Seahorse Valley
Robert P. Munafo, 2023 Apr 17.
Colloquial name for the cusps between R2a and R2.1/2a, particularly the upper one, R2.C(1/2-). See R2.C(1/2).
On the side closer to R2.1/2a the features have double spirals. When the distinction is made between the two sides of the valley, the R2a side is called "seahorse valley" and the R2.1/2a side is called double spiral valley.
![]() -0.75 +0.08 i @ 0.16, Nmax: 10000 | _ ^]b_ _d^,m@^ %r@@@@._,_ -_e@@@F^Y "._dF`(@7" '***Yba ^"@a_c@m :@%_@^ ^"^^@"mmm 'd@@C,: ^*@_%@, a/d@` '^^F(mm -m@$^' ^b_dm_, :/_$` ':C"@` '*@\, "^F)m ./b"- '"dL_ .mbY '*Ye, '$$; *@L '@* (@, :@" Yb, -@` 'T[ :C '@, :) 'L ]` Y.] ')$ \] ^' -0.7454 +0.1167 i @ 0.16, Nmax: 10000 |
The upper Seahorse valley is shown in the picture. The right side, those parts attached to the continent seed, is part of the Shoulder, and the left side is part of the Head.
Seahorse Valley zoom sequence
The following zoom sequence is a permanent part of the Mandelbrot set culture. It goes back at least as far as the 1985 Scientific American article, and probably originates with Peitgen and Richter. (These images do not show the same mu-unit and filaments as the article, and the colors and aspect ratios of the frames differ as well.)
![]() -0.74548 + 0.11669 i @ 0.01276, Nmax: 15000 |
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-0.74546 +0.11669i @ 0.01276, Nmax: 15000
R2.13/27a and R2F(13/27B*) |
The largest complete mu-atom in this image is R2.13/27a.
There is one large peacock eye, the point at its center is the branch point R2F(13/27B*).
On the west side of the valley we find double spirals in place of the peacock eyes.
The largest visible island is R2F(13/27B2)S and the branch ending in a spiral is R2F(13/27B2).
![]() -0.745067 +0.118346 i @ 0.0007 |
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-0.745067 +0.118346 i @ 0.0007, nmax: 20000
The island R2F(13/27B2)S |
![]() -0.744567 + 0.121201 i @ 0.002, Nmax: 1000 |
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-0.744538 +0.121200 i @ 0.002, Nmax: 1000
Spiral in R2F(13/27B2) |
![]() -0.7445366 + 0.1217208 i @ 5e-4, Nmax: 1500 | .,, ]@@%_e_e ___ ,._ '@@@F**@@Y@r @@@mbd@e, _a@@@m@,-"" . .._ .am""C@^%T[ ., :mmL,.,_ 'b@@@@@@@bmdr@me/@@_,_ '^C@@m@mdbemmr@/-T@@@@@*-e Y@@@@@@@@F@C$b,d*Y$(@bc T@d@@@@@@@@$@$@r%$e*^ *" ]@@@@@@@FC@m@_'C@F^` ac __,,"@@@@@@@@FC\ -d($@@C@F%%C_(CY@@F` "^%\ T@@@@@@@@(@L/)@$C@m,-mmdb($`$"b^*Td@@^^*Y@,.me, ^` :@@@F@F%F*"d@*` `'^Y_^***"`^*` :_v/b'Y@[ ._a@/@ma@@L:r/(_, Y%_@bmre, ^^m"*:@C_ '"mm@b_, m_,*@@@**`'*@*/@[Y@\e.,^^*@_'"`. vd@bvd$b@m, '@F^^) ^^*m___ae, .-@ead%@@@@m_ '"\mmdm@bed(b@@@@@e 'be^,, @d_$C@;'"` _.$@^Tr@@@@@@@b, '""@b"(b@@@@@@@@ '"@@[ _'^^^"*mmmmd@b@^@F@@@@@@@@L m(@@@YF "[ @@mm_, '^"^^*F'^` -C/@$@@ ^$@~"" @@@@@@Lc ^"Y` @@@@@C)r *$"@@F@* ^**@b -0.744 539 8 +0.121 723 8i @ 0.000 5, Nmax: 1500 |
