The OTT (One True Thread) Blitzing Log of mrob27
This is a list of the "signposts" I posted while Blitzgirling the OTT. My blitz began at about NP1426, and my current position is:
For further background, start here (or here if you really can't Wait For It).
You might also want to see my Detailed Travelogue Notes.
Links to many other Time-related things are in my Index to the One True Thread.
These are the posts I made while Blitzing. From my point of view they were messages from the now-when into the afterwhen, i.e. messages being sent to the future. Thus, most were called "Time-capsules" to reflect the notion that they are messages sent forward across a long span of time. For example, the 4th one listed here was subtitled "Time-capsule from @mrob27, deposited at Newpage 116 / Do not open until Newpage 1440". From the point of view of everyone else, they were like messages from someone "living in the past". I actively embraced this concept by trying to make my Blitz reports reflect the mood and character of the part of the Thread I had recently been reading, and in many cases I made my post entirely spoiler-free so that they do not give away any clues about things that happen at later points in the Thread.
The columns are:
- from : the Newpage I was reading when I made the post
- to : the Newpage (and post number) where my post appears. This is a clickable link to the post itself.
- type(s) : This typically has one or more letters: C for Correspondence (replying to comments made in the Present, most of which were replies to earlier Time-capsules); T for Travelogue (my experiences and reactions to the things I've been reading).
- retrOTT : If my post includes a retrOTTification, this column identifies what original work I imitated and is a link to the (retr)OTTification.
- subject/theme/notes includes what I actually discuss in the post tagged T if it is Travelogue material and C if it is "correspondence" with the Present; I also list any themes (underlying elements like The Madness that guided my writing), and sometimes add notes that won't be obvious from reading the post but I think you should know.
~ ~ ~ "The Gospel of mrob27" ~ ~ ~
from | to | type(s) | retrOTT | subject, theme, notes |
- | 1416:1 | C | What-If 59 (and 57) | (not a blitz report) |
0 | 1426:18 | xkcd 149 | Answering the Papal decree "Tell us how different or similar you are compared to your OTT or online persona.". (NOTE: This was not a blitz report, but it was posted just a few newpix before I began reading the OTT from the beginning, and it's good background on who I am as a person.) | |
1 | 1429:7 | "Okay, back to packing the TARDIS..." (NOTE: Though I did not mention it, I actually began blitzing within a nopix or two of posting this message.) | ||
30 | 1431:17 | "I'll be starting my Quest very soon (in fact, it may be almost time to precharge the TARDIS)..." (My blitz log does not give the exact Newpage number, I may have been on NP31 or NP32 when I made this post) | ||
61 | 1434:22 | departure | xkcd 481 | Definition of "retrOTTification" and first example of the genre; statement of intent to Blitzgirl the whole Thread. |
116 | 1440:21 | C, T | xkcd 606 | T: Community is becoming serious; newbies who do not "get it" |
151 | 1444:32 | T | What-If 34 | T: Spoilers and meta-spoilers; The Madness and Cthluhu Mythos |
202 | 1453:8 | C, T | xkcd 397, xkcd 1095 | T: Loopism; The Madness (continued);
C: The culture clash resulting from "heresy" in my Blitz reports; clarification of "retrOTTification" and the importance of keeping my Blitz reports spoiler-free, even if that makes them "heretical" in the minds of Future readers. (NOTE: This lengthy discussion introduces my pen-name "Timborme" and is mostly a meta-discussion about Blitzing and the philosophy behind the creative writing I am doing in these Blitz reports.) |
223 | 1457:38 | C, T | T: Community building and my hypothetical explanation thereof; The
appearance of BlitzGirl.
C: Tools for Blitzing and OTT statistics. A Perl script to render English text "legible-but-insane" (in the words of Valarya). | |
254 | 1463:16 | C | C: Brief note about by xkcd 606 retrOTTification "LATEST NEWPAGE" | |
287 | 1469:24 | C, T | xkcd 878 | T: The "Drostekastell" (also
called "recursive" or "fractal" castle).
