Jonathan Coulton references in the OTT
Jonathan Coulton is first mentioned as an example of a mis-parsed haiku, unsurprisingly by @Angelastic. I was surprised at how few times his name appears in the OTT, given how often his songs, etc. are referenced — for example @BlitzGirl linked to JoCo's "IKEA" song on NP375, with no mention of his name. So here's my List of References to Jonathan Coulton in the OTT :
- Link to IKEA (song), OTT:330:16
- a non-haiku (with JoCo website URL), OTT:419:30.
- untitled (and partial) OTTification of "Want You Gone" by @Eternal Density, OTT:722:31
- ED's OTTification of "Want You Gone" revised and completed by @ChronosDragon, OTT:722:36
- "the guy who wrote the songs for Portal and Portal 2" (website link), OTT:746:12
- "Still Waiting", (OTTification of Still Alive by @ChronosDragon), OTT:750:35 Ꮉ
- GLR was on a JoCo cruise, OTT:751:35
- A video from a JoCo cruise in which they're talking about JoCo's beard, OTT:769:10
- Invitation to molpyroll @Angelastic at a JoCo concert in England, OTT:800:29
- untitled (and partial) OTTification of "Skullcrusher Mountain" by @BlitzGirl, OTT:862:29
- continuation of that "Skullcrusher Mountain" OTTification, by @Angelastic, OTT:1012:39
- "IKEA", (OTTification of the JoCo song by @BlitzGirl), OTT:1024:4
- "ooh, maybe someone should ottify" Alone At Home, OTT:1025:38
- OTTification of Code Monkey by @taixzo, OTT:1036:12
- "Also neat is that Jonathan Coulton does a song a week... all GPL.", OTT:1037:27 (Actually, "Thing a Wip" was just 52 wips, but this hardly reduces JoCo's seaishtreeishness)
- "I don't know the O. Henry story except through "Christmas is Interesting", OTT:1059:35
- "this little video/sound clipᎶ I made of a Cantor ternary set" (excerpt of Mandelbrot Set), OTT:1117:38
- "Jonathan Coulton (who has a similar mix of funny songs, sad songs, and funnysad songs, ...", OTT:1198:39
- "Still Alive" (a different Still Alive OTTification) by @taixzo, OTT:1211:1
- "Told to Run", OTTification of Want You Gone by @taixzo, OTT:1250:33
- "When We Go", OTTification of When You Go by @Angelastic, OTT:1283:15
- Link to "When You Go" (which wasn't provided at OTT:1283:15), OTT:1285:9
- Link to @Angelastic's video of "A Laptop Like You", OTT:1286:16
- "End of Time", OTTification of "First of MayᏈ" by @Angelastic, OTT:1286:36
- "Time is Over", OTTification of "Summer's Over" by @Angelastic, OTT:1287:9
- "... Marian Call [...] shares quite a few fans with Jonathan Coulton and Firefly ...", OTT:1381:25
- @BG's IKEA OTTification reposted, OTT:1464:23
- "Did I say overlords? ..." (link to Chiron Beta Prime lyrics, OTT:1588:16
- Untitled OTTification of "Chiron Beta Prime" by @mrob27, OTT:1599:0; shortly after were various JoCo-related comments
- My list of JoCo references in the OTT
- Links to the Randall Munroe videos at JoCo Cruise Crazy, OTT:1633:34
Ꮉ Somewhat poignant and timely, these lyrics support my sense that the need for this is nigh in my afterwhen, and know that it too shall pass.
Ꮆ Hey molpies! @Angelastic uses GarageBand too! :)
Ꮘ "Hooray, hooray, it's the first of May / Outside ch*rping begins today" was a popular Beltane chant among my pagan friends, and its origins predate JoCo by decades if not centuries.
This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2014 Sep 15.