![]() -0.74453892 + 0.12172418 i @ 1e-4, Nmax: 2500 | ]@@@@cY7`'@%@@@e__ ./bFC@@@@@@@@F$F\m@@` ""*[ ^%@@@` "F@b@:Cv@@@, abYbYY@@@@@F@\*@;\$:mree_, *^' -**'vd@$Cbm /@)@@@/@@bCC$*"@b"L@@@@@[ '*^Yd@@e_ '*\@"C$d@@%*"@m,e@FF*F@[ '^'@Y@e_ ^`^*"Yb-Yb-**@- '"*` __.__e '^@d@\_, _^@@F**@e, 'YbF@b__ d@@- .r-$F '^^/Td@@;,.., '-YY$L ^^^ .ed@@"*@*Ta@@__:m_,._ _ $@d$ac._ .,.'^*"\m\@vm@@@*b/@F@YF@m@_._ '"-b@$/@reY@@F^%T@F*@)m\a@@d^"*^^*"@TYd@ "^^"@@b(L/@r_%^@*@F*""^` ^ _, 'Yd@mc '*^'"*@@@C^\@"^.d@@b .a/Y\- :@CL '**`"mY$@e@"YC -Ybd^_ad@F^ -%@@FYmaLme "*Y**"^` e, _,, ^^`Ym@eC*m__ "^c@@L. __, .@@@*d"@@, _ m_-Y$*^)d@,,. '^`'Y@@@7$d@[ ._, . $*/^m@eaCF")d@` :@*"L@@d@^\]@@_, adr.., ~@b"FCe'/Y)/%**emm ^%@@@(CL@@^%e"@@@@` /*$mc@@;%beaF@:d@Fe.,, ^^`"*@@@@*-L`d\dc, '^^^^^^^^^ ^``'^` ^^^ '^^`^'^^^^^`` -0.744 539 85 +0.121 723 77i @ 0.0001, Nmax: 2500 |
![]() -0.744539761 + 0.121724001 i @ 6.25e-6, Nmax: 10000 | .a\@$@TTm_ "***"` ](@@_ a_/@$@@c,a__._a_ee, :@$[ $@@ ^*^""*@me,_ ., -m@@dYm_"@@)"*@"~@@@*F*^.~@ _@@^ ^ ____,^*@Fmm@mm"T@[:-'be_aF"/-**^^YC` ^._d"`., " :dF:d` ^TLY@*^"(%_/@d@d@mL@@bmd^`/`m@_,@@" ([ r ]@e, , (@@@`:@^,@F@$@@@@@@@dbdd$F@_^**C@@- '` @` -@F@:@ee_d^`_:@@^~m@$@@C`^@@Y@Y@@@%Y""\/*Y_a,_ C` __@@/(^..^"@@*/%/@@@@@F"^ '*Y@@LFd^'@@@@Y/[ ^@FY@c'mm_@%/mC$F@@@` '@@b$"@r-,T@F" __/mm@b_%%L_@@]bC@d@@@@@` -Y@@@F$ed)*`,, md@@FY@;.r~T@~d@@@@@*^^^Y ^@@@m*F`:@@C, ^`^^"@@b $@^-F@@@@@[ . .@@@vT@m,^YY, rv, ^^)v@(d@@@@@@em_,___db,, .:md@@Cm_%Lm@@[ e%__ad@'""@*@@@@@@@@@b@@@@@@bm,_L_,'-@@@@FC@F`mm,"" '^***Y@@*aC^@b()**@*@@@@%FYY@@@@@@@m_@@@@^C^%e'$Y@@` ._,, '.$@F_%_,]@*"$Cm(aCL"FL**@"/@*@@@FF@/*"-vd@@@@c d@@b, $@@*Y@)]@-L"^^'YF^`Ym@%b%b(@C@$/T@ amm, '`^T[ *@@@` _@*^ _@maad@)'L""*^__^Y[.dF\a^dL_@Y), m-.[ ` :/@`.m(r .$Y(@@@\_dYm_mm@@m'*m_a@@m"*YF*@be,'^^` .__@@" ^"md@F*"`'" '%@@b(Y*"" '@C$@"` '"Ybma, r(*@FYF, ^^'m$d- __ -@@" _mmmm_ '^*[ C@Ld"(d@_ _,_.___e_,_ '@@b, ]@*`_@* -_@@@@@@- - ^``^^'^^^`^^^^^^^^^^^` ^^` ^^^^^ '^^^^` -0.744 539 859 +0.121 723 774 i @ 6.25e-6, Nmax: 10000 |
The original Scientific American sequence ended at this point, illustrating the existence of small decorated Mandelbrot sets within the details of the whole.