C: CastleClicker game; indexing OTTifications on the Wiki |
317 | 1472:5 | C, T | T: Titles and religious factions; Titles; footnote-walls (first
post by pseudonym "Timborme");
C: Castle Builder | |
358 | 1476:7 | T | T: BlitzGirl's posting style; her influence on the OTT; Page-Popes and polygoating; cancer; gems by manvandmaan and chem1190c; encryption puzzle | |
363 | 1476:21 | C | Punsawing; Sandcastle Builder | |
(378) | 1481:4 | fiction | Fictitious "legal notice" from "The Campaign for Real Time"
regarding polygoating (the fact that Popes are now positioned about 6
or 7 posts earlier than they should be)
(NOTE: This post does not actually tell which Newpage I was reading, but my private blitz logfile shows that I was Blitzing NP378 when I stopped to write this.) | |
385 | 1482:14 | C T | T: Hats; Haiku; polygoating; C: Sciscitor's OTT archive; cancer | |
397 | 1487:25 | T | xkcd 1120 | T: (written in the voice of "Timborme") Hats; OTTification; the Apotheosis of BlitzGirl (wherein she was made to appear that she was in the OTC); disappearance of the "Campaign for Real Time" |
- | 1488:31 | C | (A brief correction to the previous post) | |
426 | 1491:18 | C, T | T: The Fading;
C: My new hat; polygoating; BlitzGirl's effect on the OTT; C**kieCl*cker; retrOTTifications; Cherokee footnote symbols | |
445 | 1497:31 | C, T | T: The Fading and associated fatalism; Temporal Daemon and the
Shoes of the High Timewalker (+200 to Waiting);
C: GIF smileys; Cat-hat images and Seuss; Cherokee alphabet | |
465 | 1504:7 | song, slideshow | xkcd 442 (main), xkcd 442 (bonus), and the xkcd website | A tribute to BlitzGirl's first
(This post consisted only of my "Boom-de-Yada" in the form of a 33-frame animation, with links to the stand-alone website I created to host it. That website is also an "OTTification" of the xkcd website itself.) |
479 | 1512:23 | C, T | xkcd 854 | T: the Acts of the Clerics; BlitzGirl's
touching reply to @ucim;
the return of HAL9000 and Helper; the Bag Puns;
C: Cool things other OTTers have been doing recently in the Present; the angst-ridden life of the Artist. |
501 | 1520:15 | C, T | T: Mustard; Sir Tristram; the Economist blog; Boom-de-Yada avatars; M&C can't swim?
C: Nerding out with Emacs and Perl; acknowledgments; Q&A from last post | |
538 | 1527:9 | C, T | T: My favorite OTT songs thus far; Pikrass scripts; can M&C
swim?; True Pilgrim of Time; posting format debate
C: Updating the Wiki; lists of Firsts I am compiling; doublelongpix speculation; how Google translates Tidsresavitssågen! | |
576 | 1531:0 | song | xkcd 1052 | (This post, written entirely in iambic octameter (except the subject and a footnote, each a double dactyl) consisted mainly of my parody of "Every Major's Terrible", in which every one of the 36 lines was extracted from the first 576 = 36*16 Newpages (576 NP in 576 syllables), and usually with little to no editing. Each line is a link to the original OTT post from which it was extracted.) |
584 | 1535:35 | C | C: OTT wordcounts; Kieryn's "Obelisk"; xkcd 1047 and RIES; how I did the xkcd 1052 OTTification; Eternal Density's proclivity to inadvertent verse | |
595 | 1540:7 | visit | C: Poetry; Sandcastle Builder; captioned molpies and other recent creative activity in the OTT; purpose of my visit. I "visited" the Present by doing a ketchup from NP1535, then stayed until NP1542. The purpose of the visit was to post a script-like story about the Campaign for Real Time; but I did not end up doing that. | |
- | - | - | (During NP1540-1542 I made several small posts, participating in the OTT in the "normal" way. I was also continuing my Blitz (effectively, I was "Schizoblitzing".) | |
598 | 1543:11 | departure | A short Time goes ever on and on poem | C: I am returnng to the Past to continue my Blitz (currently at NP598). |
