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3.19617816863 - RIES (RILYBOT Inverse Equation Solver)    

RIES command: ./ries --wide -l1 -s 3.19617816863 Your target value: T = 3.19617816863

equation root of equation distance from your target accurate to within complexity
x = 1/5+3
x = 3.2 = T + 0.00382183 1 part in 836 58
x = ln(phi)+e
x = 3.19949365351865 = T + 0.00331548 1 part in 964 66
x = ln(9)+1
x = 3.19722457733622 = T + 0.00104641 1 part in 3054 61
tanpi(1/x) = 3/2
x = 3.19659413697658 = T + 0.000415968 1 part in 7684 71
atan2(x,e) = sinpi(1/3)
x = 3.19618499228837 = T + 6.82366e-06 1 part in 468397 75
sinpi(x-pi) = 1/(e+pi)
x = 3.19618008032533 = T + 1.9117e-06 1 part in 1671908 88
x = -(atan2(pi,7))+2+phi
x = 3.19617930515359 = T + 1.13652e-06 1 part in 2812241 102
x = sqrt((1+pi)^e)/pi+1
x = 3.19617815101099 = T - 1.7619e-08 1 part in 1.814e+08 107
x = (5-sqrt(pi))/atan2(5,pi)
x = 3.1961781830155 = T + 1.43855e-08 1 part in 2.222e+08 105

Legend and Statistics: atan2(y,x) = Angle of ray from origin through point (y,x) pi = 3.14159... e = base of natural logarithms, 2.71828... sinpi(X) = sin(pi * x) ln(x) = natural logarithm or log base e tanpi(X) = tan(pi * x) phi = the golden ratio, (1+sqrt(5))/2 sqrt(x) = square root --LHS-- --RHS-- -Total- max complexity: 62 56 118 dead-ends: 799675 1210832 2010507 Time: 0.134 expressions: 54835 75060 129895 distinct: 33066 29181 62247 Memory: 4416KiB Total equations tested: 964898946 (9.649e+08)

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