You are in the xkcd #1190 "Time" section of mrob27's website

xkcd 1190 "Time" by Randall Munroe
(This page requires JavaScript)
Date goes here — click LIVE button to enter live replay mode.
Stats will be here — if you see this message, the JavaScript is mustard.
{{This comic consists of a series of frames that can be shown in
sequence, either automatically at a rate of about one frame every 2
seconds, or manually with 'next' and 'previous' buttons. If you leave
it alone it will automatically play at the original rate — 30 minutes
per frame near the beginning, 1 hour per frame thereafter.}}
Frame 1:
[[A woman and a man are sitting on a beach]]
{{Title text: xkcd 1190 ''Time'' by Randall Munroe}}
The "LIVE" button sets the picture based on the current date,
but pretending that the year is 2013 (or 2014 if the date is before
March 25). It will update the picture at each ONG (typically 1/2 hour
or 1 hour).
The "PLAY" button plays 1 frame every 2 seconds. The "RANDOM" button
chooses a random frame once per hour. Use the other
buttons to manually change the frame. The keyboard 'p' and 'n' keys,
and the left- and right-arrow keys, do Previous and Next respectively.
All of these buttons also cancel "live" mode.
To go directly to a desired frame, make the URL end with
.../time/replay/index.html#1234 (or whatever frame number you want) and
then force a reload. You must reload for this change to take effect
If you are one of today's lucky 10,000, learn about Time and
the OTT by following the links in the upper-left.
A few of Mrob27's earlier "retrOTTfications":
Comics I enjoy:
(there is no other comic!)
This is primarily the work of Randall Munroe (the frames of the comic),
with website design by Randall Munroe and xkcd. HTML and CSS modified by
Robert Munafo, with Javascript by Robert Munafo. The "retrOTTifications"
are by Robert Munafo, based on the work of Randall Munroe.
All work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.