The OTTsford Molpish Dictionary
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— F —
facebug : 1. Whatever terrifying creature Megan was brushing off her face in frame 1917.
2. Any beesnake that behaves similarly.
They are not scientists, nor are they Adam & Eve. I say they mean facebug as in the class of bugs that tend to land on ones face. So, a molpysquito and a beesnake are both facebugs. (@azule, OTT:807:11)
3. Facebook.
I just spent 2 nopix trying to find a question I had asked (see spoiler), before figuring out the answer myself, and then realizing I had asked the question in Facebug during the S**ness. (@mrob27, OTT:1860:33)
Hopefully some of you have seen my pix on Facebug. (@lmjb1964, OTT:2227:36)
FaiD : Free as in Destitute, a forum (category of threads) on the xkcd board that is available only after one has applied to and been accepted into the "The Truly Free" usergroup. This thread explains what it is about; after joining, this post elaborates further, and the inability to edit one's posts is explained here. More cultural background and basic rules are set out here and here. The name derives not from "Free as in (Beer/Speech)", but from "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose".
First Commandment : "Wait for it." — The title text of most of the frames of the OTC (all but the last 180 frames), taken as an imperative potentially applicable to many things beyond its initial context.
Remember thou the First Commandment, and keep it wholly: Wait for It. (@KarMann, OTT:336:22)
FF : Food Funding, i.e. money (see FFS)
OverTim is acceptable if there is additional FF. Extremely unmolpish if not. (@HES, OTT:2599:25)
FFS : 1. Food Funding Source, equivalent to the Outsider term "job".
(FFS is a notional acronym that never actually appeared in the OTC prior to its derivative WOMFFS; the first reference to "food funding source" is at OTT:2108:11. It was retroactively defined as an acronym-ending in OTT:2215:19. The acronyms HFFS, MFFS, NMFFS, WFFS, etc. are all derived from it.)
2. Fahrradfinanzierungsstelle (German, "bicycle funding department")
I hope that this went without any downsides for your FFS. (FFSn are important, don't forget!) / n: FFS = Fahrradfinanzierungsstelle, Plural: Fahrradfinanzierungsstellen / (Fahrrad = bicycle, Finanzierung = funding, Stelle = department) (@Sustainabilizer, OTT:2443:10)
FFT : FaiD FleetingThoughts, a thread in the FaiD forum.
filk : Early term for a song OTTification.
(By the way, I just call the process "filking"; 25 years in the SCA.) (@jjjdavidson, OTT:507:36)
Firefox : Euphemism for "i.e.", which is Latin for "that is". The joke is that IE is evil so we don't want to say "i.e.". Firefox is sometimes also used (incorrectly) to mean "e.g.".
firstpost : The first post in the OTT by any particular person. That person is then (for a while) referred to as (a) Revealer the Recent. Firstposts that are also the first post by that user in the entire xkcd fora need to be approved by a moderator, causing a delay; when approved the post appears in the place it would have appeared had that person been approved immediately. Because of the relative rapidity of the OTT this often causes one or more goats to be shifted into mome position.
flutterbeewingish : Beautiful (a reference to frame 2114).
I found a new adjective (however, without footnote (yet))BugwingishOTC / flutterbeewingishOTT OTColourifications, BlitzGirl and Goggalor! (@ZoomanSP, OTT:1364:21)
Flutterbeewingish / molpy in the sky. / Look at it go / flying so high. / Raptor Lunch (@charlie_grumbles, OTT:1364:25)
@MistyCat thanks for the flutterbeewingish poem, hope you're feeling better soon. (@StormAngel, OTT:1616:20)
foam maiden : A Pythonesque torture device.
you may be placed in the foam maiden (it's like the iron maiden, but made out of the tthe memory foam they use in mattresses.) (@Dracomax, OTT:637:39)
Friday : Outsider term for Davéandix.
