Successive Tradeoff Methods
Robert P. Munafo, 1993 Jan 23.
Successive Tradeoff methods are one type of speed improvement (see that article for more).
A family of algorithms that facilitate compute-intensive imaging with an interactive user-interface. The common element of successive-tradeoff methods is to identify several alternative ways of generating an image, and to present each of those methods in succession, in order of increasing difficulty.
A successive tradeoffs method will work best if the successive image versions can be incrementally computed from one another: i.e., the work performed in generating the first version of the image can be used as a basis of computing the second version. The more work that can be re-used, the better. However, this is not essential: it is usually more important to present a "quick version" as soon as possible than to wait for a version in which the work can be re-used.
The following successive tradeoff methods are applicable to the generation of Mandelbrot images:
Successive Refinement (q.v.) in which the resolution of the image is gradually increased over time.
Automatic Dwell Limit (incremental method), in which the dwell limit is gradually increased over time.
From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.
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