Robert P. Munafo, 1997 Jan 15.
"R2.1/3.1/2a" is the R2 Name for the tertiary mu-atom of period 6 that is a child of R2.1/3a: -\"` .d~\@\_c- '^^.@'"- -m., _aaL- 'Tm .a,d-; .,me/[ -"\r_mm"vv$FT(._.-"`^ ^`'^ 'm"\rY:/'Yea,_ __.c ._ -@) ` ^ ` ^Y-:, -:"-\$m:/' "^"m'` ._ v_ .,"(F-.^ _ ._" ,_/c .,, -^@r` 'Tm_,)..'-Y(@C_C, _m/` ~er,._*e ^^~^)]L_T).ae..'@' _ ' :$mCe(_$@)_c/e./%__c .,_ad"*T"- -d^^.7F`"F^^@bm./*a- .,.,'`^*@@F""@LbF*Y" `^ .^YF^- " ` _a@dbdLc :^\L,%7@@` '(@dv- m- a_, '^F` _ , -"'" %@C,b;-Fb/F)*-- _a@$Lm.m[^`..^@.,mer^")d\_)_ _a .aem@@**@F* ` '^"F@)c/r/d*"@F@L` -*'Y/`"- -va_ ._--(@e_' ^YF*b@@\_, '-` `' _,._L7a/@b/%@F ._d@C^"` . ^"F"' ""^$@F^ @br__r,.mdmv %m., -e,eC@F R2.1/3.1/2a "*b@*@*"@_. _,-YF; -v*^"*@m, a@@@^`' ^*" _ **m*" v_,bc T""@m_ .m@Y*"C^` _,_(_ ./@r\am_ .^%C.,'-/-:_,'^*@e_ _am@*v` '` .__ .'\dF- aL@@m@*^_'(md@@v:d@@a/L@mvmb%me_, .____/*^\^:_,-m_ -@(_, '$@-a, @@Y@Ymdm%-eF@`^F**-'^ ` '^^^**"r@m@em@L.v_d^` ._,.,%C^* m/d@` 'TCF""^^ `'"^$@a@*@bC\,'$be@@"- -%$@_, ^` R2.1/3a '^ .@$m/$md$@@@Lar -0.1151 +0.8826i @ +0.1400, Nmax: 1000
From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.
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