Wedding Script
This is the actual ceremony text used in my wedding; the ceremony design is described in greater detail here.
Photos are here, and there are seven YouTube videos: intro, archetypes, welcome/reading, ancestors/parents, address, monitum/vows, rings/pronouncement.
Commitment Ceremony
Robert Munafo and Rick Hendrie
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Annie Hendrie's house
Little Compton, Rhode Island
11:00 am
Wedding Celebrant, Dorry Bless
11:08 MUSIC: Polvo en el Viento (Dust in the Wind) (Andan Enselble) [3:18]
11:11 MUSIC: I Want to Hold Your Hand (T. V. Carpio) (From Across the Universe movie soundtrack) [2:37]
11:14 MUSIC: The Memory of Trees (Enya) [4:16]
11:18 MUSIC: Mysteries of Love (Julee Cruise) [4:27]
11:22 MUSIC: Polegnala e Todora (Theadora is Dozing) (Bulgarian traitional) [3:38]
11:26 MUSIC: Appalachian Spring, mvmt. 8 (Leonard Bernstein, New York Philharmonic Orchestra) [3:39]
11:30 MUSIC: Cosmic Address (Stephen Endelman) [2:19]
11:32 MUSIC: Ulysse (Cirque du Soleil) [6:25]
SETTING: Approx 180 Guests sit in concentric circles around ceremonial circle — carefully positioned, north, south, east and west noted for purposes of archetypes; aisle entrance or break at each direction designation; one chair set near break of aisle for each female archetype
(It was announced to start at 11:00 am, actually planned start time 11:15 approximately, to depend on when guests are seated, archetypes lined up, escorts for honored guests standing by. In fact, the need to reinforce the tent anchors after last night's tropical storm delayed everything another 20 minutes or so.)
11:38 Direction: Celebrant to enter on own before music and processional and stand in center of ceremonial space and step to side portion of inner circle during seating of honored guests and 'Circle of Life' song.
Welcome. My name is Dorry Bless; I am a wedding celebrant. I am honored to be with you today to officiate at this marriage celebration for Robert and Rick. Their commitment ceremony is an expression of all that is meaningful and significant to them. The celebrant tradition places careful attention on personalizing the experience of ceremony with words and ritual. Today those are chosen especially for Robert and Rick, as they begin their journey as spouses for life; on this day - Sunday, September 7th 2008 — the day of their marriage celebration.
Please take this opportunity to silence your cell phones.
Direction: Seating of Honored guests:
11:39 * MUSIC: Circle of Life (Elton John - Tim Rice) (4:31)
video part 1
(Robert & Rick escort their mothers individually to seats)
Honored guests: Grooms' parents (Robert's parents : Jane Blount, Paul Munafo & Ginger; Rick's step-mom: Annie, brothers: Dan and John Hendrie, sister; Brooks) are seated — during first two minutes of song — advise if ushers will escort them
Direction: Celebrant speaks again AFTER 'Circle of Life' has ended and all honored guests are seated. Celebrant moves to center of space for this continued intro piece.
video part 2
11:43 This afternoon we all come together on behalf of true-love, along with the core values and guiding principles that inspire Robert and Rick individually; and as a couple, in the life they share together. Their values are an integral part of the fiber in which this union takes place. Simply, they speak Robert's and Rick's truth. These principles occur among and throughout the context of the eight archetypes — or the dimensions of mature personality which also correspond to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our world. Let us begin by welcoming the eight archetypes.
- MUSIC: Hiryu Sandan Gaeshi (performed by Japanese Taiko drumming ensemble) (1.30) Male Archetypes — they enter one at a time
- 11:44 Warrior enters from WEST and walks to stand in EAST
- Lover enters from NORTH and walks to stand in SOUTH
- Magician enters from EAST and walks to stand in WEST
- King enters from SOUTH and walks to stand in NORTH
- MUSIC: Orchestral Suite in D (J. S. Bach) (1.30)
- Queen enters from the EAST, turns left and walks all the way around to the NORTH, stopping next to King.
- Crone also enters from the EAST and follows the Queen's path but stops in the WEST next to Magician.
- Mother enters from the EAST, stopping in the SOUTH next to Lover.
- Maiden enters from the EAST and immediately stops next to Warrior.
