Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area Watt Trader TR Locator
There are 100 moves available as TRs (Technical Records) for sale by the "Watt Traders" in the Wild Area. Each one offers 5 different TRs in exchange for some Watts, and the TRs they offer change at midnight (if you saved the game any time that day). The pattern is a little complex but is fully explained on Bulbapedia.
This page helps you find out when and where you can purchase a given desired TR or Poké Ball. All you need is to tell it the first TR currently offered by one of the Watt Traders.
- In your game, find a Watt Trader and take note of the first TR (of the ones he offers).
- After the words "Today the Watt Trader at", select the location of the Watt trader you are at.
- After the words "FIRST of which is", in the list of TRs (it's a long list, in alphabetical order), choose the TR that is the first of the ones they are offering.
- Then choose your desired TR from one of the "I want..." lists (the first is by TR number, the second is by Name) or choose one of the Poké balls in the Poké Ball list.
- Click the corresponding "Search ..." button.
This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2023 Apr 24.