FTF : 1. Fixed That For... (a partial acronym seen in FTFY and FTFM)
2. From The Future. (a partial acronym seen in *BFTF, OFTF)
3. A partial-acronym template referencing any of the above. (also FT "fixed that", or TF "that for", etc.)
But 1000 is not a round number. 1024 is. 1000 is just a silly number for silly people. :P (@Dracomax, OTT:1672:32) ⌇ @Dracomax wrote: / But 1000 is not a round nerdy number. 1024 is. 1000 is just a silly normal number for silly normal people. :P / FTFY :P (@yappobiscuits, OTT:1672:33) ⌇ @yappobiscuits wrote: / @Dracomax wrote: / But 1000 is not a round nerdy number. 1024 is. 1000 is just a silly normal number for silly normalpeople 8 in binary. :P / FTFY :P / FTFTFY (@adnapemit, OTT:1672:36) ⌇ @adnapemit wrote: / @yappobiscuits wrote: / @Dracomax wrote: / But 1000 is not a round nerdy number. 1024 10000000000 is. 1000 is just a silly normal number for silly normalpeople 8 in binary. :P / FTFY :P / FTFTFY / FTFTFTFY (@Earthling on Mars, OTT:1673:19)
RHFTFY / (Removed Heresy From That For You) (@Eternal Density, OTT:2220:23)
Happy 2200 posts, Aluísio! (@ZoomanSP, OTT:2404:23, posted at 20151108 23:59 UTC) ⌇ [NOTE: AASG had 2201 posts at 20151109 18:23:56 UTC] ⌇ Why, thanks for the CFTF! (@AluisioASG, OTT:2406:8, posted at 20151111 21:04 UTC)
FTFM : Fixed That For Myself. (Used when replying to or editing one's own post, and common on internet fora in general)
FTFY / EDIT: FIFY => FTFY. I guess I FTFM. :P (@tman2nd, OTT:273:37)
All fear the Ides of April??? (@StratPlayer, OTT:313:39) ⌇ Fun Fact: The Ides of April are actually the 13th, as they are in 8 of the 12 months. (@elementropy, OTT:314:0) ⌇ ... / All fear the General Ides-ishy Time of April??? / ... / FTFM (@StratPlayer, OTT:314:1)
FTFY : Fixed That For You. (common on internet fora in general, where it is often used in irony or sarcasism)
— G —
gholpy : An ethereal pixel-change, possibly a molpy, possibly a ghost, or possibly mustard (a later name for the edgemolpy).
There's definitely something molpish going on. No idea what, it's something really ɛ. Maybe a gholpy? (@mscha, OTT:884:38)
GHW : Grand Helper Wolpy.
This may be a good time to mention that there's also a new wolpy. / image / We'll call him GHW, as he's my daughter's wolpy, so grand-wolpy to me [...] I'm glad there's a helper wolpy available. (@SBN, OTT:2118:17)
GHW is "Grand Helper Wolpy" He's a German Shepherd. (@SBN, OTT:2445:8)
GHWFP : Grand Helper Wolpy's Favorite Person. (see MSWFP)
'Round these parts MSW usually refers to a certain Middle-Sized Wolpy. At the moment though, I'm far from my wolpies, currently with GHW and GHWFP. (@SBN, OTT:2150:0)
[...] a link to a Most Adventurous Walk that GHWFP* (And GHW) will be doing soon [...] / *Grand Helper Wolpy's Favorite Person. (@SBN, OTT:2472:6)
glei : n. A metasyntactic noun (the plural form of glie) in AUTOMOME output.
glie : unknown A word with indeterminate meaning (but possibly meaning "water"), part of @ucim's language of the "raft people" used in Acts of the Clerics.