610 | 1548:11 | C, T | T: songs, poetry, OTT fiction and data visualizations; Slashdot
and off-topic conversations
C: @azule's OTTification of xkcd 471; explaining why I spent a few NP in the present | |
620 | 1554:34 | fiction | xkcd 859, xkcd 987, drawings in xkcd 657 style | C: @StormAngel's TARDIS-looper GIF animation; T: punsawing, imminent "LEGO's" debate |
635 | 1556:15 | C, T | xkcd 175, xkcd 216, xkcd 491 | T: The early-NP600's "Renaissance"; Burma-Shave
C: Unicode support; I'm about to be a little more distant from the OTT until about NP1571. |
656 | 1575:10 | C | "reconstructing" xkcd 1283 | C: @Kieryn's QI statistic; customizing @Pikrass's MultiQuote script; "Reverse OTTification" as a challenge |
664 | 1581:26 | C, T | CSI ENHANCE meme ; several double-dactyls | T: The NP600s Renaissance (continued); Megan klutzier than Cueball;
double-dactyls; @Vytron's Heretical comics
C: assimilating the Outsiders; brainslugs |
664 | 1582:21 | C | xkcd 1284 (un-OTT) | (quick message to post 1284 "un-OTTification") |
675 | 1588:16 | C, T | "unOTTification" of xkcd 1285 and small "Ender's Game" parody | T: Arriving at NP666 on Halloween; @azule's Nopixbot story; S&M's
C: brainslugs; avatars |
- | 1591:22 | C | - | C: First of a couple messages to resolve a possible misunderstanding originating in the Wiki |
707 | 1599:0 | song | OTTification of "Chiron Beta Prime" by Jonathan Coulton | (This post consisted only of the song lyrics, YouTube and SoundCloud links, and credits.) |
711 | 1603:11 | C, T | xkcd 71 | T: wowtrees and Madagascar theory; forum debates; OTC halfway point;
C: avatars; Jonathan Coulton (with fairly complete list of Coulton appearances in the OTT); my newwords index |
714 | 1606:32 | C | C: The newwords index ("mrobdex") and subject lines | |
724 | 1616:9 | C, T | xkcd 622, xkcd 776 | T: squirpys and gathering grapes; "Time Quenches All Flames"
C: Open-all-spoilers script; newwords |
745 | 1621:17 | haiku | (a very short post written in haiku explaining that I will wait a while before making a full signpost.) | |
751 | 1622:23 | C | C: The current server problems. (I spoke in the Present, addressing the obvious and fairly urgent problems that were preventing me from Blitzing normally, and indeed preventing anyone from posting) | |
757 | 1624:5 | poetry | (a double-dactyl telling the OTT that my imagebot is fetching all of the OTT's uploaded attachments) | |
757 | 1624:27 | C, T | "503ifications" | T: more great songs, the first "molpy molpy molpy grapevine";
C: Sigcouragement; my newwords index; my GreaseMonkey scripts; server 503 errors; O̶T̶T̶503ifications |
771 | 1631:2 | C, T | T: molpy12 grapevine2; pope-goating;
C: my TimeScripts; TARDIS; Facebook during the server 503 errors | |
804 | 1639:4 | C | C: imagebot; "teaser" of my upcoming song | |
810 | 1644:28 | song |
xkcd 1220,
OTTification of "Somebody to Love" by Queen / Freddie Mercury | (This post was just to present my song.) |
846 | 1651:16 | C, T | T: wowterfall and pricklymolp; "The Last Time Waiter"; papal decrees
C: how I blitz; 214, 215 and 216 milestones; 100th post | |
857 | 1656:24 | - | (this post was a holiday greeting with links to all my favorite OTT images so far) | |
895 | 1670:14 | C, T | T: the last Timeframe I saw "live"; raptorcat attack; strife;
C: imagebot stats | |
918 | 1678:16 | C, T | "503ifications" | T: Steady enrichment of OTT culture
C: 503ifications; I'm not dead (yet) |
940 | 1681:13 | - | (This post was just to present BlitzGirl's OTTification of "Every Major's Terrible") | |
982 | 1688:11 | C, T | T: The starry night as astronomy; redundakitties;
C: bots, server mustard | |
1003 | 1700:36 | C | (commentary on OTTification as a form of translation) | |
