Megan hook up. They'll buy a house, a wolpy and have a kid. It'll be a boy. ... (@Neil_Boekend, OTT:916:39)
GHW is "Grand Helper Wolpy" He's a German Shepherd. [...] Wolpy, because "wolf-molpy" (@SBN, OTT:2445:8)
2. canis more generally, or a wolf.
And your tame wolpy sounds adorable. :) (@BlitzGirl, OTT:815:5)
Next Cuegan-death theory: the Big Bad Wolpy huffs and puffs and blows the box down with Cuegan inside. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:881:3)
WOMFFS : Water-Otter-Molpy Food Funding Source. A portmanteau-acroynm of "WOM" for waterottermolpy and "WFFS" for "wolpy-food funding source", neither of which ever appeared in th OTC on their own.
Just had my first ever WOMFFS interview. For the music shop WOMFFS. Really hope I get it... (@yappobiscuits, OTT:2214:33)
wonderfulous : Wonderful and fabulous.
Link to the wonderfulous wiki for The One True Thread. (@rhomboidal, OTT:1:0, in a retroedit, 20130801) ⌇ I just noticed that the firstpost of the OTT was edited yesterxip. (@macraw83, OTT:1032:12) ⌇ And yes, the wiki's pretty neat! And wonderfulous. (That means "awesomeful", right? I don't think anyone used that particular word anywhere else on the OTT.) (@january1may, OTT:2544:31) ⌇ [...] and whereas the OTT is wonderfulous (and that's now actually listed in the mr0bdex, yay!) [...] (@january1may, OTT:2571:30)
wowterful : Wonderful, or beautiful (like the waterfall in frame 1933.
4. 1934 -wonderful wowterful. any other frame of it is also exceptable (@ergman, OTT:910:32)
Thanks to NoMouse and WOnder93 for putting together some Wowterful panoramas. (@airdrik, OTT:961:18)
I just wanted to check in and let y'all know that the wedding was wowterful and very fun! (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1175:19)
wowtree : Baobab, specifically adansonia grandidieri as seen in frames 1503 and following.
There can be no baobabswowtrees, but I can offer wowterfalls, stone cairns, ruined huts, and mountains ... (@AnotherKevin, OTT:973:20)
WTA : Work Time Accessor (in analogy to STA, RTA; see also HFFSTA)
My STA (seaish) is stationary, my RTA (riverish) is slow, my WTA (or perhaps HFFSTA) belongs to the company and losing it would be unmolpish, and my MTA can entertain me well enough. (@HES, OTT:2220:4)
WTAC : What The Actual Chirp. (from Outsider WTAF).
WTAC happened here‽ [ image ] (@Link, OTT:2462:20)
— X —
X, A`Lb,. : An ASCII transliteration of the Beanish greeting ᖉ, ᘝᐣᖚᔭ,, first seen in frame 2818.
TransliteratONG! / image (@SinusPi, OTT:1119:32) ⌇ After my morning cat soup and reviewing the latest transliteration here is some new speculation in the form of a dictionary. / [...] X, A`Lb,. = greeting (informal? maybe like "aloha" including good-bye? X is like Xc so "good day, yeah") / X = yeah / A`Lb = g'day (@RudeDude, OTT:1120:3)
X,c (also Xc, X,C) : An ASCII transliteration of the Beanish utterance ᖉᑦ, first seen in frame 2703, and thought to mean "yes" or "OK".
[...] Maybe the X,C before was an X,c too..? (@SinusPi, OTT:1092:34) ⌇ After my morning cat soup and reviewing the latest transliteration here is some new speculation in the form of a dictionary. / Xc & X,c = yes (@RudeDude, OTT:1120:3)
xip : 1. A period of 24 newpix (i.e. 12 hours during the first 5 days of Time, and 24 hours thenafter.)
What would you call a unit of time equal to 24 newpix? This would be half an outside day for the first 240 newpix and then one outside day after that? / ... / What would we call this 24 newpix unit of time? (@Latent22, OTT:553:31) ⌇ xip = a collection of newpix, the word resembling "zip", like a zip-file, and it is "pix" backwards. (@azule, OTT:554:4)
xip/newDay/Newday/icositetra[new]pix: This/these. Always 24 Newpix/Timeframes/Frames per xip/Newday/icositetrapix, so that there are two ITP per Outside/heretic/mundane day early on, and 1 newDay per day later. (@jjjdavidson, OTT:554:7)
2. A less specific replacement for the Outsider term "day".
Some causes for the OTT slowdown might include the confluence of special Outside occasions these xips (at least in the U.S.) including Mother's Day, high school proms, and graduations ... (@pelrigg, OTT:600:2)
xkcdsw : A comic made by modifying an existing xkcd comic; the name comes from the making xkcd slightly worse website and/or the similarly-named thread in the xkcd forums.
xuy : A slightly more gender neutral alternative to guy.