The man said: Smibbin halcoyum! Glie! / The woman said: Byestomach! Tu ivig bo vroye! Glie! / The man said: Glie! smopu glie! / ... (@ucim, OTT:1195:27)
... pointing whence they came, the woman said: Byestomach! Tu ivig bo vroye! Glie! / BlitzGirl said: Glie has to be water. They keep saying that. So, it must be a lot of water. / nodding, the man said: smopu glie! smopu! / Vytron said: "smopu" must mean "a lot" / ... (@ucim, OTT:1292:21)
BlitzGirl took the Arrow, and in her halting version of whatever it is that she thought they were speaking, tried to explain. She gestured towards whence they came, saying "Smopu Glie, kavinchi... uh... manhieb? manhiobu?...", and she raised her hands up. Then she held the Arrow, pointed to her head, and then to theirs, and looked intently at the Arrow. "Ambenni... bu", she said, and held the Arrow tightly and closed her eyes. "Smopu abmenni... uh... ambenni! Kiepu glie." (@ucim, OTT:1387:10)
The foreign couple's words are mostly gibberish; there isn't enough of their dialog to make it worth developing an entire language for this. I've picked a few words to maybe have meaning (e.g. smopu - a lot; glie - water;) but left it open (glie - run; smopu - quickly). Calling out to the raft could well consist of names. (@ucim, OTT:1414:11)
Keipu glie hy grymth! Glie na smopu vrathki! Bradva, bradvak, bradvaii smopu hierban ta... (@ucim, OTT:1449:8)
... nietha in kaliniam yo. / Bradva, bradvak, bradvaii smopu varba glie nootano! (@ucim, OTT:1500:3)
... it became clear that this was the story of the Raft People, as prophesied in their ancient legends, which had come true when they first ran into BlitzGirl and tried to get her to understand "smopu glie" and what it meant to them. The music evolved as the Stations progressed ... (@ucim, OTT:1824:9)
n. A metasyntactic noun in AUTOMOME output.
GLR : Great Lord Randall.
Or maybe she just meant that the river comes from a region of solid black or white frames that haven't been drawn...or just a black substrate with empty white on top, like GLR started with for the mustard frames. (@mathrec, OTT:552:29)
Gnp : giganewpix, a unit of time equal to 109 newpix, (109 hours) or about 114,000 yips.
the transition from the last frame (which will appear at some unspecified point many giganewpix from now) back to the initial frame will have to be regarded as the newpixpocalypse. (@chem1190c, OTT:64:24)
goat : 1. The post that appears last on a particular Newpage, i.e. at position #39 if we start the count at 0 for the mome.
A new (temporary) title is available to all posters to claim. I'm thinking the appropriate title for the last post on any newpage is the 'Goat of the Page'. / ... Claim it if you like. I'm not makin' a rule here. ... / But, I'm a thinkin' "GOAT". (@charlie_grumbles, OTT:778:6) ⌇ As in Greatest Of All Time? Little lofty for a lastposter I think. (@thirds, OTT:778:8) ⌇ Ahh. Thought I was pretty clever, but you seem to be at least a nano-Randall or two more clever than Charlie. I'd say hats off, but buffygirl might object. (@charlie_grumbles, OTT:778:11)
Edit: damn! I just barely got this in in time! Goat FTW (@ergman, OTT:865:39)
2. The post that is last on a particular Newpage.
ETA: an FYI for blitzers and others reading in the past; this post is/was the goat of 999. It was not moved forward until well after the conclusion of page 1000. (@akacat, OTT:1000:0)
v. 1. To cause another to be the author of the last post on a page.
EDIT: dang, goated. And I had this great idea for a Papal Decree. (@cellocgw, OTT:896:39)
While we're at it, a welcome back to Charm Quark who I just realized I "goated" a couple of NP ago. (@Marsh'n, OTT:997:12)
2. To be the author of the last post on a page.
Dern it, if I'd waited but a few more seconds you would have rightfully been able to gloat and I would have gotten my 500th at the top of a page. :) (@Kieryn, OTT:901:2) ⌇ @Kieryn wrote: / ... you would have rightfully been able to goat and I would have ... / FTFY (@HES, OTT:901:12)
ready...set...go! (@spamjam, OTT:999:38) ⌇ You jumped the gun there. (@akacat, OTT:1000:4) ⌇ And I could've done "ready...set...goat!" (@spamjam, OTT:1000:13)
GOOMHR : Get Out Of My Head, Randall! (an expression of xkcd fans, not specific to Time)
Gq : gigacue, a unit of length equal to 109 cueballs, or 1.77×106 km
1 Gq (gigacue) = 1.77×106 km (@mrob27, OTT:2119:19)
Great Lord Randall : Randall Munroe, treated as a "deity" of the OTT "religions" by virtue of his being the creator of Time.
