/* ries.c RIES -- Find Algebraic Equations, Given Their Solution Copyright (C) 2000-2024 Robert P. Munafo This is the 2024 May 20 version of "ries.c" This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. If you got ries.c from the website mrob.com, the GNU General Public License may be retrieved from mrob.com/ries/COPYING.txt You may also find a copy of the license at www.gnu.org/licenses/ The remainder of this large header comment is broken up into sections titled: HOW TO BUILD, UNFINISHED WORK, DETAILED NOTES ON ALGORITHM, REVISION HISTORY. HOW TO BUILD: 1. Boot your favorite UNIX-compatible computer (Step 0: install Linux, because Linux rules! :-) 2. Make a new directory, put this file there. 3. Compile it with the following command: gcc ries.c -lm -o ries If the compilation fails and reports errors like "undefined reference", try moving the pieces around: "gcc -o ries ries.c -lm". Using the order "gcc -o ries -lm ries.c" is known to NOT work with recent versions of GCC. Try other flags for optimization if you wish (like: -m64, -O2 or -O3) Note that -ffast-math does *not* work; it prevents IEEE 754 compliance and breaks a few of the RIES algorithms.) 4. Run ries and give it a number, for example: ries 2.5063 BUILD OPTIONS: In the compile line you may add one or more of these options: -DRIES_WANT_LDBL Use this option to 'ask' RIES to use the 'long double' floating-point data type for all calculations. It will try to determine (via other predefined flags provided by the compiler) whether it is available and if so, will use it. This gives a few extra digits of precision on most Intel-based systems, and gives about 30 digits on PowerPC systems. On some systems (notably Cygwin) you'll get errors. -DRIES_USE_SA_M64 Use this option to make RIES use standalone transcendental functions. These functions are in the separate source file "msal_math64.c", which should be available in the same place you found this source file. -DRIES_MAX_EXPRESSION_LENGTH=29 Use a maximum expression length of 29 symbols, rather than the default. Longer expressions might be needed if you're using the --one-sided option a lot, but they also increase the amount of memory RIES uses while doing long searches. BUILDING IN MICROSOFT VISUAL C++ If you want to build RIES in MS Visual Studio, start at the RIES website (mrob.com/ries) and follow the "Source code" link. Download and save the source file "ries-for-windows.c". Read its header comment for further instructions. RIES INSTRUCTIONS (MANUAL) Instructions for actually using RIES are in the manual, which should be in the same place you found this file, if not look on the web at mrob.com/ries The manual source is in nroff format (ries.1), and should also be available in Postscript, PDF, and plain ASCII text. To use the nroff version, copy it to the proper place (probably in /usr/share) e.g. : cp ries.1 /usr/share/man/man1 (substitute appropriate local manpage directory for your OS) then type "man ries". */ /* UNFINISHED WORK (TTD) (Listed more or less in the order that I want to look at them, and recent ones have date tags. Most of the undated notes are from prior to December 2011) 20220318 Add a msal_math128.c that uses the GCC __float128 type (test for __FLT128_MANT_DIG__). Figure out how to reconcile it with library routines (if any) e.g. sqrt can call library sqrt for the first approximation. Perhaps also make a msal_math80.c to cover the case when ldbl is 80-bit Intel native. 20160423 Add --surprise-me option, which generates a target value according to a suitably-distributed random number generator e.g. e^(K*erf(rand(0..1))) where an approximation of the error function would be acceptable (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Error_function, section "Approximation with elementary functions") } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--surprise-me") == 0) { ries_val t; g_surprise_me = B_TRUE; 20150118 There is an error in the manual: "... To exit on a match within some ``epsilon'', use --max-match-distance with a nonzero epsilon; to reject inexact matches use --max-match-distance ..." note that the first behaviour does not happen (but would be a nice feature to have). The first behaviour is accomplished by the option "-n1". Check the rest of the manual for similar errors and make sure "-n1" and --{min|max}-match-distance cross-reference each other. 2013.0314 Look into adding two more classes of numbers: -e for "elementary" and something like -t for "transcendental". The uncertainty has to do with which definitions I wish to use. -e for "elementary" fills the rather wide conceptual gap between -a (algebraic) and -l (Liouvillian). I would like to have a class of numbers where exponentiation is unrestricted, so sqrt(2)^sqrt(2) would be allowed. That is kind of like what we'd get now with "-a --any-exponents", but I don't want to allow x in exponents because I consider the root of "x^x=2" to be non-elementary. So we need a "--no-x-in-exponents" option to do -e the way I envision it. Since trig functions are linked to exponents (Euler's formula; complex exponential function) it seems to make sense to have a "--no-x-in-trig" setting as well (which conveniently also makes try.solve's job easier). I should allow e and the exponential function but with no x in the exponent; logarithms should also be allowed, but with no x inside a logarithm (otherwise we get things like "x*ln(x)=3" which is just another form of "x*e^x=e^3"). This only needs one setting, that is, --no-x-in-exponents also implies no x in arguments to [E], [l] or in either argument of [L]. -t would allow everything, and would also enable the W function if it is available. The only difference versus -EW is that -t would not generate an error when W is not available, but would just silently proceed to find W-less solutions. 2013.0314: RIES has trouble finding an equation for 1.3566631192732151980, which is the root of 2^x+3^x=7. The best I could do was "ries -p 1.3566631192732151980 -Sx+-23^5 -l5" which finds the awkward "x-(x+2^x+3^x) = (2+2)^(2-3^3)-(2+5)". RIES suffers from the LHS always having to start with [x). I could address this by removing the LHS-RHS distinction when calling gen_forms, and find a different way to regulate the balance between LHS's and RHS's in the database. A change like this might be easier (or harder) is it is done after (or before) I generalize the handling of restricted symbolsets. It also clearly affects the "x on both sides of the equation" change. 2013.0202 --symbol.names is nice, but I need to add definable "begin" and "end" strings for various things e.g. superscripts, and start looking at user-redefinable fixity and precedence for things like mapping [abv] -> "Surd[a,b]" for Mathematica. 2012.0103: One or more custom defined constants. To support this and a future defined-functions feature, each user-defined thing needs to have a symbol auto-generated for it out of the set of as-yet-unused byte values. Preferably this auto-generated symbol will be a unique and yet-unused ASCII letter, but it might have to use more than one letter. That means that (in addition to mapping functions to turn names into symbols, and additional fields in the sym_attr_block structure), I also need a new low-level output formatter for -F0 and some of the debug_xxx output to replace the simple printf("%s", expr) that I use now.. This formatter should turn non-standard symbols into '(Nm)' where "Nm" is an abbreviated version of the user's supplied name. This symbol can also be used in the -O, -N, and -S options with parentheses (which have no purpose in that context), so e.g. '-Op(Eg)' would allow pi and the user-defined symbol 'Eg' to be used once each. To avoid ambiguity the symbol might have to be auto-generated, and to avoid driving users nuts I can give them hints on how to avoid that. Constants and (eventually) functions can share a common FORTH-like syntax. Note the optional weight and abbreviation fields just before the full name: # x e^-(x^2) is the inverse of Gosper's "Dilbert Lambda Function" --define : InverseDilbertLambda ( x -- x e^-(x^2) ) dup dup* neg exp * ; --define : XeX ( x -- x*e^x ) dup exp * ; --define : Eg:EulerGamma # seft-a (constant) ( -- The Euler-Mascheroni constant, 0.57721... ) ( --value-type TRAN ) # 50 digits for when RIES goes to higher precision 0.57721566490153286060651209008240243104215933593992 ; --define : 14:H:Hypot # seft-c (two-argument function), weight 14 ( a b -- sqrt(a^2+b^2) ) dup* # ( a b^2 ) swap # ( b^2 a ) dup* + sqrt ; Note that the FORTH comment delimiter is parentheses, which fits nicely with the fact that parentheses are unneeded in postfix expressions. In the first implementation of functions, you cannot include literal constants in the function, but instead have to --define the constant first with its own name. 2014.1122: Everything in comments would be ignored except a token starting with '--', like the ( --value-type TRAN ) example above. This allows me to extend the FORTH syntax to deliver optional metadata. If a constant has no explicitly given --value-type, it would be guessed using guess_valtype() as is currently done with the target. Advanced users who are making collections of constants in -p files would define a --value-type for all. 2012.0613: I might also want to allow immediate constants in --eval-expression strings (and thus, in eval()) delimited by parentheses or whitespace. If using parentheses, "ries --eval-expression '(27)q'" would produce similar output to "ries 27 --eval-expression xq" or "ries --eval-expression '33^q'". This improvement would be done along with a loosening of the just-mentioned restriction on using immediates within functions. 2013.0228 Add DUP, SWAP and OVER operators. These require a bit of modification to the stack depth and undo handling, but they are similar enough to seft-a and seft-b that it shouldn't be too hard. With a default complexity about the same as a small integer, they would allow duplication of common subexpressions, which seems to happen fairly often in real formulas. 2013.0314 More creative use of attribute tags (TAG_INT, TAG_RAT, etc): --only-integer-exponents: exponents must be integer if the argument does not contain x, and roots must be integer if the argument *does* contain x, and all others are disallowed. 2013.0309: --unit-fractions option: reciprocal only if argument is integer (possibly useful for Egyptian fractions work) 2012.1222 Allow all odd integer roots of a negative argument (3 currently allowed, but better if any odd integer were detected, tags should help with this; requires extra wizardry in try.solve); add an option to display "3,/(...)" as "cbrt(...)" (Unicode handled separately with a .ries profile) 2016.0131 The "unicode.ries" profile is disappointing for a few reasons: * The legend at the bottom of RIES' output still uses the standard ASCII symbols * sqrt(2) becomes "/(2)" (where / is the radical sign) but the parens shouldn't be there if the argument is only one character long * Nth root, e.g. 3,/7 for cube root, should use a "3" superscript or the Unicode cobe-root symbol (U+221B), and other special cases For all of these we need some sort of user-definable cascading list of transformation rules. 2013.0205 Output format option that prints any integer-valued subexpression as an integer, so that "ries -s -l3 351.36306009596398" can give "8 sqrt(1929)" instead of "8 sqrt((5-7^2)^2-7)". Attribute tag should help with this, but infix conversion will need to call eval() on subexpressions to figure out when a given subexpression can be substituted with an integer (and recursive calls to infix conversion pruned). 2012.1222: In --one-sided mode we could take multiple targets, enter them all in the database as [x], and use the existing algorithm which would thereby compare every match to each target. This requires a significant change to exec() in that it must get its exec_x from a (new) field in the pe, since the "x" value differs from one expression to another. For --one-sided mode (with a single target or with multiple targets) we really don't need a database at all: every generated expression can just be compared to x on-the-fly. This would save memory and run all in cache, possibly much faster, and allow for a simple multi-threaded implementation. This can be combined with the multiple targets improvement (in which case there would be a small database containing the [x] expression for each target). 2013.0305: A similar idea to the "multiple targets" idea is a "correlation search" operating mode. In this mode there are just two targets T and U, and all expressions contain one or the other; any match must have a T expression on the LHS and a U expression on the RHS. This is like one-sided mode except that everything is an LHS, and it's like the planned "x on both sides of the equation" mode in that matches need to deal with both sides of the equation having a derivative. One big difference is that the derivative with respect to T might be independent of the derivative with respect to U (or they might be partly correlated, or anti-correlated). Thus, each reported match would report the "delta" as a vector (with direction and magnitude) encoding how far and in what direction each of the two targets T and U need to be altered to make that particular equation match. 2013.0307: If exiting because of a parameter error, display a traceback with the name(s) and character offsets of any include files (Line numbers would be nice too, but might be difficult). 2012.1207: Review implementation of --try-solve-for-x: * Inverse trig functions are multi-branched. (If they give 7.012913 we might find "sin(x) = 2/3", when solving that for x we must recognize it and solve to "x = arcsin(2/3)+2 pi" rather than just "x = arcsin(2/3)"). * Add new options --LHS-addsym, --LHS-onlysyms, --LHS-onesym, and --LHS-nosyms specify the symbol-set for LHS generation (and likewise for RHS). This is a refactoring, to prepare for the next changes. * The -S and -N options need to have a different meaning when solving for x. sym.attrs[i].sa_alwd (FKA sym_allowed) needs to be split into LHS and RHS parts (to provide for the fact that, when solving, some operators become their inverses: thus the option -SE should set LHS.allowed['l'] and RHS.allowed['E'] to nonzero values). * To provide compatibility, the -S, -E, -O, and -N options work the old way unless followed by an '=' character. For example, '-N=q' will forbid sqrt in RHS and forbid x^2 in LHS. * Likewise, the symbol-related variables, like a_minw etc. need to be duplicated so we have one set for LHS and another for RHS. * The sym_allowed handling needs to be even more subtle for LHS expressions: In the expression [xl3^23/-], the [23/] will move unchanged to the RHS, whereas the [l], [3^] and [-] will get changed into [E], [3v] and [+] respectively on the RHS. The way to handle this is for ge.2 to look at whether the argument(s) contain x (by testing dx!=0) and can also take the current stack pointer into account when deciding whether to add a symbol. For seft-b symbols like [l], if the value on the stack contains x (or if the SP is precisely 1) then the LHS sym_allowed array should be used, but if the SP is bigger than 1 the RHS sym_allowed should be used. Likewise the seft-c symbols should check if the SP is precisely 2. This also implies that in --solve-for-x mode the gf_1 and ge.1 complexity limits need to be based on the union of LHS and RHS symbolsets. * Dealing with extra x's in the equation. Options include: - Use of -s implies or requires -Ox - Use of -s implies or requires the "X only on LHS" mode (opposite of allowing x on both sides of an equation) - Continue with the current practice of simply pushing any extra x's over to the RHS. * Dealing with trig functions. The options are: - Adding inverse trig functions, which would clutter the search space even more. - Use of -s implicitly disables trig functions only on LHS (you can explicitly enable them with an --LHS-syms option) - Use of -s implicitly disables trig functions, and/or implicitly enables their inverses (which would be disabled by default) - Use of -s shifts the weights of trig functions to make them less dense in the search space Perhaps these different options could be selected via an extra letter after the -s * The -O option, or any similar option setting a specific non-zero limit on the number of a particular symbol, cannot be implemented efficiently. (Consider what happens if all expressions are inserted into the same tree: then for any given expression, a large fraction of the other expressions in the tree cannot be used to make a valid solution: If we get "ln(x)=e^2" and solve for x, and they gave the option -OE, that solution is not valid). To resolve this, the best solution is probably to make "solve for x" mutually exclusive to the -O option. As a sole exception, -Ox can still be implemented, so long as all reported results involve just a single LHS and an RHS. * 2013.0215: One-sided simplification/reduction rules similar to those already in cv.simplify. One simple example is [ss]->[4^]. A lot of these are already implicit in the pruning rules, so I can look in the comments next to the add_rule() calls to get the list of simplifications. Virtually all will be simple string substitutions. The unsimplified forms show up only when using -s. */ /* 2012.0503 (partly done on 20120505): Prior to 20120505, "ries -l-2 -i 143" gave the bizarre answer "(x-2)+3 = (3*4)^2". The "(x-2)+3" (instead of x+1) results from the k_sig_loss value 0.01: Because 1 is less than 143*k_sig_loss, RIES doesn't want to perform the addition x+1. Similarly, "ries 7775" fails to find "x+1=6^5" because it doesn't want to add 1 (or any integer) to x. The narrower, safer fix (implemented on 2012.0505) is to attempt "(x+1)-1" and see if it is precisely equal to x. If so, then we can assert that no significance loss has actually occurred, and permit an exception to the k_sig_loss rule for addition/subtraction. Other similar "conservative" tests might be possible, but add/subtract is the big one. A broader fix to investigate is to always allow f(x)+K whenever the variable subexpression f(x) is larger in magnitude than the constant subexpression K. That will require testing with #qualify#. 2012.0511 (partly done on 20120720): The "four 4's problem" and many others like it are small enough to implement with --one.sided and/or --numeric.anagram. RIES's handling of these problems can be improved with fairly little modification: * An option to not use rules like [xx/] that are meant to prune "redundant" subexpressions like "4/4". * As a separate option (perhaps by giving "--numeric.anagram" vs. "--strict-numeric-anagram"), accept an expression only if all of the symbols have been "used up" in the expression. This will require changing the "exhaustion timeout" detection: I can probably use a "Still searching" message similar to the one I added to handle --max-match.distance. 2012.0520: Presently the report.match routine has a bunch of arrays called {r|l}_{e|f|g}scratch, and the escratch ones are being used for two different purposes (char[] and symbol[]). The names should be improved, and a dedicated symbol[] scratch array added. These changes are logically combined with -Fmax, -FHTML, etc. output formats: 2013.0314: Augment --symbol.names in whatever ways are needed for a user to implement output formats such as: raw symbols, calculator-keys, HTML, RHTF, TeX, eqn, Maxima, etc. Each symbol should have a user-definable precedence, associativity and layout (like Haskell "fixity"). If desired, an operator like * (seft 'c', FORTH stack effect (a b -- c) ) could be redefined to be displayed as any of the following: arg_order s_0 s_1 s_2 Lisp: (times a b) a, b '(times ' ' ' ')' RIES: ba* b, a '' '' '*' infix: a x b a, b '' ' x ' '' HTML: a×b a, b '' '×' '' There also need to be flags indicating when things can be left out, as is presently done with '*' in certain cases, and indicating when parentheses can be left out, as is presently done with a product inside a sum. It is important to note that user-defined functions leaving more than one item on the FORTH stack cannot be expressed in infix. (If the two outputs of a single function are immediately multipled together, what goes on each side of the multiplication sign? It's even worse when things are done to some of the outputs before they are combined.) 2011.1226: Consolidate the (current) multiple ways that roundoff, overflow, loss of significance, and tautology errors are handled. This involves the constants and variables: n_ovr, p_ovr, k_sin_clip, k_min_best.match, k.vanished_dx, k_prune.deriv, and k_sig_loss. For example, k_sig_loss*k_min_best.match should be equal to the magnitude of the "machine epsilon" (2^-53 in the case of 64-bit double) determined by init.formats(). 2012.0106: More importantly, we need to allow matches between an LHS and another LHS (producing solutions with X on both sides of the equation). The match closeness becomes |(val_r - val_l)/(deriv_l - deriv_r)| which is the same as the current formula except for the addition of the deriv_r term. * (2011.1226) Start at the bottom (exec(), eval(), newton(), etc.) and work my way up to the top (ge.1() etc.). Rename variables and parameters (like the "!on_rhs" passed to exec() from ge.2) so the names agree with what they actually do ("!on_rhs" should be something like "!no_x" or "has_x"). * Allow more user control over how much output contains x on both sides, from old behaviour to "all eqns have x on both sides". The default should be somewhere in the middle; this should be implemented in the main outer loop where it tests "if (lhs_insert > rhs_insert)". Also, the 'solve for x' and '-Ox' options should both force the old behaviour (the latter because of the need to have different sym.attrs[i].sa_alwd values for LHS vs. RHS). 2011.1226: Higher precision: * (partly implemented on 2013.0301) On Intel targets in GCC 4.2.1, __LDBL_MANT_DIG__ is 64, implying that I can use "long double" to get a bit more precision. To exploit this I will need to do runtime testing to determine what precision I am actually getting, similar to the code in hint.c * (complete by 2013.0626) Continue conversion to use of long double and runtime adjustment of epsilons and cutoffs. * Add string-to-float and float-to-string conversion routines based on f107_spfg and f107_sscan in f107_o.cpp. (I think these already handle the exponent adequately, but I'll want smarter handling of extra whitespace when there is no exponent). Convert all instances of double printf and scanf to use these routines (including the debug_X printfs). * Use three sets of flags: Desired precision: RIES_WANT_F53, RIES_WANT_F64 and RIES_WANT_F107; also RIES_WANT_LDBL etc. for users who don't know what their 'long double' precision but still want to use it. Available types and their precisions: RIES_HAVE_LDBL_F64, RIES_HAVE_LDBL_F107 and RIES_HAVE_F128 Which type to use: RIES_VAL_DBL, RIES_VAL_LDBL and RIES_VAL_F128 * Don't bother with C++; just use __float128 if it's available and too bad if it's not. * No need to use macros like MUL(src1,src2,dst) because __float128 and 'long double' have fully implemented builtins. * Initialize the special constants (k.vanished_dx, k_prune.deriv, etc.) differently depending on precision option. It should be possible to add these gradually without breaking normal precision since the rest of the code will just ignore the lower half of any quad variables. Consider options for utilizing multiple processors (threads / parallel implementation). {As of 2012.0423} I have identified three possible paths of development, below titled "Best", "Good" and "BAD": 2012.0423: Best: Perform additional searching *without* expanding the database. This would be done when the memory limit is reached (perhaps in response to a user option): - Walk the tree, applying all possible monadic transforms to each node, to see if the result then produces a new match to another existing node. For these purposes a "monadic transform" consists of appending *either* a single seft-b symbol, *or* a seft-a followed by a seft-c. For example, if this scan found [43L] in the tree, it would append 's' to form the expression [43Ls], compute its value (which is 1.592289...) then search the tree for this value using a bt_find() function. It might then find [xp/], which would be a near-match in the case of x=5. This type of search can be efficiently parallelized by having each of N threads traverse 1/N part of the tree. (Which in turn suggests that we should maintain population-counts at each node and add a bt_index() routine.) - Greater-complexity expressions can be synthesized by appending a short, low-complexity complete subexpression and a seft-c symbol. For example, [43L] : [3q] : [+] => [43L3q+], which would then match [x2-]. 2012.0109: Good, but hard to implement, and very memory-intensive: Within each petit-cycle, have N threads running at any one time, each constraining itself to a part of the expression search-space, distinguished by the first few symbols in the expression. For example, after the complexity depth has gotten high enough, we will have identified all possible combinations for the first 3 symbols in the expression's postfix representation. The searchspace can then be partitioned by having ge.2 perform a CRC hashfunction on the first 3 symbols, and determine whether it should prune or recurse depending on the low log_2(N) bits of the hash value. This requires having each task build up its own binary tree, which in turn requires a parallel binary tree merge. For example, using 4 threads, each with its own binary tree divided into quartiles: * Add population-counts to each tree node and add a bt_index() routine; * When it is time to merge, each of the 4 trees becomes read-only; * Each of 4 threads then builds up a new tree consisting of the I'th quartiles of each of the old trees; * Combine these 4 new trees into a single big tree by creating 2 dummy parent nodes and 1 dummy grandfather node; * Deallocate the old trees. The main problem with this approach is that it uses twice as much memory during the merge process, and 4 times as much memory bandwidth; and (more crucially) there is no clear way to determine in advance whether there will be enough free memory to perform the merge. 2014.1122: Good, and a little less hard to implement: Run in normal single-threaded mode until the tree is big enough to survey the location of quartiles as in the 2012.0109 proposal. Then, permanently split the tree into N pieces (probably by a simple traverse-and-copy). On subsequent patit-cycles, run N threads where each thread imposes its own values of g_min_equ_val and g_max_equ_val. Threads will find duplicate solutions, but are not fully redundant; as a rough guess I imagine it will have a factor of sqrt(N) of ineffeciency, so a 4-thread system will use 2 times as much memory to find the same answers in half as much time. 2012.0423: BAD: The following does *not* work because of the elaborate interleaved nature of the bt.insert algorithm (see note in oldries.c mentioning "memory performance degradation"), however it could if we return to the older 2-tree implementation. - Have 2 scans running at any one time, an RHS scan and a LHS scan. Whenever a scan completes, initiate another. Every time a scan completes, another thread runs through the outputs of the latest RHS and LHS. %%% options to add: 2009.0603: Higher complexity scores for trig functions unless argument expression contains pi or x. {This was mostly addressed by the trig argument scale change on 2011.1229} 2012.0102: Warren Smith suggests, "I dont mind sin(1), but sin(1) IN AN EXPONENT like 3^sin(1) is just ridiculous.", suggesting an idea like tables of rules that match the end of a forth subexpression (1S^ in this example) and if matched, either prune it outright or add to the complexity score. (If adding to the complexity score, the possibility of this has to be considered by the bounds-setting and short-circuit recursion code). After further discussion he suggested that no subexpression should be completely excluded, but an "entropy function" should be used to weight entire expressions based on the likelihood they would be found in actual maths. Things like 1S^ would get a really high weight, and the expression database would be "exponentially" more efficient at covering the types of expressions he is interested in. This is distinct from --rational-trig-args, which only allows all-or-nothing pruning. However, Warren's idea could be used by adding an Identity-like operator that has a symbol weight and has the effect of adding a "blessed" tag to the value. Once blessed, the value would then be eligible for use in an exponent. 