Robert P. Munafo, 2010 Sep 18.
R2.1/2.1/4a is the R2-Name for a period-8 mu-atom. Its filaments exhibit both twofold and fourfold rotational symmetry of the pinwheel variety. It is also notable because its bond point with its parent R2.1/2a is located at precisely -1+1/4i.
![]() -1.0 +0.2801i @ +0.08 R2.1/2.1/4a, R2.1/2F(1/4B*), and nearby filaments | -^"" _dC-``... ~--c_ -v/F_-.),^ _:@".- -"^]@""@^;_ :a- ,.L$@7- _mm(\eCb/Cm_ '~"b/C@$"- ,-_.- _/dc, /"` ]%-'d@eF,-eamC^`.,, -C^^*" $~bmr` -Y@FYCe-@F`_,/b_ :_d) ' /e$`^:@T)@rb@@mFbLm@/"` _ _a@@^__'^`"""-^^ , ._ __-_'~*(@@@`_ .v_, _ae,., ._a_ -___ (L_, "\-\m@b@(d@d@)@:$mF`' :@"""bd, _FF% . , ^T@bed@)`.,'"``)$@*"`"@bb@@@^ ._, .'@- "F%[ a_dmdc-mdb@d@","mmd(T^@F :@@)~^- `mmd@@^ .FYd_aF"@^@mF@":@@@/mmmdFb@***- -dF)L@@e,'-dF%Lcar- '`"^ .$C ^ad@@C*"TF^^ '`*Y@b@e^*@F@$"` ' ._%`/FYe,' "F**@@@\Y@~^` __ -/b@@(d@F _d@*^,a__, vm@ -b,amd@"@b"" :@Cm@@F`' '7@, - ''*" '".%$\@ R2.1/2.1/4a :%@b@@^` . . ee,m,_ .,%@Y@%, '@bd-- :a"" :_._ @@@@b@e a-. '^`'/@@L, .:@@^`._ /\bea, '*~Y C@b@@@*./@/me:,_^ :*bm, __dF*`,,dbm_']@@@@a,:_a @F*'"@)$@@"@bCF@d@emLdLme___ a_mC$Le@dF*m@F@@v@*"@F)_"@ C)_ -"*"~"-'^^ '' `'^ '^''^''^ '^"* -**(()@ R2.1/2a -1.0000 + 0.28010i @ +0.08, Nmax: 200000 |
See also R2.1/2.1/2, R2.1/2.1/3, and R2.1/2.1/5.
revisions: 20031230 oldest on record; 20100918 add image
From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.
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This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2010 Sep 19.