Robert P. Munafo, 2008 Jan 31.
My colloquial name for the lumpy objects found inside embedded Julia sets, particularly those found near the C(0) cusp of the influencing island mu-molecule.
We will start with this embedded Julia set, which is influenced by R2F(1/2B1)S:
| ~.. -, -( , .- '"., T ] [ . ./ __*- `., \ e,c____.. [ c_'_-.' .ac` `-_ -_)$""^/""*Ye:\_)/(@"$d\e,~ ..-' .,'-.@m- T` -@L[]-Ymbc `r-~"Y)_.-'` `-.dF"@--._", '' ] '^' [ '"FL%e, . `--.,_,'.FF`, _%Y)\. ,'_ .__Ym,`'*'$m,^ ^'_@;"Y"^^ ^`-.d@$)^'' ' '-vm'-FL_,---'' '"(b\/^ , -^^' ',:$e_ ^^^^:C.[ .ab(,- [ ._a___ T`@^-,- --'*/e'**/F- -) ,dC:d`a(/`L '`'^""F"' .__[,, -^Y(**`^ -.--:----:-------------,----]T@@---.----------.--c-:-m--,.,- _ .a,,-.. -'"F" ,e:a__-_ -__L\F^L%Ye. .L -aF%$^")mr- ____vm"/ '@@d"- [ -**-"; T:b`--- ._$F/L `' _`., :"~YF- _"bca)_, ._.-@$(-__ .."d-(@"---.,_ _,,--^^^mC[d^`'^-:e-^^` ~^^ '^^-am~ __`v@% '^ ` _."@L.m,_'*^` . ] _. %`'./F""` ` ` '^^"/m T, adme'-dmd- aL_dT$``-_, _,^ .Ymv.^-\_^%)[]'YmL,v`:r/F"/ '~_, _-~ /`""FF-"""^ -c `/^^^^', ' '`\/, __-` . ] '[ ' '\ `-_, .'" a` % '` ^-. -1.74876455 + 0.0i @ +0.00002441, Nmax: 1000 |
Figure 1
The structure is almost exactly symmetrical on both the vertical and horizontal axes. Looking at one quadrant:
| _e,a~ . v- ' : ] , / .^ . '^Fmm_.~ ' . ..\_rva/a-re__L .` , . . :_-^ '^--""/e-` r -,.)@F*Ta ^`^`/`'d\:-__L_~, .-` ../'^` .,.. ~FL-, [ '.dF"-^^`^`--F` '"^~Fm'~*YL,~ a_-' -\d*$(c]$( .; .$d"`:ee, ^_, ,:. ,.]m/"*b/_,- ._-'^ -/$_^^,/F- ] -"Y\/*":@^` 'db*"^'` `'^"/@/_, ._-^ .-'"*/]^^` . ^~*/a_)( ` -[ _.__'(-- __-' " ] ^^ .` ' '` \YdCaF^.,-^ T` '[ '''.-'`._L_- _, $` C .`_ . a,-^ .F%^"^rm,'. _._- / ^.d7(-__-` -'"@F` ~""Y/__--^ B , ' _ , __-^^(C^@d- ' ._.TbL. - '\.e_mv\, -___,-^^ .`^^-, , ._-"~-mT[--^ ^-/.,_ :m(*d_/\@`-----^'" /`.__ ._~` a_,(F-- .. `_F_'"*d$F- '^.$@C._.'*""____-.---^'' '^Fba"r**`-, ^"F~ .mre\ -` ' ' ` ' D ]c '^`d@_^ ]- ^..,,--rY,^^^` -- -_ . -d^,/ad@`- -- .'v.,'_ a v :d\)--_.___,_ _, '- ^^`^-a/T$7@$e/_, __,-ad`- ' ^^^^^ _- '"@"v'..a_^b\- :'^cm/" `` '^**^ .,-^^@~( '"CLd*- .,m-_$`'-.,_ __ ' \^@/-__' ._.-/.m/"`` ^`^ A :; ]` ~^*C(@./%/Ld*~` '--_ . ] . ` L^`/^'\' '-- '-v:)r__-(c--` ' ` ' . ^dY".Ld,"Fb` . , , _ --^^^^_Y^]@@["FL^^^^-^^^`^*^^'[^^^^^-^-^`^-^^^--^^-^-^^`^"^^^'^^'`^-^` ''^^ ' ^^` -1.74876109 +0.00000471i @ +0.0000101, Nmax: 1000 |
Figure 2. Key to later images (letters A, B, C, D)
One can easily discern three types of objects in the embedded Julia set:
- The "shell", made of self-similar pieces that resemble a letter "C" with spiral curls at each end,
- The filaments, which are all very long and straight,
- The "lumps" that exist at every place where two filaments cross.