2012.0103: --log-base option to do for ln what --trig-argument-scale does for sine and cosine. */ /* Ideas from 2007.0703 or earlier (all of these are in MBP's first backup, old PMG5 archives seem to have nothing; old iMac-G4 archives might have more info): variations on -l that allow specifying limit of search by precision, by time, by memory usage, or by number of equations tested. The present -l is usually correlated with all of these but is never equal to any of them. ('-lmem=10M', '-ltime=20m', '-ldigits=8', '-lexprs=3e6', -leqns=1e10', etc.) --max.memory is a different because a small -l will still cause RIES to exit before the indicated amount of memory is used. %%% command-line option: if no symbol '1', then 'r' shouldn't be allowed. Likewise for '2' + '^' and 's'; '-' and 'n'; 'e' + '^' and 'E'; others? Which should be the default, the current simpler behavior or the "more correct" behavior? The "simple" behavior is useful, as illustrated by the 1.4142135 example in the manpage, because it helps people find alternate ways to express the same solution. macros (user-defined constants and functions): - use a separate symbolset namespace (implies macros cannot call themselves or each other, which avoids lots of problems) - To use -O with a macro, include '_' in the -O symbolset list; all symbols after '_' are macro names. -S assumes all macros (why would you define a macro and not want to use it?); using -N with a macro is a contradiction. - Macro can use any symbols, and symbols used within macro expansions don't count against their sa.alwd (FKA sym_allowed) quotas (this is probably easy; just need to make sure) - Need to implement stack-overflow detection in the metastack routines, both for the stack and for the undo lists. - Test evaluator routine needs to make sure macros fit one of the three allowed types ('a', 'b' or 'c') and that only types 'b' and 'c' dip into the stack's current contents. - Type 'a' can be "precompiled" since they amount to custom constants - Should I allow immediate operands (like 0.577...) to facilitate defining constants that can't be computed any other way? How about special operators, like 'exch'? - execution can probably be accomplished by having eval() call itself recursively. It needs to handle its own error returns. - with many -i test cases the RHS expression totals are a lot bigger than the LHS totals (while the insert totals are equal). There are probably cases that come out the other way around, too. In cases like this, the program could probably find more matches more quickly by shifting the balance between LHS/RHS to favor the side that is generating and inserting more expressions per unit time. (The present implementation tests "lhs_insert > rhs_insert" which is usually the best way to do it.) I could model this with formulas that take into account the total amount of dead-ends, expressions, and inserts on both sides, compared as a ratio to the equation total (and take the 1st derivative to figure out what side of the maximum you're on). The idea is to maximize the number of full equations found per unit time rather than keeping the number of LHS inserts equal to the number of RHS inserts. - here's a way to allow printing more than one exact solution: When inserting an LHS or RHS, if an identical item already exists in the tree, overwrite it with the new one. This will cause at most one new, distinct exact match per matchscan. Since this new match is of higher aggregate complexity than the old one, it has at least a moderate chance of being a mathematically distinct solution (-: - spend a lot of time looking at which expressions are generated first, and try to improve the weights so it makes more sense. Why does 2.5063 find [x2q/]=[pq] before [xs]=[p2*]? - add constants: Feigenbaum, Euler's - add Gamma function (many notes on this below) with an option to use "factorial" notation when displaying. - explore how to expand RIES to complex numbers and complex analytic functions. Looks easy -- after all, complex data types are native in GCC! (Test cases are now in #qualify#) */ /* TABLE OF FUNCTIONS sym stack-effect description 0x1 -- Phantom symbol for argument-reversed version of - 0x2 -- Phantom symbol for argument-reversed version of / 0x4 -- Phantom symbol for argument-reversed version of ^ ' ' -- Blank space: no operation (for --eval-expression) 0 (-- 0) The constant 0.0 (not currently used, but will have a role soon as part of --numeric.anagram) 1 (-- 1) The constant 1.0 2 (-- 2) The constant 2.0 3 (-- 3) The constant 3.0 4 (-- 4) The constant 4.0 5 (-- 5) The constant 5.0 6 (-- 6) The constant 6.0 7 (-- 7) The constant 7.0 8 (-- 8) The constant 8.0 9 (-- 9) The constant 9.0 ! (a -- f) Factorial monad f(x) = x! = Gamma[x+1] (reserved, not yet implemented) # (n d -- x) Digit paste operator x(n,d) = 10*n+d (reserved, not yet implemented. This is to make --numeric.anagram more useful) % (a b -- m) (reserved for modulo or remainder?) ^ (a b -- f) Power: f(a,b) = a^b * (a b -- p) Multiply+ p(a,b) = a*b ( -- Comment delimiter; used to bracket custom symbol names; used as a placeholder during infix translation ) -- Comment delimiter; used to bracket custom symbol names; used as a placeholder during infix translation - (a b -- d) Subtract: d(a,b) = a-b + (a b -- s) Add: s(a,b) = a+b : -- Function definition start ; -- Function definition end . -- Placeholder for multiplication during infix formatting / (a b -- r) Divide: r(a,b) = a/b A (a b -- A) Arctangent A(a,b) = atan2(a,b) (reserved, not yet used) C (x -- c) Cosine c(x) = cos(pi x) E (x -- f) Exponential function f(x) = e^x G (x -- g) Gamma function g(x) = Gamma[x] = (x-1)! (reserved, not yet implemented) I (x -- x) Identity function x(x) = x (not used in expressions, but used as a placeholder during infix translation) L (a b -- l) Arbitrary logarithm l(a,b) = log_b(a) S (x -- s) Sine s(x) = sin(pi x) T (x -- t) Tangent t(x) = tan(pi x) W (x -- w) Lambert W function, e.g. w(10.0) = 1.74553... e (-- e) The constant 2.71828... f (-- f) The constant 1.61803... l (a -- l) Natural logarithm: l(a) = ln(a) n (a -- n) Negate: n(a) = -a p (-- p) The constant 3.14159... q (a -- q) Square root: q(a) = sqrt(a) r (a -- r) Reciprocal: r(a) = 1/a s (a -- s) Square: s(a) = a*a v (a b -- v) Root: v(a,b) = a^(1/b) x (-- x) The user's target number */ /* ARCHITECTURE main -- Outer loop -- increment complexity and decide whether to add to RHS tree or LHS tree gen_forms -- setup first recursive level of gf_1 gf_1 -- Add a symbol of type 'a', 'b' or 'c' and recurse if complexity : allows :.gf_1 -- Recursive levels until form is complete ge_1 -- setup metastack and initial level of ge.2 ge_2 -- Generate one step of FORTH code and update metastack, : recurse if more symbols in the form :.ge_2 -- Recursive levels until form is complete canonval -- Try to put expression value in [1.0,2.0) (only if --canon-reduction option is used) bt_insert -- Insert calculated result into LHS or RHS tree check_exact_match (called for exact matches) report_match -- Display match without doing Newton check_sides -- Find closest neighbor of the opposite sidedness and determine if the pair sets a new record. check_match -- Check a single pair to see if it's a new solution cv_simplify -- Simplify equation by removing e.g. "2*" from both sides newton -- Use Newton's Method to locate ideal value of x for a given solution report_match -- Display a match that converged by Newton. try_solve -- Try to convert "expr1 = expr2" into "x = bigexpr" DETAILED NOTES ON ALGORITHM To reduce the search time, the graph theory "bidirectional search" (also called "meet-in-the-middle") technique is used. Rather than attempting to search for solutions of the form X = expression (1) it searches for solutions of the form f(X) = expression (2) where f(X) represents an expression containing X. Each side of equation (2) is represented as a set (in memory, a ordered list, implemented with a binary tree) of expressions and their values. Thus there are two lists {For efficiency, these two lists are stored in a single binary tree, so that I can check for a match after every new insert. With a single tree, matching items end up being close to each other in the tree}. Each list is kept in order by numerical value. Then, the lists can easily be scanned to locate any matches. A match consists of an element in the left-hand list whose value is close to that of an element of the right-hand list. Keeping the lists in order also allows duplicate expressions, like "2*pi", "pi+pi", and "pi*2", to be ignored, because they will end up having the same value and therefore end up being in the same spot in the list. It is important to look for "simpler" matches before going to more complex ones. Thus, expressions have a complexity score, computed by assigning a certain number of points to each of the symbols in the exression. Matches are checked in order of increasing total complexity (which is the complexity of the left-hand side plus that of the right-hand side) In order to avoid the sorting problems necessary to search the expressions in a perfectly increasing complexity order, complexity scores are lumped into discrete finite quanta, which are actually implemented by using small integers for each component of a complexity score, rather than real numbers. This does not actually cause everything to be searched in order, even modulo the quantization errors. Some equations can be represented in an unbalanced form with lower aggregate complexity than the least-complex balanced form: an example is the cube root of 2: The solutions are "x^3 = 2" and "x = 3,/2", both are unbalanced because there is one symbol on one side of the = sign and three symbols on the other. (",/" is the "Nth root" symbol). There are no good balanced solutions. In such cases the unbalanced, low-complexity form will show up later in the search than it "should". */ /* To make generation and evaluation easy, expressions are represented in a FORTH-like syntax with one character per symbol. Thus, "11+" is 1+1, "2q" is sqrt(2), "ep^" is e^pi, etc. Symbols are categorized by their stack-effect, which is abbreviated "seft" in the code. In the actual FORTH language, the stack effect (seft) encapsulates what a word does to the stack. It is described by a comment (some text in parentheses) containing: the stack contents before the word is executed, a "--" symbol, and the stack contents after the word executes. There are three sefts in ries, 'a', 'b', and 'c'. These are the similest and most common of a larget set of sefts found in FORTH-like languages, of which the following are a representative sample: seft 0: ( -- ) No operation (compare to b, b2 which don't change the stack level but do use something on the stack) seft a: ( -- K ) Adds one thing (a constant) to the top of the stack seft a2: ( arg1 -- res1 res2 ) Takes one value from the stack, performs an operation, and puts two results back on the stack. (Examples: DUP, divmod) seft a3: ( arg1 arg2 -- res1 res2 res3 ) Takes two values from the stack, performs an operation, and puts three results back on the stack. (Example: OVER) seft b: ( arg -- result ) Takes one value from the stack, performs an operation, and puts one result on the stack seft b2: ( arg1 arg2 -- res1 res2 ) Takes two values from the stack, performs an operation, and puts two results back on the stack. (Examples: SWAP, polar to rectangular conversion) seft c: ( arg1 arg2 -- result ) Takes two values from the stack, performs an operation, and puts one result on the stack (Examples: DROP, most binary operators) The RIES symbols of each seft are: 0: ' ' (blank space) a: x 1 2 p 3 e 4 5 f 6 7 8 9 (x, the digits, and the constants pi, e and phi) b: r s q l n S C T I (reciprocal, squared, square root, ln, negate, sine, cosine, tangent, identity) c: + - * / ^ v L (add, subtract, multiply, divide, exponent, root, logarithm) For ease in debugging, most symbols have letters that make sense, but not always (e.g. "f" for phi, the golden ratio; "v" for root, which is meant to represent the v-shaped part of the standard root sign). The only constants are the digits 1 through 9 -- no zero, and no multidigits or decimal fractions. To get 10 you have to do "25*" or something similar; for 1.5 you have to do "32/". A fair amount of effort has been put into setting the symbol scores such that the score of "25*" is only a little higher than the score for "9". example cases for deriving the symbol weights: (+) ~= (*) (because both occur equally often) (-) > (+), but not by much 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... degrade gracefully and kind of like a slide rule (14*) = (22*), etc. (implies (n) proportional to log(n) for 1<=n<=9) (33*) = (9) (implies (*) = [..] where [..] is the weight of any two symbols) (25*) > (9), but only by a little (no problems so far) [2q] ~= [5] :: therefore (2q) + [.] ~= (5) [x2v] = [xq] :: (2v) + [.] = (q) [x2^] = [xs] :: (2^) + [.] = (s) [99+] can be >> [55*] (because smaller numbers are more likely) %%% complexity score for a symbol can be context sensitive, e.g. 'l' takes a higher score the second time it is used in an equation -- so long as its range of possible scores is within the total range for its seft. This might be a good way to eliminate some of the nonintuitive aspects of the current system. Once a set of symbol scores is worked out, it can be adjusted by adding any constant to all the values (this adds a bias for long expressions, or a bias against long expressions. In the above "normalized" examples there is no bias, but the shorter ones will get generated first anyway.) The lists start out small and grow as the program searches. On the first pass, the left-hand list consists simply of {X}, the single- element expression for the search value, and the right-hand list consists only of a few common constants, for example {1, 2, *e*, *pi*}. After a few passes the left-hand list will include things like "xv" (sqrt(x)) and "x1+" (x+1), and the right-hand side will have similar forms such as "2v" (sqrt(2)) and "23/" (2/3). At that point, if X is 4/9 a match will be found between "xv" and "23/", even though the combination of "x" and "49/" has fewer symbols overall, because the former matching is more evenly balanced. Another way of saying this is that, since the complexity scores of "xv" and "23/" are both lower than the score of "49/", the "xv = 23/" matching is found before "49/" even gets a chance to be generated. To minimize time spent generating nonsense expressions, expressions are generated from "forms". A "form" is a symbolic expression of expression syntax, like "aabc" for "12q+". Each letter represents a different type of stack operation (called "seft" above). Type "a" pushes one item, type "b" leaves the stack with the same number of items, and "c" leaves the stack with one less item. A form is legal if the stack depth (the "a" count minus the "c" count) is > 0 at all times and = 1 at the end. Thus all forms start with an "a". The number of forms for N={1,2,3,...,8} is {1,1,2,4,9,21,51,127} (the Motzkin numbers; Sloane's A1006). By comparison, the total number of forms without these restrictions would be 3^(N-1): {1,3,9,27,81,242,729,2401}. The savings is considerable. In the left-hand list the first symbol will be an "x" in all generated expressions. Forms are generated on the fly and never stored in memory. As the search proceeds, longer forms are generated as needed. For each form there is a "minimum" expression and a "maximum" expression, as rated by complexity score. For example, "x1+" is the minimum expression for form "aac" and "99L" (log base 9 of 9) is the maximum. These minimum and maximum expressions are easy to find, because each symbol has its own score and the expression score is just the sum of the symbol score. Thus it is easy to determine, at the beginning of each pass, which forms can generate expressions that are within the current complexity range. Expressions are generated from each valid form. The generation of expressions uses a recursive backtracking algorithm, starting with the first symbol and moving to the right. At each step, it checks to see of the symbols we have so far still allow an expression which falls within the complexity range -- if not, the latest symbol is dropped or changed. It also avoids generating certain patterns of symbols which would be of no computational value, or which are always equivalent to a different (sometimes shorter) set of symbols. Examples of this optimization are: - "aa-" for any seft a symbol would be 0, so is not generated. - "aa+" is the same as "a2*", so is not generated. - "aa*" is the same as "as", so is not generated. - "aa/" and "aal" are equivalent to 1, and are not generated. - Almost any operator after "1" is not generated ("1x", "1/", "1r", "1^", "1v", "1l", "1L", "1v" all do nothing useful) - "2^" and "2v" are equivalent to "s" and "q" respectively, and are not generated. - "pS" is equivalent to 0 - "sq", "qs", "nn", "rr" all amount to nothing and are not generated. The expressions are also evaluated while they are being generated. Any subexpression that causes an error, such as divide-by-zero, can be skipped along with all expressions that start with that subexpression. For example, any expression starting with a constant followed by "nq", such as "2nq" which means "sqrt(-2)", will be skipped. As the search proceeds, each equation (that is, each combination of an LHS with an RHS) is checked to see what value X would have to be for the equation to work out perfectly, and the difference between this X and the user's supplied number is called the "delta". An equation becomes a "record-setter" if its delta is smaller than any delta seen so far. If a strict "non-fuzzy" comparison were made, due to roundoff errors it would be possible for the same solution to be found twice. For example, if X is near 4/9 = 0.44444.., two solutions are "x = 49/" and "xq = 23/". One solution might be printed after the other because of roundoff in the square-root operation. To avoid this, every time a new record-setter is found, the criterion for another record is set to 0.999 times the new delta. Determining the value of X for which the equation works out perfectly is a hard problem. In theory one would have to solve the equation for X. That involves lots of shifting and rearranging of symbols, and if there is more than one X in the equation it can get into some rather complicated algorithms. Instead, this program compares the LHS and RHS values directly. (The difference between the LHS and RHS is the "lhs/rhs diff", and varies from the "delta"). This leads to several problems. Sometimes two sides of the equation form a really good match only because both sides involve something raised to a very small power (or a very big root -- same thing). An example of this type of problem is 1.017262042 = [49sv] (the 81st root of 4) and 1.017313996 = [38sv] (the 64th root of 3). They differ by only 1 part in 20000, but only because both numbers are very close to 1. All 81st and 64th roots of small integers are close to 1. This is referred to as the "error margin problem" (or "loss of significance"). There is also the problem of zero subexpressions and constant subexpressions involving X. An example is "x1el-^ = 42sL": The subexpression "1el-" is "1-ln(e)" which evaluates to 0, and the entire LHS is x^(1-ln(e))" which will always be 1. The right-hand side (log base 2^2 of 4) is also 1, so this equation works for any X. In order for the program to work, such "solutions" have to be detected and eliminated. This is the "tautology problem". Finally, there is the issue of reporting what X would perfectly solve each equation. This is a desirable feature of the program because users will often want to find out what the "exact" value would be for a given equation without actually doing the algebra and calculations themselves. In cases like [xle+q] = [1e-s], where there is only one X in the equation, this could be done by the computer. However, there are lots of important cases like [xx^] = [52*] where an analytic solution does not exist and the value of X has to be found by some other method, such as a numeric method. This is the "root-finding problem" Conveniently, all three problems (the error-margin problem, the tautology problem, and the root-finding problem) are handled in the same way: by calculating the *derivative* of all terms and subexpressions on the LHS. The derivative, when multiplied by the lhs/rhs diff, gives a very good approximation to the delta, which as mentioned above is the amount that X would need to be changed to make the equation a perfect match. This solves the error margin problem because it equalizes the field -- all equations can get rated in terms of how much X has to change to make LHS and RHS match, rather than how much the LHS would have to change. It solves the tautology problem because, by definition, an LHS with a zero derivative is constant with respect to X, and therefore constitutes a tautology solution. It also solves the root-finding problem quite conveniently. If you have an equation like X^X = 10, and you have an approximation for X, you can use derivatives and Newton's method to find a better approximation for X. When RIES takes the derivative of the LHS and multiplies it by the lhs/rhs diff, it is essentially performing one step of Newton's method. The resulting value can be added to X to form a better approximation to the root of the equation. Derivatives are evaluated for LHS expressions as the expressions are generated. In the following table, the calculation of the derivative for each symbol is shown, based on the values of the operands (A and B) and their derivatives (da and db). Some of these will be familiar to anyone who has taken calculus: seft '0' symbols: ' ' no-op (other sefts will go here: roll, drop, dup, over, etc.) seft 'a' symbols: 3 any constant 0 x target 1 seft 'b' symbols: e exponential e^A da l natural log da / A n negate - da s squared 2 A da q square root da / 2 sqrt(A) r reciprocal - da / A^2 A arctan(a/b) da / (1+A^2) C cosine -sin(A) da G Gamma %%% reserved (mutex with !) ! factorial %%% reserved (mutex with G) S sine cos(A) da T tangent (1 + tan^2(A)) da W LambertW W(a)/(a(1+W(a))) da seft 'c' symbols: + plus da + db - minus da - db * times A db + B da (note "product rule" below) / divide B da - A db / B^2 (note "quotient rule" below) ^ power A^B (ln(A) db + B da / A) v Bth root BvA (da / A B - db ln(A) / B^2) L log base B (da / A ln B) - (ln A / ln B) (db / B ln B) # paste digits %%% reserved product rule d/dx f(x) g(x) = df g(x) + dg f(x) quotient rule d/dx f(x)/g(x) = (df g(x) - dg f(x)) / g(x)^2 chain rule d/dx f(g(x)) = df/dg dg/dx An example of applying the above to derive the formula for the derivative of A^B (where A and B are both functions of x): A^B = exp(ln(A) B) d/dx exp(Y) = exp(Y) dY d/dx ln(A) = 1/A da d/dx ln(A) B = db ln(A) + B/A da (by "product rule") d/dx A^B = d/dx exp(ln(A) B) = exp(ln(A) B) d/dx (ln(A) B) = exp(ln(A) B) (db ln(A) + B/A da) = A^B (db ln(A) + da B / A) = A^B ln(A) db + B A^(B-1) da (standard form) d/dx ln(A) / ln(B) = (ln(B) da / A - ln(A) db / B) / ln(B)^2 log(a+b) = log(a(1+b/a)) = log(a) + log(1+b/a) Another example for atan2(a,b): d/dx(arctan(a/b)) = 1/((A/B)^2+1) d/dx(A/B) = 1/((A/B)^2+1) (B da - A db / B^2) = (B da - A db) / (B^2 * ((A/B)^2+1)) = (B da - A db) / (A^2 + B^2) which agrees with Wikipedia (at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atan2#Derivative): Informally representing the function atan2 as the angle function theta(x,y) = atan2(y,x) [...] yields the following for the differential: dtheta = d/dx(atan2(y,x) dx) + d/dy(atan2(y,x) dy) = (-y/(x^2+y^2)) dx + (x/(x^2+y^2)) dy */ /* It is fairly easy to show that in any equation that constitutes a solution, if any expressions or subexpressons evaluate to 0, the entire equation can be replaced with an equivalent form that does not involve 0. The equivalent form is never more complex and is usually simpler. It can also be shown that any solution involving a subexpression that contains x and has a 0 derivative can be reduced to a simpler solution that does not. Why RIES Calculates Derivatives Consider the value X = 2.5063. Each of the following solutions (or an algebraic equivalent) will appear when you run RIES on it: 2 x = 5 for X = 2.5 * x^2 = 2 pi for X = 2.506628274631 * x^x = 1+9 for X = 2.5061841455888 x^2+e = 9 for X = 2.5063356063267 The exact solutions to these equations are all different values, of course, and they all form successively closer approximations to the supplied value 2.5063. */ /* %%% the following description doesn't match the numbers; don't know how to fix it... Look at the last two. Notice that the supplied value, 2.5063, is between the exact solutions of these two. Also, the equations can both be expressed in a different way: 2 X = 5 instead of X = 5/2 X^2 = 2 pi instead of X = sqrt(2 pi) Consider what would have happened if the last digit had been one higher or one smaller. How much does it change the "closeness" of the match? With the original two equations, where there is just an "X" on the left-hand side, this is easy to figure out: if X is 0.0001 lower, it's 0.0001 closer fit for the first equation, and 0.0001 further from the second. But look at the alternate forms: If you subtract 0.0001 from X, that subtracts 0.0002 from 2 X, but it subtracts 0.0005 from X^2. That's a big difference -- if we're using these forms of the equations (as RIES does) to determine how well the two sides match, then this altered value of X makes the match "move" further with respect to one equation than it does with respect to the other! The reason this happens is, of course, because we're looking at an expresson on the left-hand side, rather than just a single "X". Putting an expression on the left-hand side makes it harder to see how close a match you've got. If you still don't believe this, consider 1.047246, and exclude sine and cosine from the function set:
  ries 1.047246 -NSC

  Your target value: T =         1.047246

            3 x = pi                for X = T - 4.84488e-05
            x^5 = 3 root-of 2       for X = T + 4.81228e-05
  1/ln(sqrt(x)) = 4^e               for X = T + 1.77179e-05
