Eden - Mrob27 Tokyo Unified
This page provides links to information about the world "Mrob27 Tokyo Unified" for Eden — World Builder.
List of releases : This is a complete list of versions of Mrob27 Tokyo Unified that have been releated (shared), giving the exact name and date for each.
Mrob27 on Eden Wikia Here there are articles with pictures, most of them concerning Tokyo. Here are a few:
Local and Express Transit Systems
My Versions of Djasiantech's Tokyo
Mega City Tokyo (Extended) with working Image Galleries
Mrob27 Tokyo Unified on Facebook
See also my article about the Eden File Format, which explains how I made my maps of Tokyo and other worlds.
This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2015 Mar 19.