Q04B — Cueless
Cueball, the most common tile, is also the least popular among Q04B players. He's also kind of clueless. Cueless can help you avoid him.
How Earned
"Cueless" is earned by achieving a grid pattern that contains no
Cueball tiles. This is possible only after your
score exceeds 13291 points, when the game begins to give a Megan tile
10% of the time that you make a move. It also takes some skill and
To earn the boost, you must achieve the "Cueless" state and leave the grid that way for 27 seconds, to show that you are aware it has happened. After a while the game will say "HEY, WHERE'S CUEBALL?". After the Cueball-free pattern is maintained for 27 seconds, the game should display "EARNED BOOST ''CUELESS'' ; READ OPTIONS & INFO FOR INSTRUCTIONS"
What It Does
Once enabled by following the link below, this boost adds a circular icon featuring Cueball crossed by a diagonal line — the international standard symbol for Cuelessness. You will also see a number indicating your Cueless Credits.
You earn one Cueless Credit for every 10,000 points scored. The counter gets saved occasionally, so if you reload the page, or go to Options and return, it may take a few hundred more points to earn a credit. When you score a lot of points at once (such as by making a Chateau d'If tile, which is worth 32768), it will take a few more moves to accumulate your earned credits. Messages are displayed one at a time, and credits are earned one at a time; sometimes the messages will lag a bit behind; but the number on the Cueless icon changes immediately.
To use a Cueless Credit, click/touch the Cueless icon so that it is "glowing":
When the Cueless icon is "glowing", on your next move no tile will be added to the grid. If you make such a move, one Cueless Credit is used up and the icon returns to its non-glowing state. If you change your mind before making your move, you can touch/click the Cueless icon again to cancel. The game also displays messages to let you know what's happening: "CUELESS PRIMED; NEXT MOVE WILL NOT ADD A TILE" when you enable the boost, and CUELESS CANCELLED if you change your mind.
Cueless Credits are valuable, particularly for those who play by a strategy of building into a corner or against one of the sides. If you find yourself forced to move in an undesirable direction (away from your corner or wall) you can use your Cuelessness to accomplish the move without leaving a Cueball or Megan tile in an inconvenient spot.
Cueless Credits can not be carried over to a new game: you can't take 'em with you. (Earning credits is considered "part of the game", so if you start a new game, you start earning credits from zero). However, you retain the boost itself, and need not repeat the steps of creating a Cueball-free game screen and Waiting.
Floating Cueball
Some time after earning the Cueless boost you might also earn an 'augmentation' called Floating Cueball. When you do, you will see a relevant message, and the method for activating and cancelling a Cueless move will change slightly. Read the Floating Cueball page for details.
This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2014 Jun 20.