This island has period 43 and is 7 steps away from the period-29 island shown above (which is R2F(13/27B2)S).
At each step there is a very small island of period N+1 (located in the largest lobe off a peacock eye on the outboard side of the spiral), and a significantly larger island of period N+2 further towards the spiral tip on the inboard side. This is done 7 times starting at the period-29 island, and so the R2-name of this island is R2F(13/27B2){FS[2]FS[0]}x7S.
![]() -0.7445398671 + 0.1217237421 i @ 3.906e-7, Nmax: 25000 | , ., '` \_ 'Fe (@@e :b@db, ]@@@@m, :@@@@@r, (@@@@@@C, .$@@@@@@@b,, d@@@@C@@@@Cd, /@@@@@\)Y@@@@Le, .@@@@C@Y7^@@@@@@`. ,md@@@@@%mC7@@@@F@@), ./"@@@@CF$CdYm%@@@@@@C_a, ad@d@@@@C"F$\m%^@d@@@@@@@@e, .,'Y@@@@@@@@$F%7[_"Y@Y@@@@@@` ., adbm@@@@@CC@mF*CLYr*dmY@@@@@bbd@b_, ^^^^^^^^^^^'`^'^''`^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^` -0.744 539 860 3 +0.121 723 773 7 i @ 3.906e-7, Nmax: 25000 |
![]() -0.74453985651 + 0.12172377365 i @ 3.072e-8 | ]@@b ^**@@-._ (@@@C%/m_dddYF$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@bc "@" ..,,'@e-(a*^,^'YFme'$((@/$@@@@@@@@@@@@@"^ `` "* -d@@@c'@m___m@b.F^'^/@%b@@@@@@@@@@@d@@*` /, vmmdF@"^ -YC@@@\adL"-**@:Y@@@@@@@@@@@@@@mm_,_._da_ m*"*Y@C :r.@F"'^ @@@@@b.*"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@b@@@@@C, C .__/"m,^^`__a_, /F`'`@(%^FY*@@@@@@@@@$@@@@@@@@@@@` b -@@*_"Fbb(@@@@@ ]L'*"^^T@d%^d%T@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[ ^_aF@bC^"@@@b@`^ :@bvmFF:(^^d~:@(Y@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[ "Y@@@F^ *@@ .v,a@F**"m@'`**@@d\(b@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[ ._TF aame,'Ye,^"^.._,'$@*@).@\F@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@` md`^._/@@@@@ 'Y@ramY@Y*.F_,aaL*v@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@F^^, m/"@(@@C$; 'Y$T@@Fea@L'^^^*%\@$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@b@[ @mmF^*"(dC,-r-_@F" ^ @@@Y@@c]**/@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[ F@F` ___'*b,^^^`.___, 'Y@`,^.@dd^@YF@@@@@@@@@@@Y@@@[ ^*@ -@@@F :@@aea-@@@@L /L'@_m***b["*Y@r*F@@@@@@@@@@[ '[* .%@@e-a@dd@d(Y*"*^ T@m.aame'@F*"/%^d"@@@@@@@@@@[ -vmmmFY@** '""d@d- ., "@%@b@^%d`m_dbd%^@'$@@@@@@@@[ m, '*T@F ^Y@c @F_d@*`^`^@@e__`^b)$%F/F@d@@@@@[ Y\ .m.@` ._d@bm, *@_ ^^ __a_,:d@*YF`a*Yr$\@@@@@@@Y@[ **me^^ _ad*@@@@` *@dvmmY@FF`aF__._@,*vC@@@@@@@@@@@[ :mm,"@F@@@F$* ' -*@%b@@@m_m@-'"**YY@a*C@@@@F@@@@@[ '^^ ^'^^^^^`^ '^`^`^` ^^^^^^^ '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^` -0.744 539 860 35 +0.121 723 773 65 i @ 3.072e-8, Nmax: 200000 |
The filaments on the left are all part of R2F(13/27B2) but are not part of the island's mu-unit.