These archetypes symbolize eight distinctive character strengths and traits; four masculine in nature and four feminine in nature. Each aspect is available to us throughout the course of our own life journeys. They can be called upon for wisdom, support, guidance and knowledge. The movement and position of the archetypes symbolize the different stages and rites of passage we all experience in life and how those are always impacted by the whole — not just by life's particular events but most importantly by those we share our lives with — the family or community that surrounds us. Let us listen to what the archetypes have to say.
The Maiden.
MAIDEN {Nancy Cornell}
The Maiden — youth, purity of heart, love and curiosity; all possibilities are within her.
Celebrant The Warrior.
WARRIOR {John Hendrie}
The Warrior — confidence, bravery and strength in the face of physical and financial challenge.
Celebrant The Mother — appearing today with Lancelot, as the Archetype of Dog.
MOTHER {Rhonda Wynston-Kraft, with Lancelot the archetype of Dog}
The Mother — creativity, nurturing, devotion, and the fullness of emotional expression.
Celebrant The Lover.
LOVER {Andrew Kraft}
The Lover — awareness of all surroundings, and master of feelings and emotion.
Celebrant The Crone.
CRONE {Brooks Widdoes}
The Crone — the wisdom of the community, providing honesty and guidance for women and men, young and old.
Celebrant The Magician.
MAGICIAN {Dan Hendrie}
The Magician — master of knowledge, with an ever-open and questioning mind.
Celebrant The Queen.
QUEEN {Barbara Hendrie}
The Queen — balance of power, authority, and mastery of all she creates for the community.
Celebrant The King.
KING {Paul Munafo}
The King — with generosity, unimpeded by resources either in lack or abundance, who leads by serving all who come to him.
(Note, this music is by Mozart, and as before I'll ask the DJ to end the music after we've reached the center of the circle. [RPM])
11:48 MUSIC: Serenade in Bb, K.361, Adagio (W. A. Mozart) [approx. 2:00]
Direction: Robert approaches the circle from the WEST, and Rick simultaneously approaches the circle from the EAST. Just after stepping into the circle they proceed clockwise, remaining opposite each other. After going 3/4 of the way around (now at the NORTH and SOUTH) they come together and meet in the center of the circle. (Then DJ will fade out the music)
(The female archetypes were still standing — this might have been a better way to design it from the start, because it kept the men out of the way of Rick and Robert as they walked behind the archetypes. At this point the Celebrant cues the women to sit and the men stand behind them.)
(MALE ARCHETYPES move slightly, to stand behind the women's chairs)
video part 3
11:49 Here we are today — in a magnificent concentric circle — where the rows you are seated in fan out from the center signifying your individual life journeys; while the all-encompassing circular form embraces all of us; the community that has come forth to celebrate Robert's and Rick's union. We are their history; a record of their past; today we stand for their present; and tomorrow for their future as a married couple. Most significantly — the origin or center of this circle is regarded as sacred ceremonial space. It is the physical container symbolizing the life-journeys which have brought Robert and Rick together, and to this fundamental moment whereupon they will publicly declare their vows.
A circle is an ancient symbol. It is a perfect image of completeness, and at the same time, its circumference delineates boundary and enclosure — allowing us to feel safe within the sphere. Its form beckons to each of us to open ourselves to the mysteries and wonders of inspiration; while we joyfully greet this celebration of love and life that calls upon us and touches our hearts. We realize that the circular path the moon takes around the earth; and the earth takes around the sun each day reminds us that we naturally rely on the cycles of life. Each part of the life-cycle is seamlessly connected with all the other parts — those that come before and those that follow — making the circle whole.
In Robert's words, "Our family and friends provide the context that makes our commitment possible. Simply, their presence ratifies our decision to marry." Rick agrees and adds, "It is within the warm embrace of this circle that each of us can truly be who we are and have our greatness seen and shared. It is here I choose to commit myself to Robert with your witness, love and unconditional support."
Robert and Rick met through their involvement with Men's Division International, an organization whose purpose is to 'cause greatness by mentoring men to live with excellence and, as mature, masculine leaders, create successful families, careers and communities';
That community of men provided Robert and Rick a place to discover the manifold interests and philosophical perspectives they shared. They each discovered in the other a soul mate, that remarkable confluence of stars that happens so rarely for so many. It was within the men's circle that their common ground broadened to include shared love of music, poetry & comedy, as well as, shared interest in the cosmos and all things astro-physic. It was within the men's circle they realized and clarified their individual purposes: to be men of spirit, substance and noble intention in service to others.