1008 | 1701:20 | story | (A short story based on "How the World Was Saved" from The Cyberiad by Stanisław Lem) | |
1054 | 1715:12 | C, T | T: Beanish, Beacon Alpha ;
C: balthasar_s's blitz; list of server 503 mustards; | |
1100 | 1726:38 | T | T: Beanies encounter | |
1104 | 1727:36 | C | Blindposting just for the fun of it | |
1116 | 1728:29 | C, T | T: Beacon Beta; C: answering the Beacon Beta questions | |
1135 | 1731:34 | C | C: word-count stats | |
1153 | 1734:17 | C | C: bot-assisted detection of firstposts | |
1158 | 1736:0 | song | xkcd 1052 | (This post, written in iambic octameter (with an introductory haiku and another small poem at the end) consisted mainly of my second parody of "Every Major's Terrible", in which every one of the 36 lines was extracted from the second 576 = 36*16 Newpages (576 NP in 576 syllables), and usually with little to no editing. Each line has a link to the original OTT post from which it was extracted.) |
1181 | 1741:14 | C, T | T: Rosetta's news and its impact on the OTT;
C: OTT post metadata proposal | |
1190 | 1741:25 | C | C: Certain types of data and charts are dangerous | |
1240 | 1752:15 | C | xkcd 1005 | C: Blindposter script |
1255 | 1753:28 | C, T | T: RUN, haiku, MONOMOLPY;
C: userscripts, The ЯOЯЯIM TTO | |
1267 | 1755:14 | C, T | T: T** **d;
C: ice cream, word counts | |
1275 | 1756:19 | C, T | xkcd 1331 | C: the E*docalypse, Randall Munroe radio interview |
1284 | 1760:18 | C | C: OTT rate stats, empathy, my xkcd 1331 OTTification | |
1297 | 1764:3 | C, T | T: Randall Munroe's blag article about Time | |
1315 | 1767:14 | C, T | T: SpURLers, Blitzer Power-ups;
C: my changing signature, mrobdex | |
1325 | 1770:35 | C, T | xkcd 363 | T: First TimeAfterTime series, tresoldi's blog on Beanish;
C: Cthulhu, SpURLers, TVTropes |
1349 | 1778:8 | C, T | xkcd 271 | T: (All in the style of balthasar_s) POTM series, recovering after the Voldeframe;
C: confusion |
1359 | 1783:12 | C | C: The Four Laws of Temporodynamics, Epilogue mustard? | |
1371 | 1786:23 | C, T | Flappy Bird | T: Post T**-**d recovery, Kieryn's Obelisk, new OTT creativity;
C: Chirpy Raptor, my OTT userscripts |
1391 | 1793:31 | C, T | T: Lucky series; my own lurking;
C: Chirpy Raptor | |
1412 | 1800:17 | T | T: My own delurking; @AluisioASG puzzles | |
1426 | 1804:10 | T | xkcd 1153 | T: Cookie Clicker, Epilogue sequence; Computing when I'll finish Blitzing |
1438 | 1812:34 | T | T: Cookie Clicker, beginnings of Sandcastle Builder;
C: My replay viewer, OTTscars voting | |
1445 | 1816:32 | C | C: The Madness | |
1450 | 1819:1 | C | C: Arriving in the Present (beginning schizo-blitz period) | |
- | 1833:38 | C | xkcd 979 | (not a blitz report) |
- | 1840:35 | C | xkcd 923 | (not a blitz report) |
- | 1857:0 | C | xkcd 292 | (not a blitz report) |
1472 | 1858:11 | C, T | T: Sandcastle Builder, Drawception;
C: A bunch of smilies | |
1515 | 1883:11 | C, T | T: Vitssågen, pants redux, Metal Molpies, Acts of the Clerics liturgy;
C: T-shirts | |
1554 | 1893:21 | T | T: Sandcastle Builder, StormAngel's TARDIS loop, Beacon Echo | |
Here began a long period — NP1893 through NP21xx — during which I was completely in the Present and did no Blitzing. | ||||
- | 1900:14 | C | 2048 | (not a blitz report) |
- | 1965:28 | C | Morobu prologue | (not a blitz report) |
At NP2098 I go back to blitzing | ||||
1604 | 2099:5 | C, T | T: second BeanieONGs, brainslugs;
C: How I blitz and how to communicate with me | |
1620 | 2100:30 | C | C: Morobu maps, clarifying Morobu ending | |
1633 | 2102 | C, T | T: dragon time-travel, server 503 mustard;
C: general-purpose bluehancement | |
- | - | - | (My Blitz is still in progress; this list may be incomplete) |
This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2014 Sep 14.