Robert P. Munafo, 1996 Feb 21.
R2.1/2.1/5a is the R2-Name for a period-10 mu-atom.
A view including its mu-unit R2.1/2.1/5 and many surrounding filaments appeared on the cover of Scientific American in August 1985, bringing the Mandelbrot Set to the attention of the general community for the first time.
![]() -0.91670 +0.26589i @ +0.06250 R2.1/2F(1/5B) and nearby filaments | "e$''\mr\ ._, _ :$m/L_ a_)m/)_$m, a- .-F^-YC_ '~, -~-C\_-@a __., '^` "@-(mmm@` '-*.@F"` "^^` -` '` *@rb^,._d"__ ._,'C^*Y_dFe@^ ./e, m" '`*"^ .^m"\ea~ _%*~"bd) ._dd*' ___ -bav, -""@b/bad`^ ,-b`, _.._ ,m(@@'\b^a- _e . *'bmC ^"$@, a**-^"@"TY@@, "-v(m@@T^ ._.,, -"@a_%c '"`a@bd; _a%d@"._ -^^"" _, ^ `^ ,:%@)Y@e^%@"a_%me-:@L ."(b@, -@_F ^'@@md@@******F"` --@bF^ , -)__/m_:c_ ._, _ ,_ _.^Ldb@CYb@\a~ :-m., ./@C`__a_/me__"YY@@vd@,-Fvm%m@dr"b@@Y@)_e"YYFL-_mF'^ '*@e$^^@^@Cb@Y@Y@@@F",e -"YT@be@@@@@@^L .,'Y@Y@)` _ `' dY*^*.m@@@a@,"@@m/rY@""^`]@@:mbm"*` ,_. F` ^^`.:F@@@**@@@@*@Y@@F ]$FY@@^ . m"*dc_ F ._:, __ ._m@bc]$@_,'^` ^`-._dFF^$^ -(_,__@ '*` ]C%`. YF.amd@@@m@@^` '*@C@@ m_d@bm@" _,_"Y@/[, ^"~'^F`@@C/` ~@@bL-Y@@dd)F" :$@@@@@@b[_, _,a@@@@ '**@bd@@@b/- bmd@*T@@F,$be,^"^*$bm R2.1/2.1/5a mm@@*""F-- ._ _, **@, _@@(@@@@@v_--*@b, .@Cmb@e*c _mmYbd) ^^^*-"@@*@bmd^@L, .e/@@@@- '@FL__' '`^""*v(be_ ._$@@)"^ .__, '^-F@m,_. '^^- , ____amd**~\_, *m%_ a_ _-"@@\dC_, '^^"**@baL_@,\@m,-d@@@e '"-@@b(@@@@@_ ^^^^^^^^^'^^^^^` '`^^^^^^^^` -0.91670 +0.26589i @ +0.06250 |
See also R2.1/2.1/2, R2.1/2.1/3, and R2.1/2.1/4.
revisions: 19960221 oldest on record; 20100918 add image
From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.
Mu-ency main page — index — recent changes — DEMZ
This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2010 Sep 19.