// ==UserScript== // @namespace http://mrob.com/time/scripts-beta // @name spoiler-opener for OTT // @description Open All Spoilers on (Re)Load // @author Robert Munafo // @version 48660.32 // @downloadURL http://mrob.com/time/scripts-beta/spoiler-opener.user.js.txt // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @include http://www.forums.xkcd.com/* // @include http://forums.xkcd.com/* // @include http://echochamber.me/* // @include http://fora.xkcd.com/* // @include http://1190.bicyclesonthemoon.info/ott* // @include http://moonbase.chirpingmustard.com/ott* // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== // REVISION HISTORY: // // np5708: Add this script to github // Comment out debugging statements ("log" function) // Add comments explaining how the script works. // Update revision # and make a more descriptive name // np5718: Change text 'Spoiler:' to height of contained text (bug: it isn't // counting height of images yet) // np5719: Improve comments // np5725: Use 'load' or 'onload' event listener instead of 'DOMContentLoaded' // np5732: Set backgroundColor of contents of every spoiler to #BBD // so it's obvious which parts were inside the spoilers. // Cross-browser method for getting element heights. // np5757.19 Use setTimeout to run the function twice // np5757.25 Wait 9.111 seconds; fix a bug // np5761.68 Fix window.addEventListener/attachEvent calls and add fallback // case if neither deferred method is available. // np5826.91 Do not open the spoilers or change the button title on the // second scan (in case user has decided to close spoiler(s) during the // interval) // np5905.00 Run 3 more times instead of just 1, with exponentially increasing // delays (this improves performance when the servers are really slow.) // np6002.91 Make the lavender background a fair bit lighter so it doesn't // interfere as much with any images, font colours, etc. that the author // might have included. // np8198.89 If spoiler button is inside a link, change the button text to // '> spURLer! < to make it obvious // np8201.06 Handle a few more cases of Spoiler nested within other tags which // are nested in a URL. // np8233.28 Fix a typo ("lavendar") // np10050.85 Add 'Zero Margins' option. // np10937.15 Work on search.php pages. // np10966.08 If possible, identify href target in URL and scroll to it // np10966.67 Work on the balthamirror (1190.bicyclesonthemoon.dnsd.info) // np11640.04 Enforce scrolling to the user's target location as long as // the target location keeps changing, but until document.body.scrollTop // changes by some other means. // np11641.26 Neaten up the code a little // np12165.61 Try harder to change spURLer buttons' text // np13078.01 Work when viewing PMs // np13115.92 Broaden balthamirror match pattern // np13128.24 Add moonbase.chirpingmustard.com // np13196.35 Slightly broader match pattern for the two balthasar sites // np14757.49 Remove 'dnsd' from bicyclesonthemoon hostname // np14771.07 Add www.forums.xkcd.com // np21083.61 Add @grant and @run-at requests // np26758.29 Add a semicolon // np26808.56 Always call convert() explicitly // np26828.73 Zero margins option works once again // np26836.23 Create checkboxes only once. // np40917.84 Option-setting temporarily disabled. // np48660.32 Fix errors/warnings reported by TamperMonkey // A sample forum page is: // // forums.xkcd.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=101043&p=3495924#p3495924 // // A Spoiler:'d item is implemented with the following HTML: // //
// Spoiler: // //
// The butler did it! Now you don't have to read the rest of the book! //
