MolpyUp! is a Python-based game created by Peter Gerwinski, based on Max00355's version of DoodleJump.
- Right-click here and "Save" or "Download":
- Un-zip the file, producing a directory "MolpyUp" that contains: assets, LICENSE,, and README.
- Use a Terminal (Linux or Mac) for the rest of these instructions.
- Run the command python --version and see whether it says version 2.something or 3.something
- Then do either pip2 install pygame --user or pip3 install pygame --user (choosing based on what version you saw in step 1)
- If it says "command pip2 not found" or "command pip3 not found" then instead try pip install pygame --user
- cd into the MolpyUp directory you got in step 2.
- Play the game by typing: python
This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2022 Aug 14. s.27