Dear family and dear friends of Robert and Rick from all phases of their lives; your presence here makes this union both sweet and profound. For Rick, in particular, in addition to men from his circle and all the adored family members gathered here, there are valued friends from Uno Chicago Grill and his beloved members of Nichiren (NEE-chi-ren) Shoshu (SHOW-shoo), the Buddhism he has practiced for nearly 35 years.
Today, I invite you to marvel at the magnificence of this setting, the beauty of life and its manifestation through today's words, music and ritual. Allow yourself to be open to the joyous and infinite possibilities within each of us; a principle that both Robert and Rick stand for, believe in, embody together and delightfully offer up to us today.
11:54 One of the aspects that Rick loves about Robert is his genius with impossibly large numbers, a capability that Rick says he shares up to about 470 plus or minus 10%. As he has reminded Robert many times, "The only numbers I really get are imaginary numbers. If it doesn't exist in tangible reality, count me in."
Rick loves Robert's grasp of planetary movement and cosmological esoterica. He still is agog with Robert's ability to create a working model of the rotation of the planets — with the proper ratio of the rotations in relation to the sun, I might add — using lego pieces for a Gas Station and The Bat mobile as his only tools. Rick has said, "It's like Robert is channeling MacGyver and Mr. Wizard simultaneously". Rick adds, "There is no happier moment than when Robert comes to me with some amazing and intricate piece of word-working or the creation of an entirely new kind of musical instrument made of PVC pipe, drift wood, WD 40 and duct tape — on which he then proceeds to play, 'Hey Jude' with harmony." His endless enthusiasm is like ambrosia to me, even if I have no idea what the hell he's talking about."
One of Rick's favorite poems — and an absolute favorite of Robert's since high school, which they both didn't even realize until collaborating on their ceremony — is a sonnet by Shakespeare which captures all this and more.
11:56 (Andrew Kraft to read)
Sonnet 116
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.
video part 4
11:57 Part of our job today is to recognize and acknowledge the legacy of those who have come before us and are no longer here to share in this blissful occasion. Robert and Rick owe them a debt of gratitude, best encapsulated in the words of Nichiren (NEE-chi-ren) Daishonin (die-SHOW-nen), the founder of Nichiren Shoshu (SHOW-shoo) Buddhism, spoken in Thirteenth Century Japan. "The debt we owe our fathers towers higher than Mt. Sumeru (SOO-ma-ru). The debt of gratitude we owe our mothers runs deeper than the vastest ocean. It is imperative that we repay the debts of gratitude we owe our fathers and mothers".
Today, we remember with joy and love, Robert's grandparents. Robert affectionately recalls that his maternal grandparents; Jeanette and William Muller had a great impact on him especially when they served as his parents during a period of three impressionable years of his young life. His grandfather, William Muller taught him how to use carpentry and power tools. Matthew and Mary Munafo, Robert's paternal grandparents, demonstrated what life-long commitment was all about. They were married for 64 years. Robert also refers to Matthew Munafo as one of his remarkable role models.
Today, we also remember Rick's late mother and father Dickie and Bob Hendrie. Rick knows he received his love of words and appreciation for music and the theater from his mother. No one was more committed to helping him achieve the highest level of excellence and accomplishment. No one was fiercer in their determination to give him every advantage and opportunity to grow. No one was prouder of his successes nor more disappointed in his lapses. She was, in short, the best kind of advocate.
He gained his love of baseball at the feet of his Dad, when they would watch the Yankees back in the days when a tiny black and white TV screen was their window into the world of Mantle and Maris. He saw patience and tolerance practiced as a daily virtue and learned first to appreciate good food at his Dad's elbow, while he prepared out-of-this-world Sunday summer dinners. He watched in awe the spirit of a tireless caregiver who took care of his wife and determined to provide his son with the same ceaseless encouragement his father gave him.
Rick recalls that his father's funeral ceremony was here....on this very ground. For him, the opportunity to marry Robert here points to the wonder and mystery of the circle of life. Rick says this spot, here at Annie's house, looking out towards the ocean is one of the special physical places on earth where he feels most connected, at peace and inspired.
12:01 George Santayana, a Spanish poet, essayist and philosopher said it this way in The Life of Reason, "The family is one of nature's masterpieces." Or as Henry Ward Beecher said, "There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child."
Robert honors the presence of his Mother, Father and Step mother as does Rick with his step mother. They all provide continuous inspiration and guidance.
Robert acknowledges his father, Paul Munafo, for being a wonderful role model — a man of enormous gifts put in the service of his country. He and Paul share many traits, not the least of which is Robert's abiding love of science and mathematics.