// // Where the "[js, see below]" is the following JavaScript: // // if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1] // .getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display != '') // { // this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1] // .getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = ''; // this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Hide'; // } else { // this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1]. // getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none'; // this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Show'; // } // // Therefore, we can open all spoilers by finding all buttons labeled "Show" // and running the "this.parentNode. ... .style.display = '';" on each one. var cckb = 1; var openallspoilers = { // Set a checkbox to be on or off setChkVal: function(chk, val) { if (val === 0) { chk.checked=false; } else { chk.checked=true; } }, /* opt_action will set or clear an option. */ opt_action: function(chk, optobj, nam) { // If the option was just initialized, it will now become set. // This makes sense becuse if they've just installed the script // and click on the checkbox, they want to set the checkbox. if (optobj.val === 0) { optobj.val = 1; } else { optobj.val = 0; } this.setChkVal(chk, optobj.val); chk.disabled = false; /* Save the user's work in a way that will persist across page loads. * see http://wiki.greasespot.net/GM_setValue */ GM_setValue(nam, JSON.stringify(optobj.val)); }, make_checkbox: function(nam, title, optobj, pdiv) { // Make the checkbox for 'reveal light text' var chk = document.createElement('input'); chk.type = 'checkbox'; chk.value = 'temp-' + nam; chk.id = nam; var lbl = document.createElement('label'); lbl.htmlFor = nam; var lab_text = document.createTextNode(title); lbl.appendChild(lab_text); this.setChkVal(chk, optobj.val); chk.addEventListener('click', this.opt_action.bind(this, chk, optobj, nam)); pdiv.appendChild(chk); pdiv.appendChild(lbl); }, /* create_checkboxen will add a checkbox that changes an option */ create_checkboxen: function() { var container = document.createElement('div'); var preDiv = document.createElement('div'); preDiv.style.marginTop = '1px'; preDiv.style.fontSize = '1.0em'; preDiv.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; preDiv.style.color = '#0B7'; var optstitle = document.createTextNode("Spoiler-Opener by Mrob27:"); preDiv.appendChild(optstitle); var opts_div = document.createElement('div'); opts_div.style.textAlign = 'left'; // Make the checkbox for 'lavender background' opts_div.appendChild(document.createTextNode("  ")); this.make_checkbox('o_lavender', 'Lavender Background', this.o_lavender, opts_div); // Make the checkbox for '> spURLer <' option opts_div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); this.make_checkbox('o_lbl_spurlers', 'Label SpURLer Buttons', this.o_lbl_spurlers, opts_div); // Make the checkbox for 'Zero margins' option opts_div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); this.make_checkbox('o_0_margins', 'Zero Margins', this.o_0_margins, opts_div); container.appendChild(preDiv); container.appendChild(opts_div); return(container); }, convert: function() { var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); var i; // console.info("Found " + buttons.length + " buttons."); // First time: initialize options, create the checkboxes. // %%% 20171117: Editing the options is disabled for now, because // GM_xxxValue is useless. I can shim the GM_ functions with // localStorage, see newpix_converter to see how. if (0) { this.o_lavender = { val: JSON.parse(GM_getValue('o_lavender', '0')) }; if (typeof this.o_lavender == 'undefined') { this.o_lavender = { val: "0" }; this.o_lavender.val = JSON.parse(GM_getValue('o_lavender', '0')); } this.o_lbl_spurlers = { val: JSON.parse(GM_getValue('o_lbl_spurlers', '0')) }; if (typeof this.o_lbl_spurlers == 'undefined') { this.o_lbl_spurlers = { val: "0" }; this.o_lbl_spurlers.val = JSON.parse(GM_getValue('o_lbl_spurlers', '0')); } this.o_0_margins = { val: JSON.parse(GM_getValue('o_0_margins', '0')) }; if (typeof this.o_0_margins == 'undefined') { this.o_0_margins = { val: "0" }; this.o_0_margins.val = JSON.parse(GM_getValue('o_0_margins', '0')); } } else { this.o_lavender = { val: 1 }; this.o_lbl_spurlers = { val: 1 }; this.o_0_margins = { val: 1 }; } var footer = document.getElementById("page-footer"); var ft_par = footer.parentNode; if (cckb !== 0) { ft_par.insertBefore(this.create_checkboxen(), footer); cckb = 0; } // As a service to our readers, we also eliminate that superfluous // 30-pixel margin. if (this.o_0_margins.val) { footer = document.getElementById("wrap"); footer.style.padding="0"; footer.style.margin="0"; } for(i=0 ; i var btext = 'hide'; var bwid = 100; var mygp = myp.parentNode; //