Hopefully the next newpix approaches. (@boozledorf, OTT:202:16) ⌇ If not then I think we'll have to sacrifice some of the 68 guests viewing this thread to the Great Lord Randall, be they virgin or otherwise.: (@Smithers, OTT:202:19)
Randall does have some kind of Guru status. And like it or not, we are followers, at least to a certain degree. (@higgs-boson, OTT:232:13) ⌇ Gee, what gave it away? Was it the part where we referred to him as Great Lord Randall, by any chance? (@KarMann, OTT:232:24)
Our two heroes seem to be stuck on their scaffolding, ... it looks like they are taking the advice of our Great Lord Randall and are waiting for it. (@manvandmaan, OTT:295:15)
The Great Lord Randall would not introduce a brand new character, LaPetite, so near the end of Time without any explanation. (@Spaceman Spiff, OTT:433:39)
— H —
hala : unknown A word with indeterminate meaning, part of @ucim's language of the "raft people" used in Acts of the Clerics.
BlitzGirl leads them back onto the orchestra platform, saying Kana li hala. / The Pope faces the crowd. The Pope says, Smopu hvala nuvi dict amuah. / ... (@ucim, OTT:1500:3)
[...] I did not in fact create a fictional language. [...] I have no idea how much I'll be using the Raft People's tongue [...] I just tried to come up with some nonsense words that had a slavic sense to them and strung them together. [...] So, rather than having created a corpus of language from which I'm dribbling out clues, I have created a bunch of clues from which, if it becomes necessary, I will build a language. [...] (@ucim, OTT:2265:12)
interj. A metasyntactic word (or part of the interjection hala keipu) in AUTOMOME output.
Hala keipu! Ninja'd by @ucimself! (@mrob27, OTT:2265:18)
hamburger : n. 1. A computer or video game, in an alternate OTTiverse based on the notional comic 0911: "Emit".
0911: "Emit" is a delicious snack created by the Mighty Baron Randall (MBR), presented as 3099 individual frames each hand-carved [...] A game or "hamburger" has also been produced by the emitwaiter Finite Mass called "Post Office Constructor". Other emitwaiters [...] (@yappobiscuits, OTT:1623:30)
2. A serious or work-related piece of software, or the software-development effort that supports it.
(Derived from hotdog q.v.)
I'm trying to get SELinux to work on my server for a hamburger that's coming out soon. [...] Lots of treeish stuff I didn't get a chance to comment on [...] But, back to the hamburger! (@ucim, OTT:1840:14)
@ucim: hamburger? What is it? (@AluisioASG, OTT:1841:10) ⌇ It's like a hotdog, but less fun. I'm putting together a web app with tools to handle theatrical productions. (@ucim, OTT:1841:31)
In news, my hamburger is finally in beta. (@ucim, OTT:1873:29)
Is that a hamburger? Couldn't be, as hamburgers are not as much fun as hotdogs, though you (might) get paid for them. (@ucim, OTT:1935:1)
More ketchup soon. I have some hamburger to make. (@ucim, OTT:2119:28)
hamolpy : Alternative spelling of hamply
... who would harm a poor defenseless hamolpy with a mustache? (@jovialbard, OTT:1395:20)
hamply : A hampster.
My hamply molpster predicts that the shedq contains delicious crockery ... / q play log, with holes (@HES, OTT:880:39)
I'll fetch the bulldozer... / image / Wrong sort of hamply, and wrong sort of plant. Google has let me down. (@HES, OTT:914:38)
Alas, the hamply has move on to a new home. All I have left is my avatar :( / He's not dead, but I'm moving and can't take him (@HES, OTT:1177:25)
haniam : unknown A word with indeterminate meaning, part of @ucim's language of the "raft people" used in Acts of the Clerics.