Robert says that his mother, Jane Blount, raised him for 18 years with unwavering patience and encouragement. Jane's second husband, Luther Blount, served as Robert's father for seven years and taught him the value of full days' work. Robert's step mother, Ginger Munafo, was a loving surrogate, in particular during two years that Robert spent in Louisiana as a child, Robert's childhood is rich with the influence of many different minds — those who cared for him and loved him.
Rick acknowledges Annie for the spirit of acceptance and love she showed him and Linda from the very beginning; and for the complete embrace she has provided for him and Robert. He says, "I'm overwhelmed by her generosity".
Rick reveals the light-hearted aspect of his family life: The carol filled Christmas mornings with stockings chock a block with all sorts of practical gifts like erasers and Crest toothpaste. Summer evenings having his Dad orchestrate the game of 'Hide in Plain Sight' when dozens of siblings and close cousins would scurry around the house searching for bobby pins, band aids and baseball cards artfully placed to be hidden in plain sight. There were many raucous Thanksgivings and laugh filled birthday dinners in which at least one person would have milk spurt from their nose while laughing hysterically.
Today, Robert and Rick become family. The well-known German-Swiss poet and author, Herman Hesse said, "If I know what love is, it is because of you." This we know for sure: Robert and Rick will weave the fabric of their family from their own original voices and self-expression. They are committed to each other's mature masculine lives, life-purposes and new life goals as they arise. They hope their home will be a place to give both of them the opportunity to explore their own passions and pursuits, to have family and friends gather, to be a place for the circle of men to congregate and do its great work; as well as a center for Rick's Buddhist faith and practice to flourish and spread.
video part 5
12:04 It is said, "From every being there rises a light that reaches straight to the heavens, and when two people who are destined to be together find each other, their streams of light flow together, and a single brighter light goes forth from their united being."
In Rick's words, this is how he and Robert literally found one another. "I met Robert at a Men's Division Meeting. He heard me talking to one of my men, telling them why they should be happy with an outcome about which they were most assuredly not . Robert came right up and began to argue, in the most gentle but persistent way — which made me absolutely crazy as I didn't have time to argue with two men, particularly one who I didn't know and was making my sell job all the more difficult. Rick says, I remember thinking, "What a pain in the ass this guy is." That said, he also remembers thinking, he was striking looking." Robert expresses his take on that first meeting in these words; "I thought Rick was a little stubborn about admitting any new ideas about something another man was talking about at the meeting."
Somehow it progressed from that initial impression to a first date a few months later. Rick says the ride from then on picked up a ton of speed. Robert says he can't pinpoint exactly when or how he knew he was in love. He said their trial cohabitation months later resolved for him that they could be together forever. Rick, never one to shy from the thrill of the chase, says he told Robert that he wanted to marry him within a year of their first encounter and he accepted on the spot. He recalls the exact moment of the proposal: Across the table outside a local pizza place, Rick asked Robert, "Will you marry me?" and Robert smiled and replied, "Of course!"
When I asked Robert and Rick what they love about each other their lists were so long that I needed to take professional liberty and now I offer you the abridged version. (guests laugh) Robert says: "I love his: smile, laugh, hair, affinity for personal growth, expressiveness, and his affinity and ability to teach. I admire his: optimism, patience, physical appearance, background and history, along with his guiding principles. He makes me laugh when he makes puppets out of small, everyday objects and I get a kick just watching him interact with Lancelot, formerly known as Frank, our pup. Rick lets me know he loves me when he reassures me and by the way he is so patient with me."
Rick says Robert "is a brilliant thinker who delves into subjects that interest him with awesome intensity. He has, for instance, a website that has about 700 pages to it. I love his shyness, his diffidence, his vulnerability, his single minded devotion to the things which excite him, like Legacy Discovery, impossibly large numbers, music, and design. He has a historian's appreciation for documentation. In another life he would have been the Scribe to the Pharaoh or Julius Caesar. He's an archivist of the first rank and would be superb at the Library of Congress or some other institution devoted to the collection and preservation of information and the sharing of knowledge. I love the fact that he loves my pup, Lancelot formerly known as Frank, and takes care of him while I work. I love that he thinks I'm pretty great." He adds that Robert has the driest sense of humor of anyone he knows.
