Munafo - Hendrie Wedding Part 2: Ceremony
Thanks to my cousin Steven, we now have videos of the ceremony: intro, archetypes, welcome/reading, ancestors/parents, address, monitum/vows, rings/pronouncement. If you want to read the words, go here.
Skip back to Before Ceremony, or ahead to Cocktails, Party Part 1, or Party Part 2. There are also honeymoon pictures!
The Ceremony
(The opening music, Circle of Life, begins to play)
11:41 Robert and Jane
Robert escorts in his mother.
11:41 Rick and Annie
Rick escorts in his mother.
Music ends.
Dorry (right) introduces the idea of archetype, as John and Robert await their turn to enter.
Music (Hiryu Sandan Gaeshi, Taiko Drum Ensemble) plays as male archetypes enter.
Rick waiting behind Rhonda, Barbara, Nancy and Brooks.
Music (Orchestral Suite #3 in D, by Bach) plays as female archetypes enter.
Rhonda and Andrew (foreground, facing away left) represent the Mother and Lover archetypes. Nancy (standing, center) represents the Maiden.
Dan and Brooks represent the Magician and Crone archetypes.
Music (adagio from Serenade In B Flat by Mozart) plays and Rick and Robert enter.
Andrew is reading Sonnet 116 to Rick and Robert. In background John (standing) and Nancy represent the Warrior and Maiden archetypes.
Paul and Barbara represent the King and Queen archetypes.
The guests (standing) have just said "I Do", indicating their support for the marriage.
Rick and Robert say "I Do".
Here Robert is reading his vows to Rick.
Ring ceremony happened next — I do not yet have any pictures that show it
The pronouncement has just been made.
Robert and Rick leave together.
Continue to Cocktails.
This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2011 Jul 08.