The raft people sang: Keipu glie, Glie na smopu vrathkalichi ho! / Bradvaii smopu glie ne haniam hierban tantam lo! / vrathna rhethatm tieniso, / ... (@ucim, OTT:1500:3)
[...] I did not in fact create a fictional language. [...] I have no idea how much I'll be using the Raft People's tongue [...] I just tried to come up with some nonsense words that had a slavic sense to them and strung them together. [...] So, rather than having created a corpus of language from which I'm dribbling out clues, I have created a bunch of clues from which, if it becomes necessary, I will build a language. [...] (@ucim, OTT:2265:12)
n. A metasyntactic mass noun (with negative connotation) in AUTOMOME output.
heresy : An act contrary to one or another of the religion(s) of the OTC. <- You're Welcome. (@Primis, OTT:67:37) ⌇ +1 Internets to you, good sir. (@WyldStallyns, OTT:68:3) ⌇ It's already been tagged for deletion by lack of "significance". (@inhalvast, OTT:68:4) ⌇ Let's contest this heresy! (@Mgraba, OTT:68:5)
Are we witnessing the first Great Schism of the TimeWaiter religion? Or is Snowism just another heresy that Time will soon forget? (@Aiwendil, OTT:87:37)
HFFS : Hamply Food Funding Source (see FFS)
HFFSTA : Hamply Food Funding Source Time Accessor (from HFFS and other -TA acronyms e.g. STA)
My STA (seaish) is stationary, my RTA (riverish) is slow, my WTA (or perhaps HFFSTA) belongs to the company and losing it would be unmolpish, and my MTA can entertain me well enough. (@HES, OTT:2220:4)
hide from Corinne : Euphemism for "Wait for it."; see Sorry, Minim.
hierban : unknown A word with indeterminate meaning, part of @ucim's language of the "raft people" used in Acts of the Clerics.
Keipu glie hy grymth! Glie na smopu vrathki! Bradva, bradvak, bradvaii smopu hierban ta... (@ucim, OTT:1449:8)
[...] Keipu glie, Glie na smopu vrathkalichi ho! / Bradvaii smopu glie ne haniam hierban tantam lo! / vrathna rhethatm tieniso, [...] (@ucim, OTT:1500:3)
[...] I did not in fact create a fictional language. [...] I have no idea how much I'll be using the Raft People's tongue [...] I just tried to come up with some nonsense words that had a slavic sense to them and strung them together. [...] So, rather than having created a corpus of language from which I'm dribbling out clues, I have created a bunch of clues from which, if it becomes necessary, I will build a language. [...] (@ucim, OTT:2265:12)
adj. A metasyntactic adjective (with negative connotation) in AUTOMOME output.
HIFW : How I Feel/felt When
HIFW I saw the ONG — Holy ch*rp! (@mrob27, OTT:9999:39)
hillish : 1. Of or related to the Hill People (and by implication: bad, unfriendly, undesirable, etc.). See also duneish, dunejumpish, and mountainish.
[...] my prediction about LaPetite coming in an ark made from the structure and the things she dragged onto the beach [...] was correct, apart from the part about LaPetite being Hillish. :shock: (@Angelastic, OTT:1216:36)
hnp : Abbreviation of hectonewpix.
1 hnp (hectonewpix) = 100 hours (a little over 4 days) (@mrob27, OTT:2119:19)
hectonewpix : A unit of time equal to 100 newpix (100 hours, a little over 4 dips).
in the past hectonewpix or so (since Megan's fall) nothing has been damaged inadvertently. (@mscha, OTT:269:39)
HLDGAFF : Beret Guy Literally Doesn't Give A Flying Ch*rp.
HODOR : meta. 1a. The output of an infamous wordfilter from Mod Madness 2013, in which every amplanumeric string was changed to "HODOR" (referring to the Game of Thrones character).
