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Brooks and Matelski    

2008 Feb 20.

Robert Brooks and Peter Matelski are credited with being the first to publish an image of the Mandelbrot set. Their article concerns discreteness criteria for Kleinian groups. The illustration, which appears on the last page of their article, looks roughly like this:

(-.07,.96) * **** ****** ***** * ********* *** **************** ******************** ** ************************* **************************** ******************************* ****************************** * ***** ******************************** *********** ******************************** ************* ******************************* ** ************** ****************************** **************************************************************** (1/4,0) (-2,0) ** ************** ****************************** ************* ******************************* *********** ******************************** * ***** ******************************** ****************************** ******************************* **************************** ************************* ******************** ** *** **************** * ********* ***** ****** **** * Fig. 2. The set of C's such that f(z)=z^2+C has a stable periodic orbit.

In addition there is a similar image of the Julia set for C=0.1+0.6i.


Cited works include:

abbrev citation Google query notes
Brooks1978 The dynamics of 2-generator subgroups of PSL(2,C), in "Riemann Surfaces and Related Topics", ed. Kra and Maskit, Ann. Math. Stud. 97, 65-71, ISBN 0-691-08264-2 Brooks dynamics generator subgroups history

revisions: 20080220 oldest on record; 20230318 add Google query and mention Julia set figure

From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary and Encyclopedia, by Robert Munafo, (c) 1987-2024.

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