The Tech Lead Coat of Arms
Technical Lead
Argent, a bloody Hand proper emerging palewise from a Monitor azure, holding a broken Sword palewise under its Blade fesswise point to sinister, amidst a scattering Herd of five Cats courant gardant kürsch, sinister courant gardant ermine, descendant salient Or, sinister ascendant courant erminois, sejant gardant argent; Or a bordure charged with Legend "Responsabilitatis Sine Auctoritate"1 — TECHNICAL LEAD.
This little bit of silliness, created in AppleWorks under Snow Leopard, was inspired by Mr. Machine Tool
Related (serious) articles include committment, confidence, management, ownership, priorities.
1 : The Latin motto Responsabilitatis Sine Auctoritate ("Responsibility Without Authority") alludes to this situation:
Foisted Disempowerment vs. Ownership
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The Tech Lead Coat of Arms tcc[The Tech Lead Coat of Arms] <glname tech-lead> include[dilberturl.hid] pc[Technical``Lead|+TL-alpha.png] dss[&|font-size: larger] <&: Argent, a bloody Hand proper emerging palewise from a wl[Monitor``azure|Blue_Screen_of_Death], holding a wl[broken``Sword|Design_by_committee] palewise under its Blade fesswise point to sinister, amidst a wl[scattering``Herd|Herding_cats] of five wl[Cats|Programmer] courant gardant kürsch, sinister courant gardant ermine, descendant salient Or, sinister ascendant courant erminois, sejant gardant argent; wl[Or``a``bordure|Golden_handcuffs] charged with Legend "[Responsabilitatis``Sine``Auctoritate|]"fn[1] -- wl[TECHNICAL``LEAD|Lead_programmer]. :> ` ` ` <*:This little bit of silliness, created in wl[AppleWorks] under wl[Snow``Leopard|Mac_OS_X_Snow_Leopard], was inspired by <#:Mr. Machine Tool:>:> ` ` ` Related (serious) articles include [committment|+mtg-commitment], [confidence|+mtg-confidence], [management|+mtg-management], [ownership|+mtg-ownership], [priorities|+mtg-priorities]. ---- #Footnotes# fnd[1] The Latin motto *Responsabilitatis``Sine``Auctoritate* ("Responsibility Without Authority") alludes to this situation: pwh[400,] [p[Foisted``Disempowerment``vs.``Ownership|]|dilbstrip/2009-05-25] ---- source:: #This webpage was written in [RHTF|+rhtf]# dss[$|font-size: 12px] *-- RHTF source code for this page --* <$: <pre> include[pre:tech-lead.rhtf] </pre> :> *-- end RHTF source --* <$: P.S. Hey [tweeters|!/mrob_27], Getting ##Google ##Translate link to work on ##iOS took longer than whole rest of project ##please ##disable ##mobile :>
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P.S. Hey tweeters, Getting #Google #Translate link to work on #iOS took longer than whole rest of project #please #disable #mobile
This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2022 Apr 02.