@Dracomax wrote: / @GeoffreyY wrote: / Oh noes! The thing be destroying the sandcastle! / NooooooOK. / Trebuchet! Which spell-checks to Bucharest! We have be-done needing one of those! / Trebuchet seems likely. I am in. (@eight, OTT:136:29) ⌇ HODOR[HODOR=HODOR&HODOR;HODOR&HODOR;HODOR]HODOR[HODOR=HODOR&HODOR;HODOR&HODOR;HODOR]HODOR HODOR!HODOR HODOR HODOR HODOR HODOR HODOR HODOR!HODOR[HODOR/HODOR]HODOR / HODOR.HODOR / HODOR / HODOR!HODOR HODOR HODOR HODOR HODOR!HODOR HODOR HODOR HODOR HODOR HODOR HODOR HODOR!HODOR[HODOR/HODOR]HODOR / HODOR / HODOR HODOR HODOR.HODOR HODOR HODOR HODOR.HODOR (@eight, OTT:136:29, as filtered by Mod Madness; note that BBCode tags like [quote="Dracomax"] also got transformed to [quote="Dracomax"] and thence to what you see here) ⌇ OMFG (@gardn, OTT:136:38) ⌇ Oh my god what happened? (@GeoffreyY, OTT:136:39) ⌇ My_life_is_forfeit (@VioletSkies, OTT:137:0) ⌇ HODOR (@SecondTalon, OTT:137:1) ⌇ so now the forum is broken completely? (@PinkShinyRose, OTT:137:2) ⌇ That was fucking spectacular. (@felltir, OTT:137:7) ⌇ hwæt the... hwæt be this hodor thingy? When did it happen? (@Kyrie, OTT:138:0) ⌇ I replaced every word on the forum - literally everything that could be replaced - with the word HODOR as a Song of Ice and Fire reference. / As it made everything unusable, I turned it off after a minute. (@SecondTalon, OTT:138:8)
1b. The HODOR wordfilter itself, or it together with its output.
Subject: Blitz: Blitz: "Blitz" / image / Blitz wrote: / Blitz! Blitz Blitz, Blitz ^^ / Blitz Blitz Blitz,Blitz [...] Blitz&Blitz;Blitz Blitz Blitz Blitz Blitz,Blitz / — Blitz (@mrob27, OTT:2274:20) ⌇ Your altered location and signature are particularly nice touches, mroBlitz. ;) (@BlitzGirl, OTT:2274:21) ⌇ And my Website, Occupation, and Interests. It's all in the name of HODOR HODOR, HODOR ʜᴏᴅᴏʀ ʜᴏᴅᴏʀ ʜᴏᴅᴏʀ ... (@mrob27, OTT:2274:23)
For a few moments just now, the OTT was the only comprehensible thread on the fora: image image (@Earthling on Mars, OTT:2281:6) ⌇ It was to be expected. HODOR HODOR HODOR. (@Neil_Boekend, OTT:2281:7)
I spotted HODOR 2015. 'k? (Will edit to attach images) (@mrob27, OTT:2281:22)
2. Referring more generally to repeated words without much meaning; or a placeholder for a repeated and/or meaningless word.
We're mostly just chirping. Pretty chirping soon this whole chirpy thread will dechirp into nothing chirp chirps chirp chirping...chirp. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:781:12) ⌇ Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp. Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp. / Chirp: Chirp Chirp. (@TheMinim, OTT:781:16) ⌇ Reminds me of the momentary HODOR filter from the RECKONING (@macraw83, OTT:1051:1)
Treeish Blitz, BaconGirl! That is what HODOR should have been. (@ucim, OTT:1675:39) ⌇ BACON BACON BACON BACON, BACON. BACON [...] BACONBACON - BACON BACON BACON [...] / BACONBACON. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1676:3)
Maybe when posts here make seance, we'll know it has started. That's when Neil_Boekend returns from the dead, and the brain slugs take over the thread. / / poetry <--> pottery / sea <--> river / molpy molpy <--> HODOR HODOR / haiku <--> double dactyl / pope <--> goat (@ucim, OTT:1810:29)
[The Pope said] [...] but hopefully we can get through the proceedings without too much trouble, so without further ado, thine jellied blurtles have too many fornicators, floob weeble flibble flibble twonk. Fweeb dweeb bloop HODOR! Hodor hodor HODOR HODOR HODOR… (@yappobiscuits, OTT:1832:29)
# Return a random noun, but half the time it's HODOR. In Perl / # @ inside "" is special so we use '' / print (&rep3('HODOR@0.5, noun-singular') . "\n"); (@mrob27, OTT:1873:9)
adj. 1. "Stupid" (undesirable), or otherwise negative. Also, HODORish.