We will now zoom in to the filaments on the left, and find one of its "double-hook" features.
![]() -0.7445398603558 + 0.1217237736544 i @ 9.6e-10 | ., _ _@F)____ .a@m, _a, ____/@@@@F@")@@@@_., $@@md@@L^@@@@"$/"YF@@$F",_mmc .ad$Y@@\C~*med@@(*Lm@L:@md@@@F" ____/@YeaY%"@@@m'^`"^ ''FF'(_Y7C@$r ^@d@@@FL%%L^^ ^` ]@FadCaL___ d^7Y@*T@@Y" . -bm@@@F*` ]@)m/bF-"` ._mdmb, "Y$(*Y) ._mm@@@@em@@@e -d@^]m/F -m@m@b@m, ^***Y@$""@F -Y@L_ ' , _aed"@F^^` .:@%_^dFC__, '*@@mvmdd)F@@@[ T@%@bad@@*^ '""@@**@F^ ^ .med@@@b@"*@c '^***YF*@.@"_mm_ -@emd^^a@@@^ 'T@b@@F@m**@-____ _rT@@@@$m,Cd:d@@* /F@@F(%`^)"*]@@@@mc .__c , ' 'bm@*bm/*b^^%Yc:@@@C_., .mdb, ^^'^^^^^^^ `'`'^^^^^^^ ^^^^`^`^` -0.744 539 860 355 8 +0.121 723 773 654 4 i @ 9.6e-10, Nmax: 2500 |
![]() -0.74453986035590 + 0.12172377389443 i @ 6.0e-11 | :/*Y._mm, '^C@Y@@@@@@@@@$("@e$Y"$$@@@@b, ;__)@@@C_ ^T$C@@@@@F@@C$(@(@"`"@@FYY@CF @%"T@@@@*emm- '^d@@$@@$d$\@%F"C@d%^` '^" *C_m@@,@7@@@m_a '*-@^@C$@/)YC^^"^ '^"@F'*YbYC@Ymac '` '` ^` "*"@@Cmm,_ ^^mF@@@L,_, ...____ ]@@@%b@@_,.a___.m__am_,me . ._m@@*^^Ye ^-@r@YYF^\@@@@%*@$(@$d@@b@L ]@@@, *C/" -@@@`a-@"*"*@m@;""` ^ ^'*@@m- ]@@@L, ,_._a-vY@@@%@aF"^` __ee, ^b@L \@@@(e,m__F@FF/*"Y@YF^%mm, m@/"`_d@@ '^^Y@b@d@d*_@@@@*-L~`/@@C^ ^**b@F*" ^^ ^"@"'*Y@@"Ld@@@%F^$.__ '"^ ^%@@@Fb@@@b,., '^^'*Y@@b$[@be._, ., .m, **^\@@@b@~@F\/@@mm_T@[ amm, __ "*"\Y@@b"Cd@@_bb~` \Y@@mme_d@L__.m, __ 'Y*^"*@@@C^]F[ ^.@F7F_^/F@*"]@@/ed@_,__ (@*`^**` __)dF(@mF*~@b~"@m_C@^*@@e,__ ^^` '^^^`'^^^^^' '^^'^^'`^^ -0.744 539 860 355 90 +0.121 723 773 894 42 i @ 6e-11, Nmax: 7000 |
![]() -0.744539860355905 + 0.121723773894425 i @ 7.5e-12 | ]"\@^` :_mF@^ dF_@` .a@@m `*Cb@FY@@@m""` "@F" '@C@@, ^^` _]d@@m '`^^^" ^ @@ vm@@/Y[_, '@$(*[., aCd""d@F :ama@b%@@@@F, , :mmd@@)@%@@@e,'Y@@@@*"@@$@b,a@r,_:m_,@mr@c '**@@@$"`.._^Ye,'^`___,TF\/)@@@@F7*@$F*F"` .__aam@^`:@@@ ]C"`d@@bcm@@'`d,*@F*Yv\m@%^^` a, am___7@@@@%Y@_,""`_:@Fr%")r@%e/%%@bemre :@@"" -@; $@@*em@@*YF"^%%^Ym@"/Lb(@@@d@@@@@@aYL'^_d* ^` *d@m"@,$dbc '@%_d*"/mb@@@@@@@@@@@@F/@@*^.amme, ^^ "*@@@@c '@@Cv$C@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^b$L @@@@@,, ._ -@@@F`.:a)@(Y@@@@@@@@@@@@@F"*"F@e 'Y@*@*@eY@m- _ '..m/**@:@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%-@@,-m* .