We see that 1.047246 is an equally good solution for the following: x = pi / 3 (too high by 0.00005) x = 15th root of 2 (too low by 0.00005) but if you express the solutions as the #ries# output does: 3 x = pi (3.14172, too high by 0.00013) x^5 = cuberoot(2) (1.25992, too low by 0.00029) suddenly it looks like the 3 x = pi solution is more than twice as good. #ries# notices this and compensates for it regardless of the form in which the equation is actually found. If you run RIES on the value 1.047246 it will present both solutions, in the following form: X * 3 = pi X ^ 5 = 3 v 2 The philosophy adopted by RIES is that the "true" form for evaluating the closeness of a match is the form where there is just one X, and nothing else, on the left-hand-side of the equation, and just numbers and symbols, but no X's, on the right-hand-side. (Let's call this the "normalized form".) Put all equations into normalized form, calculate the value on the right and look at the difference between X and this value to determine how good the match is. But now go back to our 2.5063 example above -- one of its solutions was: X^X = 10 This equation *cannot* be reduced to something with just one X on the left-hand side -- there is no "inverse-of-X-to-the-X" function fn[1]. What does RIES do? fnd[1] Actually, there is, but it uses an obscure function called the "Lambert W function" which is the inverse of *y*=*xe^{x}*. More details are [here|+numbers:xxy_root2] if you are interested. RIES calculates derivatives. By using the value of 2.5063 for X and calculating the derivative of X^X for this value of X, you get (about) 19. A derivative of 19 means that any small change in X will cause a 19-times-bigger change in X^X. That's important, because it allows us to compare the closeness of the match on "equal footing" with other, normalized equations like X = sqrt(2 pi). Derivatives work so well, in fact, that RIES does not even have to bother solving its equations for x. ven if it were easy to do this (which it is not), leaving the equations unsolved is still an important speed improvement. Part of the reason RIES is so fast is that it generates left-hand-sides and right-hand-sides separately (like a wl[Bidirectional_search] in graph theory) and tries all the combinations to find possible solutions. It can do this a lot quicker because a half-equation is smaller than a full equation, and therefore there are less possibilities to check out. Furthermore, derivatives allow RIES to quickly and easily check a possible equation to discover the value that X would have to be in order to both sides to match exactly (it is essentially performing one step of Newton's method). Examples of LHS and RHS expressions for the test case 2.5063. These are shown in groups that correspond to the pairs that would actually generate matches in a search: expression value deriv. 5/2 2.5 0 hyprt(10) 2.506184 0 x 2.5063 1.0 ,/25 5 0 2 x 5.0126 2.0 x^2 6.281540 5.01 2 pi 6.283185 0 x^2+e 8.999822 5.01 9 9 0 9+1 10 0 x^x 10.00222 19.19 The derivative is based on the concept of an imagined error-bar in x that is assumed to be small enough so that all reported matches are relevant, but which is not zero. Thus, it is in units of the infinitesimal quantity "epsilon". Let us now imagine that there is a constant "g" equal to (pi-1) * 2.5063 ~= 5.367473. Then we would have the following grouping: expression value deriv. pi^2-2 7.869604 0 x+g 7.873774 1.0 pi x 7.873774 3.14 The matching "pi x = pi^2-2" constitutes a closer match than "x+g = pi^2/2" because in the former case, x would only need to be decreased by about 1/pi as much to make it an exact match. So, the closeness of a match is measured as |LHS-RHS|/derivative, where smaller is better. To enable actual error bars to be provided with data, a value of "epsilon" must be adopted for use with notionally precise supplied values. This can be gleaned from the number of supplied digits in the input, or the precision of the floating point format can be used. In the latter case we would take the data value divided by 2 to the power of the number of digits in the mantissa. */ /* Future enhancements: See "UNFINISHED WORK" section above */ /* REVISION HISTORY 20000207 Begin (it does not do much except parse the parameters) 20000208 Add parsing of level adjust and more design comments 20000209 Write code to generate forms. "Discover" the Motzkin numbers. 20000210 Optimize gf.1() by making it compute the stack depth as it goes along rather than repeating the whole stack history on each test. This improves time to generate all forms of length <=19 from 188 seconds down to to 37.9 seconds. Add tracking of min and max weights, and start writing expression generator. 20000215 It now generates forms within min and max possible complexity limits, to avoid generating expressions from forms that cannot possibly fall within the current complexity limit. Add a little optimization; speeds up a deep search from 53 seconds to 37 seconds. 20000217 It generates expressions, but doesn't prune for complexity or evaluate. For the initial groups of 5, the numbers of expressions evaluted are: {0, 12, 12, 72, 1368, 1368, 17928, 345672, 5875272,...} 20000217 Prune for complexity limits; each expression is now generated exactly once. The numbers are down to: {0, 1, 3, 18, 69, 182, 1046, 5358, 27123,...} Still need to prune foolishness like "11+" and "nn". 20000217 Prune almost all obvious trivial patterns. The numbers are now down to {0,1,3,13,43,122,486,2186,9775,...}. Then prune [JK+] and [JK-] for small integers, [jK*] and [jK+] for any j> 2" instead of ">> 1" in the s[] and ds[] declarations in struct metastack. 20000220 Refine the termination condition (now it counts generated expressions, rather than cutting off at a certain complexity score -- this is to gain independence from the specifics of the weights) and discover another dimensioning bug in struct metastack. Benchmark changes in PASS_GRAN: When it is set to 4, 2, and 1 the execution time for generating all expressions up to complexity 64 (2236462 expressions) is 3.57, 4.16, and 5.24 respectively. This actually a lot better than I thought it would be -- I thought there would be a lot more overhead from repeating the same subexpression evaluations over and over again. */ /* 20000220 Make it increase LHS and RHS complexity limits at independent rates, such that the population remains equal between the two sides. Add a bunch of comments documenting what's been done so far. 20000221 Write bt.insert(); it now reports exact matches! It finds, for example, [x3+] = [4s] for X=13. However, for X=143 it reports [xrx*] = [1], with a derivative of 1.9e-19. Add PRUNE_DERIV to try to fix this, and it starts reporting [xxqL] = [2] with a derivative of 0.00258248 -- this turns out to be a bug in the deriv formula for 'q'. Eventually increase PRUNE_DERIV to around 1e-14, then decide to make it a variable and add p_ovr and n_ovr. Write bt_prev() and bt_next(), but not using them yet. 20000221 Figure out that I can check just the nearest LHS on either side of an RHS, and vice versa. Write check.sides() and check.match. It now finds answers and prints them out! 20000221 Fix bug in exact-match reporting. When given 1.5065916, it reports: match: [xe+s1+] = [p6*] (solution is X+5.14855e-08) Make it report delta you'd have to add to X to get each match to be exact. Test cases that currently produce bogus results: 'ries -l1 27', 'ries -0.28676844', 'ries 403' 20000222 Adjust best.match by 0.999 each time to avoid long strings of roundoff-error results. This fixes the './ries 403' case. Rename to "ries" (it used to be called "misc"). Start analyzing memory usage. Figure out how to save some memory in the node structures, and more importantly, how to group nodes together in physical memory such that the program degrades more gracefully when physical memory limits are exceeded. 20000222 Implement -S and -O command-line options. This has the side-effect of making certain bogus match bugs easier and quicker to reproduce. 20000222 Change -S and -O to -N and -S respectively. 20000222 Convert manpage to #nroff# format. Improve implementation of -S/-O/-N precedence. Implement -O option. Figure out why restricted symbolsets create very small numbers of equations (the level controls the number of expressions generated, which is always larger than the number of expressions inserted in the tree) 20000222 Fix bug that caused negative X's to give no solutions -- it was initializing best.match to a fraction of X, and not taking the absolute value! Implement -i option so I can find an expression for 70458. 20000223 Ignore -i if target is non-integer. Adjust weights for seft 'b' operators; 'l' now appears much less often in expressions. Add -y option. 20000223 Write add.rule(); convert all AM_xx rules to add.rule() calls. Now the AM_xx rules degrade gracefully with the symbolset options. Change -y option to -x. 20000223 Clean up formatting in report.match(); add complexity score to output. Write perl script to benchmark and take statistics on -i option for a wide rance of integers; leave it running overnight. Change all 'int' to 's16'. */ /* 20000224 Today's date as a mathematical expression: (((4^(4^(1/e))-pi)^2)-pi)^2 the repetition is cool. 20000224 Write initial version of infix.1, then add a few rules (ordering of bare symbols in '+' and '*'; always reverse order for 'v' and 's'). Add -F option. 20000224 Add memory usage statistic. 20000225 Write infix.preproc; implement parentheses precedence. 20000225 Write eval() and newton(); printed X values are now (almost always) exact roots of their equations. Add AM_1K rules. 20000226 Add copyright and GPL notices; add URL to first printf 20000226 Add symbol definition strings 20000227 Add sin and cos operators. Eliminate several bogus exact match errors related to roundoff and loss of accuracy, e.g. cosine(0.0001). Fix major bug in k_prune.deriv test: it only pruned positive small derivs, not negative small derivs. Add symbol FORTH names and write postfix.formatter (but it isn't used yet). Don't report matches if newton() returned an error. 20000227 Add -ie variant to -i option (only_exact) 20000228 Kill another missing-fabs bug; remove prune on "almost exact matches" which is now adequately covered by the derivative tests. 20000228 Add 'E' operator, AM_l and AM_E attributes, and PS_REVPOW. check.match now uses newton() to evaluate score more accurately. Add loss-of-significance test to '-' operator. 20000228 check.match calling newton was royally slowing things down. Now it uses the old, much quicker test and then uses newton() as a confirmation test. This cuts time for "ries 2.5063" from 4.09 down to 1.39 on the Cyrix 180 (which is about what it has been since 0223). Add statistics of pruned subexpressions ("dead-ends"). 20000229 Fix bug in newton() that prevented success if target was negative. Add debug printf's 'mnr'. 20000229 Add time display; add debug printf's 'opqsABCDEFG'. 20000229 Add debug printf's 'Hy' and a few notes about complex analytic definitions 20000301 Change debug printf 's'; add another loss-of-significance test to '+' and '-'; add debug printf's 'IJKLtuvx'. Add 'I' operator and special-case tests for no defined symbols of each seft (this is a massive optimization for "ries -ie 7 '-S1+*-/^v'") 20000302 Add debug printf 'w' and improve 'r'. Add arctan function (but not using it yet) and some notes about derivatives. 200003xx Benchmarks on a 333-MHz Celeron: -command-------------------------- -mem- time equations ries 2.5063141592653589 960K 0.3 9.5619e7 ries -l1 2.5063141592653589 3072K 1.5 1.0306e9 ries -l2 2.5063141592653589 10.7M 6.5 1.2832e10 ries -l3 2.5063141592653589 32.7M 24.4 1.2042e11 200203xx Benchmarks on an 800-MHz PowerPC G4 (iMac, model M6498LL/A): -command-------------------------- -mem- time equations ries 2.5063141592653589 960K 0.1 9.5062e7 ries -l1 2.5063141592653589 3072K 0.8 1.0248e9 ries -l2 2.5063141592653589 10.6M 3.6 1.2765e10 ries -l3 2.5063141592653589 32.6M 14.3 1.1976e11 ries -l4 2.5063141592653589 114M 70.3 1.4609e12 20020610 Figures from an unknown test (I can't find a record of the details). I think the numbers are: memory usage; total expressions/total distinct; total equations. -l0 1136K 32198/14576 53165000 -l1 2876K 145183/51492 666660000 -l2 7632K 530668/152904 5712000000 -l3 27100K 2311204/559419 78120000000 200310xx Benchmarks on an 800-MHz PowerPC G4 (iBook G4, model M9164LL/A): -command-------------------------- -mem- time equations ries 2.5063141592653589 960K 0.1 9.5062e7 ries -l1 2.5063141592653589 3072K 0.7 1.0248e9 ries -l2 2.5063141592653589 10.6M 3.2 1.2765e10 ries -l3 2.5063141592653589 32.6M 12.8 1.1976e11 ries -l4 2.5063141592653589 114M 62.3 1.4609e12 ries -l5 2.5063141592653589 398M 388 1.7825e13 20050715 Benchmarks on a 2-GHz PowerPC G5 (part of a dual system, model M9455LL/A): -command-------------------------- -mem- time equations ries 2.5063141592653589 960K 0.0 9.5062e7 ries -l1 2.5063141592653589 3072K 0.2 1.0248e9 ries -l2 2.5063141592653589 10.6M 1.5 1.2765e10 ries -l3 2.5063141592653589 32.6M 6.6 1.1976e11 ries -l4 2.5063141592653589 114M 36.2 1.4609e12 ries -l5 2.5063141592653589 398M 260 1.7825e13 ries -l6 2.5063141592653589 1.41G 2183 2.2297e14 20070511 Alan Eliasen emails me to tell me that 'ries -l4 193707721' gives the spurious result "x.(1/S(p))/x = 1/S(p) (exact match) {107}". This is a problem I have known about for a while. I reproduce the problem and reduce the symbol set to make it appear faster; it can be reproduced with: ries -F '-SxpSr/ *' -l0 1002353667 Add rule ("",'S', AM_pi, 0), which eliminates "sin(pi)". It now reports the following more complex version of the same bug: x.(1/S(p.p/p))/x = 1/S(p.p/p) (exact match) {181} {This isn't actually a problem, it's doing what it should: When the symbol '1' is not allowed, then "K/K" for any constant K *is* allowed. However "ries -F '-SxpSr/ *1' -l1 1002353667" does produce the bug. See 20090513 for fix. -20090513} 20090216 Clean up the comments, and add the "ARCHITECTURE" section, plus a few notes on how to approach a multithreaded implementation. Here are the benchmarks from the 733 MHz Pentium 3 (from the manpage, which I have now decided to update): memory equations digits runtime usage tested matched (733MHz P3) -l0 960K 95,000,000 6+ 0.1 sec -l1 3.1M 1,030,000,000 7+ 0.7 sec -l2 11 M 12,800,000,000 8+ 3.3 sec -l3 33 M 120,000,000,000 9+ 12 sec -l4 115M 1,470,000,000,000 11+ 63 sec and here are the benchmarks from the 2.33-GHz Core 2 Duo (MacBook Pro): -command-------------------------- -mem- time equations ries 2.5063141592653589 960K 0.0 9.4018e7 ries -l1 2.5063141592653589 3008K 0.1 1.0153e9 ries -l2 2.5063141592653589 10.6M 0.6 1.2643e10 ries -l3 2.5063141592653589 32.4M 2.7 1.1865e11 ries -l4 2.5063141592653589 113M 13.6 1.4461e12 ries -l5 2.5063141592653589 396M 81.7 1.7642e13 ries -l6 2.5063141592653589 1.40G 651 2.2062e14 20090510 Add standard output format, and make it the default. "-F" now takes a numeric argument (which formerly it did not) and "-F" alone defaults to "-F0" which is what it did before. {Formerly "F" was for "FORTH", and now it stands for "Format".} Future idea: A -W option to view weights (same as -S) or define weights individually. --include could then be used to select weight presets (e.g. a set of weights for electrical engineering). {This was implemented on 20121209} 20090511 In infix modes, display operator 'L' (log base A of B) in advance of both of its arguments. No longer put parens around single-symbol argument of negate (e.g. emit "-x" instead of "-(x)"). 20090513 Add rules to put bare 'x' after non-x-containing expressions and bare 'pi', 'phi' and 'e'. Finish postfix.formatter (which had never been brought into spec with the other formatters) and add it as a 4th output option. As noted at 20070511, there has been a problem with expressions like "pi*pi/pi". The command "ries '-SxpSr/ *1' -l1 1002353667 -F0" currently shows the problem. I fix this by adding the three-symbol pattern AM_KxK and the rule ("", '/', AM_KxK, 0). 20090515 "ries -l6 2.5063141592653589" running uncontested on the 2.26-GHz Nehalem uses 1.40G of memory and tests 2.2154e14 equations in 442.4 seconds. Another test: 1.3525746932102463: 1.43G, 2.3011e14, 463.2. These times are 47% and 40% faster than the Core 2 Duo. Slight improvements to -Ds output. Improve rules for emitting "*", " ", or "" for multiplication in different situations. Add rule ("12345678n", '-', AM_jK), and def_amkey/sym_amkey[] optimization. 20090808 Remove "val" parameter of my_alloc() */ /* 20101218 Increase default level to -l2 (while preserving the effect of all '-l' values when such an option is provided: "ries 1.234" is now the same as "ries -l2 1.234", but "ries -l1 1.234" does the same thing it used to do). Print 'x' instead of 'X'; use strcmp and strncmp in a few places. 20111216 Increase MAX_ELEN from 16 to 19 since we have room (struct size is 64 in either case). Comment out unused obt_xxx declarations. 20111218 check.sides now checks more than one neighboring LHS if the newly-inserted node is an RHS. Oddly, this does not cause more matches to be reported, and I am not sure why. 20111219 print.end now displays max LHS and RHS complexity values; add --find.expression option. Add k.vanished_dx and use it in several places to enforce a stricter constraint on derivatives. This eliminates many of the more obscure tautologies like "x^(4/ln(sqrt(x)))". Add --eval-expression option, and error numbers and error strings to support it. 20111220 Restore ERR_EXEC_TRIG_LOW_DX error for RHS expressions; restore legend in normal infix display format; eval() now reports ERR_EVAL_TOO_LONG. 20111221 Slight improvements to postfix.formatter; report (most) unrecognized or badly-formatted command options. Catch a few more tautologies by comparing magnitude of dx to magnitude of x. 20111222 Add --version option. 20111223 -S without any symbols displays the symbol table and exits. 20111224 Enhance -Ds output by explicitly mentioning the Newton-Raphson step. 20111226 Add loss-of-significance tests to each of the operators that seem to need it: ln(x), e^x, sin, cos, +, -, a^b, a,/b, and log_a(b). Significance loss errors have always been easy to find in ries output, by giving a target value that has a simple solution (like "ries -1.4142135", which is used throughout this note). After ries gives the simple solution (in this case "x^2 = 2"), subsequent solutions can incorporate the simple solution in a loss-of-significance tautology. The first of these solutions was {2012.0505: Now considered okay, now that addition actually checks for loss of precision explicitly} "1/(x+sqrt(2)) = e^(4^2) {86}". This incorporates the direct solution into a tautology by turning "x^2=2" into "x+sqrt(2)=0", which isn't exactly 0 because x is not exactly sqrt(2). Significance can be said to be lost because many of the significant bits of the two terms "x" and "sqrt(2)" cancel each other out in the addition. {2012.0505: In this case, handled in exec() case '+', the loss of significance in addition is easy to test rigorously: if (a+b)-b is equal to a, and (a+b)-a is equal to b, then no information has in fact been lost.} This "x + -x" case is probably the most common source of significance loss that I had not addressed until today. I fixed it by adding the "fabs(rv) < (fabs(a) * k_sig_loss)" tests in exec() label "add_common:" "ries -1.4142135" then gave "-ln(x^2-1) = 1/7^8 {109}" until I added the k_sig_loss test in exec() case 'l' It then gave "-sin(pi x^2) = (1/5)^9 {111}" until I added the k_sig_loss test in exec() case 'S' It then gave "log_2(x^2-1) = 1/-(e^(e^e)) {117}" until I added the k_sig_loss test in exec() case 'L' Then it gave "1/(1/(x-1)-x) = (e^(4^2)),/2 {122}" until I added the k_sig_loss test in exec() case 'v' It then gave "(x-1/(x+1))^2 = e^(1/(e^7)^2) {125}" until I added the k_sig_loss test in exec() case 'E' After doing all of the above there was only one operator ('^') that seemed to need a k_sig_loss test. 20111227 Change many details of formatting and printing to accomodate the recent changes in handling of significant digits. Add constants k_nominal_digits and k_usable_digits and associated format strings fmt_g_xxx and use these in most places a floating-point value is displayed. Redo the equation justify (space-padding) code to make the best use of 80 columns while still showing centered equations and 15 significant digits when the -x option is given. Add init.numerics(); k_phi and k_pi are now computed from scratch. New 'z' option to -D and debug_z flag to show messages printed by init.numerics(). */ /* 20111228 Add more k_sig_loss tests in sin and cos. Display CPU time as "%.3f" rather than the old "%d.%d" that showed seconds and tenths. RIES now exits when (best.match < k_0) regardless of the got.exact flag; this fixes a bug that would cause RIES to loop forever if it had not yet gotten an "exact match" at the point when best.match goes negative. init.numerics() now computes k_e and detects the size of the ULP (Unit in Last Place or "least significant bit"). Add --min-match.distance option and g_min.matchsize to prevent reporting of really close matches (useful in e.g. finding classical approximation formulas for pi) Add --significance-loss-margin and k_sig_loss to allow going back to RIES behaviour before all the new k_sig_loss tests were added. Share code by combining two exit tests into exact_exit() routine. ln(a) and log_a(b) functions now no longer reject a case like ln(1.23e10) (in which only about 1 significant digit is lost) k_prune.deriv had been used for three different purposes, and now is being replaced with three separate variables. The three purposes of k_prune.deriv were: 1. Detecting convergence in newton(). Now using new k_newton_settled 2. Pruning subexpression tautologies in ge.2(). Now using k.vanished_dx 3. Setting n_ovr and p_ovr in init2(). For now this is unchanged. 20111229 The big trig change: S and C now take units of pi radians, so "3rS" now produces the value sin(pi/3)=0.866025... To support this I also add the --trig-argument-scale option, which if given with the parameter "1" gives the old trig units (radians). As a bonus, users can now get degrees or grads or any other angle units. To avoid confusion, the trig functions are now called "sinpi" and "cospi" in the output, unless --trig-argument-scale is set to something other than pi; and the function definitions make this obvious by adding a message like "For the trig functions, 360 units are a full circle." at the end. While I'm at it, I add the tangent function 'T'. This had been in the manual and in the symbolset since the start, but had not yet been written in exec(). This of course makes a lot of things solve more quickly, such as Gosper's "0.9674026381747" (the root of "tan(x) = 3x/2", which previously needed a -l5 search, but with the unit change and the tangent function, a -l0 search is sufficient.) One result of the trig units change is that there are a lot more natural identities connecting common fractions and small radicals. For example sqrt(2) is 2 sinpi(1/4), sqrt(3) is 2 sinpi(1/3), etc. This makes ries generate and insert fewer expressions at a given complexity level. It's so good in fact that you get higher complexity *and* less memory usage even after adding the tangent function. Here are some benchmarks, showing how much memory it used up and what level of complexity it was able to achieve: --------old-------- --------new-------- complexity complexity target-value LHS:RHS memory time LHS:RHS memory time 1.5063 -l2 66:61 13632 KiB .319 66:62 12928 .342 .328106566874978253 80:76 486848 KiB 39.5 81:76 461312 38.0 1.9511889024071 80:76 494016 KiB 39.7 81:76 458432 37.8 .922524879060934752 80:76 499264 KiB 40.4 80:77 464320 40.8 (All except the first is at level -l5; the old figures were measured using the options "--trig-argument-scale 1 -NT") 20111230 Add a pruning rule for [K+K-]->[] and pattern AM_KpK (which I noticed after updating the sin(4)/cos(4)=1.1578212823 example from the manpage and discovering that "ries 1.1578212823" prints "x+1-1 = tanpi(4/pi)".) Time measurement is now done by wall-clock time rather than CPU cycle time. We do this with the gettimeofday() function. Formerly we used getrusage(), which under-reports elapsed time on Nehalem and later Intel microarchitectures when the core that we are running in also has another thread running. This change also involved adding the inittime() routine. Make several changes to facilitate porting this file to other systems: * #include and use LONG_MAX instead of __LONG_MAX__ (which was a GCC-only predefined constant) * The symbol stack effect attribute (formerly called "class") is now called "seft" (both in the comments and more importantly in variable names) to facilitate porting to C++ (where "class" cannot be used as a variable name because it is a language reserved keyword) * As mentioned above we now measure time with gettimeofday(); in Windows we provide a gettimeofday() based on _ftime(). * #include "stdafx.h" has been added before the other includes, to facilitate Visual C++ * #define RIES_VERSION ... has been moved to fall after the includes. 20111231 Add bt_first(), not yet used. 20120102 Increase k_min_best.match when fabs(target)>1.0, to avoid a "search forever without exiting" condition that would always happen when fabs(target)>16.0 Add --include/-p (load profile) option, implemented in new routines: file_read, delimit_args, and parse.args (which includes all the argument-parsing formerly in main()). An included file contains options, delimited by blank space with optional comments starting with '#'. Each non-blank non-comment 'token' is treated as if it were a string in argv[], with the strings inserted into argv[] at the point where the settings-file option is given, with recursion to support nested includes. Max 10MiB per file, max recursion depth is 27 levels. This is to provide for all the fancy new features I'd like to add someday (like user-defined symbol-weights and functions). Add bt_depth and bt_stats (which is run by debug_y) to see if rebalancing the binary tree will help. I conclude that it will not help much: in a typical run the average tree depth with rebalancing would be 17.5, and the actual (unbalanced) average depth is 24.5. 20120103 Add check.exact_match(), removing more RIES-specific code from bt.insert. Add next_isparam(), clean up argument parsing and fix a bug with parsing --significance-loss-margin argument. 