Robert P. Munafo, 2012 Apr 16.
R2-Name: | R2.C(0) |
Abbrev: | RC(0) |
Colloq.: | elephant valley, east valley |
Coords: | center = 0.25+0.0i, size = 0.2 |
R2.C(0) is the R2-name of the large cusps of R2a. It is called "Elephant Valley" because of the features (such as that in figure 2) that resemble an elephant's head and trunk.
The larger island mu-molecules in Elephant Valley have about the greatest distortion of all distorted island mu-molecules. An example is shown in figure 3.
![]() 0.29833 +0.00111i @ +0.1 The cusp R2.C(0), colloquially called "elephant valley". | .-mF'YmdmdCamF*\F~ ../~**^ ^^(\@@)"m` R2a . '^(m@ ., ^^^` __de.,]@^\_._F _amb-'*$@)F(`*" .'^*ac _ ^**~^ _ad%mm/(amm/ .,'"b^ .^*@/-` ./@*vdC)m/ _,aL,F_.c^*^ _.e/),:***^ _.:(/La"*"` __aa^-)~^^ ..,_md"*'^ __._,-"^^` ---`*:%__, '^`-v__,_ `^*Yam.__ ^""L-)\__, ''(TF"ame, '"\)`'mmm_ `"F`b^'`_m__ '~@m"YC)*\ `-aF_,'_m@\-, "Y%**T("**\ '-_m"` ^__mm\_ "*F-:m$@7b(,me R2a ^Y"'`]@_~^'^L ._(*@ '`.____,, '^' ''^^^ ` Coordinates: +0.29833 +0.00111i @ +0.10000 |
Compare the above to the illustration in the R2F(1/2B1)S.C(0) entry.
![]() +0.291665 -0.015555i @ +0.008249 | -"._ac_,, _.m@@@Fv"*v )@^.bF^*@,.$mm_ _d@r$@--"dvd^d%L, Ymr'"` ""@$, *^ '\d, _,__,,.__, __,.@` ..a-@^TC `@F"^e._,_, '(_r" ./(b(Y")$F"d@e a*FY,/m\, .dd@d@@@@F/F@_:mmb@"^ ^b .")b/@@@@/$%mm@@"*v/ ^`._mm\_, c ._"(%bd*@^\bCdC_'` .-L__ _dY@YY$_@*e, __,_, .-@@@*"_/@b^^@@@*@FL:@@@C\m/''L@-YrC -\__ @@@@b-., _.,m@` :L,"FC@b^` vd(@@\_$F^"d%TCL.,:@r-Y@@Fv, @@@@@@@@bm, a@@@@@F-:@@%d@@CCb_,-"^^ ^(@%"*"$YF ^^~*T)-/\ab_ T@Y@@b/` -" @@@Y*"~_d$@F^`'@ddY@b .ed@`^^ '*"/%L '@@c^$_ _$$@F(@@F***e ._/@)*@d,_ v_m"^` ^)$, @CC\md@@m_,@@@$)-^ '^*d@mL,)@ame_, _ ]b[ `*F^YFF\_,/@C^ ^@@$_/Y@@@@@, :F`_aF '^**@F^^@^ '^"Y@@@F@F@@ ^^^` . ^"YmYc R2.14/15a :mr@@@"_@*%" _m% '"\, -@bb@:_/b/@F- .*v\ '` ,.dm@Y@@`'^^'*@[ ..F*F( '-.__amm@@@F-*@` -e* . :m@-dC@ '"-bd__%,_d%_, __md@@me_ .__,^***^` ^'Y"@@@@@@@m\am@@@@@@@YL)m__ ._:mm@Y_ _/mr '^Y"`Y@@\_d@$@C@@@CY*(@"*v, .d@@d[@@F"-d@F% ^"*@e@F"*-$@eFdbb^ -` ]@@@@d@*[__F@@F R2a ^"( '@@m'^Y ]F$@dmbm/@Cm@@` -_mF@FTmammm_,,.a@@^@C^"*^`^'^^~ '^^^'^^^^^^^^'^^^'^^` Coordinates: +0.291665 -0.015555i @ +0.008249 |
