Robert P. Munafo, 2010 Sep 21.
R2.1/5 is the R2-name for a mu-unit of period 5. Its owner is the mu-atom R2.1/5a, which is located at approximately 0.38 + 0.34 i and is the 4th largest in the main sequence. Its filaments (and those of its mirror image, R2.4/5) include the easternmost point.
Here is a picture:
![]() 0.425 + 0.350 i @ 0.167 | ^@@@m)a- *@/"`^` __., "@b@r ^^:" :, """` ^$/- :$`'^ _., "'e, :c (@F, -\ea, *;.r"" @@@; '7F@` .. -v.e-:m~-F\\_- @@F *"\)dr,$%_., _aa_.amL^^ '~e, ^_ ._,-_._, _'.'^@dFd^` ~^`@_F"*\a_ b@, FFY@@bC -Y@m@@`@@advb /"v%`^` **` _____m@b%^_d$bF@C%_ ^'^ ___$ar` @d _Y@%$@L^**"-*,..@"*,mc .-m _ __-@b%`"` . @$ '@CF ^ ^"*)Yd*" '^Ye@a_ ^'""d@ ._ ab, "@ :@*` '"mFd"memd7*"., .md)` ___-@_m., \"' 'Y,d` '@/**"Yb.@,-\m___-@\amFdF`FF"^F^"C' '\F ' ^T@@@Y$"(@-(Fee_, , '[ R2.1/5a ]____.d**" "*"` /Y(,"Ymad ` :@7Y@7@@mmm, /@"_, '"b,a__c . aY$La_'d**-^^ avTY*` ^"@- \_ _a@*"*` '*m._.. '(v_, __-.Tb@`_:_/a, -:\d"^ 'L/*mmav.mm,ad"*Y@db@,d@**@La_r (@\,'^"@dm"Y)mv_'"%CCF@T)d^^` R2a '^$`_, '^**^"` '"^'"'^^ '~@@[ . ^""----- 0.414 + 0.356 i @ 0.13, nmax 10250 |
revisions: 20031230 oldest on record; 20100921 add image
From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.
Mu-ency main page — index — recent changes — DEMZ
This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2010 Sep 21.