20120104 Improve several of the debug_n printfs; add a bunch of debug_q printfs to answer the question of why the check.sides change of 20111218 did not produce more matches. Rename the old "on_rhs" variable to "using.x". Remove a lot of obsolete comments relating to an old idea for maintaining two separate (LHS and RHS) lists. Update the comments on derivative formulas and the Gamma function. check.sides now always checks only one expression to either side of the newly-inserted expression. This causes a very few changes in output, mainly in the first one or two reported matches. The reasons are explained below in a block comment "THE CHECK_SIDES PARADOX". To support the check.sides investigation I added the -D0 option and debug_0, which does a complete dump of the expressions database after every gen_forms pass. 20120105 Add stack overflow and underflow checks in eval(). Increase MAX_ELEN again to 21 (the expr struct is still 64 bytes). Add MAX_SEFT_POP checks in add.symbol(). Add better documentation of the workings of the metastack routines. Implement canon.val() but leave it disabled by default right now. This tries to transform expressions into forms that have a value in [1.0,2.0), which also transforms expressions. For example, compare: ries 1.50631415926535897932 --canon-reduction 0 x-1 = 1/2 for x = T - 0.00631416 {50} 1/ln(x) = sqrt(6) for x = T - 0.00213357 {62} x^4 = 2+pi for x = T - 0.000489459 {68} (x+1)^2 = 2 pi for x = T + 0.000314115 {69} x^pi = tanpi(sqrt(2)) for x = T - 0.000224565 {70} x^2 = tanpi(1/e) for x = T + 9.42083e-05 {60} x^2-2 = 1/(1+e) for x = T - 1.35846e-05 {79} 1/(log_3(x)) = 3-1/pi for x = T + 8.87321e-06 {87} 1/x+sqrt(2) = 1/ln(phi) for x = T - 2.77223e-06 {86} 1/(log_7(x)) = 5-1/4 for x = T - 6.29902e-07 {94} . . . . . . . . . log_(2/sqrt(3))(x) = 3-1/2^e for x = T - 1.21748e-09 {128} max complexity: 66 62 128 dead-ends: 2290352 5560466 7850818 CPU time: 0.369 expressions: 183663 420208 603871 distinct: 92770 113599 206369 Memory: 12928KiB ries 1.50631415926535897932 --canon-reduction nr2 x = 3/2 for x = T - 0.00631416 {48} (1/ln(x))/2 = sqrt(6)/2 for x = T - 0.00213357 {98} x^4/2 = (2+pi)/2 for x = T - 0.000489459 {104} (x+1)^2/2 = 2 pi/2 for x = T + 0.000314115 {105} -(x-4)/2 = pi,/2 for x = T - 5.21371e-05 {95} (1/(x^2-2))/2 = -(pi-5) for x = T + 2.16534e-05 {110} (1/(x^2-2))/2 = (1+e)/2 for x = T - 1.35846e-05 {115} e^(x-1) = (1/pi+3)/2 for x = T - 5.75694e-06 {101} 1/(x/phi)^2 = 8,/pi for x = T + 7.44845e-07 {94} sqrt(3-x) = -tanpi(e-1) for x = T - 6.44308e-07 {101} (1/-(log_7(1/x)))/2 = (5-1/4)/2 for x = T - 6.29902e-07 {144} . . . . . . . . . sinpi(1/5),/x/2 = 1/-cospi(1/ln(sqrt(7))) for x = T + 1.15156e-10 {151} max complexity: 66 62 128 dead-ends: 2290352 5560466 7850818 CPU time: 0.369 expressions: 183663 420208 603871 distinct: 63206 67234 130440 Memory: 8192KiB The intent is to get further with a given amount of memory by collapsing equivalent equations like "x=-2" and "-x=2" into the same solution. It succeeds in doing this, but also causes different matches to be discovered and reported (despite the fact that the main loop is still making the same choices about whether to call gen_forms on LHS or on RHS). I need to investigate this further to discover why (one possibility is that the new solutions come from things that would have matched earlier, but didn't, because they lie in different places on the number line and wouldn't meet up without needing more complexity). 20120107 -pfoo now tries opening "foo.ries" if "foo" cannot be opened. Add thrash_check() and related real-time memory allocation benchmarking (not yet finished). This is based on ideas from a discussion with Charles Greathouse yesterday. 20120108 More work on thrash_check(); add --min-memory option (which presently does nothing, but eventually will prevent RIES from quitting early in the event of unanticipated system slowness). Add --max.memory option (which makes RIES definitely quit before exceeding a given amount of memory). 20120113 Move nested functions out of parse.args() for compatibility with non-GCC compilers. Presently, "ries 0.9674026381747 --eval-expression xp/T" shows a different answer on different computers: I get "tanpi(x/pi) = 1.4511039572620501" on MP16 and "tanpi(x/pi) = 1.4511039572620503" on MBP. This causes commands, such as "ries 0.9674026381747 -l3", to produce different results ("x/tanpi(x/pi) = 2/3" on MP16 and the bizarre "x/tanpi(x/pi) = log_(sqrt(8))(2)" on MBP). I suspect a variation in the maths library routines under different versions of MacOS. To fix this I probably need to bring in my own tangent function. Sources for one version are in "sun-trig-functions.txt". {This was addressed on 20121215, when I added msal_math64.c and the RIES_USE_SA_M64 switch} 20120115 Add --memory-abort-threshold option and fix some segfaults that were happening if the user does not give an expected option argument. Add typedef sym_attr_block and use it for all the symbol table arrays. 20120121 Move all symbol tables into a single array of sym_attr_block 20120122 Add CANONVAL_MUL2 operation and stub cv.simplify() routine. 20120423 Notes on what I need to accomplish to finish canon.val, decanon, and cv.simplify routines: canon.val adds 'n', 'r', and/or '2/', '4/' to try to put an expression's value into the range [1, 2). Call it just before calling bt.insert. It should work on the existing expression structure and metastack state, and it needs to stop if MAX_ELEN is reached. We also need a decanon routine to undo its work before proceeding with the rest of ge.2. cv.simplify operates on two expressions (an equation), removing any unnecessary symbols that may have been added by canon.val. It takes two expressions A and B and removes any trailing '2/', '4/', 'r' and 'n', or possibly shifts symbols from one expression to the other, all so as to make the equation A=B lower-complexity. Call this in check.match right after the initial test passes and before running newton() on the equation. This will most probably involve having two dedicated expression data structures so it (and newton(), etc.) will see our simplified equation rather than the two expressions that are actually in the database. The purpose of this is to conflate values like -2, -1, 1/2, 1, 2 into a single tree entry, which should make more effective use of memory, at the expense of the output being a little less well-ordered by complexity-score. {These changes were begun on 20120514, but not finished until bug fixes on 20121210.} 20120425 RIES was used by Randall Munroe for XKCD #1047 (xkcd.com/1047) {This led to changes allowing RIES to function as the back-end to an online RIES server.} 20120428 Changes for UNIX and Windows compatibility (suggested by Markus Milleder, via the xkcd forums). Also change Nth root symbol ',/' to '"/' because the '"' looks more like the superscript 'n' that I use in the HTML for the ORIES server. The server is mostly functional, at mrob.com/ries 20120503 Add --wide-output option (mainly for use by the ORIES server). This is a 132-column version of the standard 80-column output, adding two new columns. It displays the normal output plus the -x version of the column showing equation roots, and a new column showing the ratio (target/delta) in the form "1 part in 50" as in xkcd.com/1047 20120505 There has been a bug for a while, causing "ries -l-2 -i 143" to find the bizarre equation "(x-2)+3 = (3*4)^2" rather than the much more obvious (and lower-complexity) "x+1 = (3*4)^2". This resulted from sig-loss pruning and the k_sig_loss value 0.01: Because 1 is less than 143*k_sig_loss, RIES disallowed the addition x+1. Similarly, "ries 7775" failed to find "x+1=6^5" or even an alternate like "(x+9)-8=6^5" because it couldn't add 1 (or any integer) to an x that large. As a "narrow, conservative" fix, I have altered exec() case '+' to attempt "(x+1)-1" and see if it is precisely equal to x. If so, then we can assert that no significance loss has actually occurred Also add parse_target() to support future --mad option. 20120508 Numerous small changes to avoid warnings about sign mismatch and using 'char' as an array index. Also add functions sym.strsym and sym.strcmp. 20120509 Add --max.match-distance option, bringing it a bit closer to supporting --mad. 20120510 Add the symbol ' ' which does nothing, so that --eval-expression expressions can be formatted with whitespace if desired. Display a "still looking..." message if no results have been reported after the first 2 seconds. 20120511 Add --numeric.anagram option and get it basically working. It still needs a lot of testing, and the loop exit condition based on search level needs a lot of work. 20120514 A bunch of little changes to fix compiler warnings. 20120515 Handle the gen_total / searchmax limits differently for unidirectional searches like that done by --numeric.anagram. Prior to this change, "ries -i 143 --numeric.anagram 143" would search forever and finds nothing. 20120516 Add pf_float_wid; prune_count etc. are now doubles. Main loop termination tests are now more flexible and general-purpose (important for --numeric.anagram and other restricted searches). 20120518 Eliminate use of "s64" (long long 64-bit int) and associated header files; I can use double instead for my large integers. Clean up some size_t and char * typecasting. This is all for compatibility with non-GCC compilers. 20120520 More cleanup, thanks to suggestions by Markus Milleder. 20120522 Add boolean datatype; eliminate all uses of explicit 32-bit integers; add validate_types() and smarter detection/definition of s16. 20120613 Add --derivative.margin option. Also test different values of the initial k.vanished_dx setting, and discover that it's safe to use a much lower value like 1e-10. It's possible that most of the problems fixed on 20111219 were also fixed by the sig_loss tests added later in 201112; I'll have to do a lot of testing to be sure. 20120720 Add --one-sided option; --numeric.anagram now implies --one-sided. 20120725 Change first argument of sym.strsym() from 'expr' to 'exp1' to avoid namespace conflict with typedef 'expr' */ /* 20121202 Better implementation of "--max.match-distance 0" Implement the --match.all-digits option, which makes RIES work more like ISC. The capabilities has already been implemented, primarily in parse.target(), the --max.match-distance option, and the "Still searching" message in the main loop. 20121205 If the target value is large in magnitude, automatically set k_vanished.dx as if the --derivative.margin option was given. 20121206 Add several formatting routines (symstrncpy0, sym.strncat, endstack, expr_break, expr_print_infix, eqn_print_infix) and try.solve() to implement the --try-solve-for-x option. This is in a rather rough state, as exemplified by the command "ries 0.8183431428522 --try-solve-for-x", which will happily report "x = sqrt(phi+pi)+3". I can fix that within try.solve() by calling eval() after taking the square root of both sides to see if the LHS is negative, and if so, append [n] to the RHS. 20121207 Fix the square root sign problem with 0.8183431428522, and add some notes to try.solve. Increase NEWTON_MAX_ITER, and add notes about chaotic oscillation: 2012.1207: "ries 0.2322795271987 -l0" does not find "sinpi(x) = 2/3" because Newton does not converge: sin(x) in that region causes a divergent oscillation. "ries 0.23227952719876987" works because it happens to hit on an exact match, which thus does attempt to call newton(). The oscillation can be seen by passing -Dn: RIES is clearly trying all sorts of equations involving trig functions like [xS], [x2-T], etc. I could "fix" this by making the Newton iteration only go halfway to the next point each time: curr = curr + 0.5 * ((rhs_val - lhs_val) / (lhs_dx - rhs_dx)); and increasing NEWTON_MAX_ITER to about 100, but that also introduces bogus solutions like "tanpi(-x) = 7^2" that I might not want. It's clear that trig functions in x are being rejected fairly often and if I change this behaviour, it will change a lot of RIES output. 20121208 Fix derivative formula for sine (case 'S' in exec()). It has been wrong ever since I added --trig-argument-scale, and was causing newton() to not converge in many (if not most) cases. 20121209 Add period-2 loop detection in newton(); this might allow eliminating k_newton_settled later. Add sym.strlen, sym.strtrail, bothtrail and sym.strclip and begin implementing cv.simplify. debug_p replaces debug_q for the "first score not good enough" case. new flag debug_e replaces debug_E; debug_E replaces debug_F. debug_F replaces canon.val cases of debug_G add new flag debug_Q for cv.simplify make debug_S and debug_s distinct variables (but 'S' and 's' debug functions still print the same messages) Fix derivative formula for cosine. report.match now takes symstr arguments; copy expressions before calling cv.simplify (which fixes heisenbugs that were caused by it modifying the expression strings in the actual database nodes). Add a couple more rules to infix.preproc to improve --canon-reduction output. new flag debug_N replaces debug_o. debug_o replaces debug_p (including the debug_q case changed earlier today). debug_p is now used by infix.preproc debug_F and debug_f are now distinct (canon.val for LHS and RHS respectively) Fix derivative formula for tangent and increase its symbol weight to 6 (sine and cosine are both 3) Add --symbol.weights option. A few simple tests like "ries 2.5063 --symbol-weights 1:T" quickly reveal that these "Gosper pi-scaled" trig functions allow for pathological matches like "tanpi(tanpi(tanpi(tanpi(1/tanpi(tanpi(ln(x))))))) = 1/3" mainly because of the way the derivative scales up with each nested call of a trig function. Al address this, I limit the ranges of sin, cos and tan to +-pi (after applying the scale factor). Of course you don't want to reduce symbol weights so drastically, and more realistic weight adjustments (like "ries 2.5063 --symbol-weights 8:T") are more useful. Due to the argument syntax you cannot set a negative weight, and large weight values automatically disable the symbol. Currently, The automatic setting of k.vanished_dx for large values causes tautology errors when RIES is given large values. For example, currently "ries -l3 1234567890" gives "x^2-sqrt(x)^4 = 2^8" 20121210 Pass parameters using_x, a_minw, a_maxw, etc. through the recursive expression generation routines, rather than having them be global variables. Add tautology warning messages when the target is very large or the --derivative.margin is too small. Here are examples, in all cases using a command like "ries -l4 4243743 --derivative.margin 2.0e-11", RIES gives an answer like "x^2-sqrt(x)^4 = 1/-(2^8)" Target min. --d-m 42437432.1 10.0e-9 4243743.1 188e-11 424374.1 11.8e-11 112474.1 3.0e-11 20121211 Add a bunch of comments in ge.2(), etc. Add cv.simplify rule [Arr]=[B] -> [A]=[B] 20121212 Fix a bug in infix.1(): "7 times negative x" is now displayed as "7*-x", before this fix it was "7 -x" which looks too much like "7-x".. 20121214 Improve k_vanished.dx checks and error messages. It has been a while since I did benchmarks using the standard test (2.506+pi/10^4 with no options), so I am going to run the benchmark on all my machines again. Although I have been doing the same test since the beginning (see above under the dates 200003xx, 200310xx, 20050715, 20090216 and 20090515) the benchmarks are not directly comparable because of many changes in the code. Improvements in error-checking, pruning rules, the addition of the tangent function, and recent fixes to the derivatives of trig functions have all affected the number of generated expressions and therefore the running time and memory usage for a given search level. (For details of all the changes, see above under the dates 20101218, 20111219, 20111220, 20111221, 20111226, 20111228, 20111229, 20111230, 20120505, 20120613, and 20121208). Here is a representative sampling of statistics and running times from "ries 2.5063141592653589 -l4" over the past few years: Date and time expressions complexity time (Xeon YYYYMMDD.hh:mm LHS RHS LHS RHS equations memory E5520) 20090217.02:36 1344958 1080143 76 70 1.453e12 155.3M 10.6s 20090515.18:16 1344952 1080143 76 70 1.453e12 155.3M 10.5s 20090516.01:13 1332922 1360355 76 71 1.813e12 172.4M 12.6s 20111219.21:00 1332922 1360355 76 71 1.813e12 172.4M 12.2s 20111220.23:28 1327806 1360355 76 71 1.806e12 172.1M 12.4s 20111221.23:46 1327806 1360355 76 71 1.806e12 172.1M 12.3s 20111226.18:27 1327757 1360355 76 71 1.806e12 172.1M 12.4s 20111228.22:24 1251691 1280315 76 71 1.603e12 162.1M 11.60s 20111230.06:26 1020295 1252891 76 72 1.278e12 145.5M 11.61s 20120505.22:54 1032922 1281451 76 72 1.324e12 148.2M 11.55s 20120613.23:35 1032922 1281451 76 72 1.324e12 148.2M 11.82s 20121209.09:58 1032947 1281451 76 72 1.324e12 148.2M 11.80s 20121210.07:24 930662 1127640 76 72 1.049e12 131.8M 10.74s Here are the current times for each level from -l0 to -l6, on all machines back to the 800 MHz G4 (which is 10 years old). PowerPC PowerPC Core 2 Xeon Core i7 G4* G5* Duo E5520& 2720QM# Level -mem- eqns. 800 MHz 2.0GHz 2.23GHz 2.27Ghz 2.20GHz -l0 1.11Mb 6.89e7 0.333s 0.085s 0.035s 0.026s 0.022s -l1 3.47Mb 7.18e8 0.954s 0.304s 0.125s 0.102s 0.077s -l2 11.9Mb 8.46e9 3.495s 1.245s 0.518s 0.436s 0.364s -l3 39.3Mb 9.23e10 14.70s 6.407s 2.724s 2.125s 1.507s -l4 131 Mb 1.04e12 69.29s 34.13s 12.75s 10.70s 7.760s -l5 441 Mb 1.19e13 % 165.0s 64.15s 51.59s 38.29s -l6 1.51Gb 1.39e14 794.0s 322.2s 252.3s 190.1s * For the G4 and G5 I was using a 32-bit binary, so the memory usage was a bit smaller. % The G4 did not have enough memory to run the -l5 or -l6 tests. & The Xeon E5520 has a base speed of 2.27Ghz, but during these tests all cores were otherwise idle, so it was running near its single-core turbo speed of 2.53 GHz. # The i7-2720QM has a base speed of 2.2 GHz, and all cores were otherwise idle during these tests. However, its turbo frequency depends on the amount of recent activity. Each test was run after the CPU had been completely idle for 1 minute. For tests under 25 seconds, this means the clock speed was near the maximum 3.3 GHz. */ /* 20121215 Standalone math source (msal_math64.c) now includes SIN and COS functions. 20121216 Fix a simple bug in symstrcmp that prevented --find.expression from working. 20121217 Add --explicit-multiply option. 20121218 Allocate twice as much space for the RHS part of the equation in try.solve and in report.match 20121223 Slight optimization inside the next symbol test loop of ge.2. Fix a few compilation warnings (missing prototypes; mismatched integer types in some debug printfs) 20130121 Fix bug in -S option when used with --numeric.anagram (that made it act as though the -S option had not been given). 20130127 While working on a simple Perl script to generate OEIS sequence A005245 I discovered that the command: ries --one-sided -ie -S1+* 23 -l5 does not find any answer. I suspect this is a bug in complexity limit optimizations. {After investigation I figure out it's simply that MAX_ELEN is too low.} 20130129 Do a thorough inspection of all places where I check expression lengths against MAX_ELEN and find a few places it can be improved to make maximum use of the avaiable space. Allocate one more symbol for certain expression scratch buffers. It should be able to use all MAX_ELEN symbols now. Add RIES_MAX_EXPRESSION_LENGTH option, which you can give when compiling RIES to make a RIES that handles longer expressions. Make "exhaustion timeout" message suggestions more relevant; don't show it at all if a result has been given; don't show "(for more results, use the option '-l3')" suggestion if exhaustion timeout error was given. Also add NO_IDENTITY_OPTIMIZATION code (currently disabled). 20130130 Add a 32-bit signed integer data type and corresponding ifdefs and runtime sizeof testing. Symbol attributes mark is now 32 bits. Add rules for associative operators: for example, it now prunes [ABC++] = A+(B+C) in favor of [AB+C+] = (A+B)+C. 20130201 Now using debug_B for the derivative prune messages formerly displayed by debug_e and debug_E; re-use debug_E for "rejected (duplicate value)"; debug_G now (properly) prints its message only when an expression has actually been added, and uses infix notation because -DG/-Dg may be useful to users who wish to use RIES to generate a database of expressions for processing by another program. 20130203 Add Lambert W function define and test loop; then move the test code to msal_math64.c. To see LambertW tests, compile with RIES_USE_SA_M64 defined then invoke RIES with option -Dz. 20130218 "--max-match.distance 0" now causes RIES to exit if and when it gets an 'exact' match. Add a roundoff-error disclaimer about 'exact' matches (unless -i was given). 20130228 Add null argument '-' (useful if you want to end a sequence of arguments to something like --symbol.weights). -S, -O and -N now pre-empt each other in the order they are given (which is necessary for users who combine different profiles). Add the -E option (replacing the old "or-mode" behavior of -S; this will be necessary for future optional functions like A and W, and also facilitates combining multiple profiles. 20130301 Change almost all occurrences of 'double' declarations to one of ries_val: The value of an expression or subexpression ries_dif: The value of a derivative, error, uncertainty, the distance of a match, etc. stats_count: For counting generated expressions, equations, etc. time_flt: For measuring time and memory usage Add init.formats() 20130302 Move Gamma function code (now tested) to msal_math64.c. As with LambertW (see 20130203) it is not yet available in expressions or equations but you can see the internal tests of Gamma by compiing with -DRIES_USE_SA_M64, then invoke RIES with the option -Dz. Add default --include/-p profile feature. It now looks in getenv("HOME") or getenv("USERPROFILE") in Windows for either "ries_profile.txt" or ".ries_profile" (either name works in all OS's). This profile is loaded first before any of the other options; however if you give no options RIES still prints the brief help and exits. Add a '-p' option that: - If given first, disables the default profile - If given anywhere else, loads the profile at that point (so you can give an option which is applied before loading the profile by e.g. "ries -p foo bar -p baz qux") Make the '--version' option display the path to the defaults file, to aid field diagnostics. 20130303 Add attribute tags (TAG_INT, TAG_RAT, TAG_NONE) and implement their calculation. This provides a more robust way to implement the -i and -ie options, and more importantly it paves the way for new features. Add --absolute-roots as synonym for -x; add --relative-roots option (opposite of '-x'). Use newly-added attribute tags to implement -i option (replacing many calls to float() with hopefully less aggregate work; look in exec() and search for 'g_restrict.subexpr'.) 20130305 Add --no-solve-for-x option (which merely undoes --try-solve-for-x). Add setup_abc_mmw() as part of refactoring the handling of restricted symbolsets. 20130306 Add --symbol.names option; this involves several changes to how we define the symbols, all of which will help with future improvements like user-defined constants. 20130307 '=' symbol can now be renamed. Add -r and -re options to ensure that all solutions are rational when solved for x. (These are just shorthand for using -N to exclude lots of symbols). Increase allocation of temp buffers in infix.1, fixing a crash that happened when using an all-seft-b symbolset and solving for x, e.g. "ries 3.1415926535897932 -SeElq -s". 20130308 Add --no-refinement option, which causes it to never decrease best.match, and therefore print *all* matches that do better then the specified distance. This produces results similar to the ISC (except still ordered roughly by increasing complexity) and may be useful to folks (like the 137 cultists) who are happy with any formula within a known error bound. It required adding sym.strneq, symstrsymstr, unique.eqn and the g.matches memory block (none of which are used unless you choose the option). Add the --max-matches option, 100 by default. 20130309 Add -n as a synonym for --max-matches, --integer-subexpressions as a synonym for -i, and --rational-subexpressions as a synonym for -r. 20130310 Add the g_nr_deltas array to provide another type of pruning for equivalent answers for --no-refinement. Add the "-c" (alias --constructible-subexpressions) option which is similar to -r but also allows phi, square and square root. Do a little refactoring of how the -D, -E, -i, -N, -O and -r options are handled. Begin refactoring the tags manipulation to use TYPE_xxx values: since each attribute is a subset of another (e.g. the integers are a subset of the rationals) I don't really need to use bit-fields. 20130311 Continued refactoring of tags, add TYPE_CONS and TYPE_ALG tagging. Implement -a option; add tagname(). 20130312 Add --rational-exponents option, which tests the tag of the argument and generates the new error ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_EXPONENT; the error is also generated if the argument contains x on the assumption that the user probably does not believe x to be rational if he is looking for an answer in the form of an algebraic number. Add --rational-trig-args option, which works similarly and also sets k_sincos_arg_scale to pi; it generates the new error ERR_EXEC_TRIG_ARGTYPE. Add -a (algebraic subexpressions) option, using these new restrict options. To support this, the target number is automatically tagged with the same type as the selected restriction (-r, -c, -a) unless it is obviously an integer or half- or quarter-integer; if no restriction option was given we tag x as transcendental. There are now four classes of restrictions with easy command-line options: -i, -r, -c, and -a. Add ":.:." syntax for defining a blank-space character in symbol names. 20130314 Add --any-exponents and --any-trig-args options. 20130317 Compute rv_maxint and disallow -i when target is too large; remove utf8-related code (obviated by --symbol.names) 20130318 Expand brief.help. Add "-l" option (without a numeric argument, i.e. a bare "-l" rather than something like "-l3") to restrict answers to those that have Liouvillian numbers as roots. With -l it finds that 1.632526919438153 is sqrt(2)^sqrt(2) and finds that 1.132997565885066 is a root of x^5+x=3, but does not find that 2.31645495878561 is the root of x^x=7. Along with the full unrestricted defaults, and the option "-Ox", this makes for a rather full set of options to select popular classes of numbers as the roots of the reported results. 20130219 Test g_restrict_exponents in functions 'l', 'E' and 'L'. 20130613 Add --no-slow-messages option; auto-set k_min_best.match and k_vanished_dx for small targets. 20130626 Use "%Lg" in various debug printfs to support RIES_VAL_LDBL. Add macros EXP, FABS, etc. and (ries_dif) typecasts in several places; get long double precision pretty much working. 20130801 Initialize k_ulp sooner so it can be used by -ce --max-match-distance and --match-all-digits options now cancel each other. 20130803 In --symbol-names, allow redefining a symbol to itself (e.g. ':^:^' when -F format is selected) by accepting space_sym definition only once. 20130805 Benchmarks of standalone maths library vs. standard libm. Using the command "time ./ries-libm 2.5063141592653589 -l5 --max-match-distance 1e-10", and SIMULTANEOUSLY running the same command with the "ries-sa-math" library, the time is 0m45.373s with the sa-math library and 0m45.568s using libm (the sa-math library is actually faster). 20130809 Add ieee.paranoia() 20130810 Alphabetize the order of sections in parse_args() 20130811 Add ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_DERIV; exec() checks for overflow and NaN in derivative calculations in several operators Print error and exit if target value is zero. 20130812 Pass root directly to report.match to get full precision in the case where ries_val has much more precision than ries_dif. Increase precision of calculations of pi and e in init.numerics. "long double" now gives 31 usable digits on the PowerPC G5 (where GCC 4.0.1 and later provide double-double arithmetic), and show.version now shows the architecture (PPC/Intel) and precision: ries --version ries version of 2013 Aug 13, Copyright (C) 2000-2013 Robert P. Munafo architecture: PowerPC precision: long double (33 nominal, 31 usable) mathlib: standard profile: -p/Users/munafo/.ries_profile RIES is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Dual-G5 /Users/munafo : ries 2.50618 -x Your target value: T = 2.50618 mrob.com/ries x = 5/2 for x = 2.5 {50} x = e^3/8 for x = 2.510692115398458467616066206823 {67} x = sqrt(2*pi) for x = 2.506628274631000502415765284811 {55} x = x"/(1+9) for x = 2.506184145588769256292940922378 {70} x = pi^(ln(sqrt(6))^2) for x = 2.506182746702861729338863939787 {84} x = e^(5"/sqrt(3/7)) for x = 2.506182083318281693444031686493 {99} x = ln(pi*e+1+e) for x = 2.506180094504077068176274103417 {96} x = e^(log_(pi^2)(7))+1/6 for x = 2.506180001393763345666526465285 {107} x = sqrt(1/((1/e-ln(6))+sqrt(x))) for x = 2.506180000397503542091976573633 {118} (for more results, use the option '-l3') log_A(B) = logarithm to base A of B = ln(B) / ln(A) sqrt(x) = square root e = base of natural logarithms, 2.71828... A"/B = Ath root of B ln(x) = natural logarithm or log base e pi = 3.14159... --LHS-- --RHS-- -Total- max complexity: 67 62 129 dead-ends: 2842183 5668638 8510821 Time: 2.106 expressions: 198545 370110 568655 distinct: 103576 107460 211036 Memory: 13248KiB Total equations tested: 11130276960 (1.113e+10) By comparison, typical run time for the same command on PMG5 in double precision is about 1.49, and memory usage is 10624KiB. 20130816 Add ries_strncpy, ries_intpow, ries_to_digits, ries_snprinf_int, ries_strlen, ries_spfg, spfg and spff. Use these in a few debug statments. 