Robert P. Munafo, 2023 Mar 24.
R2-Name: | R2F(1/3B1)S |
Abbrev: | RF(3)S |
Colloq.: | "The period-4 minibrot" |
Coords: | center = -0.16012 + 1.03515i, size = 0.0325 |
R2F(1/3B1)S (abbreviated name: RF(3)S ) is a large island mu-molecule of period 4 located in R2F(1/3B1), which is the largest branch of the filaments attached to R2.1/3a. It has a mirror twin R2F(2/3B1)S which is in the filaments of R2.2/3a.
R2F(1/3B1)Sa is its largest mu-atom, the cardioid-shaped one.
RF(3)S is the largest asymmetrical island mu-mulecule, and only the second-largest island overall (after R2F(1/2B1)S). Its asymmetry is a bit too subtle to see here, but as you proceed down the main sequence the distortion becomes greater, reaching a maximum at about RF(15)S. See figure 3 in the R2.C(0) entry for a picture of one of these.
![]() -0.16012 +1.03515i @ +0.03250 Figure 1. R2F(3)S . Coordinates: -0.16012 +1.03515i @ +0.03250 | '`'rea_'- '^ -/-^mm , . . 'r~` 'r - .L. -*c .ae ,_ . ._d a^ .$-"` :\, -c_.--^ . :_---],_ ., -v- '^\, ,__.F"'L /^^^ '*r '\.- '*_:^` _.--v"^^~- :_"_ a, -,/ ._]) m., -e .$"- \'d_./` , _)`_./`, ., _ ],` _:b' ` -._,d"F@Lc`,\`m]mF,`.\/` '\` -c.'(,_ ^ ^ -'C@@d@m/md*@a/`. .r-aL,/-/a`,)@@~,,_.- ., "-v-.d@L_^` ^*\(`:_bL@*Y@e.d@*F@@(-'^'` ^~v. _. ._^-d@ 1 '@/*^`^^`^''"*, _$F^'-` ., . __.-~^-"^--_e\__/bb@C_ '` / ^*C/-- ,:a./,., .:v' -^^` _~ '` '`^~@@me___- 2 '@bC/c '`'^'`-(\ )'"`'-`dvb" -a/*^-` ^- --v-.@" R2F(1/3B1)Sa /Ym-"/,._ -\_,____--$$C ../FL` '^%^ "~` :``~`*@@_, 3 4-- vm-^'-'" _ '`*"@@e / :)^"c_., '-:-,/Lb*" , __@`_ '\_,.:r` e^@@L.__@me,___-_amdb", `^F, .,.. _a m ., .,a,.,.._,_.%:d@/@/"^*"%Ybm@F`F' '^` 'b,_-_ ._\v^ 'a--'-\_b-,_...@F'^'F` ` "^^(Y~], "` _'Y"F- \-- ("^"\_,r^` _%C- '` .F^ " ._c~ '~ .`_ '` ^e_ :L, '''- d* '` d) ' ^` .',__ "`c` _a~'"\, ."",- -', -"r- '\- ' _.--C, .am---_ ^`` '` ` '^ |
Labeled features in the figure:
1. R2-Name: R2F(1/3B1)S.1/2a
The head of RF(3)S.
2. R2-Name: R2F(1/3B1)S.1/3a
3. R2-Name: R2F(1/3B1)S.2/3a
The south bulb.
4. R2-Name: R2F(1/3B1)S.C(1/2)
The cusp, located at approximately -0.154724+1.031047i.
revisions: 20001024 oldest on record; 20100908 add feature 4 (cusp); 20100918 improve image; 20230324 mirror twin
From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.
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This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2023 Jul 03.