Minecraft: Commands, Files, Versions
Normal Use and Creative Items
See Also
Blockwise Parallel Computation in Minecraft
Notes on Alan Becker's Ghiblicraft Projects
Decorative Items
Barrier (invisible block)
The only way to get a barrier block is to use a /give command. Make sure you have an empty spot in your current hotbar, then type:
/give @p barrier 1
Save the hotbar (for example C+7) so you can easily get a barrier block again later.
/summon minecraft:item ~ ~ ~ {Item:{id:brick,Count:1}}
Coloured Dye
(e.g. Rose Red dye)
Use the Damage tag to specify the colour:
/summon minecraft:item ~ ~ ~ {Item:{id:dye,Damage:1,Count:1}}
Colour in sign text
Place a sign, then stand in the spot where it is, and type
/blockdata ~ ~0.5 ~ {Text1:"{\"text\":\"MESSAGE\",\"color\":\"blue\"}"}
If the sign is on a wall at eye level, stand directly in front of it and substitute "~1.5" for "~0.5". (This works because the sign occupies the empty "air" block adjacent to the block the sign is attached to.)
To fly in Minecraft Creative mode, double-tap the Jump button (which is usually the space bar).
Full Screen View
To play in full-screen, press F11. To get out of full-screen, press F11 again, or use your operating system's controls to switch to another application window (which makes Minecraft pause the game and also exits full-screen).
Heads/Skulls: Gaining Access to Special Heads You Find in Worlds
Worlds often use heads or skulls (items placed as decorations) that do not look like any of the ones in the standard creative inventory. These are created from player skins. If you can get the data describing them, then usually you can use a command to get access to copies of the same item. The command you need is usually too large to type in the chat so you have to use a command block (where fortunately the Paste command works), and you can often find the command code on a public website. The process I use is:
- Use F3 and point at the item to confirm it is a head/skull.
- Stand on top of the skull
- Find out its identifying information: 1.8 - 1.12 : /blockdata ~ ~-0.5 ~ {}
- Usually a lot of text is printed. Try to find a section that is easy to type into a web search, for example "3b233f12-8312" (Link character from The Legend of Zelda) or "Squattamelon" (the SkullOwner field from the watermelon example below)
- Search online. Hopefully the head came from a published source, such as one of the popular Minecraft resource sharing sites.
- The site will usually give the code you need for your situation (give the item to the player, place it as a block in a certain location, place it on the head armour slot of an armorstand, etc.) The better sites include commands for pre-1.13 versions of Minecraft.
- Copy the "/give" code for the version of Minecraft you are using.
- Place a command block, set its command (paste the code you just copied)
- Give the command block a button (use your Sneak hotkey, e.g. left-shift, to place objects on command blocks)
- Hit the button to confirm it works and get the item.
- (optional) I usually place a item frame displaying the head so I can easily remember what item is dispensed by this command block.
Levitation Effect
(distinct from Flying)
/effect @p levitation [duration] [level]
The duration is in seconds; the "level" controls how quickly the affected player rises (levels 0-127) or falls (128-254). "level" 255 neither rises nor falls.
Maps on a Wall
You can make a map of an area, carry it to another place and put it up on a wall. The map covers an area of size 256×256 blocks, and it is always centered in whatever 256×256 "chunk" you are in at the time you make the map.
To make a map
Place an empty map in your hotbar, select the empty map, stand in the spot you want to make the map, and right-click on the ground (or any block that can be right-clicked without having a side effect). The empty map turns into a map containing an image.
To put a map on the wall
Place an item frame on the wall. Put the map you made previously in your hotbar (it should still show the same terrain, even if you have moved since you made it). Select the map, and right-click on the item frame. Right-click again to rotate it (if you have a different preference regarding which way is "up", normally north is up.)
To make a larger map on the wall
Repeat the above steps, starting with a new empty map each time. Arrange the maps on the wall so they fit together. Rotate the pieces as described above, if you want.
To copy a map you have already made
Place the map in an item frame as described above. Put an empty map in your hotbar, and select it as the current item. middle-click on the map that is on the wall. Your help item will now be a copy of the map that was on the wall.
Name Tag
/summon minecraft:item ~ ~ ~ {Item:{id:name_tag,Count:1}}
Rose in Flowerpot
A flowerpot with a rose is identified as such by the inspector (F3) but to get a rose in a flowerpot you need to use a poppy.
Enable cheats: ESC, "Open to LAN", "Allow Cheats", "Start LAN World"
Toggle spectator mode with F3+N
see Spectator Mode
clone [first coords] [second coords] [dest coords]
1.8 to 1.12:
/clone 143 27 -32 123 23 -12 ~ ~2 ~
first option:
replace (default) : Clones all blocks, including air
masked : only operate on blocks where the source is non-air. (e.g. copy a hollow object so it surrounds something else)
filtered : Clones only blocks that match the 3rd argument
2nd option:
normal : (default, but required if you gave a 1st option)
move : fill the source area with air (i.e. you have "moved" something rather than cloning)
force : Skip the overlap check
fill [first corner] [opposite corner] [blocktype]
1.8 to 1.12:
/fill 143 27 -32 144 30 -30 minecraft:wool 5 replace
(note that you can type minecraft: then hit tab for autocompletion)
1st option (optional unless you also want to give the 2nd option) : data value (e.g. colour of wooden planks)
2nd option (optional):
replace (default) : Act on all blocks
replace [blocktype] : Act only if the target block is of the given type
destroy : Blocks that were in the target are are destroyed, as if they had been mined
keep : Act only if the target block is non-air.
hollow : Create a hollow rectangular solid (filled with air except the outermost layer)
outline : Act only on blocks in the outer layer of the target area (leaving the inside unchanged)
If you know the size of the area to fill and are certain you have the signs right, you can use ~ symbol to give the coordinates relative to your location; e.g. to create a 7×7 stone platform under where you are presently standing:
/fill ~-3 ~-1 ~-3 ~3 ~-1 ~3 minecraft:stone
to change cobblestone to stone:
1.8 to 1.12:
/fill <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> stone 0 replace cobblestone
/fill <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> stone replace cobblestone
setblock [coords] [blocktype]
might be helpful (though the 1.12 does not work)
Blockwise-Parallel Computational Operations
This is a computational technique that can be used to produce patterns like Conway's "game of life". It has a separate page here: Bitwise Parallel Computation with fill and copy
Related pages on my site:
Alan Becker's Ghiblicraft Projects
This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2024 Aug 26.