Proceed to Safety


Robert P. Munafo, 2023 Apr 17.

R2F(1/2(1/3B1)B) is the R2-name for the mu-unit R2.1/2.1/3 and all attached filaments. The largest branch (consisting of R2.1/2F(1/3B1) together with R2F(1/2(1/3B1)B1)) is sometimes called the lightning branch.

-1.2096 + 0.3256i  0.28
-1.2096 + 0.3256i @ 0.28
\,, ./, _ . ~'`\,_v~ T^' --/C\- ^(`' ,,_a.-r` '' :%m-- ,(, ..b., . _, T" -~ '^`\,""v.d;:- ,:]_- , ` ^ *Y$mL_%dF"` .r* -v,"'.F"(Lca' _/m._ :_ _a]@F*YCe.Ym--_ TC_a, -,./^^@b-'^^"^@)d; . _@@@ .., ._$@a@F '*b`_^mmed^' '*(-^^^'$m, ]"a("*-^' ._/YYm_, '"^ . ^`(Ca-^ '-aa. ._ , '\__m,\@("` R2.1/2a ,Y(___:,,'b).. -YF^F^    -1.2202 + 0.3427i @ 0.3373, Nmax: 32768

R2F(1/2(1/3B1)B) is the largest filament that exhibits two different orders of rotational symmetry: 2-fold and 3-fold. The 3-fold symmetry results from 1/3, the internal angle of R2.1/2.1/3a; while the 2-fold symmetry comes from the internal angle of R2.1/2a.

This filament contains the 8th and 9th largest islands, which respectively are R2F(1/2(1/3B1)B1)S (the one near the end of the filament) and R2.1/2F(1/3B1)S. Each is the northern member of a pair with a conjugate twin, the twins are R2F(1/2(2/3B1)B1)S and R2.1/2F(2/3B1)S respectively.

Because of their closeness in size, and because they are spaced in roughly symmetrical positions 1/4 and 3/4 of the way out on the filament, R2F(1/2(1/3B1)B) has a particularly asthetic appearance. (See also R2.2/5a).

-1.255490 + 0.381652i  0.009
-1.255490 + 0.381652i @ 0.009

period: 5
''--~"_, :_" v-^^'" ' '``'m, :_,.c ^)_ -~e,_, / ^/`. -c_"^ , :_ '*m^ ,_, '*\_m"^_./^ :` _ '^vL.,"\,`"(@b"-"`'' _ :d -v_) \_\ ,--@mL\abdbdC%'._- _ /-` -(, _,'e '~ma .,,'^`(L/FY**@^T@br'`^` ..:-"-(, -^-^^:L. -\- _,^\.^\_^-:@^` '"@v^:"_.a-a"` "` ._a@/\_`\:^d@Ymd@@a@@ .%@F*b^` '^- _,a,_@@@@*Y/@*``` '^~-.,._,d@),L,,-- --_-^`_(($b,_ ^ ^YCF^^-\d .._ -*'_^C@F ^@a/~^ ../_-- ' _,.\:Lc@b :@L(.a^/` '"- v-~'.-F@C_, ]_@@^r , --' ~d`;@b, ]@\^`_-m^` __'F "TYra__- -*\mmL^, , .,.. . ._/` :F'`:/~b, __d__,@C)F_.-'/'-' '*c-` '^` '-c '~\Y_e_/:m//F^**FT@)@"- ^` -@- ._-\-` ,7'*b'Yd@L^;--'),^"-,,_, ^'^c -dF- '` -a,^de`-\_, `' '"''` ^` ., _,,, _:) .a-L ."., '` ^^^``''` ^` ^ '^^` -1.255 490 + 0.381 652i @ 0.009, Nmax: 20000
-1.187128 +0.303359i  0.009
-1.187128 +0.303359i @ 0.009

period: 8
'^~-(_c, -_c `(d/,-_m*m. '^` _/@d;-_b, ._ '`'"b*"^" '^`~Yd""` .m^ :_,~(@~` ,,., , ___c --(@~^ '\, , _ *bF`._ ,a`"- vc ., :%F "-v_a*` .e ^7d; (_'^bb@ae)C- :,_.` /` ^"\,a,:, .a@^_ 7,,_`vF/e-"Lm@@@@)./- -L.,.T@*` @,:; ., ^'@.'ba-d@e),\*.'a(@b@d@@F^`Y@7^^:_%\_b)*m_, -^F"e,)c_@,],-@/(@@@@@mb(@@@F^^^^^ -*@dCe@)-L, ' '' -"`^**Y@@@b@@@@"^'^'"@@F^ ^"^@@*.,_.\ee, ._ .$*T"'^"*@b_- ^" "YdC~"(% `` '""- _,7""^Y@@[, _- :@@vr-, ._ .,, _ ,'.d%^$@@@@emmm@ ._dY"^_- __F "'T"e%b*bmF"Y`(d]F@^)@C, '@C7"Ya)m(`-c _-:/` -`'Y^ .__`._/*"T@m, :@br- `'"@Y[ .*^^Y -^ ../__,d%@@bme_ .d@F*r-v, `'; d- '^%@^`"~:$"$*@@b- ._,,__c:@FY@%_ '^ _._,,_'F' -mmv-v@),_a@Y@FF@@@b\"b__-_,, '`''^"^` -r-``_d\$@b@FF`*;^((-"a 'L^"^"L- . ,-.maY@@YF[F;'`-@r_, $@r- _ ''c\@/"Y^'-":@"`-/` dd^""'- '^- ve, ,'-a_'._eea@"^-'^- '^'\c __7br-- ^`^''''`^^^'`^`` ^^` '` -1.187 128 +0.303 359i @ 0.009, Nmax: 20000
R2.1/2F(1/3B1)S. Compare to R2F(1/3B1)S.

See also R2.1/2.1/2, R2.1/2.1/4, and R2.1/2.1/5.

revisions: 20080212 first version on record; 20230417 "lightning branch"

From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.

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