Hey xuys, / Been trying to relish and ketchup as much as possible [...] (@astrocub, OTT:758:3)
It's fake but I loved the reactions of you xuys (@Vytron, OTT:777:4)
D'aww! Cute molpy is cute! Blitzgirl, I think you have some untapped artistic talent (@ChronosDragon, OTT:909:21) ⌇ Thanks, xuys! (@BlitzGirl, OTT:909:26)
I miss you xuys - Wait well! (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1147:19)
— Y —
yappocised : To be living (waking/sleeping/etc.) according to a timezone far removed from one's physical location. (also, yappocized)
Am I the least ch*rped? - I Molpy up 6:30-7.00am local Heretical Time and Molpy Down 10-10:30pm LHT. (@waveney, OTT:1736:19) ⌇ Congrats, waveney - you win the least yappocized coma schedule award! (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1736:20)
yesterpix : 1. Newpix during the previous dix
here's the final final animation of yesterpix' beesnake: (@mscha, OTT:770:39)
2. (more generally) any time in the past.
relativistic molpies which are even more effective at sandwriting than the normal kind (having been blitznapped into the now-when from yesterpix) (@mrob27, OTT:1416:1)
usage The referent of yesterpix is a broader span of time than that of aforewhen. "yesterpix" can often mean all earlier time, since the beginning of Time. "aforewhen" usually refers to a specific earlier time or a limited period of earlier time.
yip : A year.
What would we call this 24 newpix unit of time? (@Latent22, OTT:553:31) ⌇ xip = a collection of newpix, the word resembling "zip", like a zip-file, and it is "pix" backwards. (@azule, OTT:554:4) ⌇ wip = week; / mip = month; / yip = year. (@azule, OTT:554:9)
When you start with dip one and two wips later you're a mip behind in the Outside you know you're ready to spend yips yahooing. :| (@azule, OTT:596:33)
An extension to the "xip" system has also been proposed for wip, mip and yip. Which I translate as "week in pictures", "month in pictures" and "year in pictures". (@mathrec, OTT:615:6)
yumsies : Delicious food (either real or virtual)
— Z —
Zanclean : adj. 1. Almost unimaginably huge. (Derived from Zanclean flood).
Beesnakes, pricklymolps, squirpies, and chirpies will be the equivalent of kitten helpers and there will be a water level (which may be riverish, seaish, or Zanclean) based on achievements. (@Eternal Density, OTT:1424:5)
I've been noticing an almost-Zanclean wave of OTTercomic ottys ... (@mrob27, OTT:1603:11)
2. Very large and very fast.
I meant to say so at the time, but the thread is still Zanclean. (I think Zanclean should mean "seaish going seaishly fast", not just "seaishly seash" - the essential characteristic is dynamic rather than static). (@ucim, OTT:1424:8)
3. Very very molpish.
Metal Molpies! (@yappobiscuits, OTT:1509:24) ⌇ Hey! That's absolutely Zanclean! (Little Wonder watched transfixed, and then cried at the Redundakitty. Go figure.) (@ggh, OTT:1509:30)
(In this sense the word Zanclean is like terrific)
4. A metasyntactic adjective in Sandcastle Builder's redundancy.js.
The zanclean Department of Redundancy Department and NaN Forelock eats the clicking person and the steambottlish molpy (or so you've been lead to believe). (@Eternal Density, OTT:1520:19)
5. A notional place in the Hairy OTTer universe.
... / Hairy Otter and the Chamber of Beanies / Hairy Otter and the Prisoner of Zanclean / Hairy Otter and the Dilgunnerang of Fire / ... (@ZoomanSP, OTT:1649:10)
6. Adjective describing any unanticipated crisis or disaster.
I also liked Zanclean Contingency for an emergency thread name. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1851:37)
ZBHG : The Zombie Black-Hat Guy, which has been the state of BHG since OTT:1424:12.
— µ —
µnp : micronewpix, a unit of time equal to 10-6 newpix, or 0.0036 seconds = 3.6 ms.
Yes, just a few minutes micronewpix delayed. Now I have been witness to the two major glitches. (@slinches, OTT:118:20)
5000/(18*1190) = 500/2142 = .23342670401494 Micronewpix = 233.43nanonewpix (@SPACKlick, OTT:456:4)
µq : microcue, a unit of length equal to 10-6 cueball, or 1.77 µm.
µSG : micro SG, a unit of length equal to 10-6 of an SG (which is the size of an average sand grain), about 1 nm.
Organised sand is most conveniently measured in the basic unit of sand, which of course is the Sand Grain (SG). The world's largest organised sand is over 17 kSG in size, but this company I'm working for specialises in the very small - so small that things need to be measured in units of micro SG (µSG), though when the organised-sand industry was young and sand wasn't organised nearly so precisely, everything could be measured in milli SG (mSG). (@mrob27, OTT:2686:20)
— Я —
ЯОЯЯІМ ТТО ƎНТ : THE OTT MIRROR : this site by @balthasar_s, a mirror of the OTT using some of the standard phpBB user interface (HTML, images, Javascript, etc.) and all-new server code.
The 'this" he's talking about is: / The ЯOЯЯIM TTO / Redundant copy of the needle-pulled thing. (@balthasar_s, OTT:1752:4)
— ‰ —
o/o : percent, a unit of mass equal to 107 ppb, 56 metric tons or about 61.7 U.S. short tons.
(see etymology citation under ppm)
o/oo : permille, a unit of mass equal to 106 ppb, 5.6 metric tons or about 6.17 U.S. short tons.
(see etymology citation under ppm)
o/ooo : permyriad, a unit of mass equal to 105 ppb, 560 kg or about 1235 lb.
(see etymology citation under ppm)
Quick index: 0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M molpy N O ott P Q R S T Time U V W X, Y, Z µ Я ‰ — newwords — — OTT