"He shows that he loves me when he praises me especially when I'm not feeling praiseworthy. He helps me with all my responsibilities. He chants with me even if he hasn't adopted Buddhism as a religion. He is patient with me and he is the most generous lover and caring partner. He even eats food I make that otherwise would make him nauseous."
Robert's and Rick's love story shows how following one's inner heart and truth can lead to something unexpected and wonderful. A Buddhist, newspaper-reading, marketing VP, die-hard Yankees and New York Rangers fan, who loves trying new foods, has 1200 movies in his archives, is a lover of "The Sopranos", "I Claudius", "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows", and anything by Sondheim, Bernstein, Comden and Green; falls for — an artist, philosopher, archivist, theoretician, scientist, math whiz, designer, dramaturg, mentor who counts Star Wars, the 4th one, among his favorite movies, Ave Maria (Latin, Schiller version), Affirmation (by Savage Garden), Colour My World (Chicago's version) among his favorite music, Matthew Boerne's Swan Lake as his favorite dance and looks to Alan Turing, recognized as a gay martyr, mathematician and pioneer computer scientist, principal agent in the defeat of Hitler on the western front as his hero. And you know what, this is only just the beginning of their life together. I know we all can't wait to see what they will dream, envision, create and manifest as their lives unfold.
video part 6
12:10 And now, as a community together, we offer our blessing for this union. In case you're not familiar with this part of the ceremony, this is where everyone gets to say "I do", honored guests, please stand as you are able.
(guests stand)
Today's ceremony is a celebration of Robert's and Rick's commitment along with an expression of their hopes and dreams. It is a promise, made in the hearts of two people who love each other, which they both agree takes a lifetime to fulfill. As family and friends, you have shared in their lives in the past, and, by witnessing their commitment ceremony today, Robert and Rick ask you to share in their future.
12:10 They ask you to support them in their union, just as you have supported them in their journeys to this moment. If you are willing to do this, please respond "I do", as loudly as you can, to the following question.
As the community that surrounds Robert and Rick, do you offer your love and support for their joint commitment and the vows they will make today?
Guests (in unison):
I do!
Thank you, you may be seated.
(guests sit down)
12:12 Now I, Dorry Bless, am duly authorized to solemnize this life-long commitment that you, Robert Munafo and you, Rick Hendrie, have both chosen to enter into of your own free will. This ceremony publicly acknowledges your mutual, voluntary, and full commitment to one another; it is made in the deepest sense, to the exclusion of all others, and is entered into with the desire, the hope and the firm intention that it will last for life.
Robert and Rick, please face each other and join hands.
Hand in hand you enter this life-long union. The hand you freely give to one another can be both the strongest as well as the most tender part of your body. In the years ahead you will need both strength and tenderness. Be firm in your commitment. Don't let your grip become weak. And yet, be flexible as you go through change. Strength and tenderness, firm commitment and flexibility, this is how a marriage expresses itself.
Now I ask you Rick, do you come here freely, and without reservation, to enter this relationship as spouses, companions, and equal partners?
I do.
Rick, will you take this man, Robert, to be your husband? Will you love and respect him? Will you be honest with him always? Will you stand by him through whatever may come? Will you truly share your life with him?
I do.
Now Robert, do you come here freely, and without reservation, to enter into this relationship as spouses, companions, and equal partners?
I do.
Robert, will you take this man, Rick, to be your husband? Will you love and respect him? Will you be honest with him always? Will you stand by him through whatever may come? And will you truly share your life with him?
Yes, I will. (after a pause, more clearly) Yes I will!
12:14 Your lifelong commitment begins with the giving of words and the act of ritual. This is an unconditional giving whereby Robert and Rick will join themselves to each other; and, in so doing, ultimately bind their future and the mystery of their lives together. These vows and this unconditional giving are built on the foundation of faith and love and by being here, we reflect that and bless their union with our faith and love.
Poet Maureen Tolman Flannery said, "What is a vow but an intention spoken out before the world so that the world, in hearing, might take part in aspirations of the willing heart." With our presence, we join in and bless Robert's and Rick's joy, while we also enter into the truth of the words they are about to speak.
Robert & Rick's vows
Robert Paul Munafo, I pledge eternal loyalty and love to you.
I promise to remain steadfast in the face of difficulties, joyous in celebration of your triumphs, loving without conditions, patient in times of stress, appreciating your strengths, forgiving your mistakes, stalwart in my absolute belief in your talents, unshakable in my faith in the brilliance of your future.