These "lumps" are the 'nucleus' and the paramecia. They all have a structure relatively similar to the entire embedded Julia set, including the same three components.
| '\ , ' . '` , [ _ /` _, . , '\.e/__:.:,: . :- \.e,[__c. . . ., ._ '`-,_ ^..d/-(aC^\:""^F"e-. -c .,b_/"7"*`)^$cLv\___~ _.-'` '^-._ -_r*\['^:'_."`^'^^'Yd- : -b@"^^``'", `/^`]/*m.- ../^- '-_,Y@`;, ^.**^ -)vb,@~ .- ~F'm/d, ^"*,^ .'"@,..-^ .,.a\-/"Y" . '`*mbm"' ], `"bdm*/` c 'F"(-',,., '^-_-d("@@c`-, _." ' ' '` : ''-- ` '" . _-':FC"$mc_-^ --:@7( ` vmCdc- '; -:)Cm` ''`.)Cbe- ---.d*\-a)____,-'Y"-_ -- ._-"-^-.____(_-("__--- _\m*-.7^ `\_ . '` ._/~ "" -*m/_ . ,"C\m- ^~, ,'c__' __.`_ ..'^ -m/$" ^'^^\(^a /_d,- `.,:drF(bv^(mm;_,' -.___ ]e^)^^`^` ---Ym\/*b~@-- _ -me(FF.~.__,~ ]T)am , --@~d\_/mF--- '''"/--YT' '^$dF._:a@$bbdCb,_-\@C^` `FF--\"``` _a________________________@m_a@d@*"`'@@@__m@__________________________ ..,.e.. -(F^_'\$*@bmm@\F\,^Y- ,,a,. __'_aY^^L7Y-. -^^Ydac-^""d@")`-.cmF^^- '-F(d^"Fe_._, .$/_` "@L*%' _\-@%m(._.,T,$F'/ ^$"a@* '_\$- ^^^^v@-_, ` . _/' ^'^*^^'*""^` `\, ' ._-@c^^^^ --(b.^`. ..*` ' ', '",, . ,'^,d"- ____-^C;-mb--.,,.:,_,'` ]` '`v,.e,_.,--Y)-\%^-.___ ` ./(L,~ :d$b), -- _dd%b; `./~), _/Td) ame .-'""; ., "- . '""`-, _me.eb*^, '` ."YY"*,,\, : -./_e., -` .,a_L,- / ._L/~-F"-- ^` _,-\d"Y^ :_, '-@^m^@_ : _@^a/@`` -._ ""~b-^._ .,-` %Fb-\_-^Y*-\ '"^,$, :- .\\^"` ../-"F^^e/-@"` '\, _,-` `:^*ebam(m .*c^vcabF- :` --"dm_-%-*,-m/de//"\, "-, -,` /~ "''-'""((Y"Y*(`' .- `'"^""^)"FY`\` ~ ^. '~~ .` ' : ' ., ` [ - '\ ` ' '` ' Coordinates: -1.748764596 + 0.0i @ +0.00000145, Nmax: 2000 |
Figure 3. The nucleus (a 4-fold embedded Julia Set). This is feature A from figure 2.
Notice that the nucleus has 4-fold rotational symmetry, twice as much as the 2-fold symmetry of the surrounding shell; and it contains a smaller nucleolus with 8-fold symmetry. This 2→4→8 pattern is an example of bifurcation.
| -*, [ ,/` ` '-_ . '[ .~` `e -_\a_\_,/ :/` , ..-a@/`%%'*)c, /- --,_ -LYF*"~\-` :mrF`-_,m,.- ._ '`^-$c\c--*^, ^^/\)%^()b/_.--' __%]Le',_, '\a_' ^^ .e/bC- ' -Yd,]Fm`..-^^~__ ,:-'`-/,^^ . ' -""^"\-^` L@[._*""___...__-:c----^^ '^---mc__a,________a___--^^.a--m,- , .@~ee, - '` ` _d.@`T@(*- .'_,__($-__, ___-@F\ ' .."*;._\@" _-C^*-., . ./^ :b7^.,.______ .____,_$Ym- -_m(,-_,__:~@" `^ ' ,vr-^`%:@m*C@` :\)^^ --d@\c--"@b*C)b_^T$@------ , _ _ , '.C:, ' / '^'-_.,Yc`_ , ^'^^^^^^^^^:(Y^ ._` '^FF^` ,__.__a__________ab -vbC"` \dr, deae'd) ..,--'^^ ' '" __-'Tc\-^^^- .*(%(^.-^.,_ ,^C;ea \ ' .~:m@*mC_-- _''%*`--'@@.___.,-` '"^ /Y@L____, ___--'^ -/F@` ./^ "FF-__..-"^T, ._.--^` ''*L--a_ .e_,. . '"*md-* ^ . __--'^` -''^"F)_L.%Y/-cm$F __-^@c`-.,_ _--" .~ ""7*(^^] ("m_Lm**`- '`r-._, a- .` ' ] ' ] '-, ''` -` ( ~- '^ ' Coordinates: -1.7487590765 +0.0000047386i @ +0.0000007155 |
Figure 4. A paramecium, feature D from figure 2.
I also refer to this as a mitochondrion, a name that adheres more closely to the cell/nucleus naming metaphor.
revisions: 20080131 oldest on record; 20100918 add notes about terms "nucleolus" and "mitochondrion"
From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.
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