I really hope The Madness will not affect the Timeyversary and it will start after it, because that would be really HODOR. I mean... stupid. Also the possibility that the OTT could be saved from RECKONING (again) sounds great. (@NoMouse, OTT:1814:6) ⌇ We don't really have a newword for "stupid" yet, so I proposeni ni ni we adopt HODOR. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1814:7) ⌇ (more at HODORish)
I had expected the distro to have a default policy I could modify, but it's not showing up. So, it's quite HODOR right now. (@ucim, OTT:1841:31)
The wind above is fierce, and cold, and hodor. But the wind is no match for the sea, which is big and does what it wants. (@ucim, OTT:1851:20)
[...] there have been post deletions from the mods, and in at least one case there was a particularly HODOR newbie post I remember seeing, and then not seeing. It's possible the poster realized how steambottle he (or she) was and deleted it [...] (@ucim, OTT:2125:34)
v. To say "HODOR" or some other word repeatedly.
[The Pope said] [...] floob weeble flibble flibble twonk. Fweeb dweeb bloop HODOR! Hodor hodor HODOR HODOR HODOR… / The Clerics whisper among each other, before escorting the Pope, still Hodoring away, off the stage. The First Cleric steps up to the mic. (@yappobiscuits, OTT:1832:29)
n. A character (name) appearing in automeme output.
BLESS YOU, HODOR. BLODOR. (@mrob27, OTT:1873:9)
IF MOLPYONG DOWN IN THE TOWER IS PRICKLY, CONSIDER ME HODOR. (@balthasar_s (as @bothasar_p), OTT:2164:12)
HODOResque : Like HODOR (q.v.)
Perhaps we could add a gallery of HODOResque screenshots to the Madness page this yip since there were so many "incidents". (@BlitzGirl, OTT:2288:10)
HODORish : Like HODOR (q.v.)
I really hope The Madness will not affect the Timeyversary and it will start after it, because that would be really HODOR. I mean... stupid. Also the possibility that the OTT could be saved from RECKONING (again) sounds great. (@NoMouse, OTT:1814:6) ⌇ We don't really have a newword for "stupid" yet, so I proposeni ni ni we adopt HODOR. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1814:7) ⌇ In order to avoid standardization/standardisation (ni, ni, ni, chupacabra ping pong and all that), I propose "HODORish" for stupid, since all the other adjectives are "ish" :P (@ChronosDragon, OTT:1814:9)
Well, it's pretty widely accepted that Cueball's a little... HODORish. (@Soup, OTT:1814:10)
hotdog : n. 1. Sandcastle Builder.
You are making an awefulsome game. You are doing it for free. There is no need to apologize for some mustard. When making hot dogs some mustard may be spilled. I am grateful that you are willing to spend so much time to make this game. (@Neil_Boekend, OTT:1527:19) ⌇ Thanks for your understanding. Henceforth I shall refer to the game as a hotdog. (@Eternal Density, OTT:1527:20)
2. More generally, any videogame, online game, or piece of recreational software.
Indeed. I suppose that technically they are Otherhotdogs in comparison to the One True Hotdog that is Sandcastle Builder. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1547:30) ⌇ Technically it's not the One True Hotdog. It's not like a Hotdog Vendor only dispenses a single Hotdog and I'm not the only Vendor. Even your crosswords are mini-Hotdogs (@Eternal Density, OTT:1547:31)
v. 1. To play a game.