// or var myggp = mygp.parentNode; var myg3p = myggp.parentNode; var myg4p = myg3p.parentNode; var myg5p = myg4p.parentNode; // console.info('input ' + i + ' myp is a ' + myp.tagName // + ' in a ' + mygp.tagName); var myx = mygp .getElementsByTagName('div')[1]; //
bwid = buttons[i].offsetWidth; if ( (mygp.tagName == 'A') || (myggp.tagName == 'A') || (myg3p.tagName == 'A') || (myg4p.tagName == 'A') || (myg5p.tagName == 'A')) { // spURLer! Make it obvious by changing the button text // For example, see '20140224 spURLer p23427839.png' which shows how Chrome // handles OTT:1315:10#p3427839 console.info('button ' + i + ' is a spURLer!'); if (this.o_lbl_spurlers.val) { btext = ' > spURLer! < '; buttons[i].value = btext; // Add 50 to the CSS's specified width bwid += 50; buttons[i].style.width = bwid+'px'; } if (mygp.tagName == 'A') { // We have to go up 1 more level to find the common ancestor of the // actual content myx = mygp.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1]; } } if (myx) { // There is a sibling node with content; go ahead and show it. var myz = myx .getElementsByTagName('div')[0] //
.style; // This is the first time: open the spoilers and change the button myz.display = ''; // remove 'none', making it displayable if (this.o_lavender.val) { myz.backgroundColor="#DDF"; } buttons[i].value = btext; buttons[i].style.width = bwid+'px'; // The following does not show an accurate height if the spoiler // contains images, but it at least works when it contains text. var ht; if (myx.clientHeight) { // IE ht = myx.clientHeight + 'px'; // In some cases we see a scrollbar, so // maybe scrollHeight would be more // appropriate } else if (window.getComputedStyle) { ht = window.getComputedStyle(myx).getPropertyValue('height'); } else if (myx.style.height) { ht = myx.style.height; } else { ht = 'unkn'; } myp.getElementsByTagName('b')[0].innerText = ht; } else { console.info('button ' + i + ' I found no sibling with content.'); // we want to change the button text here to make it obvious that there // is a bug buttons[i].value = '(found no content)'; buttons[i].style.width = (buttons[i].offsetWidth+50)+'px'; } } } } }; var get_tloc = function() { var h1 = location.href.split("#")[1]; if (typeof h1 === 'string') { if (h1 !== '') { var target = document.getElementById(h1); if (target) { return target.offsetTop; } } } return 0; }; // 3 cases for cross-platform, cross-browser: not necessary for this // application but I want this code to be useful elsewhere too! if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', // was 'load', openallspoilers.convert.bind(openallspoilers), false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onload', openallspoilers.convert.bind(openallspoilers)); } // We also need to just run it explicitly, particularly on versions of // Tampermonkey for Chorome starting about 201604. openallspoilers.convert(openallspoilers); var old_tloc = get_tloc(); var old_dst = document.body.scrollTop; // Because myx.clientHeight is sometimes not updated properly (e.g. // Chrome v29 when myx contains newly-loaded images) the global 'ttd' // will be set if we need to wait a while and re-run this function. var mont = 1000; // Make it run itself a few more times, because 'load', 'onload', and // 'DOMContentLoaded' events all fail to wait long enough for the // myx.clientHeight property to be correct if myx contains newly-loaded // images, and because images sometimes take a ch*rping long time to load. var ttd = 10; var old_msg = ''; var msg = function(s) { if (s !== old_msg) { console.info(s); old_msg = s; } }; var mon = function() { var t2 = get_tloc(); var d2 = document.body.scrollTop; msg('dst = ' + d2 + ', tgtloc = ' + t2); if (mont > 0) { /* Because of opening all the spoilers, we're usually not on the message * that we want to be on. If there is a hash ("fragment") in the URL, * we'll try to locate it and scroll to it. */ if ((d2 == old_dst) && (d2 != t2)) { document.body.scrollTop = t2; msg('set dst to ' + t2); d2 = t2; old_dst = t2; } if ((ttd <=0) && (d2 != old_dst)) { msg('dst = ' + d2 + ', old = ' + old_dst + ': stopping.'); mont = 0; } ttd--; mont--; setTimeout(mon, 100); } old_tloc = t2; old_dst = d2; }; setTimeout(mon, 100);