![]() +0.2925755 -0.0149977i @ +0.0005 | .d_@FL -"` 'Y^ ~*"^YFL7 $*$m@me,__,^*$c@e,v_/*"*~"bvv /*@F@F`Yd@@bm,_,, .m@,__.d__d^@7".m(__L/@\aT@.__d$Y@b 'Y[ ~m@@r*@b/*@$-vF^^-@@b@@CLC@@@@@7m"^F@e@@@bd@@@m(d.$(7 -."` '"*"` ^'r@F._L,_.$,_)ddF$@""@@b@@/@@Y@*@@7C""_*` ^` .._mam/a .d' '***$@"^^F$@@@^"^^`'^^^"*Y@ "@@CL@^*\mmmm_, .__-dF@@@@CC .(@-___.dc_.7^@$%C@*' ' -_a@@F%"^`,._bF*(d)--'*]bL@@*@%bm v'@dm*CL]%$b@@dmC@@` / '"Y@CF%"C"`"bb_'` '^`.Y@__@ __:edmb@$@[^^ ^ 1 ]@@d@bb-@CY@, .F)@)@" @Cm@Y@L^"` . \_d@@$"@` ')_, :@)*F^T_ _:ea@@*` . T@@@-d@-/m@@@am--/""$@-v$be Cmdb@@` R2F(14/15B1)Sa \d@@F*c__/@L/*` '@*YY@@ @C^ ^ . :@@*^^@$^`T$Yb, ._dbm@^d* /@bem[ A a@T/@\d@)m%F"_/mm--*b%F. T@ YdL@@[ . .@@****@@Y@@@YF_F@e,m*@@'^"* @Fv@@%_ . '"` '"@Y@@m@@@C"`Y` d.@@$$@_ 2 . . -m@@F(@F'Tmm, __ @7*vd/$@b, / . ._d 3 :@@Y*F_^YL""`-*d C^mdd@F"^^` . . __aF@@, ./@@dm@%@*Y .d _@@@@@ @m___. _..a_dd@$7@be .- "@@@Y)-vmm-,Y@ (^/)@F-_ _:@@$Y@@_mmmc ^mmd@md@CCdmC/C@@m___,.__am@bmmm@@@@/m^@L_ _C d@$@@bm@mmm@@Y\b/%Y@@F@bem@@)FY@@dL_$^`F@@@@F@ma@@@@FY@@@$YC7@@@@/@%$d *$T@@C@"(F@YCC_:*^'(bd@@@@@FmFd--"*FYm/^"dC*-@Y@@@d-^F"@_[_/"-FF(@$@b@ 'CdC@m\_d_d^'@(@\_:"^`Yb^*CL_'^ '@^"`-"m@er"a@F*mFm[-/db"@mm^"dC"(@@ ,@YFd^^T/@"--Y@@@C@F__/^'"*@@@$,__L% :/@)^"@$` d" 'm@*`""m@re^d '\@@__-^ ],a$$@@:e_.d_/be@*@F@),_.a^` "(m@beYv --" (/b"_ am-^C$@Y :F@%d*` ^^**$d@@F"-(@LdF$$ ./"^v@^\a_-@@e --"` %*b.@F^F, m./*^ :c .C$$@@F m___dYmm%@@CC7^\@d"_meF[ d@@d)"eF@e.____ Ymm@*%/]*` '^***~_bC@@@*"^"$$m-Cm$[ _, '*@@F@,]Y%v$@@@b 'F\b/'" .- .a_/$@@@[ '\_ ` ''^ '^ ''^^' '^^^ '` '^'^^`^^ Coordinates: +0.2925755 -0.0149977i @ +0.0004277 |
Labeled features in figure 3:
A. The cardioid.
R2-Name: R2F(14/15B1)Sa
Period: 16
1. R2-Name: R2F(14/15B1)S.2/3a
Period: 48
2. R2-Name: R2F(14/15B1)S.1/3a
Period: 48
3. R2-Name: R2F(14/15B1)S.1/2a
Period: 32
For another view of this island see the Atom Domain article. This island belongs to R2F(14/15B*) which is part of the Main Sequence; see that entry for a list of similar islands.
revisions: 20080201 oldest on record; 20120416 use shared illustration for figure 1
From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.
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