%b"@vd7L@$c @` __adF`:@_dC%@@@@@@%Y@Y($:(7*^*"vmmm@%@@@L-**Y[ ^ .,_*@@F@__,_;^Ybv'a%r\%amc^*@` adbc '(m/*"@@` _ma$F@$be@@@@@*F`d`r_@**^*Yb,:m$` TC@m_-""^ F)@FYY@-*"Y@@\cad@-'^___e_,"@e__,-dbd@@@@e, ' ^ ^"` "Yb@@"dY@@@@@ ^*@@bF~Y@@"^` m@@Y@^^@F^*^ d@F)FC^*` . . (m(C@m :@m@@F* _, :mm]@rve_, '*@Y%* _.. '^F@@; ^Y[ ^^'^^^^^^^'` '^^^^ ^^^^^ '^^^^^ '^` -0.744 539 860 355 907 +0.121 723 773 894 425 i @ 7.5e-12, Nmax: 22000 |
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![]() -0.74453986035590838012 + 0.12172377389442482241 i @ 1.172e-17 | ]F@@@@@@@@^%F\md@)C)db@@@d@d@@@d@$@*@CLe^"YY@@@@@@@[ $@@$@@*mrmm@Y/bm@@@@@@@@YFY@YFY@@@@@@be@@C7[*$@@@@@[ @@@*bL_@b@dd@@@@@@@@@bd@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@d@@m_/Y@@@[ @@":L@C@@@@@FC$b@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@C@@@@@Cvd'*@@[ L^aF@b@@@YC@@@@@@@@@@@@**"**^$@@@@@@@@@@@$@@@C@"vFY[ ]bd\@@@@$@@@@@@@@****" ^Y@YY@@@@@@@b@@@@$@`"[ m@b@@@Y@@@@@@@F`` '__:@@@@@@@$@@@/$"e[ da@@@Y/@@@@@@r T@@@@@@$@@d@@@F/d"[ /@@@@@@@@@@@@` :@@@@@@@@@d@@@F/@b[ d@@@C@@@@@@F*" amd@@@@@@@@/@@@@7ed[ F@@@(@@@@@@b,_me ..m@@@@@@@@@@@@@@b\@;[ $@@@C@@@@@@@@@@@m . _ad@@@@@@@b@@@\@@@@rY^^[ @d@@@dY@@@@@@@@@@m@mbmmmm-` '*@@@@@C@@@^@@@@7/F^[ vC%@@@@C@@@@d$F@@@@@@@@@@ -@@@@@@@@CT@@@@d7b,[ e/FFF$@@@d@Y@@@@@F@@@@@@bc.,^@@@@Y@bF\[ @L**bd@@@@@@@$@@@@b@@@@@@@@@@[_d@@@@@@@@@@@@@F/d[ @[ @@)e]F*/^Y@@@@@(FY@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@$@@FF7b)@v@[ @@@$e/""*@mY@@@@@@@$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@L@@@FF@^.m@@[ @@@@@@)r,F%/(F@@@@@@@bb$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Y@@@@)m@Ld@@@[ @@@@@@@@@@e.'Y@-]Y@F@@@@@@@C@*@@@@@@Y@@@@"$F`r(@@@@[ Cd@@@@@@@@@C@e\"**v@\C*@*@@@@@@@b@d@@@@@)""bd@@@@@@[ ^ ''^^^^^^^^^^^^`^'`^^^'^^`^^^^^^^^^^'^^`'^^^^^^^^^` -0.74453986035590838011 +0.12172377389442482241 i @ 1.172e-17, Nmax: 250000 |
Seahore Valley Islands
Here are the first few islands in the sequence R2F(N/2N+1B2)S:
Rank | R2-Name | period | Area of Island | Coordinates |
6 | R2F(1/3B2)S | 5 | 1.7621(15)e-5 | -0.04332 + 0.98630i @ 0.01259 |
10 | R2F(2/5B2)S | 7 | 9.9155(63)e-6 | -0.530101 + 0.668180i @ 0.009447 |
