Silver, Rollo
Robert P. Munafo, 2008 Feb 20.
Rollo Siler (1928-2008) was an early Mandelbrot enthusiast and editor/publisher of the newsletter Amygdala during the period 1989-1995. After the newsletter ended he created a website (with Gawain Reifsnyder) which was updated until 2000.
Here is an image he liked, part of a classic Seahorse Valley zoom sequence he calls "Jewel Box":
![]() -0.74542846 + 0.11300888 i @ 1.95e-5 Rollo Silver's Jewel Box | .$$be____***(;'^/@c_$L,T@*"**^^"\,]@@@@@@@@@C@ec '"Y@*@/@@F^CF"^m@@@@'$^@@@@L '*" /@@@@@@YYCm@_; ]@@FmF$m_ad@b ^^ ^@Y@@, .d@@(@@@d$%T)d%[ .__'@@@b@@\@@$[ *@@; .ae_a@^$@*(Fmd^`"@F` vm@@d@@@@@@@@)C@^ .mmvm, $@, :@@@@@@%@*L_@m@,(LFmc mLd@@@@@@@@FF@` d@['(/` $@- '*@@@@@F** '^@@"/T)"` ""dF@@Y@@@@@F` "@@[_ _.d@C, ^^' Ybrd[ ^'*'"*~*^` -m@@@Fe/@@F*@b_m_a_mame__ -@@Y^` ., __a("@cd[@mmF\FmdYCdF"^__"b _mF(@` .,___aeamdbY$@@*)rm@@@**b@br-\F"` "-"^ __^$$@@[ m_m*@@@FF*""^"`"d@e"mdd@@ '"@@F^m@m,_,.___mmF@@/^'` Y@$$C^^ ___, '"*LrYYFC_mmm@@@*b'YC@@@/@@F@"* @)'"' .dFv$`_-e@L*/Y@$@$@%Y@^%-m@@@'^` ^ m@@* "@mmmd@@d@@^$~-^L"\/"]@mC^ _._a_a_., "T@ '' ^ ` ^ T@@*@YF ^@F$Y^` _am$@C(Y$)@", C/`mmm .___a_e_, dd@- . 'd@^ ,vdYY@@@@b@@($` T@'@@@bm_*@@F@@@@@b, -@@ :") :@C ]@C@@@@@@@@@F"; ,_.@b@^:Y@"a@@@@@@@` '@@, '"mr@^ .:@$)C@@@@@@@@'"` "Y@aa@F(@YLmF" "**` -@@L :@^@*db@F@@@@c YY)C@$C@)Y$F` 'FY@am (md@bY~@@dF"@d*@` @@@@@@@@@@[.___ .aa@@mF*e:mde___%%%am,ad@@//mdbmc ^^^^^^^^^^ '`^^ '^^^^^`'^'^^^^^^'`^^^'^^^^^^^^^^ -0.74542846 + 0.11300888 i @ 1.95e-5, Nmax: 17290 |
Close to the above island is this, which he calls "Concha Quad":
![]() -0.7454291059302 +0.1130087933933 i @ 1.8e-10 Rollo Silver's Concha Quad | _ -m\v@L@@*^Fmm-_:@@F^7@*"Fam@@bc_ aea- .a@rv.@@@(@/F\emmd^**Y@@]@(be%F\d@F@bm _d@C[ /@@bm@@@@@@@b((F"*` '^`'md$@@@c _dT,.@@@@[ ^YCb@@@@@@@@@@CF^ '^@C@ ^-".d@@@@[ '*b@@@@@@@C@"" :ammme :@@ ._, ._dCF@@@[ '^"***~^ _:dF^-m/` a@[ .d@@b_ad"$L@^@$[ ._, _ . ._.@@C, ._@@ '@@@@@@"\C%`*@mc e/@bmv@mdbmmme_m_.e__@@@F*m mem@CC ^*@@@^*@/~m@b@[ mm@Yb@**"^^^^*Y@bY@**_""a*]L^*%"@@__ . -d@@` e@@%`' ..__, .$@@ C,@F@b$@@Tdb~m@@@@mbme,, _c Y@"^ ]@`-* .,'%%a@/@@@@@@@@@@F"_@*'^._/Yb ./[ /\_, 'Y@memm@@;*-@@@@@@@@@@@@^^mm, "@Ld" _:%%; d@@F ^^"Y@YT)(^@@b$Y@7YL"`T@Fc_,_ ,._.@Y@([ @%F*\,@mcm:__ /@@mmme"[-*:@~"d@@d@@7@m@m@L@@dC@@[ $@c_@F/%@b@@@@, _@@d"*" *md@@@/^`" `^'^^^"^*^^"` ` @\@*@^d@@Y@@@@` _d@" ._ ^T@CF^` b@d@$"` "***` :@" :dT$ a@@F` ,.__e-m:,a,_ @@@"___ _]@@` '*\mm@* ._/dY$@@@@@@(@\m @F aF(F __a$FCF, ,/m@YF@Y@@@@@@@@@$ae ^ Yb_,_,,'@@d@@b@C . .(@b*@@@@@@@@@@@\FT@ -$@Y*@*b(7*@@[r@.mme. mmm@v@F@d@@@@@@@(^T@@@b '^^'`'^^` ^`^`^^^^'^ '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'^^^` -0.7454291059302 + 0.1130087933933 i @ 1.8e-10, Nmax: 20000 |
His caption for this image candidly describes the discovery of embedded Julia sets:
For a long time I was under the impression that there were just two kinds of "attractors" in M-set images: M-midgets, and Misuriewicz points — such as the tip of the spike at the extreme left of the M-set.
I was thus filled with joy when I discovered Titania's Tiara, having at its center the Concha Quad, which closely resembles the Jewel Box, except for having at its center a brand-new attractor: a strange, glowing plasma.
revisions: 20080220 oldest on record; 20230701 add dates (1928-2008)
From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.
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