Robert P. Munafo, 1993 Mar 15.
%%not finished yet // This macro allows code to exit a given FOR loop, utilizing the label // generated at the end of the loop by the END_FOR(forloop_variable) macro // #define EXIT_FOR(forloop_variable) goto forloop_exit_##forloop_variable // the FOR macro defines a variable that can be used to check the END_FOR // argument. for (i=a; i<b; i+=c) { int forloop_variable##_##forloop_variable; // The END_FOR macro verifies that the loop variable matches. #ifdef FOR_NEST_3 FORLOOPVAR_3##_##forloop_variable = 0 * \"Error here if EXIT_FOR argument doesn't match FOR argument.\"; #undef FOR_NEST_3 #undef FORLOOPVAR_3 #else #ifdef FOR_NEST_2 #else #ifdef FOR_NEST_1 #else ERROR__EXIT_FOR_must_appear_after_a_matching_FOR; #endif #endif #endif
From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.
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