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Robert P. Munafo, 2012 Apr 16.

Two mu-atoms are siblings if they have the same parent, that is, if they don't touch each other but they both touch the same larger mu-atom.

If the two siblings have no other siblings between them that are larger, then they are called neighbors.

various mu-atoms, some of which are siblings
various mu-atoms, some of which are siblings

In this figure, all of the following mu-atoms are siblings of each other: R2.5/12a, R2.2/5a, R2.3/8a, R2.4/11a, and R2.1/3a. They are siblings because they all have the same parent, namely R2a.

Similarly, R2.1/3.2/3a, R2.1/3.1/2a and R2.1/3.1/3a are all siblings because they all have R2.1/3a as their parent. None of these is a sibling of any of the other labeled mu-atoms. For example R2.2/5.1/2a is also a tertiary continental mu-atom, but is not a sibling of R2.1/3.1/2a because it has a different parent.

revisions: 19971021 oldest on record; 20120416 add illustration

From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.

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