Pokemon GO Gyms in Malden
Here is a list of gyms for the community that plays near Malden center. Each links to a page giving the address, a Google Maps link and a link to the PoGoMap.info website which is a crowdsourced map of gyms and Pokéstops.
Bell Rock Park Box
Cityside Mural (no longer a gym)
Cat Painted Box
Dancing Fish Power Box
Dennis O'Donnell Field
Devir Park Baseball Field #1
First Baptist Church
First Church of the Nazarene
Hobby Bunker (no longer a gym)
House Electric Box
Kenny Mazonson Court
Malden Civil War Monument
Malden Info Kiosk
Moses Kotler Memorial
Music Mural
Malden Post Office
Malden River Switchbox
Malden Spanish War Veterans Memorial
Malden's Rising Stars
Malden Stargate
Malden Switchbox Project
Malden Trust Company Building
Mystic Valley Charter School
Malden vs Medford
Malden World War II Memorial
Mystic Station
Northern Strand Trail Community Garden
Paintings on Wall
Parker's World
Philadelphia 7th Day Adventist Church
Playground at Devir Park
Red Moongate
Sacred Hearts Church is now The Third Meeting House
Sean Collins Memorial
Stop Pollution Box
Temple Tifereth Israel
The Third Meeting House
Train Store (America's Largest Toy Train Store)
Waitt's Mount
Waytes Geodetic Survey Marker
Wild Things (no longer in the game)
World War Roll of Honor