Well now it's been half a dip since I've been able to hotdog safely. This is unacceptable. (@Eternal Density, OTT:1563:16)
hour : n. An Outside unit of measurement referring to the length of time a TimeWaiter can comfortably Wait without receiving new content. Normally this happens in the form of a newpix. Lately it has not; and this has made many TimeWaiters uncomfortable. (definition by @taixzo, OTT:1397:3)
housemolpy : A cat (OTTification of "housecat") or pet ("housepet").
Whatever you do, don't look behind the third door on your right. I can't explain why, but the consequences could be catHousemolpyastrophic. (@Dracomax, OTT:779:38)
Aww, have fun with your new housemolpy of the canine variety! They're a TimeWaiter's best friend! :D (@ChronosDragon, OTT:787:9)
hq : hectocue, a unit of length equal to 100 cueballs, or 177 m.
1 hq (hectocue) = 177 m (@mrob27, OTT:2119:19)
HTA : Home Time Accessor (in analogy to WTA)
Aaaand, now it's time to head home from my WTA. But I should be able to keep up with my MTA and my HTAs. Blitzing is more difficult when mobile, and I haven't set up all my fancy Blitzer-helper scripts at home yet. (@macraw83, OTT:2058:19)
To all OTTers who use Linux regularly: I'm considering dual-booting my HTA with Linux in addition to the Windows [...] and start learning how to use it while broadening my programming skills. (@macraw83, OTT:2118:5)
BRB switching to HTA. Had an idea about logging too. (AluisioASG in a chat, via @balthasar_s, OTT:2334:21)
hvala : adj blessed, or n blessing(s) (or a similar concept, seen in @ucim's language of the "raft people" used in Acts of the Clerics; see smopu) Also appears in alternate form hvalum.
Smopa hvala nuvi dict amuah. "I am greatly blessed to be among you." This is one of the High Dicta of the Raft People, and it is one to take to heart. (@ucim, OTT:1700:3)
Smopu hvalum de nuvium dict, le immen avum amuashi. (@ucim, OTT:2659:19)
— I —
IAR : It's All Related.
Like a cancerous tumor?IAR / IARIt's all related. (@BlitzGirl, OTT:732:13)
ICT : Individual Comic Threads, the forum that includes the OTT.
IDGI : I Don't Get It
ikositetranewpix : Day (unit of time) (eikositetra- (Greek "twenty four") + newpix)
Innocence : In the OTT's ecclesiastical calendar, a 28-dip period (one Orthodix OTTish mip) beginning on the Outsider dip called "the 25th of March".
It's All Related : An OTT meme expressing a philosophy of inclusiveness.
And, they have eyes. Or do the ayes have them? Or the ayes have It? (@KarMann, OTT:333:21) ⌇ The "it" we're waiting for??? See how it's all related?!?! This is significant! (@StratPlayer, OTT:333:22)
... / 6) is eating the yellow snow always bad? (@Helper, OTT:504:14) ⌇ I'm old — I immediately thought of Frank Zappa link to his song "Don't Eat the Yellow Snow". ;) (@StratPlayer, OTT:504:27) ⌇ 0_0. frame from Zappa video: a sandcastle (@Helper, OTT:504:30) ⌇ :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: / Oh, Sweet Randall — It's ALL related!!! (@StratPlayer, OTT:504:35)
ITT : In This Thread (seen in xkcd threads outside the OTT)
What does ITT on these forums mean? (@Whizbang, faid "NSP: Let me google that for you", p3603678) ⌇ In This Thread (@PhoenixEnigma, p3603687
— J —
JDip : Judgment Dip, a notable event in Sandcastle Builder.
journeyish : Long (in the sense that a journey could be)
This Time After Time is so molpishly journeyish*, / [...] / *Long (@yappobiscuits, OTT:1686:16)
@mercutio_stencil wrote: / While there is a certain beauty that comes out of a slow, drawn out tease [...] / mercutio_stencil, ottified wrote: / While there is a certain wingishness that comes out of a brainsluggish, journeyish tease, [...] (@BlitzGirl, OTT:1821:13)
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