Proceed to Safety


Robert P. Munafo, 2023 Mar 22.

R2.1/2a is the R2-name for the largest circular mu-atom. A picture and list of major features is given below.

As described in the exact coordinates entry, the boundary of R2.1/2a can be proven to be an exact circle, something that is not true for the other "circular" mu-atoms. The formula giving all points on its boundary is

|P-1| = 1/4

that is, any point whose distance from -1 on the real axis is exactly 1/4.

-1.2067 +0.0001i  +0.9399
-1.2067 +0.0001i @ +0.9399
R2.1/2 and adjacent filaments
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1. Colloquial: topknot, 2-ball off the 2-ball
   Technical: mu-atom of period 4
   R2-Name: R2.1/2.1/2a

2a. Colloquial: 3-ball off the 2-ball
   Technical: tertiary continental mu-atom of period 6
   R2-Name: R2.1/2.1/3a

2b. R2-name: R2.1/2.2/3a

3. R2-Name: R2.1/2.1/4a

4. R2-name: R2.1/2.1/5a
   Note: This area appeared on the cover of the August 1985 Scientific American.

5. R2-Name: R2F(1/2B1)S
   The largest mu-molecule

revisions: 20030922 oldest on record; 20100918 add image; 20230322 label R2F(1/2B1)S in the ASCII art image

From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.

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This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2023 Mar 22. s.27