I give you my heart — my fealty, my passion. I stand by you, unwavering, in the face of prosperity, decline, disgrace, honor, praise, censure, suffering and pleasure, through brilliant health or grievous disability. I am committed to be at your side throughout the rest of this lifetime and into the infinite lifetimes that await us.
You are my soulmate and greatest friend. I am yours, always.
Richard Kingsley Hendrie, I give you everything that I am. I give my
my encouragement,
my inspiration,
my tenderness,
my respect,
and complete acceptance.
In other words, I give you Love in all of its forms — (gesturing towards the archetypes) physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual.
Above all other people you have become the priority in my life.
I promise, to ask of you no more than you can give; to embrace the perfection of you exactly the way you are, while supporting you to grow and change in whatever ways your mission takes you.
I will always be the person you can trust, who will listen with compassion and understanding, who will share your dreams, and bring out the best in you always.
In all of these ways and more, I will be with you for the rest of your life, and you will be part of me for the rest of my life.
video part 7
12:18 Rings are a symbol of the unbroken circle of love. Round like the sun, like your arms in embrace. Love freely given has no beginning and no end, no giver and no receiver for each is the giver and each is the receiver. May these rings always remind you of the vows you are about to take and that your love, like the sun, illuminates; and that your love, like arms that embrace, is a grace upon this world.
Will the King please step forward with Rick's ring for Robert.
KING {Paul Munafo} (steps forward with RING, which Rick takes)
Now I ask Rick, will you take this ring and place it on the fourth finger of Robert's left hand, the finger closest to his heart. Then repeat after me.
Celebrant then Rick:
This ring is a pledge of my abiding and constant love,
My eternal faith, and my undying devotion.
It is an outward reminder of our inner unity.
As it circles your finger,
So will my love circle you,
Forever and always.
Will the Lover please step forward with Robert's ring for Rick.
LOVER {Andrew Kraft} (steps forward with RING, which Robert takes)
Now I ask Robert, will you take this ring and place it on the fourth finger of Rick's left hand, the finger closest to his heart. Then repeat after me.
Celebrant then Robert:
12:19 This ring is a pledge of my abiding and constant love,
My eternal faith, and my undying devotion.
It is an outward reminder of our inner unity.
As it circles your finger,
So will my love circle you,
Forever and always.
12:20 This afternoon, you have witnessed the promises made by Robert and Rick.
12:20 Robert and Rick, by the grand love that has brought you here today, by the vows you have exchanged, and the integrity of your commitment, in the presence and mystery of the nature and wonder of life, at Annie's house overlooking the ocean, surrounded by this magnificent circle of dear family and dear friends; it is my honor, and absolute delight to now pronounce you married for life. I give you the newly married couple of Robert Munafo and Rick Hendrie.
Robert & Rick
12:21 For those in the back, the official kiss already happened.
To paraphrase, Rumi, a Sufi mystic, today Robert and Rick invited us all to "Come out of the circle of time and into the circle of love." In just a moment the ceremony will end and we will leave the physical representation of this circle; but Robert's and Rick's vow to live a life of extraordinary commitment to excellence, love, and their belief in the infinite possibilities encourage us all to seek out our own possibilities as well as to always choose to open ourselves to love.
And now, Robert and Rick, your community of dear family and friends give you their blessing, to carry on and make your world together!
In a moment, I will close with another Shakespearean sonnet. Afterwards the couple will recess out followed by their wedding party members — the archetypes, and the celebration will continue outside with champagne cocktails, bloody marys, marvelous local wine and delightful h'ors d'ouevres, while we set the tent for your dining pleasure. Thank you.
My Bounty
--by William Shakespeare
My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite.
12:23 MUSIC CUE: Last 15 minutes of Symphony #9 by Beethoven (beginning with "Alla marcia", the 6/8 "Turkish" scherzo) (This will clearly run well after the guests have gotten up and left the circle, it is intended to also fill part of the time it takes for us to get the photos taken.)
- Robert & Rick (CLOCKWISE from NORTH until they reach WEST, and then out)
- Warrior and Maiden from EAST
- Lover and Mother from SOUTH
- Magician and Crone from WEST
- King and Queen from from NORTH
- Grooms' significant others (parents, siblings)
- Celebrant
— Happily ever after —
12:25 (cocktail hour starts)
13:05 (formal photos done)
approx 13:25 (tables set up)
13:59 (First dance)
14:04 (couples dance)
approx 14:15 (food starts)
This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2022 Oct 30.