20130818 Remove trailing 0 digits from ries_spfg output (for example: 2.50618e+12 instead of 2.50618000e+12); fix a few compilation warnings. 20130820 Add ries_spfg_test and msal_test_spfg 20140226 Eliminate conversion to double in ries_to_digits, fixing an 'exponent adjust failed' error when trying to print values like 1.23e-789 (with long double which supports exponents down to e-4951) 20140227 Minor refactoring; add did_newton parameter to report_match 20140228 Add some logic to check.exact_match, duplicating some of the tests done by check.match. 20140303 Generate ERR_EXEC_ZERO_DERIV error in '^', 'L' and 'v' operations when the derivative calculation underflows to zero. This eliminates several recently-reported tautology errors. 20140831 Expand brief_help() a little, 20141014 Add --min-equate-value and --max-equate-value options. 20141105 Add Lambert W function (duplicating and expanding on work by Mark Shoulson). 20141106 Increase weight of 'tan' (that is, the tangent function when --trig-argument-scale is not the default) to 6, bringing it in line with 'tanpi' (where the weight was always 6). Bug-fixes in Lambert derivative and error handling, in debug_z mode call new test routine msal_test_lambertl 20141117 Make -i (integer subexpressions) more efficient by restricting symbolset as is done for -r. All class restrictions now also exclude W. 20141122 RIES license is now GPL version 3 (formerly GPL v2). Reorder the info in --version a little bit. 20141207 Add test of each subexpression against g_restrict.subexpr so that if you do e.g. "-a -EL" the L will be enabled but effectively ignored; however I also canonize the unofficially supported "-a -Ep" by mutating the types of the predefined constants in a similar way as was already done for the target value. This is how user-defined constants without a user-defined class will need to be handled. Add --any-subexpressions to enable the old behaviour, e.g. the user can use "-a --any-subexpressions -EL" to get the equivalent of the old "-a -EL". 20141212 struct form now includes stk[] and arg1[], supporting rules that check the first argument of binary operators; add one rule using AM_a1_e. 20141213 Add AM_a1_1 rules; #qualify# tests show that several more results are found in -l5 tests, indicating that these rules increase pruning for deep searches. 20141216 Replace all "sprintf" with snprintf. 20141217 Add #defines for most of the snprintf tempbuf sizes. 20160104 Enable cube root of a negative argument ("-9.8222414378011" vector in qualify tests it) 20160131 Add mem_used_bytes for more precise reporting of how much memory would be needed for small tasks; to support this I did some signed-vs.-unsigned cleanup. 20160423 Finish re-indenting the big block of options tests in parse.args() 20170211 Add '--show-work' as a synonym for '-Ds' 20180713 Add '--max-trig-argument' option. 20180802 Rename '--max-trig-argument' to '--max-trig-cycles' 20210417 Clean up arctan code and get it working. 20210418 Better formatting of atan2 in infix.1(), don't print 2nd argument if it is 1. 20240422 Legend now explains the two forms of atan2 (one-argument and two-argument) separately, giving only one explanation when only one of the forms appears in output. */ /* BUGS and TO-DO See "UNFINISHED WORK" section above THE CHECK_SIDES PARADOX The RIES algorithm maintains a single list of RHS and LHS expressions sorted in numerical order. These are distributed pretty much randomly, and when a new expression is added, RIES checks the preceding and following list items to see if it can form an equation with the new item. The closeness of a match is the difference in values divided by the derivative of the LHS: closeness = |LHS(x)-RHS|/(d/dx LHS(x)) If the new node is an LHS, then the values of LHS(x) and d/dx LHS(x) are the same for every match-comparison that is made. One RHS in each direction (upward and downward) is all that needs to be tested, because any further RHS's will generate a larger value of |LHS(x)-RHS|. However, when the new node is an RHS, the value of d/dx LHS(x) will differ for each LHS that is found while scanning upward and downward for candidate matches. Therefore, even after finding a new optimal solution, the possibility exists that there might be another even-closer optimal solution if you keep scanning further, coming from an LHS that has a much lower value of d/dx LHS(x). Here is a concrete example. La and Lb are two LHS's with derivatives of 1 and 10. Ra and Rb are two RHS's. They are shown here as if laid out on a number line to make the example clearer. The nodes are inserted in the order: La, Lb, Ra, Rb. value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ra Rb La Lb d/dx: - - 1 10 When Ra is inserted, the match La=Ra is found, with closeness (8-1)/1=7. Then Rb is inserted, and a new match La=Rb is found, with closeness (8-7)/1=1. These are the only two matches it will report. However, the match Lb=Ra is has a closeness of (9-1)/10=0.8, which is closer, and Lb=Rb has a closeness of (9-7)/10=0.2 which is closer still. Lb=Ra should have been reported instead of La=Rb. The program should report La=Ra, Lb=Ra, and Lb=Rb (in that order). For a real-life example, use the command: ries .328106566874978253 -l-4 --trig-argument-scale 1 -NT -Dy0 which only gives one result, "5 x = sqrt(e)". With -D0 it dumps the entire table of values on each complexity pass. Look through this output for the first occurrance of [xrS] and [9r] together: 28 xrS { 35} = 0.093664890868384448 , dx = 9.2481888991224963 29 xp/ { 34} = 0.10443956395812863 , dx = 0.31830988618379069 30 xs { 24} = 0.10765391922648457 , dx = 0.65621313374995649 31 x3/ { 35} = 0.10936885562499275 , dx = 0.33333333333333331 32 9r { 26} = 0.1111111111111111 33 8r { 26} = 0.125 The output shows that [9r] is inserted a few passes later than 'xrS', so check.sides is looking at [9r]'s neighbors [x3/] and [8r]. For a while in 201112 I made RIES look past the nearest neighbor, and this command reported the result "sin(1/x) = 1/9". But as you can see, sin(1/x) matches 1/9 more closely than x/pi, x^2, and x/3, because the derivative of sin(1/x) is so much higher. This is an example of the above-described problem, and is the reason why for a while RIES was checking multiple neighbors on each insert. The Paradox: Despite the foregoing, the present algorithm (in which check.sides only looks at the one closest neighbor on both sides of a newly-added expression) turns out to work very well. To understand why, look at the output of ries 1.506591651 -Dy0 and find the first appearance of [1p6*-] : 448 x1+p^n { 56} = -17.937341258252982 , dx = -22.481451854903934 449 1p6*- { 51} = -17.849555921538759 450 xe+sn { 51} = -17.84955591743638 , dx = -8.4497469589180909 451 xTe/ { 49} = -17.762306262640966 , dx = 857.98450178681276 452 x7^n { 46} = -17.61849853924631 , dx = -81.859931782354067 When [1p6*-] is inserted, the LHS expressions [xe+sn] and [xTe/] are already present. [xTe/] has a much bigger derivative (over 100 times as large), so it looks like a good candidate for a match that would be missed if check.sides only looked at the first neighbor of [1p6*-]. However, the distance in x values from [1p6*-] to [xTe/] is over 20 million times larger in magnitude than the distance from [1p6*-] to [xe+sn], so the higher derivative of [eTe/] doesn't stand a chance. When checking for other similar cases, the same thing always happens: when an RHS and LHS forms a new record close match, any other LHS's in the area don't come anywhere close to being another new match. The reason for this is in the statistics. Going back to the .328106566874978253 example, consider the range of values between 0 and 1. By the time there are 1000 expressions in this range, the average distance between expressions will be about 0.001. However, the distance between the two *closest* expressions will be much smaller, somewhere on the order of e/10^-6. Now consider what happens when you insert another 1000 expressions at random places in the range (0..1). There is a reasonably good chance that one of these new 1000 points will come closer to an existing point than any of the other old points was. This will be a new match. However, the odds of having *another* new match at the same time are very very low -- about 1 in 1000. In other words, in order to get a situation where there are two good LHS matches near an RHS, all three have to be within 10^-6 of each other. */ /* stdafx.h (the precompiled header for Microsoft Visual C++) is included by "ries-for-windows.c", which then proceeds to include ries.c. The following intentionally generates an error in the event that someone tries to compile ries.c directly in Microsoft Developer Studio. */ #ifndef __GNUC__ # ifdef _WIN32 # ifndef RIES_USED_RFWC please_compile_ries_for_windows.c please_compile_ries_for_windows.c; /* INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPILING RIES IN MICROSOFT DEVELOPER STUDIO (USING VISUAL C++) ARE PROVIDED IN THE SOURCE FILE "ries-for-windows.c" */ # endif # endif #endif /* %%% Incomplete: We need a three-stage algorithm: detect what is the precision of long double, check to see what they have requested, then decide which type of float to use, then actually declare things. */ #ifdef RIES_WANT_LDBL # define RIES_VAL_LDBL #endif /* If neither mathlib is selected, default to using the standard library provided by the compiler and runtime environment (as it is typically a few percent faster) */ #ifndef RIES_USE_SA_M64 # ifndef RIES_USE_STD_M64 # define RIES_USE_STD_M64 # endif #endif /* We include etc. first, because msal_math64 still uses part of the std math library, and its version info uses printf */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef RIES_USE_SA_M64 # include "msal_math64.c" # ifdef RIES_VAL_LDBL # define SIN(x) (msal_sinl((x))) # define COS(x) (msal_cosl((x))) # define TAN(x) (msal_tanl((x))) # define LAMBERTW(x) (msal_lambertwl((x))) # define GAMMA(x) (msal_lanczos_gamma((x))) # else # define SIN(x) (msal_sin((x))) # define COS(x) (msal_cos((x))) # define TAN(x) (msal_tan((x))) # define LAMBERTW(x) (msal_lambertw((x))) # define GAMMA(x) (msal_lanczos_gammal((x))) # endif #else # ifdef RIES_VAL_LDBL # define SIN(x) (sinl((x))) # define COS(x) (cosl((x))) # define TAN(x) (tanl((x))) # else # define SIN(x) (sin((x))) # define COS(x) (cos((x))) # define TAN(x) (tan((x))) # endif /* You need to use the stand-alone library to get Lambert and Gamma. */ # define DUMMY_LAMBERT 1 # define LAMBERTW(x) (0.0) # define GAMMA(x) (0.0) #endif /* The following functions are acceptable as-is but need long double variants. */ #ifdef RIES_VAL_LDBL # define ARCTAN2(x,y) (arctan2l((x),(y))) # define EXP(x) (expl((x))) # define FABS(x) (fabsl((x))) # define FLOOR(x) (floorl((x))) # define LOG(x) (logl((x))) # define LOG10(x) (log10l((x))) # define POW(x,y) (powl((x),(y))) # define SQRT(x) (sqrtl((x))) #else # define ARCTAN2(x,y) (arctan2((x),(y))) # define EXP(x) (exp((x))) # define FABS(x) (fabs((x))) # define FLOOR(x) (floor((x))) # define LOG(x) (log((x))) # define LOG10(x) (log10((x))) # define POW(x,y) (pow((x),(y))) # define SQRT(x) (sqrt((x))) #endif /* ---------gettimeofday--------- RIES uses gettimeofday() to measure how much time was used in the search. To port RIES to another OS, add another #ifdef case to provide another gettimeofday() function. */ #ifdef _WIN32 /* Windows version. Note that _WIN32 is defined even if building for a 64-bit target (which in addition defines _WIN64) */ /* and are needed for _ftime() http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/z54t9z5f(v=vs.71).aspx */ # include # include /* defines the UNIX-compatible "timeval" structure that we take as a parameter, allowing us to emulate the UNIX routine that RIES was designed to use. It's in winsock because network protocols use a lot of data structures that were originally defined by UNIX systems. */ # include /* from www.linuxjournal.com/article/5574 */ void gettimeofday(struct timeval* t,void* timezone) { struct _timeb timebuffer; _ftime( &timebuffer ); t->tv_sec=timebuffer.time; t->tv_usec=1000*timebuffer.millitm; } #else /* On UNIX, Linux, MacOS X, and CygWin systems the gettimeofday function is in the standard libraries and is defined by these #includes. */ # include # include #endif /* -------------- defines ------------------------------------------------- */ #define RIES_VERSION "2024 May 20" /* Default search level. For backwards compatibility, the -l option adds a number to the DEFAULT_LEV_BASE value. Without a -l option, it acts as if -l was given with the parameter DEFAULT_LEV_ADJ. */ #define DEFAULT_LEV_BASE 2.0 #define DEFAULT_LEV_ADJ 2.0 /* Maximum number of matches to output. Changed with --max-matches or -n */ #define DEFAULT_MAX_MATCHES 100 /* Maximum length of a symbolic expression. NOTE: right now it's dimensioned to reflect a normal symbol set. However, in a run with a very limited symbol set the expressions grow in number a lot more slowly as the complexity score and length increase, and therefore a much higher MAX_ELEN would be necessary. The main problem is it affects the size of the list nodes, and therefore the memory footprint of the program. I guess I'll change it later, when I decide how to make the list nodes variable in size. %%% It might be possible to fix this by a method similar to that used in rubik2. In the RIES case, we only add an expression to the tree when there is a single item on its FORTH stack, and there is no way to predict if or when a subexpression will ever have a stack depth of 1. However, we could add nodes to an auxiliary list when their MAX_ELEN space is full, then any expressions that come from them would have a predecessor pointer pointing back to the aux. item. For example, suppose ge.2 is at depth 16 and the current partial expression is ep2+3+4+5+6+7+8+. At this point there is no room to add more, and nothing has been put in the tree from this expression yet (except the initial "e"). So, we allocate a node that just contains "ep2+3+4+5+6+7+8+" and start reusing the MAX_ELEN space. Any nodes inserted into the LHS/RHS tree will have their "predecessor" pointer pointing back to the "ep2+3+4+5+6+7+8+" node, so that if they generate a match, the full subexpression can be reconstructed. */ #ifdef RIES_MAX_EXPRESSION_LENGTH # define MAX_ELEN RIES_MAX_EXPRESSION_LENGTH #else # define MAX_ELEN 21 #endif /* EXPR_ALLOC gives enough space for the expression and a terminating null */ #define EXPR_ALLOC (MAX_ELEN+1) /* The size of the memory blocks we use */ #define ALLOC_SIZE 65536L /* %%% should be at least 8x the VM page size */ /* This can be increased to improve speed, but it also decreases the efficiency of memory usage by having the balance of LHS's and RHS's be further from a 1:1 ratio. */ #define PASS_GRAN 1 /* -------------- typedefs -------------------------------------------------- / / Our function validate_types() checks the sized integer types at runtime / and may instruct the user to recompile with -DSHORT_IS_S16, etc. so if / one of these is defined, we use it to explicitly define s16. */ #ifdef SHORT_IS_S16 typedef short s16; # define HAVE_S16 #elif INT_IS_S16 typedef int s16; # define HAVE_S16 #endif #ifdef INT_IS_S32 typedef int s32; # define HAVE_S32 #elif LONG_IS_S32 typedef long s32; # define HAVE_S32 #endif /* Without user override, we just guess. short has been 16-bit on virtually / all C compilers since about 1995, so it's a pretty safe guess. / {2012.0522: If we really wanted to glean the definition from the / environment, the cases I know of so far are: / / Per the "stdint.h" in http://code.google.com/p/msinttypes/ / Visual Studio 6 and Embedded VC++ 4 have a broken __int16 / Use "#if (_MSC_VER < 1300)" and declare typedef signed short int16_t; / / Per Markus Milleder, stdint.h is not available prior to 2010. / Use "#if (_MSC_VER < 1600)" to see if stdint is not yet provided / and declare typedef signed __int16 int16_t; / / In 2010 (mirabile dictu) MSFT finally added stdint.h / / In many other environments, but not all, stdint.h is available. / Various GCC flags might allow figuring out which is which. */ #ifndef HAVE_S16 typedef signed short s16; #endif #ifndef HAVE_S32 typedef signed int s32; #endif /* Similarly, these might be replaced by stdbool.h in the future. We would / need to use #ifdefs and #define overrides. / There are two possible issues: / * As with stdint.h, we need to provide for MSVC (see / stackoverflow.com/questions/8548521/ ) / * Defining "true" to a specific numeric value (like "1"), or comparing a / booolean to a specific numeric value, causes failures: / b001 flag1, flag2; / flag1 = true; // Default option / flag2 = (argc > 2); // More than two arguments / ... / if (flag1 == flag2) // FAIL if comparing 1 to __INT_MIN__ / Given that our definitions, the stdbool.h version, and old compilers' / implementations may differ, we check for boolean sanity in / validate_types(). */ typedef int b001; #define B_FALSE (1==0) #define B_TRUE (1==1) /* stats_count variables would be 64-bit integers, if it were easy to get / that across all platforms. Since RIES is designed to work on really old, / small systems (like a 50-MHz 486) we instead use double and a custom / "sprintf" function. The 53 bits given by IEEE 64-bit doubles is enough / for the statistics RIES keeps. */ typedef double stats_count; /* time_flt is a floating-point value used to hold a time measurement. */ typedef double time_flt; /* SYMBOL_RANGE is the dimension of an array capable of storing one of each possible value of typedef symbol. */ #define SYMBOL_RANGE 256 typedef unsigned char symbol; /* NOTE: %%% Although it looks like I am trying to maintain independence from having the symbol type be 'char', I actually have not accomplished this in the code. However, it won't be a total mess to convert it to 16-bit symbols or something like that, if someone decides that's necessary. The worst part will designing a new command-line syntax for specifying the symbolset for a search. However, *BEWARE*! If you're increasing the symbol set significantly past its original level of about 40 symbols, the users will pay dearly in efficiency (runtime). Having a great variety of symbols will massively slow down the search. In particular, please resist the temptation to make one symbol for every integer (or even every prime number) from 1 to 1000, or some other arbitrary big number. There should not be more integer symbols than every other symbol combined! RIES is perfectly happy synthesizing the larger integers from the small ones on its own, just like it does for the fractions and irrationals. If there's a problem with a search for "163.0" yielding "(x+2)/5 = 2^5+1" as an answer, the solution isn't to make "163" a symbol. Instead, look at ways to make RIES generate better-looking output by automatically printing the subexpression "2^5+1" as "33" and, when possble, simplify the equation by moving the other 5 to the RHS. The ability to show "163" expressed in terms of "two 2's, two 5's and a 1" is one of the reasons RIES was created. */ /* phantom symbols */ #define PS_REVSUB 1 /* argument-reversed subtract */ #define PS_REVDIV 2 /* argument-reversed divide */ #define PS_cross 3 /* implied multiply (not used) */ #define PS_REVPOW 4 /* argument-reversed exponentiation */ #define IS_PHANTOM(x) (x < 10) /* A "ries_val" is a numeric value attained by performing calculations according to an postfix expression. ries_val's are created mainly by successive calls to exec(). */ #ifdef RIES_VAL_LDBL typedef long double ries_val; # define RV_SS_FMT "%Lf" #else typedef double ries_val; # define RV_SS_FMT "%lf" #endif /* A "ries_dif" is the value of a derivative with respect to x (as calculated within exec()), and can aldo be a measure of uncertainty or the difference between two candidate expressions when looking for a match. In all of these cases, full exponent range is needed but the mantissa/significand need not more precise than 3 or 4 decimal digits. */ typedef double ries_dif; /* Types of numbers. As the value increases, the labaling is more restrictive: TYPE_RAT > TYPE_ALG because the rationals are a subset of the algebraic numbers. */ #define TYPE_NONE 0 /* unknown, i.e. beyond the functions in RIES */ #define TYPE_TRAN 1 /* "transcendental": includes Gamma[pi], root of x^x=7 */ #define TYPE_TCEL 2 /* Timothy Chow's "exponential-logarithmic": algebraic adding the complex exponent and logarithm operations, equivalently all trig and inverse trig functions, e.g. pi = -i ln(-1); sin z = (e^(iz)-e^(-iz))/2i; and arctan(x) = 1/2i ln((x-i)/(x+i) + k */ #define TYPE_ALG 3 /* Algebraic (roots of any polynomial with algebraic coefficients), not always constructible */ #define TYPE_CONS 4 /* Constructible (rationals extended by square root, nested square roots okay) */ #define TYPE_RAT 5 /* Rational (integers extended by division) */ #define TYPE_INT 6 /* Integer (closed under add, subtract, and multiply) */ #define TGMIN(a,b) (((a)<(b)) ? a : b) typedef s16 ries_tgs; /* tgs-manip */ #define TAG_INT_P(tg) ((tg) == TYPE_INT) #define TAG_RAT_P(tg) ((tg) >= TYPE_RAT) /* Other tags that might be useful in the future: - "blessed rational": This number is irrational, but has been tagged as valid for use in integer-only contexts at the expense of a higher complexity score - "blessed irrational": Similar, for irrationals */ /* this struct is used for expressions that have been inserted into / the binary tree. (LHS and RHS expressions are both put in the same tree) */ typedef struct expr { ries_val val; /* The expression's floating-point value */ ries_dif der; /* The derivative (for LHS expressions only: if RHS, this will be 0.) */ ries_tgs tags; /* The numerical attribute tags, e.g. TYPE_RAT */ /* tgs-manip */ struct expr *left; /* left child tree or 0 if none */ struct expr *up; /* parent node, or 0 if we're the head */ struct expr *right; /* right child tree or 0 if none */ s16 elen; /* number of symbols in the expression, e.g. 8 */ symbol sym[EXPR_ALLOC]; /* The expression in symbolic form, e.g. "p6*1-qe-" this field is last to allow for a possible future with variable length allocation */ } expr; /* 8+8+4+4+4+2+21+1=52 bytes, or 64 if using 64-bit pointers */ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Obfuscated Binary Trees (An idea that seemed hackish at the time) A way to save memory on the RHS (constant subexpression) nodes. These notes date back to a time when I considered maintaining separate trees for LHS and RHS nodes. typedef struct rhs_node { ries_val val; // The expression's floating-point value void * P_L; // parent and left child pointers void * P_R; // parent and right child pointers symbol sym[EXPR_ALLOC]; // The expression in symbolic form, e.g. // "p6*1-qe-", null-terminated. This field // is last to allow for variable length // allocation in the future. } rhs_node; // size: 8+4+4+12=28 P P^L P^R L R The three links (parent, left-child and right-child) are XORed together into the two fields P^R and P^L. As the tree is traversed, the traversal routine always keeps track of what node it came from and what that node's numeric value was. Then the three links are reconstructed as follows: If the current node was reached by going down, we know P. L and R are reconstructed by XORing P with the two fields P^R and P^L. If this node was reached by going up, we know either L or R. To find out which one, we compare the val field of this node with that of the node we just came from. If it's bigger, we came from the left child and therefore, L is known. If it's smaller we came from the right-child and R is known. If R is known, P is reconstructed by XORing R with P^R. Then L is reconstructed by XORing P with P^L. If L is known, the same method is used to get P and R. There is another, perhaps more direct way to save one pointer per node: maintain a stack of parent pointers. As you descend, push parent pointers on the stack, and pop them off as you ascend. However, it does not appear that the methods can be combined to save two pointers per node: if you descend, the node you arrive at has unknown L and R, both of which would have to get reconstructed. typedef struct obt_traversal { s16 side; // LHS or RHS void * realnode; // points to actual LHS or RHS node (0 if we're // at the root) ries_val x; // The value ries_dif dx; // Derivative void * up; // Reconstructed parent pointer void * left; // Reconstructed left-child pointer void * right; // Reconstructed right-child pointer // If they want the expression, they can get it from *realnode } obt_traversal; // %%% obt (which literally stands for "obfuscated binary tree") // routines aren't written yet. {And probably never will be: I want to // keep the option of going to a balanced binary tree, which will matter a // lot if we need to partition the tree for efficient implementation of // finite-use symbolsets as in --numeric.anagram. Rebalancing an OBT is // just too much of a pain. -20120518} void obt_new(obt_traversal * it); void obt_clone(obt_traversal * from, obt_traversal * to); void obt_up(obt_traversal * it); void obt_left(obt_traversal * it); void obt_right(obt_traversal * it); -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* M E T A S T A C K ! A metastack works like a stack of stacks. Imagine a normal stack with its push and pop operators. A metastack lets you treat the whole stack as an object being pushed and popped. Every time you do a push or pop, a copy of the *entire stack* gets pushed onto the metastack. Metastacks support a third operation, called "undo", which pops the previous version of the stack off of the metastack; this popped stack replaces the current stack. Thus, undo enables you to go "back in time", returning the stack to the state it was at some point in the past without having to remember what values were popped and pushed. This is useful in RIES's expression generator because it allows intermediate calculations to be reused from one expression to the next during the recursive scan, and upon backtracking the stacks from all earlier, shorter subexpressions are restored. To illustrate the workings of the metastack data structures and explain why they are allocated as they are, we need to understand the consequences of the choice of MAX_ELEN (which determines the maximum number of symbols in an expression generated by ge.1 and ge.2). First, realize that gen_forms is designed to generate only those forms that leave a single item on the stack at the end, and ge.1/ge.2 will comply with this. So the expression "234+" is "incomplete" because it leaves two items on the stack. Also, "23++" would never be generated even as a partial expression because it causes a stack underflow. Odd and even differ: max expression sp length form expr max MAX_ELEN = 4: aabc 23s+ 2 aacb 23+s 2 abac 2s3+ 2 abbb 2sss 1 MAX_ELEN = 5: aaacc 234++ 3 aabbc 23ss+ 2 aacac 23+4+ 2 aacbb 23+ss 2 ababc 2s3s+ 2 abbac 2ss3+ 2 abbbb 2ssss 1 expr. operation emulated metastack data stack ---uv--- ---duv-- uvp -------ms------- msp --s-- -ds-- sp [] [] (empty) [ , , , ] [ , , , ] 0 [ , , , , , , , ] 0 [ , ] [ , ] 0 [2] ms_push 2, [ , , , ] [ , , , ] 0 [v, , , , , , , ] 1 [2, ] [0, ] 1 [23] ms_push 2,3, [ , , , ] [ , , , ] 0 [v,v, , , , , , ] 2 [2,3] [0,0] 2 [23s] ms_pop 2, [3, , , ] [0, , , ] 1 [v,v,^, , , , , ] 3 [2, ] [0, ] 1 ms_push 2,9, [3, , , ] [0, , , ] 1 [v,v,^,v, , , , ] 4 [2,9] [0,0] 2 [23] ms_undo 2, [3, , , ] [0, , , ] 1 [v,v,^, , , , , ] 3 [2, ] [0, ] 1 ms_undo 2,3, [ , , , ] [ , , , ] 0 [v,v, , , , , , ] 2 [2,3] [0,0] 2 [23+] ms_pop 2, [3, , , ] [0, , , ] 1 [v,v,^, , , , , ] 3 [2, ] [0, ] 1 ms_pop [] [3,2, , ] [0,0, , ] 2 [v,v,^,^, , , , ] 4 [ , ] [ , ] 0 ms_push 5, [3,2, , ] [0,0, , ] 2 [v,v,^,^,v, , , ] 5 [5, ] [0, ] 1 [23] ms_undo [] [3,2, , ] [0,0, , ] 2 [v,v,^,^, , , , ] 4 [ , ] [ , ] 0 ms_undo 2, [3, , , ] [0, , , ] 1 [v,v,^, , , , , ] 3 [2, ] [0, ] 1 ms_undo 2,3, [ , , , ] [ , , , ] 0 [v,v, , , , , , ] 2 [2,3] [0,0] 2 */ #define MS_UV_MAX ((MAX_ELEN)-1) #define MS_UNDO_MAX ((MAX_ELEN) * 2) #define MS_STK_MAX (((MAX_ELEN)+1) >> 1) typedef struct metastack { ries_val uv[MS_UV_MAX]; /* undo values */ ries_dif udv[MS_UV_MAX];/* undo values (derivatives) */ ries_tgs utg[MS_UV_MAX];/* undo values (tags) */ s16 uvp; /* undo values pointer */ s16 ms[MS_UNDO_MAX]; /* metastack (undo opcodes) */ s16 msp; /* metastack pointer (undo opcodes index) */ ries_val s[MS_STK_MAX]; /* current stack */ ries_dif ds[MS_STK_MAX];/* stack of derivatives for LHS */ ries_tgs tg[MS_STK_MAX];/* tags, e.g. integer or rational */ s16 sp; /* stack pointer */ } metastack; /* the metastack undo opcodes. If you wanted to support more than simple push and pop you would add another opcode for each operation (example: a modify-in-place operator, something which normally requires a pop followed by a push) */ #define MSO_PUSH 1 #define MSO_POP 2 /* "pe" stands for "partial expression". This struct is used by the recursive expression generator. Typically about half of its symbols will be filled in, and the complexity of the symbols written so far is compered to rminw and rmaxw for pruning. Here's an example. Let's say the current weight limits are 30 to 31: we're trying to generate expressions whose total weight is either 30 or 31. And suppose further that the partial expression currently contains two symbols with a total weight of 18. That means that the remaining symbols must add up to either 12 or 13 for the expression to be accepted. When it's generating expressions, RIES already knows what form (see below) the expression fits into, and therefore it knows how many symbols are left to generate and what types they are. Therefore, certain statements can be made about the weights of the symbols yet-to-be generated. Let's say the current form calls for two more symbols, both of type 'b', and suppose further that all 'b' symbols have weights of 8, 9 or 10. Well, that means that at this point in our example equation, even if the two remaining symbols are 8's, the total weight will be too high. Thus, the first two symbols form an impossible combination (from the point of view of trying to meet the current range of 30 to 31), and the expression generator can backtrack immediately, without having to proceed to explore all the combinations of two more type 'b' symbols that might be added here. That saves a LOT of time -- this optimization alone cuts the number of expressions by a factor of over 200 (for searches of 10,000,000 expressions) and even more if a larger number of expressions is searched. */ typedef struct pe { s16 cplx; /* complexity of this partial-expression */ s16 elen; /* number of symbols, e.g. 2 */ symbol sym[EXPR_ALLOC]; /* the symbols, e.g. "p6" */ s16 pe_rminw[EXPR_ALLOC]; /* remaining minimum weight */ s16 pe_rmaxw[EXPR_ALLOC]; /* remaining maximum weight */ } pe; /* A "form" is a pseudo-expression consisting only of A's, B's and C's. The A's, B's and C's represent the three types of symbols that make up real expressions. Before real expressions are generated, RIES first determines what sequences of type-A, type-B and type-C symbols will constitute legal expressions. (It's easier to describe what an illegal expression is: It's an expression that causes the stack to underflow by executing an operation without enough operands, or an expression that leaves extra stuff on the stack when it's done.) */ typedef struct form { s16 min_weight; /* min attainable complexity with this form */ s16 max_weight; /* max attainable complexity with this form */ s16 stack; /* stack depth at end of form */ s16 flen; /* number of symbols in form */ symbol sym[EXPR_ALLOC]; /* the form, e.g. "aabc" */ s16 stk[EXPR_ALLOC]; /* stack height after applying this symbol */ s16 arg1[EXPR_ALLOC]; /* ptr to first arg of any 'c' symbols in sym */ } form; #define ARG1_NA -1 typedef s32 attr_bits; /* Attribute bits for symbol rules */ typedef struct sym_attr_block { symbol seft; /* the symbol's stack effect */ s16 sa_wgt; /* for scoring */ s16 preempt_weight; attr_bits sa_mask; /* Attributes, masked with this, must be 0 */ s16 sa_alwd; /* Number of symbols allowed in each expression */ s16 sa_ct; /* used in ge.2() to keep track of how many symbols are in expression; part of -O option. */ const char * defn; /* symbol definition for legend */ const char * desc; /* Used for -S (show symbolset) option */ s16 def_given; s16 def_needed; const char * sa_name; /* The "normal" (infix ASCII) symbol name */ const char * name_forth;/* The symbol's postfix (FORTH) name */ attr_bits amkey; /* "easy" attributes */ s16 sa_known; } sym_attr_block; #define MAX_SYMBOL_WEIGHT 100.0 #define MIN_SYMBOL_WEIGHT 0.0 #define MAX_SYM_NAME_LEN 24 s16 g_addsym_seq; /* -------------- variables ----------------------------------------------- */ char * g_argv0; /* Set to argv[0] by main for use by sudden death errors */ double g_levadj; /* -l option or default DEFAULT_LEV_ADJ */ char *block_base; /* pointer to current alloc block */ char *freepool; /* ... and the beginning of the free portion therein */ size_t freesize; /* ... and # of bytes left in the free portion */ expr *lhs_root; /* binary tree for LHS list */ /* expr *rhs_root; binary tree for RHS list (not currently used) */ s16 lmax; /* current complexity maximum limit for LHS */ s16 rmax; /* current complexity maximum limit for RHS */ s16 lmin; /* current complexity minimum limit for LHS */ s16 rmin; /* current complexity minimum limit for RHS */ double tlevel; /* The maximum level (depth) of the search. The search ends when LHS + RHS > tlevel */ ries_val g_target; /* The value for which we are searching */ ries_tgs g_targ_tags; /* The tags for the target value */ ries_dif g_mag_ulp;/* Magnitude of one base-10 unit in the last place (ulp), used for --mad option */ ries_val exec_x; /* the value exec() uses for 'x' symbol (differs from g.target during Newton iteration) */ b001 got_exact; stats_count g_num_matches; stats_count g_max_matches; symbol * g_matches = 0; size_t g_mtch_alloc = 0; ries_val * g_nr_deltas = 0; /* PHSYM_xxx are 'phanton symbols' used to handle special cases in output formatting. PHSYM_ATAN1 is for the legend description of the "1-argument arctangent", which does not exist as a separate function, but is simply an alternate form of printing in infix, when the second argument (denominator) is 1. */ #define PHSYM_ATAN1 0 sym_attr_block sym_attrs[SYMBOL_RANGE]; s16 weight_base; /* weight per symbol for expression complexity score */ b001 x_lhs_only; /* true if symbol 'x' should only be on LHS (this is not necessarily the same as "-Ox" because there can be multiple x's in an LHS) */ char * g_anagram = 0; /* A string of digits used for solving "four 4's" and similar problems. */ b001 g_no_cv_simplify; b001 g_one_sided; b001 g_solve_for_x; #define LINELEFT_INIT (79-2) int used_trig; /* Set if any trig symbol has been used in a result */ int used_atan1; int used_atan2; b001 S_option; b001 NOS_options; b001 g_show_ss; b001 g_reported_exhaustion; ries_tgs g_restrict_subexpr; /* Set e.g. to TYPE_RAT by -r option */ ries_tgs g_restrict_exponents; /* Set e.g. to TYPE_RAT by -a option */ ries_tgs g_restrict_trig_args; b001 g_relative_x; /* true if X values should be given relative to T */ b001 g_wide_output; /* true if wide output mode is selected (perhaps a bitmask in the future, but not yet) */ b001 g_explicit_multiply; /* Always show '*' symbol for multiplication */ /* attribute masks */ #define AM_KK 0x0001 /* K K - */ #define AM_1 0x0002 /* 1 - */ #define AM_2 0x0004 /* 2 - */ #define AM_n 0x0008 /* n - */ #define AM_r 0x0010 /* r - */ #define AM_55 0x0020 /* J K - where J and K are both 5 or less */ #define AM_jK 0x0040 /* J K - where J < K */ #define AM_RHS 0x0080 /* set only when filling RHS list */ #define AM_sq 0x0100 /* op - where op is 's' or 'q' */ #define AM_1K 0x0200 /* 1 K - */ #define AM_l 0x0400 /* l - */ #define AM_E 0x0800 /* E - */ #define AM_pi 0x1000 /* p - */ #define AM_KxK 0x2000 /* K * K - */ #define AM_KpK 0x4000 /* K + K - */ #define AM_plus 0x8000 /* + - */ #define AM_mul 0x10000 /* * - */ #define AM_pow 0x20000 /* ^ - */ #define AM_a1_e 0x40000 /* e */ #define AM_a1_1 0x80000 /* 1 */ #define AM_a1_r 0x100000 /* r */ #define MAX_SEFT_POP 20 symbol g_asym[MAX_SEFT_POP]; /* the valid seft 'a' symbols */ s16 n_asym; s16 g_a_minw; /* minimum weight of seft 'a' symbols */ s16 g_a_maxw; /* maximum weight of seft 'a' symbols */ symbol g_bsym[MAX_SEFT_POP]; /* the valid seft 'b' symbols */ s16 n_bsym; b001 g_used_identity; s16 g_b_minw; /* minimum weight of seft 'b' symbols */ s16 g_b_maxw; /* maximum weight of seft 'b' symbols */ symbol g_csym[MAX_SEFT_POP]; /* the valid seft 'c' symbols */ s16 n_csym; s16 g_c_minw; /* minimum weight of seft 'c' symbols */ s16 g_c_maxw; /* maximum weight of seft 'c' symbols */ s16 s_minw; /* minimum weight of any symbol */ s16 g_exhaust_cpx; /* Maximum weight of an entire expression */ s16 max_flen; /* max length of forms generated thus far */ /* Irrational constants have lots-o-digits just in case this program ever gets ported to a C compiler that offers quad-precision floating point. */ ries_val k_0 = 0.0L; ries_val k_ern = (ries_val)-0.367879441171442321595523770161460867445811L; /* -1/e */ ries_val k_1 = 1.0L; ries_val k_phi = (ries_val)1.61803398874989484820458683436563811772030L; ries_tgs tg_phi = TYPE_CONS; ries_val k_2 = 2.0L; ries_val k_e = (ries_val)2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724L; ries_tgs tg_e = TYPE_TCEL; ries_val k_3 = 3.0L; ries_val k_pi = (ries_val)3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716L; ries_tgs tg_pi = TYPE_TCEL; ries_val k_4 = 4.0L; ries_val k_5 = 5.0L; ries_val k_6 = 6.0L; ries_val k_7 = 7.0L; ries_val k_8 = 8.0L; ries_val k_9 = 9.0L; /* Constants that parametrize functions */ ries_val k_sincos_arg_scale = 0; b001 g_trig_scale_default; ries_val k_sincos_max_arg = 1.0; /* These constants are used to set legal limits in various functions */ ries_val k_sin_clip = (ries_val)0.99999L; ries_val k_2pi = (ries_val)6.28318530717958647692528676655900576839433L; ries_dif k_eXlim = 690.0; ries_dif k_d_nan; ries_dif k_d_inf; ries_dif k_d_ninf; ries_dif k_precision_ulp = 0.0; ries_dif k_min_best_match = 1.0e-15; ries_dif k_max_match_dist = -0.01; /* Default is to scale by 0.01 of the target value */ ries_dif g_init_match_dist; b001 g_match_all_digits = B_FALSE; ries_dif k_sig_loss = 0.01; #define DEFAULT_K_VANISHED_DX 1.0e-6 ries_dif k_vanished_dx = DEFAULT_K_VANISHED_DX; ries_dif k_biggest_safe_target = 10.0 / DEFAULT_K_VANISHED_DX; ries_dif k_derivative_margin = 0; ries_dif k_prune_deriv = 1.0e-10; ries_dif k_newton_settled = 1.0e-15; ries_dif g_min_matchsize = 0; b001 g_exact_exit = B_FALSE; b001 g_refinement = B_TRUE; ries_dif p_ovr; ries_dif n_ovr; ries_val g_min_equ_val = -9.9e99; ries_val g_max_equ_val = 9.9e99; /* Format strings and precision constants. The binary formats, and associated precision/significance values, of the floating-point types that one is likely to encounter are: significand bin. decimal IEEE binary64 double 53 15.95 8087 80-bit extended long double 64 19.27 double-double 107 31.21 IEEE binary128 quad 113 34.01 The following variables (k_xxx_digits and fmt_g_xxx) are variables initialized at runtime because at some point in the future, RIES might support one of the higher precisions, selectable at runtime -- and also, there might be a new option to select the number of digits that are considered "nominal" and "usable", and how many get printed. */ /* significant digits constants, pre-initialized for IEEE binary64. The number of "nominal" digits is the significand (decimal) value above, rounded to an integer. The number of "usable" digits is based on the this and our choice of k_sig_loss to limit loss of significance. k_sig_loss is 0.01 by default, which is 10^-2 so we lose 2 digits of significance. NOTE: If RIES_VAL_LDBL (or some other precision) is defined, these will get set to different values at runtime in init.formats() */ int k_nominal_digits = 17; int k_usable_digits = 15; ries_dif k_ulp = 0.0625; float k_mantissa_bits; ries_val rv_maxint; /* Largest integer that we can rely on measuring */ /* Formatting strings, pre-initialized for IEEE binary64. 'nominal' and 'usable' are as defined above. Note that some binary formats (anything that is not compiler-native, like double-double) will not use these format strings, but instead only use the k_xxx_digits values above, because the library xxprintf() functions only work with compiler-native formats. The 'fixed' strings are designed for fitting any value in a fixed number of characters, so output lines up in neat columns. This has to be 6 characters wider than the number of significant figures: 1 for the sign, 1 for the decimal point, and 4 for an exponent like "e+27" or "e-05". These strings from the output of "ries 2.5063 -DG" serve as examples: |123456789.123456789.1| <- 21 characters wide +---------------------+ left-justified printf format: "%-21.15g" |748.729680171193 | common case: 1+15 = 16 characters |0.470252846911253 | leading zero: 1+1+15 = 17 characters |-0.000131760338472132| sign and 4 leading zeros: 1+1+1+3+15 = 21 characters |-5.80064296934474e-05| sign, decmial, 'e', sign and exponent: 1+1+15+1+1+2 +---------------------+ */ #define FMT_STR_SIZE 32 char fmt_g_nominal[FMT_STR_SIZE]; /* e.g. "%.17g" */ char fmt_g_nom_fixed[FMT_STR_SIZE]; /* e.g. "%-23.17g" */ char fmt_g_usable[FMT_STR_SIZE]; /* e.g. "%.15g" */ char fmt_g_usa_fixed[FMT_STR_SIZE]; /* e.g. "%-21.15g" */ char fmt_g_diff[FMT_STR_SIZE]; /* e.g. "%.7g" */ char fmt_g_dif_fixed[FMT_STR_SIZE]; /* e.g. "%-13.7g" */ /* Variables used by the search algorithm */ ries_val best_match; stats_count g_ne; long insert_count; stats_count prune_count, lhs_prune, rhs_prune; long mem_used_KiB; unsigned long mem_used_bytes; int out_expr_format; #define OF_POSTFIX 0 #define OF_CONDENSED 1 #define OF_NORMAL 2 #define OF_FORTH 3 long lhs_insert, rhs_insert; stats_count lhs_gen, rhs_gen; stats_count gen_total; /* Counters used by thrash_check to estimate how long it should have taken us to use a given chunk of memory */ long g_exec_calls; long g_cv_calls; /* debugging options: */ /* numbers from "ries -l2 2.5063141592653589 -DJ | wc -l" */ s16 debug_S; /* try.solve 100 */ s16 debug_s; /* report.match: "show work" 277 */ /* (values of all subexpressions) */ s16 debug_N; /* eval: sym, x and dx at each step 461 */ s16 debug_n; /* newton: x and dx at each step 136 */ s16 debug_o; /* check.match entry 539235 */ s16 debug_p; /* infix.preproc 112 */ s16 debug_Q; /* cv.simplify 51 */ s16 debug_q; /* check.match past 1st-stage test 140 */ s16 debug_m; /* ms_push, ms_pop, ms_peek, ms_undo 10247603 */ s16 debug_r; /* exec 1806085 */ /* ge.2: UPPERCASE lowercase for LHS for rhs */ /* exec: */ s16 debug_A; /* prune partial exec error 42836 87770 */ s16 debug_B; /* prune partial 0 or dx near 0 3173 2714 */ s16 debug_C; /* prune partial noninteger 81056 697227 */ /* (using command: "ries -l2 1047 -i -DC") */ s16 debug_D; /* prune partial overflow 1751 4350 */ /* full expr: */ s16 debug_E; /* prune expr already in database 102356 272746 */ s16 debug_F; /* canon.val 349368 848882 */ /* (use: ries -l2 2.50631415926 --canon-reduction nr25 -DF) */ s16 debug_G; /* insert 96112 97337 */ s16 debug_0; /* dump entire database 1712490 */ /* partial expr: */ s16 debug_H; /* rules 409175 816240 */ s16 debug_I; /* symbols to try 3904331 7759741 */ s16 debug_J; /* prune complexity 2579116 5102516 */ s16 debug_K; /* prune rules 257302 558199 */ s16 debug_L; /* prune symcount 61994 114453 */ /* (use: ries -l2 2.50631415926 '-O-+/^v*qsrlLeEpf' -Dl) */ /* ge_1: */ s16 debug_t; /* entry 11017 */ s16 debug_u; /* rminw and rmaxw calculation 48895 */ s16 debug_v; /* expressions generated 5525 */ s16 debug_w; /* gf_1 32922 */ s16 debug_x; /* add.rule 91 */ s16 debug_y; /* main loop 736 */ s16 debug_z; /* init and miscellaneous 55 */ s16 debug_M; /* memory allocation 46 */ #define DBG_LHS 2 #define DBG_RHS 1 /* -------------- variables used for special commands --------------------- */ s16 g_enable_output; /* Enable normal ries output */ s16 g_eval_expr; /* For the --find.expression command */ #define MAX_FIND_EXPR 16 s16 g_num_find_expr; symbol * g_find_expr[MAX_FIND_EXPR]; /* -------------- prototypes ---------------------------------------------- */ void ieee_paranoia(void); void init_formats(void); void show_version(void); void brief_help(void); void ries_strncpy(char * to, char * fr, int n); ries_val ries_intpow(ries_val x, int p); void ries_to_digits(ries_val x, char *s, int *expn, int *sign, int precision); void ries_snprinf_int(char * to, int len, int x); int ries_strlen(char * s); void ries_bltr0(char * s); void ries_spfg(char *s1, int length, char sign_flag, int precision, ries_val x); void spfg(int prec, ries_val x); void spff(int prec, ries_val x); void ries_spfg_test(char *s1, int length, char sign_flag, int precision, ries_val x); void msal_test_spfg(void); char * file_read(const char * filename); void delimit_args(const char *rawbuf, size_t * nargs, char * * * argv); const char * err_string(s16 err); const char * tagname(int t); time_flt gettime(void); void inittime(void); int bitcount(unsigned long x); void thrash_check(long alloced); void init_mem(void); void * my_alloc(size_t size); void purgeall_mem(void); void ms_init(metastack *ms); void ms_push(metastack *ms, ries_val x, ries_dif dx, ries_tgs tags); ries_val ms_pop(metastack *ms, ries_dif *diff, ries_tgs * tags); ries_val ms_peek(metastack *ms, ries_dif *diff, ries_tgs * tag, s16 *sptr); void ms_undo(metastack *ms); double arctan2(double a, double b); long double arctan2l(long double a, long double b); s16 exec(metastack *ms, symbol op, s16 *undo_count, s16 do_dx); s16 infix_1(symbol * expr, char * term, symbol * t_op); void cv_phantoms(symbol * s); void infix_preproc(symbol * expr, symbol * out); symbol * symstrsym(symbol * exp1, symbol sym); unsigned int symstrlen(symbol * s); int symstrtrail(symbol * big, symbol * little); int bothtrail(symbol * a, symbol * b, symbol *tr); void symstrclip(symbol * s, unsigned int len); int symstrcmp(symbol * a, symbol * b); int symstrneq(symbol * a, symbol * b, unsigned int n); symbol * symstrsymstr(symbol * haystack, symbol * needle); int symstrncpy0(symbol *to, symbol *from, int len); void symstrncat(symbol *to, symbol *from, long len); void str_remap(char *s, char from, char to); s16 infix_expand(char * input, char * output); s16 postfix(symbol * expr, char * term); s16 postfix_formatter(symbol * expr, char * out, s16 maxlen); s16 complexity(symbol * expr); int endstack(symbol * expr, int *ending_sp, symbol * * last_sp_1, symbol * * last_sym); int expr_break(symbol * expr, symbol * op, symbol * seft, symbol * * arg1, int * a1_len, symbol * * arg2, int * a2_len); void expr_print_infix(symbol * expr, int justify); void eqn_print_infix(symbol * lhs, symbol * rhs); s16 eval(symbol * expr, ries_val * val, ries_dif * dx, ries_tgs * tags, s16 * sptr, s16 show_work); void try_solve(symbol * l, symbol * r, symbol * l_out, int l_len, symbol * r_out, int r_len); s16 newton(symbol * lhs, symbol * rhs, ries_val *root, ries_dif *diff_dx, ries_tgs *tags); s16 cv_simplify(symbol * lhs, symbol * rhs, ries_val *root, ries_dif *diff_dx, ries_tgs *tags, int do_newton); void defsym_used(symbol * expr); void describe_symbols(void); char * pf_intfloat_wid(stats_count x, int width); void print_end(int exit_code); void check_exit(int is_exact); void report_match(symbol * lhs, symbol * rhs, symbol * exm, ries_val root, ries_dif delta, int did_newton); int check_match(expr * lhs, expr * rhs); expr * bt_first(expr * tree); int bt_depth(expr * it); expr * bt_prev(expr *it); expr * bt_next(expr *it); void check_sides(expr * it); void check_exact_match(expr * it, ries_dif new_dx, pe *ex); s16 bt_insert(ries_val x, ries_dif dx, ries_tgs tg, pe *ex, s16 * res1); s16 canonval(pe * bpe, metastack * ms, ries_val *p_x, ries_dif *p_dx, ries_tgs *p_tg, s16 * muc_ptr, s16 using_x); void decanon(metastack * ms, s16 muc); stats_count ge_2(form *base, pe *bpe, s16 e_minw, s16 e_maxw, metastack *ms, s16 using_x); stats_count ge_1(form *base, s16 e_minw, s16 e_maxw, s16 using_x, s16 a_minw, s16 a_maxw, s16 b_minw, s16 b_maxw, s16 c_minw, s16 c_maxw); stats_count gf_1(form *base, s16 minw, s16 maxw, s16 using_x, s16 a_minw, s16 a_maxw, s16 b_minw, s16 b_maxw, s16 c_minw, s16 c_maxw); stats_count gen_forms(s16 minw, s16 maxw, s16 using_x, s16 a_minw, s16 a_maxw, s16 b_minw, s16 b_maxw, s16 c_minw, s16 c_maxw); void def_amkey(const char * syms, attr_bits mask); void define_amkeys(void); void add_symbol(symbol sym, const char *name_forth, const char *name_infix, symbol type, s16 weight, const char * def_terse, const char * def_normal, const char * description); /* The macro ADDSYM_NAMES is used to pass the three variants of a symbol's name, using the macro helps make the calls to add.symbol() a bit more readable. */ #define ADDSYM_NAMES(ascii1,FORTH,infix) (ascii1), (FORTH), (infix) void setup_abc_mmw(void); void show_symset(void); void add_rule(const char * symset, char sym, attr_bits mask); void init_numerics(void); void init_symbol_names(void); void allsyms_set(s16 n, int include_x); void somesyms_set(symbol * s, s16 n); void set_anagram(char * anagram); void init1(void); void init2(void); int unique_eqn(symbol * lhs, symbol * rhs, int addit); int parse_target(char *str); void set_debug_opts(char * str); void set_restrict_rat(void); void set_restrict_alg(int restrict_trig); char * pa_defaults_path(void); char * pa_next_peek(void); int pa_next_isparam(void); char * pa_get_arg(void); char * pa_stk_pop(void); void parse_args(size_t nargs, char *argv[]); void validate_types(void); ries_tgs guess_valtype(ries_val v); int main(int nargs, char *argv[]); /* -------------- functions ----------------------------------------------- */ char * pa_def_path; void show_version(void) { printf( "ries version of %s, Copyright (C) 2000-2024 Robert P. Munafo\n", RIES_VERSION); printf( " architecture: %s\n", #ifdef __POWERPC__ "PowerPC" #else # ifdef __i386__ "Intel-32" # else # ifdef __x86_64__ "Intel-64" # else "Unknown" # endif # endif #endif ); printf( " precision: %s (%d nominal, %d usable)\n", #ifdef RIES_VAL_LDBL "long double", #else "double", #endif k_nominal_digits, k_usable_digits ); printf( " mathlib: %s\n", #ifdef RIES_USE_SA_M64 "stand-alone" #else "standard" #endif ); printf(" MAX_ELEN == %d\n", MAX_ELEN); if (pa_def_path) { printf(" profile: %s\n", pa_def_path); } #ifdef RIES_USE_SA_M64 printf("\n"); msal_version_info(); #endif printf("\n"); printf("%s", "RIES is provided under the GPL license v3. Source code at mrob.com/ries\n" "This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO\n" "warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n" ); } void brief_help(void) { printf("%s", "Usage:\n" " ries [options] target-value\n" "\n" "Target value is required and may be any number. Options include:\n" " -l3 Search further (``level-3 search'')\n" " -x Show matched values as ``x = value'' rather than ``x = T + epsilon''\n" " -s (Sort of) solve by transforming to ``x = ...'' form\n" " -N+-/ Do not use symbols +, - or /\n" " -S Show list of all available symbols\n" ); printf("%s", " -l Restrict to Liouvillian solutions\n" " -a Restrict to algebraic solutions\n" " -c Restrict to ``constructible'' (straightedge and compass) solutions\n" " -r Restrict to rational solutions (-re for exact match)\n" " -i Restrict to integer solutions (-ie for exact match)\n" "\n" "There are many more options; get the full manual at mrob.com/ries\n" ); } /* End of brief.help */ /* -------------- formatting and conversion ------------------------------- */ /* Copy a string as if by strncpy */ void ries_strncpy(char * to, char * fr, int n) { int i; for(i=0; (i 0) { if (i & 1) { rv = rv * pow2; } i >>= 1; if (i) { /* We could do better here by a special-case for x near 1.0 */ pow2 = pow2 * pow2; } } if (recip) { return(1.0 / rv); } return(rv); } /* End of ries_intpow */ /* This routine returns the first N significant digits of an ries_val value. It goes to fairly thorough measures to ensure that rounding is done properly. You supply a string with a little bit more than the needed amount of space, and (if desired) an integer in which to store the exponent. */ void ries_to_digits(ries_val x, char *s, int *expn, int *sign, int precision) { int dig1 = precision + 1; /* number of digits to compute */ ries_val r; /* "remainder", the portion not yet turned into digits. */ ries_val pw; int e; /* exponent */ int i, d; int sgn; if (x <= k_d_ninf) { ries_strncpy(s, (char *) "-inf", precision); return; } else if (x >= k_d_inf) { ries_strncpy(s, (char *) "+inf", precision); return; } else if (!((x > k_d_ninf) && (x < k_d_inf))) { ries_strncpy(s, (char *) "NaN", precision); return; } sgn = 0; if (x < 0.0) { x = - x; sgn = 1; } if (sign) { *sign = sgn; } r = (x<0) ? (-x) : x; if (x == 0.0) { /* x == 0.0 */ if (expn) { *expn = 0; } for (i = 0; i < precision; i++) s[i] = '0'; return; } /* First determine the (approximate) exponent. */ e = (int) (FLOOR(LOG10(FABS(x)))); if (e < -300) { r = r * ries_intpow(10.0, 300); pw = ries_intpow(10.0, (e + 300)); r = r / pw; } else if (e > 0) { pw = ries_intpow(10.0, e); r = r / pw; } else if (e < 0) { pw = ries_intpow(10.0, -e); r = r * pw; } /* Fix exponent if we are off by one */ if (r >= 10.0) { r = r / 10.0; e++; } else if (r < 1.0) { r = r * 10.0; e--; } if (r >= 10.0 || r < 1.0) { fprintf(stderr, "ries_to_digits: exponent adjust failed (x=%g, r=%g).\n", ((double) x), ((double) r)); return; } /* Extract the digits */ for (i = 0; i < dig1; i++) { d = ((int) r); r = r - ((ries_val) d); r = r * 10.0; s[i] = ((char)(((int)'0') + d)); } /* Fix negative digits. */ for (i = dig1-1; i > 0; i--) { if (s[i] < '0') { s[i-1]--; s[i] = ((char)(((int)(s[i])) + 10)); } } if (s[0] <= '0') { fprintf(stderr, "ries_to_digits: non-positive leading digit.