Robert P. Munafo, 2023 Apr 17.
R2F(1/2(1/3B1)B) is the R2-name for the mu-unit R2.1/2.1/3 and all attached filaments. The largest branch (consisting of R2.1/2F(1/3B1) together with R2F(1/2(1/3B1)B1)) is sometimes called the lightning branch.
![]() -1.2096 + 0.3256i @ 0.28 |
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-1.2202 + 0.3427i @ 0.3373, Nmax: 32768
R2F(1/2(1/3B)B) |
R2F(1/2(1/3B1)B) is the largest filament that exhibits two different orders of rotational symmetry: 2-fold and 3-fold. The 3-fold symmetry results from 1/3, the internal angle of R2.1/2.1/3a; while the 2-fold symmetry comes from the internal angle of R2.1/2a.
This filament contains the 8th and 9th largest islands, which respectively are R2F(1/2(1/3B1)B1)S (the one near the end of the filament) and R2.1/2F(1/3B1)S. Each is the northern member of a pair with a conjugate twin, the twins are R2F(1/2(2/3B1)B1)S and R2.1/2F(2/3B1)S respectively.
Because of their closeness in size, and because they are spaced in roughly symmetrical positions 1/4 and 3/4 of the way out on the filament, R2F(1/2(1/3B1)B) has a particularly asthetic appearance. (See also R2.2/5a).
![]() -1.255490 + 0.381652i @ 0.009 period: 5 |
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R2F(1/2(1/3B1)B1)S |
![]() -1.187128 +0.303359i @ 0.009 period: 8 |
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-1.187 128 +0.303 359i @ 0.009, Nmax: 20000
R2.1/2F(1/3B1)S. Compare to R2F(1/3B1)S. |
See also R2.1/2.1/2, R2.1/2.1/4, and R2.1/2.1/5.
revisions: 20080212 first version on record; 20230417 "lightning branch"
From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.
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This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2023 Apr 18.