16 | R2F(3/7B2)S | 9 | 5.5912(42)e-6 | -0.650450 + 0.478065i @ 0.007094 |
18 | R2F(4/9B2)S | 11 | 3.1257(30)e-6 | -0.694716 + 0.368453i @ 0.005304 |
32 | R2F(5/11B2)S | 13 | 1.7841(16)e-6 | -0.715175 + 0.298825i @ 0.004007 |
48 | R2F(6/13B2)S | 15 | 1.05522(65)e-6 | -0.726129 + 0.251068i @ 0.003082 |
72 | R2F(7/15B2)S | 17 | 6.4982(45)e-7 | -0.732630 + 0.216394i @ 0.002418 |
102 | R2F(8/17B2)S | 19 | 4.1631(34)e-7 | -0.736790 + 0.190113i @ 0.001936 |
127 | R2F(9/19B2)S | 21 | 2.7639(27)e-7 | -0.739610 + 0.169522i @ 0.001577 |
Computing π in Seahorse Valley
An approximation to the mathematical constant π ("pi") can be calculated in the following way:
π ≅ ε Dwell(-3/4 + ε) ± ε
where ε ("epsilon") is a very small value, like 0.0001. For example, Dwell(-3/4+0.01i) is 315, giving the approximation π≅3.15. The following results were computed using 107-bit precision:
Dwell(C) is the number of iterations for the normal Mandelbrot iteration to "escape" with a normal "escape radius" of 2.0; see Escape-Iterations. The numbers (3, 33, 315, 3143, ...) are Sloane's integer sequence A097486 (which I have corrected and extended) The sequence is calculated easily in any language that handles floating-point complex values. Here I am using PARI/GP, and the first long line of input should all be typed as a single line:
? A097486(n) = local(a, c, z); c = 0.1^n*I - 0.75; z = 0; a = 0; while(abs(z) < 2.0, { z = z^2+c; a = a+1 } ); a
? A097486(0)
%1 = 3
? A097486(1)
%2 = 33
? A097486(2)
%3 = 315
? A097486(3)
%4 = 3143
? A097486(4)
%5 = 31417
? A097486(5)
%6 = 314160
? A097486(6)
%7 = 3141593
? A097486(7)
%8 = 31415927
? A097486(8)
%9 = 314159266
revisions: 20080216 oldest on record; 20091105 add list of sequence R2F(N/2N+1B2)S islands; 20091220 add {pi} calculation section; 20091221 add list of {pi} values; 20100107 add PARI/GP code; 20100907 optimize view nmax values; 20100919 add many notes, links and R2-names in descriptions; 20100922 add double spirals link; 20230417 "double spiral valley" as distinct from seahorse valley
From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.
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This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2023 Jun 17.