\n"); return; } /* Round, handle carry */ if (s[dig1-1] >= '5') { s[dig1-2]++; i = dig1-2; while (i > 0 && s[i] > '9') { s[i] = ((char)(((int)(s[i])) - 10)); i--; s[i] = ((char)( ((int)(s[i])) + 1)); } } /* If first digit is 10, shift everything. */ if (s[0] > '9') { e++; for (i = precision; i >= 2; i--) s[i] = s[i-1]; s[0] = '1'; s[1] = '0'; } s[precision] = 0; if (expn) *expn = e; } /* End of ries_to_digits */ /* Format an int into a string as if by snprintf */ void ries_snprinf_int(char * to, int len, int x) { char * s; int x2, i; char c; s = to; if(len <= 0) { return; } /* Reserve space for trailing null */ len--; if (len <= 0) { /* If that's all we have, leave now */ *s++ = 0; return; } if (x<0) { *s++ = '-'; len--; x = -x; } if (len <= 0) { *s++ = 0; return; } /* Handle 0 */ if (x == 0) { *s++ = '0'; *s = 0; return; } /* Find out if int will fit */ x2 = x; while(x2>0) { len--; x2 = x2 / 10; } if (len <= 0) { *s++ = 0; return; } /* Write digits in reverse order */ len = 0; /* len now counts number of digits output */ x2 = x; while(x2 > 0) { s[len] = ((char)(((int)'0') + (x2 % 10))); len++; x2 = x2 / 10; } /* Trailing null */ s[len] = 0; /* Reverse the string in place */ for(i=0; i= s) && (*t == '0')) { *t = 0; t--; } } /* ries_spfg prints an ries_val into a string, using format similar to the standard C library printf("%10.3g", val). There is a length field, controlling the maximum length of output and a precision field specifying how many digits you want. For best results the length should be at least precision+8, to allow for the worst case of the sign, decimal point, "e", exponent sign, and 3-digit exponent plus the trailing null. For example, the string "-1.23e-123" has "precision" 3, but is 7 characters longer than the precision. The parameters are: char * s1 - output string. Must have at least as many bytes as the parameter 'length' length - length of the buffer s1. No more than length-1 printable chars will be emitted, followed by a null. sign_flag - pass in '+' if you want explicit + signs; pass anything else to have no '+' signs. precision - number of significant digits to generate. ries_val x - the number to format. For the opposite conversion, use ries_sscan. */ void ries_spfg(char *s1, int length, char sign_flag, int precision, ries_val x) { char *s; int sign; int exponent; int i; char s2[40]; char sexp[8]; /* Signed exponent as a string */ s = s1; /* Handle unreasonably short output buffers */ if (length <= 0) { return; } else if (length < 8) { for(i=0; i<(length-1); i++) { s[i] = '!'; } s[i] = 0; return; } if (x <= k_d_ninf) { ries_strncpy(s, (char *) "-inf", precision); return; } else if (x >= k_d_inf) { ries_strncpy(s, (char *) "+inf", precision); return; } else if (!((x > k_d_ninf) && (x < k_d_inf))) { ries_strncpy(s, (char *) "NaN", precision); return; } if (precision > 35) { precision = 35; } else if (precision < 1) { precision = 1; } ries_to_digits(x, s2, &exponent, &sign, precision); if (sign) { *s++ = '-'; length--; } else if (sign_flag == '+') { *s++ = '+'; length--; } if ((exponent > 0) && (exponent < precision)) { /* It can be formatted as a normal number without an exponent field */ /* length needs to be at least enough for lead digits and trailing null */ if (length < exponent+2) { ries_strncpy(s, (char *) "fmt-err", length); return; } i = 0; /* Emit lead digit */ *s++ = s2[i++]; length--; /* Emit the rest of the digits before the decimal point */ while (exponent) { *s++ = s2[i++]; length--; exponent--; } /* Check the rest of the digits for trailing 0's */ ries_bltr0(s2); if (*s2 == 0) { *s++ = 0; return; } if (length > 1) { *s++ = '.'; length--; } for(; s2[i] && (i 1); i++) { *s++ = s2[i]; length--; } *s++ = 0; return; } else if (exponent == 0) { /* Values from 1.00000 to 9.99999 */ /* length needs to be at least enough for lead digit, decimal point and trailing null */ if (length < 3) { ries_strncpy(s, (char *) "!!!", length); return; } *s++ = s2[0]; length--; /* Lead digit */ /* Check the rest of the digits for trailing 0's */ ries_bltr0(s2+1); if (s2[1] == 0) { *s++ = 0; return; } *s++ = '.'; length--; for(i=1; s2[i] && (i 1); i++) { *s++ = s2[i]; length--; } *s++ = 0; return; } else if ((exponent < 0) && (exponent > -5)) { /* Values like 0.12345, 0.012345, etc. */ /* Length needs to be enough for leading 0's, decimal point, one significant digit, and trailing null */ if (length+exponent < 3) { ries_strncpy(s, (char *) "fmt-err", length); return; } /* Add a suitable number of zeros */ *s++ = '0'; length--; *s++ = '.'; length--; exponent++; while ((exponent < 0) && (length > 1)) { *s++ = '0'; length--; exponent++; } /* Remove extra trailing 0's */ ries_bltr0(s2); if (*s2 == 0) { *s++ = 0; return; } for(i=0; s2[i] && (i 1); i++) { *s++ = s2[i]; length--; } *s++ = 0; return; } /* General case: use scientific notation */ /* Get the exponent as a string */ if (exponent >= 0) { sexp[0] = '+'; ries_snprinf_int(sexp+1, sizeof(sexp)-1, exponent); } else { /* ries_snprinf_int will print the '-' sign */ ries_snprinf_int(sexp, sizeof(sexp), exponent); } /* Here we are a little forgiving about the length: We'll deduct the space we need for the signed exponent and 'e', then emit as many digits as we can. Note that s2[] already has the requested number of digits. So we just need to make sure the length can accommodate the lead digit, decimal point and exponent. */ if (length - (1 + 1 + 1 + ries_strlen(sexp)) < 1) { ries_strncpy(s, (char *) "fmt-err", length); return; } /* Reserve space for 'e' and exponent and null */ length = length - (1 + ries_strlen(sexp) + 1); *s++ = s2[0]; length--; /* Lead digit */ ries_bltr0(s2+1); if (s2[1]) { /* We have some nonzero digits to print */ *s++ = '.'; length--; for(i=1; (i 0); i++) { *s++ = s2[i]; length--; } } *s++ = 'e'; length--; /* We now have just enough room for the exponent */ for(i=0; sexp[i]; i++) { *s++ = sexp[i]; } *s++ = 0; } /* End of ries_spfg */ /* Print a ries_val as if by printf("%.23g", x) where the precision is given by the parameter 'prec'. */ void spfg(int prec, ries_val x) { char tmp[100]; ries_spfg(tmp, 100, 0, prec, x); printf("%s", tmp); } /* Print a ries_val as if by printf("%29.23g", x) where the precision is given by the parameter 'prec'. */ void spff(int prec, ries_val x) { char tmp[100]; char fmt[FMT_STR_SIZE]; ries_spfg(tmp, 100, 0, prec, x); snprintf(fmt, FMT_STR_SIZE, "%%-%ds", prec+6); printf(fmt, tmp); } #ifdef RIES_USE_SA_M64 float g_min_spfg_mbits = 256.0; ries_val g_worst_spfg_inpt; /* Wrapper for ries_spfg that converts the result string back to a ries_val and watches for the worst result */ void ries_spfg_test(char *s1, int length, char sign_flag, int precision, ries_val x) { ries_val xc; int nv; ries_spfg(s1, length, sign_flag, precision, x); nv = sscanf(s1, RV_SS_FMT, &xc); if ((nv) && (x != 0)) { ries_val rat, diff; float db; rat = xc / x; diff = rat - 1.0; if (diff < 0) { diff = 0 - diff; } if (diff > 0) { db = 0.0; while (diff < 1.0) { db = db + 1.0f; diff *= 2.0; } if (db < g_min_spfg_mbits) { g_min_spfg_mbits = db; g_worst_spfg_inpt = x; if (debug_z) { printf("New poorest conversion (%g bits)" " from input %23.17g -> '%s'\n", db, ((double)x), s1); } } } } } /* end of ries_spfg_test */ /* Generate a huge number of values and test conversion via ries_spfg */ void msal_test_spfg(void) { int ei, n; ries_val eps; /* epsilon */ ries_val k8, k10; printf("msal_test_spfg: starting...\n"); n = 0; eps = 0.5; k8 = 8.0; k10 = 10.0; /* Test each epsilon */ for(ei=0; ei<100; ei++) { ries_val b8, b10; /* "big" test values */ ries_val s8, s10; /* "big" test values */ int di; for (di=0; di<2; di++) { int si; if (di == 0) { b8 = b10 = s8 = s10 = 1.0 - eps; } else { b8 = b10 = s8 = s10 = 1.0 + eps; } /* Run through range of large and small values */ for(si=0; si<100; si++) { char tmp[100]; int si; /* Make values bigger/smaller */ b8 = b8 * k8; b10 = b10 * k10; s8 = s8 / k8; s10 = s10 / k10; for(si=0; si<2; si++) { ries_spfg_test(tmp, 100, 0, k_nominal_digits, b8); n++; ries_spfg_test(tmp, 100, 0, k_nominal_digits, b10); n++; ries_spfg_test(tmp, 100, 0, k_nominal_digits, s8); n++; ries_spfg_test(tmp, 100, 0, k_nominal_digits, s10); n++; /* Negate everything */ b8 = -b8; b10 = -b10; s8 = -s8; s10 = -s10; } } /* Go to the next epsilon */ eps = eps * 0.375; } } printf("msal_test_spfg: %d tests completed.\n", n); } #endif /* RIES_USE_SA_M64 */ /* -------------- profiles and argument parsing --------------------------- */ #define FILE_READ_SIZE 1024 #define FILE_READ_MAX 10*1024*1024 char * file_read(const char * filename) { FILE * in; size_t buf_sz; char * base_ptr; size_t t_len; /* We read in binary mode to avoid having the OS change anything. In particular, by definition the RIES profile format is not a "text" file format, it is "a sequence of text-like tokens separated by non-text bytes". Right now we treat all control characters as token-delimiters (and additionally as an end-of-comment delimiter in most cases if after a '#') but I may want to change that in the future. */ in = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (in == NULL) { char * name_ext; /* Try appending ".ries" (Allocation and UNIX compatibility by Markus Milleder, 20120428) */ /* The typecast to "(char *)" avoids the warning "request for implicit conversion from 'void *' to 'char *' not permitted in C++" given by the option -Wc++-compat */ t_len = strlen(filename) + 6; /* + ".ries\0" */ name_ext = (char *) malloc(t_len); if (name_ext) { snprintf(name_ext, t_len, "%s.ries", filename); in = fopen(name_ext, "rb"); free(name_ext); } } if (in == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Could not open '%s' or '%s.ries' for reading.\n" "\n\n", g_argv0, filename, filename); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } buf_sz = FILE_READ_SIZE; base_ptr = (char *) malloc(buf_sz); t_len = 0; while (!feof(in) && !ferror(in)) { if (t_len + FILE_READ_SIZE > buf_sz) { /* The next read might go beyond the allocated memory, so we need to reallocate */ if (buf_sz > FILE_READ_MAX) break; buf_sz = buf_sz * 2; base_ptr = (char *) realloc(base_ptr, buf_sz); } { /* Now read a little bit more */ char * p = base_ptr + t_len; t_len += fread(p, 1, FILE_READ_SIZE, in); } } fclose(in); /* Reallocate again to free up the memory we didn't use. */ base_ptr = (char *) realloc(base_ptr, t_len + 1); /* It needs a trailing null byte */ base_ptr[t_len] = 0; return base_ptr; } /* End of file_read */ /* "A RIES argument-file is a sequence of one or more non-blank words separated by blanks." */ void delimit_args(const char *rawbuf, size_t * nargs, char * * * argv) { size_t n; char ** av; n = 0; av = 0; if (nargs) { *nargs = n; } if (argv) { *argv = av; } if (rawbuf) { unsigned char * p; n = 0; /* Scan for and canonicize whitespace. */ p = (unsigned char *) rawbuf; while(*p) { /* Skip any leading space */ while(*p && ((*p <= ' ') || (*p == '\177'))) { *p = ' '; p++; } if (*p == '#') { /* Comment delimiter. Change everything to space until we get to a non-tab control character, which we assume is an end of line */ while(*p && ((*p == '\t') || (*p >= ' '))) { *p = ' '; p++; } } else if (*p && (*p > ' ')) { /* A word that doesn't start with '#' is an arg; skip it */ while(*p && (*p > ' ')) { p++; } } /* We are now at a null or a delimiter; loop can now continue. */ } /* Count up the strings */ p = (unsigned char *) rawbuf; while(*p) { /* Skip any leading space */ while(*p == ' ') { p++; } /* If there is an arg, count it */ if (*p) { n++; /* Skip the nonspace */ while(*p && (*p != ' ')) { p++; } } /* We are now at a null or a blank space; loop can now continue. */ } /* Now n is the number of args, and we can allocate the argv */ av = (char **) malloc(n * sizeof(char *)); if (av == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Cannot alloate argv block.\n", g_argv0); print_end(-1); } if (nargs) { *nargs = n; } if (argv) { *argv = av; } /* Set pointers, marking with nulls as we go */ p = (unsigned char *) rawbuf; while(*p) { /* Skip any leading space and turn it into nulls */ while(*p == ' ') { *p = 0; p++; } /* If there is an arg, count it */ if (*p) { /* Save a pointer to this string, with (paranoid) check to avoid overwriting the argv */ if (n > 0) { *av = (char *) p; av++; n--; } /* Skip the nonspace */ while(*p && (*p != ' ')) { p++; } } /* We are now at a null or a blank space; loop can now continue. */ } } } /* End of delimit_args */ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error codes and strings -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ERR_EXEC_DIV_ZERO -1 #define ERR_EXEC_ROOT_NEG -2 #define ERR_EXEC_LOG_NEG -3 #define ERR_EXEC_OVERFLOW -4 #define ERR_EXEC_TRIG_RANGE -5 #define ERR_EXEC_TRIG_LOW_DX -6 #define ERR_EXEC_SIG_LOSS -7 #define ERR_EXEC_POW_NEG_BASE -8 #define ERR_EXEC_LOG_BAD_BASE -9 #define ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_SYMBOL -10 #define ERR_NEWTON_ZERO_DX -11 #define ERR_NEWTON_NO_CONVERGE -12 #define ERR_EVAL_TOO_LONG -13 #define ERR_EVAL_METASTACK_OVERFLOW -14 #define ERR_EVAL_UNKNOWN_SEFT -15 #define ERR_EVAL_STACK_OVERFLOW -16 #define ERR_EVAL_STACK_UNDERFLOW -17 #define ERR_ES_NULL_EXPRESSION -18 #define ERR_EC_INCOMPLETE_EXPR -19 #define ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_EXPONENT -20 #define ERR_EXEC_TRIG_ARGTYPE -21 #define ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_DERIV -22 #define ERR_EXEC_ZERO_DERIV -23 /* Add any new ones here */ #define EXIT_NO_ERROR -9998 #define ERR_UNKNOWN -9999 typedef struct err_str { s16 val; const char * str; } err_str; err_str error_strings[] = { {0, "No Error"}, {ERR_EXEC_DIV_ZERO, "Divide by zero"}, {ERR_EXEC_ROOT_NEG, "Root of a negative value"}, {ERR_EXEC_LOG_NEG, "Logarithm of a negative value"}, {ERR_EXEC_OVERFLOW, "Overflow"}, {ERR_EXEC_TRIG_RANGE, "Trigonometric argument out of range"}, {ERR_EXEC_TRIG_LOW_DX, "Trigonometric argument generates near-constant"}, {ERR_EXEC_SIG_LOSS, "Loss of significance"}, {ERR_EXEC_POW_NEG_BASE, "Power of a negative base"}, {ERR_EXEC_LOG_BAD_BASE, "Logarithm to base 1 or negative base"}, {ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_SYMBOL, "Illegal symbol"}, {ERR_NEWTON_ZERO_DX, "Zero derivative in Newton iteration"}, {ERR_NEWTON_NO_CONVERGE, "Newton iteration did not converge"}, {ERR_EVAL_TOO_LONG, "Expression is too long"}, {ERR_EVAL_METASTACK_OVERFLOW, "Metastack overflow"}, {ERR_EVAL_UNKNOWN_SEFT, "Symbol of unknown seft"}, {ERR_EVAL_STACK_OVERFLOW, "Stack overflow"}, {ERR_EVAL_STACK_UNDERFLOW, "Stack underflow"}, {ERR_ES_NULL_EXPRESSION, "Null expression"}, {ERR_EC_INCOMPLETE_EXPR, "Incomplete expression"}, {ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_EXPONENT, "Disallowed exponent"}, {ERR_EXEC_TRIG_ARGTYPE, "Disallowed trigonometric argument"}, {ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_DERIV, "Overflow or NaN in derivative"}, {ERR_EXEC_ZERO_DERIV, "Underflow in derivative"}, /* Add any new ones here */ {EXIT_NO_ERROR, "No error"}, {ERR_UNKNOWN, "Unknown error"}, }; const size_t g_num_errors = sizeof(error_strings) / sizeof(err_str); const char * err_string(s16 err) { unsigned int j; for(j=0; j> 1) + (x & 0x55555555L); x = ((x & 0xCCCCCCCCL) >> 2) + (x & 0x33333333L); x = ((x & 0xF0F0F0F0L) >> 4) + (x & 0x0F0F0F0FL); x = ((x & 0xFF00FF00L) >> 8) + (x & 0x00FF00FFL); x = (x >> 16) + (x & 0x0000FFFFL); return((int) x); } time_flt g_mem_bad_ratio = 2.0; /* Try to detect if the system is "thrashing" (swapping memory pages in and out from the hard drive) by measuring the elapsed time and comparing to an estimate of how much time our computation should have taken. */ void thrash_check(long alloced) { time_flt now, alloc_elapsed, predicted_rate; time_flt this_alloc_rate; time_flt decay_numer, decay_denom; time_flt sluggish_ratio; tc_alloced += alloced; if (tc_alloced < (1024L*1024L)) { /* It's not time to benchmark memory yet... */ return; } /* Look at how much time has passed since the last time we were here */ now = gettime(); alloc_elapsed = now - my_alloc_when; /* Reset the timer for use next time */ my_alloc_when = now; /* Convert to units of seconds per megabyte */ this_alloc_rate = alloc_elapsed * 1.0e6 / ((time_flt) tc_alloced); g_ttl_elapsed += this_alloc_rate; /* Determine the timebase we should use for our decaying averages: Short halflife at first, then longer. */ if (mem_used_KiB < 20480) { decay_numer = 0.9; } else { decay_numer = 0.993; } decay_denom = 1.0 - decay_numer; /* Decaying average with half-life of roughly 100 samples: 0.5 ^ 0.01 = 0.993092... */ if (g_avg_alloc_rate == 0) { g_avg_alloc_rate = this_alloc_rate; } else { g_avg_alloc_rate = (decay_numer * g_avg_alloc_rate) + (decay_denom * this_alloc_rate); } if (this_alloc_rate < g_avg_alloc_rate) { /* This sample brought down the average, so it should be counted towards the "good performance level" statistic. */ if (g_good_alloc_rate == 0) { g_good_alloc_rate = this_alloc_rate; } else { g_good_alloc_rate = (decay_numer * g_good_alloc_rate) + (decay_denom * this_alloc_rate); } } rate_where = mem_used_KiB; /* Find out how many times exec() was called, which is a good measure of how much computation we've done and therefore how much time "should have" elapsed */ predicted_rate = (((time_flt) g_exec_calls) + 1.0) / 4.0e6 + (((time_flt) g_cv_calls) + 1.0) / 2.5e6; /* From the prediction and the actual elapsed time, make a measure of sluggishness. */ sluggish_ratio = g_ttl_elapsed / predicted_rate; if (debug_M) { printf( "%4ld MiB, ex%8ld, cv%7ld: %6.3g/%6.3g = %6.3g", ((mem_used_KiB >> 9) + 1) >> 1, g_exec_calls, g_cv_calls, g_ttl_elapsed, predicted_rate, sluggish_ratio); } /* Reset the raw counters for the next sample */ g_cv_calls = 0; g_exec_calls = 0; g_ttl_elapsed = 0; /* Count how many times in a row the new sample is bigger than the decaying average */ if (sluggish_ratio > g_decay_slug * g_mem_bad_ratio) { if (debug_M) { printf(" >%6.3g", g_decay_slug); } g_rate_increase_run++; } else { if (debug_M) { printf(" %6s", ""); } g_rate_increase_run = 0; } /* g_max_rir keeps track of the longest "run" since the last time g_max_rir was reset */ if (g_rate_increase_run > g_max_rir) { g_max_rir = g_rate_increase_run; } /* Keep a bitmap of the history of recent extreme incidents */ if (sluggish_ratio > g_decay_slug * g_mem_bad_ratio) { g_last_thrash |= 1; } g_last_thrash <<= 1; g_last_thrash &= ((1 << 10) - 1); /* Decay-average the slug ratio */ if (g_decay_slug == 0) { g_decay_slug = sluggish_ratio; } else { g_decay_slug = (decay_numer * g_decay_slug) + (decay_denom * sluggish_ratio); } if (mem_used_KiB >= memstat_where + 10240) { /* It's time to look at the stats and make a guess */ if (debug_M) { /* To evaluate these measurements, run RIES in different memory / environments using a command like: / ries 2.50631415926535897932 -l8 -DM */ printf(" avg %6.3g", g_decay_slug); printf(", run %ld", g_max_rir); g_max_rir = 0; printf(" (%6.3g ; %6.3g sec/MB)", g_avg_alloc_rate, g_good_alloc_rate); if (((time_flt)mem_used_KiB) * 1024.0 > g_min_memory) { /* Here we would check for a "getting really slow" trend and quit if it is exceeded */ if (bitcount(g_last_thrash) >= 3) { /* Okay, pull the plug. */ printf("\nExiting now because memory has gotten very slow.\n"); print_end(EXIT_NO_ERROR); } } } fflush(stdout); memstat_when = now; memstat_where = mem_used_KiB; } if (debug_M) { printf("\n"); } tc_alloced = 0; } /* End of thrash.check */ void init_mem(void) { freepool = 0; freesize = 0; block_base = 0; mem_used_KiB = 0; mem_used_bytes = 0; } /* All allocation is done in fixed-size blocks, and nothing is ever * deallocated, so it's very easy to manage. This is your typical * cached blocked allocate funtion */ void * my_alloc(size_t size) { s16 do_alloc; char * rv; /* assume the worst */ rv = 0; /* first, see if there's a block with enough space */ do_alloc = 0; if (freepool) { if (freesize >= size) { /* we're okay */ } else { do_alloc = 1; } } else { do_alloc = 1; } /* if we need to allocate, do so */ if (do_alloc) { freesize = 0; freepool = (char *) malloc(ALLOC_SIZE); /* did we get any? */ if (freepool) { freesize = ALLOC_SIZE; mem_used_KiB += (ALLOC_SIZE / 1024L); } thrash_check(ALLOC_SIZE); if (((time_flt)mem_used_KiB) * 1024.0 > g_max_memory) { printf("Stopping now because %g bytes of memory have been used.\n", ((time_flt)mem_used_KiB) * 1024.0); print_end(EXIT_NO_ERROR); } /* Immediately make our new block point to the previous block, if there was any. This is to support purgeall_mem(). */ if (freepool) { *((char * *)freepool) = block_base; /* Store backlink ptr */ block_base = freepool; /* This is the new base ptr */ freepool += sizeof(char *); /* This is where the user's data will be allocated */ freesize -= sizeof(char *); /* We used up some space */ /* Carefully track memory usage */ mem_used_bytes += sizeof(char *); } } /* if we have a block now, we can allocate from it */ if (freepool) { rv = freepool; freepool += size; /* %%% how do I find out the alignment requirement for pointers to structs? */ freesize -= size; /* Carefully track memory usage */ mem_used_bytes += size; } return((void *) rv); } /* End of my.alloc() */ /* I said above that "nothing is ever deallocated", but here you can deallocate everything all at once if you wish. %%% NOTE: As of 20160131, this is still not used; the plan is to facilitate running searches against multiple targets and avoid some of the duplicated recalculation. */ void purgeall_mem(void) { char * prev_block; while(block_base) { prev_block = *((char * *) block_base); free((void *) block_base); block_base = prev_block; } } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Metastack routines (see the "M E T A S T A C K !" block comment above) The following illustrate the contents of the stack and undo list for some sample expressions. The expressions read from top to bottom, and there is one line for each push or pop. (There are no undo's illustrated here; an undo would be just moving up to a previous line). At the end of each example is the total number of steps: This is the number of items in the undo list. expression: 1+(2+(4+8)) expression: sqrt(sqrt((2^2)^2)^2)^2 postfix: 1248+++ postfix: 2ssqsqs op stack --undo-stack-- op stack --undo-stack-- 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 s - 2 4 1 2 4 4 2 8 1 2 4 8 s - 2 4 + 1 2 4 8 16 2 4 1 2 8 4 q - 2 4 16 1 2 12 8 4 4 2 4 16 + 1 2 8 4 12 s - 2 4 16 4 1 8 4 12 2 16 2 4 16 4 1 14 8 4 12 2 q - 2 4 16 4 16 + 1 8 4 12 2 14 4 2 4 16 4 16 - 8 4 12 2 14 1 s - 2 4 16 4 16 4 15 8 4 12 2 14 1 16 2 4 16 4 16 4 total steps: 13 total steps: 13 max stack: 4 max stack: 1 max undo stack: 6 max undo stack: 6 expression: 1/(3-1/(-2)) postfix: 11nr-r op stack --undo-stack-- 3 3 2 3 2 n 3 2 3 -2 2 r 3 2 -2 3 -0.5 2 -2 - 3 2 -2 -0.5 - 2 -2 -0.5 3 3.5 2 -2 -0.5 3 r - 2 -2 -0.5 3 3.5 0.286 2 -2 -0.5 3 3.5 total steps: 11 max stack: 2 max undo stack: 5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ms_init(metastack *ms) { ms->uvp = 0; ms->msp = 0; ms->sp = 0; } #define dbl(x) ((double)(x)) /* ms.push does a standard PUSH operation. */ void ms_push(metastack *ms, ries_val x, ries_dif dx, ries_tgs tags) { s16 sp, msp; /* push x */ sp = ms->sp; (ms->ds)[sp] = dx; (ms->s)[sp] = x; (ms->tg)[sp] = tags; /* remember */ msp = ms->msp; ms->ms[msp] = MSO_PUSH; if (debug_m) { printf("push %d %g (%g)%x '%d'\n", sp, dbl(x), dx, tags, msp); } /* for a push, we don't need to add any undo values */ sp++; ms->sp = sp; msp++; ms->msp = msp; } /* ms_pop does a standard POP operation. */ ries_val ms_pop(metastack *ms, ries_dif *diff, ries_tgs * tags) { s16 sp, msp, uvp; ries_val rv; ries_dif drv; ries_tgs tg; /* pop a value */ sp = ms->sp; sp--; rv = (ms->s)[sp]; drv = (ms->ds)[sp]; if (diff) { *diff = drv; } tg = (ms->tg)[sp]; if (tags) { *tags = tg; } ms->sp = sp; /* remember the action and the data */ msp = ms->msp; ms->ms[msp] = MSO_POP; /* save the popped values in the undo list */ uvp = ms->uvp; if (debug_m) { printf("pop %d %g (%g)%x '%d' .%d.\n", sp, dbl(rv), drv, tg, msp, uvp); } ms->udv[uvp] = drv; ms->uv[uvp] = rv; ms->utg[uvp] = tg; msp++; ms->msp = msp; uvp++; ms->uvp = uvp; return rv; } /* ms_peek just lets you see what's on the top of the stack. */ ries_val ms_peek(metastack *ms, ries_dif *diff, ries_tgs * tag, s16 *sptr) { s16 sp; ries_val rv; ries_dif drv; ries_tgs tg; sp = (s16)((ms->sp)-1); rv = ms->s[sp]; drv = ms->ds[sp]; if (diff) { *diff = drv; } tg = ms->tg[sp]; if (tag) { *tag = tg; } if (sptr) { *sptr = sp; } if (debug_m) { printf("peek %d %g (%g)%x\n", sp, dbl(rv), drv, tg); } return (rv); } /* ms_undo performs a metastack UNDO operation -- it returns the stack to the state it was in before the most recent PUSH or POP. */ void ms_undo(metastack *ms) { s16 msp, opcode; /* pop the opcode */ msp = ms->msp; opcode = ms->ms[--msp]; ms->msp = msp; if (opcode == MSO_PUSH) { /* to undo a PUSH is easy -- just pop the SP. */ ms->sp--; if (debug_m) { printf("undo-push\n"); } } else { s16 uvp, sp; ries_val uv; ries_dif udv; ries_tgs tg; /* undo a POP. This is like a PUSH except we have to retrieve the value from the undo data. */ uvp = ms->uvp; uvp--; uv = ms->uv[uvp]; udv = ms->udv[uvp]; tg = ms->utg[uvp]; ms->uvp = uvp; sp = ms->sp; ms->ds[sp] = udv; ms->s[sp] = uv; ms->tg[sp] = tg; sp++; ms->sp = sp; if (debug_m) { printf("undo-pop\n"); } } } /* End of ms.undo */ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sources and notes related to special functions and their algorithms. %%% Most of this will/should be moved into msal_math64.c, f107_o.cpp and/or msal_math128.c Sources: msal_math64.c already contains sin/cos/tan from Sun via Netlib, and my own sinl/cosl/tanl. I have the openlibm sources, which include a fairly readable 80-bit ldbl mathlib, at ~/devt/julia/openlibm on SB4 .../libs/f107_o/f107_o.cpp already contains all the "normal" functions in high-precision: sqrt, sin, cos, exp, log, sinh, etc. Lambert W is already in msal_math64.c (derived from Veberic, "Having Fun with Lambert W(x) Function", 2009 A much more thorough approach, with about 20 different polynomial fits and both branches, is in .../ries/LambertW-darko .../zeta/zeta.cpp contains the high-precision Gamma function (but no corresponding digamma, however the single-precision digamma will probably be good enough) I have the Boost C++ Libraries (from www.boost.org); the C source code is in "boost_1_53_0.tar.bz2". Most of the code of interest is in "boost/math/special_functions", e.g. their Lanczos Gamma is in files .../special_functions/gamma.hpp and .../special_functions/lanczos.hpp The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) has a lot of special functions that look reasonably easy to adapt. See notes in .../ries/0-notes.txt ; and source code in devt/gcc45/tars/gsl-1.15/specfunc and in gsl-1.16.tar.gz I also have the GNU version of the C libraries (which includes the more common functions like exp and tan) in glibc-2.20.tar.gz but a lot of the code is in assembler. See libm_sincosl.S for example. There is also some code that is in C, such as sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-96/k_cosl.c and .../ldbl-96/t_sincosl.c for the "96-bit" long double version of cosine. And oddly there is "multi-precision" code, e.g. see sincos32.c and mpa.c in .../ieee754/dbl-64 which uses radix-2^24 maths and apparently a Taylor series (see .../ieee754/dbl-64/dosincos.c) and some double-double arithmetic in the style of Dekker 1971 (see .../ieee754/dbl-64/dla.h) all for the purpose of getting a correctly-rounded result (see .../ieee754/dbl-64/s_sin.c) Cody, William J., Jr., and Waite, William. Software Manual for the Elementary Functions. Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1980). Constants that may also be useful (these could be provided to users as a built-in profile, or at least listed on the website). I am giving only 35 decimal digits, as that's all we'd need for f107 precision: 0.56714329040978387299996866221035554 The "omega" constant W(1), with the property : omega e^omega = 1. See OEIS[A30178]. 0.57721566490153286060651209008240243 Euler's constant "gamma", -Digamma(1), OEIS[A1620]. 1.2020569031595942853997381615114499 Apery's constant Zeta(3), OEIS[A2117]. e^gamma is also somewhat important. 2.5029078750958928222839028732182157 Feigenbaum reduction parameter, OEIS[6891]. 4.6692016091029906718532038204662016 Feigenbaum bifurcation velocity, OEIS[6890]. