Robert P. Munafo, 2004 April 14.
R2-Name: | R2F(1/2B1)FS[2]FS[2]FS[2]S |
Abbrev: | RF(2){FS[2]}x3S |
Colloq.: | John Dewey Jones minibrot |
Coords: | center = -1.99637834 + 0i, size = 0.000012 |
R2F(1/2B1)FS[2]FS[2]FS[2]S is a period-6 Island Mu-Molecule on the real axis very close to R2t. It is the 151st-largest island on the spike. The filaments surrounding it look much simpler than those on R2F(1/2B1)S because their side branches are much shorter.
This island is called the "John Dewey Jones minibrot". In the early days of Mandelbrot exploration in the general community (which started around 1985) this island was singled out because of its unique features: being very close to R2t, being large enough to be viewed easily by any computer of the day, and being on the real axis (which makes for faster drawing due to the mirror symmetry optimization, and convenience with only one coordinate to enter). As you approach R2t (the point -2.0 + 0.0 i), the islands get very very small very quickly. (In the sequence of islands R2F(1/2B1)S (period 3), R2F(1/2B1)FS[2]S (period 4), R2F(1/2B1)FS[2]FS[2]S (period 5), etc. each island is 1/16 the size of the previous one, and its distance from R2t is 1/4 as great.) (See Utter West for a table).
Compare this image to the period-3 island, R2F(1/2B1)S.
![]() -1.99637834 + 0 i @ +0.00001199 | '-, \ : :- '- ~ ' : .~ ., '`, ~, -, ` : .~ _-' -, ", ~, ', , , :~ .- ..-` -, 'e ~, . ",a,\.`.`. .,` _-' -, ^, '\ . '. `-$"@@LL)v'.,' . ` -, '\ ~, ~, ,`- -,,%@@F\(-' ,- ., '-, ~, -, '. .'e'\\;"@F*`*@@/'_-` r' , _.-^ '. _ ", '. - `:_/(,e_b@L, ./@mmL'~cm)e.-'` -,, -, ~, '- ," ', -,-]r@@*Y*"^^` '^^"*b/Y@@`"-- ,_,--'' '--. -. `. .ra:c`c`.' ~//md@F^ '-:@^_^c-^' ., . -_ .`-'@@)ed@dbL`\\@*` "*@/--`` _, ,_ '- -,-,-_:-.(@@"**^**@$@F 'Y@^%^^^'^^'^ `-.'--`d,7/d'/dm/@F^ ^@ .@"~---- -----":bLbbFb@@bmd@*^^` ' RF(2){FS[2]}x3Sa -a/"*-'---------- d;'.`"*^""-^F$@mme ._ "mTrL___ --^` ' .~ _~-- ;^^;@@bc__.___d@, @@,m__ . - -` ,` -`(a@@@@@d@@^`$b_ .T@Lm_ ^^^`^^-- .-' ,` .,'-(@Y"[-"\```-:@@a, .a@@*C-,^` ,--` _'` ' -``/ `.-., `-\T($@`.,, .__a__@bF__,`^---,_ -` /' - .' r .-'d@@@*YbFmm- -vmdbF"^@@@/"_' `^ .- _~ .~ ,'-`/~)``_@b,,_a@m``;-`. -. `--. _-` .` _- ." ~.,`~TY@b@FF``-'-, `. ` _-` ./ .` -` r' -.\d@@@@c^ . ' ` , _/ ' / ." -'.'(F"\ - ` `. '-, _- .~ :~ .~ ' ` ~, -, ` , _-` .~ :- - . ~, ' , --` a~ .` ' -, . .- .` . ~, ' ` ' ` |
Coordinates: -1.99637834 +0 i @ +0.00001199, NMax=2000
From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.
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