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Native double and long double atan2 functions. The man page for atan2 doesn't specify its behaviour when both arguments are zero, so just to be safe I am defining it myself. */ double arctan2(double a, double b) { if ((a == 0) && (b == 0)) { return 0; } return atan2(a,b); } long double arctan2l(long double a, long double b) { if ((a == 0) && (b == 0)) { return 0; } return atan2l(a,b); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notes on transcendental functions: sinh sinh(x) = (e^x - e^-x) / 2 complex natural logarithm cln(z) = ln(cabs(z)) + phase(z) i complex exponential cexp(z) = exp(a) (cos b + i sin b) complex sine (and sinh) csin(z) = (cexp(i z) - cexp(-i z)) / 2i csin(i z) == i csinh(z) csin(z) = (cexp(i z) - cexp(-i z)) / 2i = (cexp(ai - b) - cexp(b - ai)) / 2i = (e^-b (cos a + i sin a) - e^b (cos a - i sin a)) / 2i = (e^-b cos a + i e^-b sin a - e^b cos a + i e^b sin a) / 2i = i 1/2 e^-b cos a - 1/2 e^-b sin a - i 1/2 e^b cos a - 1/2 e^b sin a a + bi = i 1/2 e^-b cos a - 1/2 e^-b sin a - i 1/2 e^b cos a - 1/2 e^b sin a a = - 1/2 e^-b sin a - 1/2 e^b sin a bi = i 1/2 e^-b cos a - i 1/2 e^b cos a a = - 1/2 e^-b sin a - 1/2 e^b sin a = - sin a cosh b b = 1/2 e^-b cos a - 1/2 e^b cos a = - cos a sinh b b = - cos a (e^b - e^-b)/2 b 2 / (e^-b - e^b) = - cos a -2 b / (e^-b - e^b) = cos a 2 b / (e^b - e^-b) = cos a a = 2 pi K + cos' (2 b / (e^b - e^-b)) a = - sin a (e^b + e^-b)/2 -1 = sin(a)/a (e^b + e^-b)/2 -2/(e^b + e^-b) = sin(a)/a - bell(b) = sin(a)/a b = +/- bell' (-sin(a)/a) [defined only when sin(a)/a < 0] +/- bell'(-sin(a)/a) = - cos a sinh(+/- bell'(sin(a)/a)) 2 pi K + cos' (2 b / (e^b - e^-b)) = - cosh b sqrt(1 - (2 b / (e^b - e^-b))^2) More elaborate functions follow. These are the ones that do not come directly out of the closure of the simple operators + - * / ^ v (as is the case for log, exp, sin and cos and their related functions) but from new concepts such as the integral of a function, etc. This includes the standard distribution, the Gamma function, Bessel functions, etc. Gamma function and generalized factorial: most notes and source have now been moved to msal_math64.c binomial coefficients The binomial coefficient "n over k" is: bincoef(n,k) = n! / ((n-k)! k!) = exp(lngamma(n) - (lngamma(n-k) + lngamma(k))) Riemann Zeta function: see the implementation in .../zeta/ken-takusagawa Jacobi elliptic functions: Jacobi amplitude am(u,k) inverse of the Elliptic Integral of the First Kind (in MMa: JacobiAmplitude[u, k^2]) sn(u, k) = sin(am(u, k)) cn(u, k) = cos(am(u, k)) dn(u, k) = = sqrt(1-(k sn(u,k))^2) = d/du am(u, k) Two versions are in function-sources.txt; see also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theta_function http://code.google.com/p/elliptic/source/browse/trunk/ellipj.m http://sourceforge.net/projects/asymptote/forums/forum/409349/topic/4725092 */ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ exec() contains all the code that actually performs computations on subexpressions during the RIES search. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* exec actually executes an opcode, using a metastack. It returns a nonzero value if there was an error, e.g. divide-by-zero. It also sets undo_count to a number indicating the number of times you have to call ms_undo to put the stack back to the state it was in before calling exec on this opcode. There is plenty of error checking for zero and negative arguments, but no checking for overflow. The reason is that only a few expressions, (the simplest is 445^^) are capable of overflowing -- so it is not much of an optimization. There is no danger of the program generating an exception from overflow. If the symbol is 'x', the value of exec.x is placed on the stack. Normally (as when exec() is called by ge.2 or canon.val) this is the target value, but when called by eval() for newton() or the --eval-expression command it might be set to another value. */ s16 exec(metastack *ms, symbol op, s16 *undo_count, s16 do_dx) { ries_val a = 0; /* Argument 1 */ ries_val b = 0; /* Argument 2 */ ries_val lb; /* Log of b */ ries_val rv; /* Return value */ ries_dif da = 0;/* Derivatives */ ries_dif db = 0; ries_dif drv; ries_tgs tga; /* Tags of arg 1 */ ries_tgs tgb; /* Tags of arg 2 */ ries_tgs trv; /* Tags of result */ int f1; /* flag */ /* set default for derivative (overridden if we compute it) */ drv = (ries_dif)k_0; tga = tgb = trv = TYPE_NONE; switch(op) { /* seft '0' ( -- ) symbols. These do nothing. */ case ' ' : rv = 0; *undo_count = 0; break; /* ' ' is a no-op */ /* Roll '(' or ')' operators might go here */ /* seft 'a' ( -- K ) symbols. For all constants the derivative is zero; for X the derivative is 1.0 */ case '1' : rv = k_1; ms_push(ms, rv, (ries_dif) k_0, TYPE_INT); *undo_count = 1; break; case 'f' : rv = k_phi; ms_push(ms, rv, (ries_dif) k_0, tg_phi); *undo_count = 1; break; case '2' : rv = k_2; ms_push(ms, rv, (ries_dif) k_0, TYPE_INT); *undo_count = 1; break; case 'e' : rv = k_e; ms_push(ms, rv, (ries_dif) k_0, tg_e); *undo_count = 1; break; case '3' : rv = k_3; ms_push(ms, rv, (ries_dif) k_0, TYPE_INT); *undo_count = 1; break; case 'p' : rv = k_pi; ms_push(ms, rv, (ries_dif) k_0, tg_pi); *undo_count = 1; break; case '4' : rv = k_4; ms_push(ms, rv, (ries_dif) k_0, TYPE_INT); *undo_count = 1; break; case '5' : rv = k_5; ms_push(ms, rv, (ries_dif) k_0, TYPE_INT); *undo_count = 1; break; case '6' : rv = k_6; ms_push(ms, rv, (ries_dif) k_0, TYPE_INT); *undo_count = 1; break; case '7' : rv = k_7; ms_push(ms, rv, (ries_dif) k_0, TYPE_INT); *undo_count = 1; break; case '8' : rv = k_8; ms_push(ms, rv, (ries_dif) k_0, TYPE_INT); *undo_count = 1; break; case '9' : rv = k_9; ms_push(ms, rv, (ries_dif) k_0, TYPE_INT); *undo_count = 1; break; case 'x' : rv = exec_x; drv = (ries_dif) k_1; ms_push(ms, rv, drv, g_targ_tags); *undo_count = 1; break; /* seft 'b' ( arg -- val ) symbols */ case 'I' : /* Identity: used only when all other seft-b symbols have been excluded */ a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); rv = a; drv = da; trv = tga; ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 2; break; case 'n' : /* negate */ /* n(a+bi) = -a + -bi */ a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); if (do_dx) { drv = - da; } rv = -a; trv = tga; ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 2; break; case 'r' : /* reciprocal */ /* r(a+bi) = (a-bi) / (a^2 + b^2) */ a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); *undo_count = 1; if (a == k_0) { return ERR_EXEC_DIV_ZERO; } if (do_dx) { drv = (ries_dif) (( - da) / (a * a)); } if (!((drv < k_d_inf) && (drv > k_d_ninf))) { return ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_DERIV; } rv = k_1 / a; /* Int become rational, everything else stays the same */ trv = TGMIN(tga, TYPE_RAT); /* tgs-manip */ ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 2; break; case 's' : /* squared */ a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); if (do_dx) { drv = (ries_dif) (k_2 * a * da); } rv = a * a; trv = tga; ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 2; break; case 'q' : /* square root */ /* q(a+bi) is the conjugate with the same imaginary sign as bi. for example, q(i) = (1+i)/sqrt(2); q(-i) = (1-i)/sqrt(2) */ a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); *undo_count = 1; if (a < k_0) { return ERR_EXEC_ROOT_NEG; } rv = SQRT(a); if (do_dx) { drv = (ries_dif) (da / (k_2 * rv)); } /* tgs-manip: Try to determine if it was a perfect square and tag result accordingly. This happens if target is 143 and we're computing [x1-q] */ if ( (tga == TYPE_INT) && (rv < 1.0e6) && (rv == FLOOR(rv))) { trv = TYPE_INT; } else { trv = TGMIN(TYPE_CONS, tga); } ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 2; break; case 'l' : /* ln */ a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); *undo_count = 1; if (g_restrict_exponents) { if ((da != 0) /* a is a subexpression containing x */ || (tga < g_restrict_exponents)) { return ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_EXPONENT; } } if (a <= k_0) { return ERR_EXEC_LOG_NEG; } if (FABS(a - 1.0) <= k_sig_loss) { /* Loss-of-significance error. For example ln(1.00023)=2.3e-4. The input 1.00023 has 6 significant figures but the value 2.3e-4 only has 2. */ return ERR_EXEC_SIG_LOSS; } if (do_dx) { drv = (ries_dif) (da / a); } if (!((drv < k_d_inf) && (drv > k_d_ninf))) { return ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_DERIV; } rv = LOG(a); trv = TGMIN(tga, TYPE_TCEL); /* tgs-manip */ ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 2; break; case 'E' : /* e ^ X */ /* E(a+bi) = e^x (cos b + sin b i) */ a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); *undo_count = 1; if (g_restrict_exponents) { if ((da != 0) /* a is a subexpression containing x */ || (tga < g_restrict_exponents)) { return ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_EXPONENT; } } if (a > k_eXlim) { return ERR_EXEC_OVERFLOW; } if (a < k_sig_loss) { /* Loss-of-significance error, e.g. "e^0.0001" */ return ERR_EXEC_SIG_LOSS; } rv = EXP(a); if (do_dx) { drv = (ries_dif) (rv * da); } trv = TGMIN(tga, TYPE_TCEL); /* tgs-manip */ ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 2; break; case 'S' : /* sine */ /* d/dx sin(u) = cos(u) */ a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); *undo_count = 1; if (g_restrict_trig_args) { if ((da != 0) /* a is a subexpression containing x */ || (tga < g_restrict_trig_args)) { return ERR_EXEC_TRIG_ARGTYPE; } } a *= k_sincos_arg_scale; /* This is to eliminate nonsense "solutions" like "sin(X^9) = 1/4" Note that if we're comparing to pi, the "equal" case doesn't matter because sin(pi)=0 and cos(pi)=-1, etc. so we can generate the error when a==pi without losing ny useful solutions. However if the max_arg option is not 1, then the foregoing no longer applies. */ if ((a > (k_pi * k_sincos_max_arg)) || (-a > (k_pi * k_sincos_max_arg))) { return ERR_EXEC_TRIG_RANGE; } rv = SIN(a); if (FABS(rv) > k_sin_clip) { /* This is to eliminate stuff like "sin(pi/2 + 0.00001) = 1" %%% This is partly redundant with testing dx < k_vanished.dx. If x=pi/2+0.00001 then the derivative will be really small and it's a meaningless solution. On the other hand, sin(pi/2 + 0.00001) itself is sufficiently precise (there is no loss of significant figures) and might be of interest. */ return ERR_EXEC_TRIG_LOW_DX; } if (FABS(COS(a)) < k_sig_loss) { /* Significance is lost when the value of sin is near +- 1 */ return ERR_EXEC_SIG_LOSS; } if (FABS(rv) < (FABS(a) * k_sig_loss)) { /* Loss-of-significance error, e.g. "sin(pi+0.0001)" */ return ERR_EXEC_SIG_LOSS; } if (do_dx) { drv = (ries_dif) (COS(a) * k_sincos_arg_scale * da); if (FABS(drv) < (FABS(da) * k_sig_loss)) { return ERR_EXEC_SIG_LOSS; } } /* tgs-manip: if k_sincos_arg_scale is pi, rational arg -> algebraic */ if (g_trig_scale_default) { trv = (tga >= TYPE_RAT) ? TYPE_ALG : TYPE_NONE; } else { trv = TYPE_NONE; } ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 2; break; case 'C' : /* cosine */ /* d/dx cos(u) = - sin(u) */ a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); *undo_count = 1; if (g_restrict_trig_args) { if ((da != 0) /* a is a subexpression containing x */ || (tga < g_restrict_trig_args)) { return ERR_EXEC_TRIG_ARGTYPE; } } a *= k_sincos_arg_scale; /* Same comment as above (in SIN function section) */ if ((a > (k_pi * k_sincos_max_arg)) || (-a > (k_pi * k_sincos_max_arg))) { return ERR_EXEC_TRIG_RANGE; } rv = COS(a); if (FABS(rv) < (FABS(a) * k_sig_loss)) { /* Loss-of-significance error, e.g. "cos(pi/2.0001)" */ return ERR_EXEC_SIG_LOSS; } if (FABS(SIN(a)) < k_sig_loss) { /* Significance is lost when the value of cos is near +- 1 */ return ERR_EXEC_SIG_LOSS; } if (FABS(rv) > k_sin_clip) { /* This is to eliminate stuff like "cos(0.00001) = 1" */ return ERR_EXEC_TRIG_LOW_DX; } if (do_dx) { drv = (ries_dif) (k_0 - (SIN(a) * k_sincos_arg_scale * da)); } /* tgs-manip: if k_sincos_arg_scale is pi, rational arg -> algebraic */ if (g_trig_scale_default) { trv = (tga >= TYPE_RAT) ? TYPE_ALG : TYPE_NONE; } else { trv = TYPE_NONE; } ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 2; break; case 'T' : /* tangent */ /* d/dx tan(u) = (1 + tan^2(u)) du */ a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); *undo_count = 1; if (g_restrict_trig_args) { if ((da != 0) /* a is a subexpression containing x */ || (tga < g_restrict_trig_args)) { return ERR_EXEC_TRIG_ARGTYPE; } } a *= k_sincos_arg_scale; /* Same comment as above (in SIN function section) */ if ((a > (k_pi * k_sincos_max_arg)) || (-a > (k_pi * k_sincos_max_arg))) { return ERR_EXEC_TRIG_RANGE; } rv = TAN(a); if (FABS(rv) > (1 / k_sig_loss)) { /* Loss-of-significance error, e.g. "tan(pi/2.0001)" */ return ERR_EXEC_SIG_LOSS; } if ((a!=0) && (FABS(rv/a) < k_sig_loss)) { /* Significance is lost when the value of tangent is near zero (except when the argument is also near zero) */ return ERR_EXEC_SIG_LOSS; } if (do_dx) { drv = (ries_dif) (k_sincos_arg_scale * (1.0 + rv*rv) * da); } /* tgs-manip: if k_sincos_arg_scale is pi, rational arg -> algebraic */ if (g_trig_scale_default) { trv = (tga >= TYPE_RAT) ? TYPE_ALG : TYPE_NONE; } else { trv = TYPE_NONE; } ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 2; break; /* 'G' Gamma function would go here */ case 'W': /* Lambert W function */ a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); *undo_count = 1; if (a < k_ern) { /* If x is less than -1/e, W(x) has complex values. This is kind of like taking the logarithm of a negative number, so we'll use that error. */ return ERR_EXEC_LOG_NEG; } rv = LAMBERTW(a); if (do_dx) { if (rv <= -1.0) { /* At W(x) = -1 the derivative is undefined (infinite) and if we get W(x) < -1 there was roundoff error in evaluating W(x) */ return ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_DERIV; } else if (FABS(a) < 1.0e-30) { /* The derivative calculation involves "W(x)/x" which approaches 1 as x approaches 0 and involves loss of precision, but that's not a problem. However when x gets very small we might have underflow, and when it is exactly 0 we need to avoid the division. We do this by removing "rv" from the numerator and "a" from the denominator. */ drv = (ries_dif) (da / (rv + 1.0)); } else { drv = (ries_dif) (da * rv / (a * (rv + 1.0))); } } if (!((drv < k_d_inf) && (drv > k_d_ninf))) { return ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_DERIV; } /* Values of W(x) are considered "transcendental" */ trv = TGMIN(tga, TYPE_TRAN); /* tgs-manip */ ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 2; break; /* seft 'c' ( arg1 arg2 -- val ) symbols */ case '-' : b = ms_pop(ms, &db, &tgb); a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); *undo_count = 2; /* this operator shares the loss-of-significance tests with '+' */ b = - b; db = - db; goto add_common; case '+' : b = ms_pop(ms, &db, &tgb); a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); *undo_count = 2; add_common: ; rv = a + b; if ((FABS(a) < (FABS(b) * k_sig_loss)) || (FABS(b) < (FABS(a) * k_sig_loss)) ) { /* loss-of-significance error, e.g. "1 + e^(5^2)" In addition to the risk of meaningless tautologies like "x^2 = 2" followed by "x^2+e^(e^pi) = e^(e^pi)+2", this test is also useful for pruning: the expression "1 + e^(5^2)" is useless to us because there is no way to distinguish it from the simpler expression "e^(5^2)" */ /* 20120505: If (a+b)-b == a, then no information has been lost, so we allow the operation to be performed. This is very important for -i (integer subexpressions) when x>100. */ if (((rv - b) != a) || ((rv - a) != b)) { return ERR_EXEC_SIG_LOSS; } } if ((FABS(rv) < (FABS(a) * k_sig_loss)) || (FABS(rv) < (FABS(b) * k_sig_loss)) ) { /* another loss-of-significance error, e.g. "1e40 - (1e40+1)" */ /* 20120505: Similarly, when a sum is of lesser magnitude than both of the addends, it is sometimes an exact result. This is particularly common if the smaller addend was an integer, as in 143 + (-1). */ if (((rv - b) != a) || ((rv - a) != b)) { return ERR_EXEC_SIG_LOSS; } } if (do_dx) { drv = da + db; } trv = TGMIN(tga, tgb); /* tgs-manip: Only rational if both terms were rational; likewise for integer */ ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 3; break; case '*' : /* d/dx u v = v du + u dv */ b = ms_pop(ms, &db, &tgb); a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); if (do_dx) { drv = (ries_dif) ((b * da) + (a * db)); } rv = a * b; trv = TGMIN(tga, tgb); /* tgs-manip: INT*INT->INT; INT*RAT -> RAT; RAT*RAT->RAT; (anything)*NONE->NONE */ ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 3; break; case '/' : /* d/dx u/v = (v du - u dv) / v^2 */ b = ms_pop(ms, &db, &tgb); *undo_count = 1; if (b == k_0) { return ERR_EXEC_DIV_ZERO; } a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); *undo_count = 2; if (do_dx) { drv = (ries_dif) (((b * da) - (a * db)) / (b * b)); } if (!((drv < k_d_inf) && (drv > k_d_ninf))) { return ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_DERIV; } rv = a / b; if ((tga >= TYPE_RAT) && (tgb >= TYPE_RAT)) { /* tgs-manip: We have INT/INT, RAT/INT, or RAT/RAT any of which may cause cancellation and result in an integer */ trv = (rv == FLOOR(rv)) ? TYPE_INT : TYPE_RAT; } else { trv = TGMIN(tga, tgb); } /*printf("a %f tg %x b %f tg %x ans %f tg %x\n",a,tga,b,tgb,rv,trv);*/ ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 3; break; case '^' : /* a to the power of b */ /* d/dx u^v = v u^(v-1) du + ln(u) u^v dv */ b = ms_pop(ms, &db, &tgb); *undo_count = 1; if (g_restrict_exponents) { if ((db != 0) /* b is a subexpression containing x */ || (tgb < g_restrict_exponents)) { return ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_EXPONENT; } } a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); *undo_count = 2; if (a <= k_0) { /* This would give a complex answer except when b is an integer, but in that case there will always be another expression that gives the same value without needing to raise a negative number to a power. */ return ERR_EXEC_POW_NEG_BASE; } if (FABS(b) < k_sig_loss) { /* loss-of-significance error, e.g. "2^0.001" */ return ERR_EXEC_SIG_LOSS; } rv = POW(a, b); if (do_dx) { drv = (ries_dif) (rv * ( (b * da / a) + (LOG(a) * db) )); if (!((drv < k_d_inf) && (drv > k_d_ninf))) { return ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_DERIV; } if ((da || db) && (drv == k_0)) { return ERR_EXEC_ZERO_DERIV; } } if (tgb == TYPE_INT) { /* tgs-manip */ if (b >= 0) { trv = tga; /* INT^+INT->INT; RAT^+INT->RAT */ } else { trv = TGMIN(tga, TYPE_RAT); /* INT^-INT->RAT; RAT^-INT->RAT */ } } else if (tgb == TYPE_RAT) { /* tgs-manip: if b is 1/2 or 1/4 or 1/8, treat as sqrt */ lb=FABS(b); if ((lb == 0.5) || (lb == 0.25) || (lb == 0.125)) { trv = TGMIN(tga, TYPE_CONS); /* We have sqrt(a) or 1/sqrt(a), etc. */ } else { trv = TGMIN(tga, TYPE_ALG); /* Some other rational power/root */ } } else if ((tgb == TYPE_CONS) || (tgb == TYPE_ALG)) { trv = TGMIN(tga, TYPE_TCEL); } else { /* Exponent isn't even algebraic! */ trv = TGMIN(tga, tgb); } ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 3; break; case 'v' : /* the bth root of a, that is, a^(1/b) */ b = ms_pop(ms, &db, &tgb); *undo_count = 1; if (g_restrict_exponents) { if ((db != 0) /* b is a subexpression containing x */ || (tgb < g_restrict_exponents)) { return ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_EXPONENT; } } if (b == k_0) { return ERR_EXEC_OVERFLOW; } if (FABS(b) > (1.0 / k_sig_loss)) { /* loss-of-significance error, e.g. "100000,/2" */ return ERR_EXEC_SIG_LOSS; } a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); *undo_count = 2; f1 = 0; if (b == k_3) { /* Cube root can handle any argument */ if (a < k_0) { a = -a; f1 = 1; } } else if (a < k_0) { return ERR_EXEC_ROOT_NEG; } rv = POW(a, k_1 / b); if (do_dx) { drv = (ries_dif) (rv * ( (da / (a * b)) - (LOG(a) * db / (b*b)) )); if ((da || db) && (drv == k_0)) { return ERR_EXEC_ZERO_DERIV; } } if (f1) { rv = -rv; } if (!((drv < k_d_inf) && (drv > k_d_ninf))) { return ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_DERIV; } if (tgb >= TYPE_RAT) { /* tgs-manip */ lb=FABS(b); if ((lb==2.0) || (lb==4.0) || (lb==8.0)) { trv = TGMIN(tga, TYPE_CONS); /* sqrt(a) or 1/sqrt(a) */ } else { trv = TGMIN(tga, TYPE_ALG); /* Some other rational power/root */ /* NOTE: If b is an integer reciprocal then this would be like raising to an integer power, but the search will have found that first anyway */ } } else if ((tgb == TYPE_CONS) || (tgb == TYPE_ALG)) { trv = TGMIN(tga, TYPE_TCEL); } else { /* Radix isn't even algebraic! */ trv = TGMIN(tga, tgb); } ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 3; break; case 'L' : /* [L] is the log base b of a, that is, ln(a)/ln(b) */ b = ms_pop(ms, &db, &tgb); *undo_count = 1; if (g_restrict_exponents) { if ((db != 0) /* b is a subexpression containing x */ || (tgb < g_restrict_exponents)) { return ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_EXPONENT; } } if ((b <= k_0) || (b == k_1)) { return ERR_EXEC_LOG_BAD_BASE; } if (FABS(1.0 - b) < k_sig_loss) { /* loss-of-significance error, e.g. "log_0.999(2)" or "log_1.001(2)" */ return ERR_EXEC_SIG_LOSS; } a = ms_pop(ms, &da, &tga); *undo_count = 2; if (g_restrict_exponents) { if ((da != 0) /* a is a subexpression containing x */ || (tga < g_restrict_exponents)) { return ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_EXPONENT; } } if (a <= k_0) { return ERR_EXEC_LOG_NEG; } if (FABS(a - 1.0) <= k_sig_loss) { /* loss-of-significance error, e.g. "log_2(1.00001)" */ return ERR_EXEC_SIG_LOSS; } lb = LOG(b); rv = LOG(a) / lb; if (do_dx) { drv = (ries_dif) ((da / (a * lb)) - (rv * db / (b * lb))); if (!((drv < k_d_inf) && (drv > k_d_ninf))) { return ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_DERIV; } if ((da || db) && (drv == k_0)) { return ERR_EXEC_ZERO_DERIV; } } trv = TGMIN(tga, TGMIN(tgb, TYPE_TCEL)); /* tgs-manip */ ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 3; break; case 'A' : /* atan2 function (quadrant-correct arctangent) */ b = ms_pop(ms, &db, 0); a = ms_pop(ms, &da, 0); rv = ARCTAN2(a,b); if (do_dx) { /* %%% I need to verify this. It also needs to be transformed into a form that won't lose accuracy when computed (consider b near 0) probably need to use two forms: one for when fabs(a) > fabs(b), and one for the other case. (b * da - a * db) / (k_1 + (a*a / b*b)) * b*b); */ drv = (((ries_dif)b)*da - ((ries_dif)a)*db) / ((ries_dif)(b*b + a*a)); } trv = TYPE_NONE; /* tgs-manip */ ms_push(ms, rv, drv, trv); *undo_count = 3; break; default: return ERR_EXEC_ILLEGAL_SYMBOL; } if (debug_r) { if (do_dx && sym_attrs[op].seft == 'c') { printf("exec %8.5g", dbl(a)); printf(" (%8.5g)%x", da, tga); printf(" '%c'", op); printf(" %8.5g", dbl(b)); printf(" (%8.5g)%x", db, tgb); printf(" -> %10.6g", dbl(rv)); printf(" d/dx=%10.6g", drv); } else { if (sym_attrs[op].seft != 'a') { printf("exec %14.10g", dbl(a)); if (do_dx) { printf(" (%14.10g)", da); } printf("%x", tga); } printf(" '%c'", op); if (sym_attrs[op].seft == 'c') { printf(" %14.10g", dbl(b)); if (do_dx) { printf(" (%14.10g)", db); } printf("%x", tgb); } printf(" -> %14.10g", dbl(rv)); if (do_dx) { printf(" d/dx=%14.10g", drv); } printf(" tag %x", trv); } printf("\n"); } return 0; } /* End of exec() */ /* F_ALLOC is the size used for fscratch, suitable for single-character infix format */ #define F_ALLOC (MAX_ELEN * 4) /* infix.1 pulls one full subexpression off the end of an expression, converts it to infix, and writes the result into the supplied "char * term". It is a recursive function, calling itself to infix-ize subexpressions. The result is still in one-character-per-symbol format. It also modifies the input expression by moving its terminating 0 backwards. It writes the term's final operator into t_op, which is to aid the caller in determining whether precedence will require the use of parentheses. infix.1 does not put parentheses around the term, however it does parenthesize subterms within the term. */ s16 infix_1( symbol * expr, /* The input */ char * term, /* The output */ symbol * t_op /* Output: final symbol from input ("top-level" symbol / of resulting infix) */ ) { s16 iptr, optr; /* input, output pointers */ symbol op; /* st_a and st_b are allocated twice as large in case we're processing an RHS after try.solve */ char st_a[F_ALLOC*2]; /* subterm A */ symbol op_a; /* and its operator */ char st_b[F_ALLOC*2]; /* subterm B */ symbol op_b; s16 swap; char * term_a; /* for exchanging the two terms if we decide to do so */ char * term_b; /* for exchanging the two terms if we decide to do so */ symbol op_t; /* for swapping op_a and op_b */ char * s; /* for copying subterms to output */ s16 paren_a, paren_b; /* precedence flags for seft 'c' operators */ s16 atan2_show_denom; optr = 0; /* go to the end */ iptr = 0; while(expr[iptr]) { iptr++; } /* check for underrun */ if (iptr == 0) { return 1; } /* get the operator */ --iptr; op = expr[iptr]; expr[iptr] = 0; *t_op = op; /* check its type */ switch(sym_attrs[op].seft) { case 'a': /* oooh, this is easy */ term[optr++] = (char) op; /* we terminate the input string here. */ expr[iptr] = 0; break; case 'b': /* we've got the op, get the term */ if(infix_1(expr, st_a, &op_a)) { return 1; } swap = 0; if (op == 's') { swap = 1; } paren_a = 1; if ((op == 'n') && (sym_attrs[op_a].seft != 'c')) { paren_a = 0; } /* %%% what happens next should depend on op and op_a */ if (swap == 0) { term[optr++] = (char) op; } if (paren_a) { term[optr++] = '('; } for(s = st_a; *s; s++) { term[optr++] = *s; } if (paren_a) { term[optr++] = ')'; } if (swap) { term[optr++] = (char) op; } break; case 'c': /* get the terms */ if(infix_1(expr, st_b, &op_b)) { return 1; } if(infix_1(expr, st_a, &op_a)) { return 1; } /* default is to keep them in order */ term_a = st_a; term_b = st_b; swap = 0; /* optional swaps for the commutative operators if adding, and 1st arg is constant, put that argument 2nd */ if ((op == '+') && (sym_attrs[op_a].seft == 'a') && (op_a != 'x')) { swap = 1; } /* rules for multiplying */ if (op == '*') { int a_has_x, b_has_x; a_has_x = (strchr(term_a, 'x') != 0); b_has_x = (strchr(term_b, 'x') != 0); /* a bare seft-a symbol always precedes an expression %%% this swap should not be done if the baresymbol is 'x' and the expression has no 'x' */ if ((! a_has_x) && (op_b == 'x')) { /* no swappy */ } else if ((sym_attrs[op_a].seft != 'a') && (sym_attrs[op_b].seft == 'a')) { swap = 1; } else if ((op_a == 'x') && (! b_has_x)) { swap = 1; } /* with two bare symbols multiplied by each other, swap if the latter is an integer. Note: the integer test of op_b implicitly tests for the second term being seft-a. */ if ((sym_attrs[op_a].seft == 'a') && (op_b >= '0') && (op_b <= '9')) { swap = 1; } else if ((op_a == 'x') && ( (op_b == 'e') || (op_b == 'f') || (op_b == 'p')) ) { /* "x pi" -> "pi x" */ swap = 1; } } /* Always swap for operators that are inherently swapped. */ if (op == 'v') { swap = 1; } else if (op == 'L') { swap = 1; } /* Check for phantom symbols */ if (op == PS_REVSUB) { swap = 1; op = '-'; *t_op = '-'; } else if (op == PS_REVDIV) { swap = 1; op = '/'; *t_op = '/'; } else if (op == PS_REVPOW) { swap = 1; op = '^'; *t_op = '^'; } /* %%% Identity involving arctan2: negate first arg and negate result (does not work if y=0 and x<=0, but atan2(0,x) should be excluded) %%% Must *not* negate both arguments: atan2(1,-1) != atan2(-1,1) */ /* okay, do the swap */ if (swap) { term_a = st_b; term_b = st_a; op_t = op_a; op_a = op_b; op_b = op_t; } /* determine precedence */ paren_a = paren_b = 0; /* default don't use parens */ atan2_show_denom = 1; if (op == 'L') { /* Latter part is always in parens; first part (base) is in parens only if it's an expression */ paren_b = 1; if (sym_attrs[op_a].seft != 'a') { paren_a = 1; } } else if (op == 'A') { if (op_b == '1') { atan2_show_denom = 0; used_atan1 = 1; } else { used_atan2 = 1; } } if (sym_attrs[op_a].seft == 'c') { /* We have (s1 op_a s2) op s3 */ paren_a = 1; /* default use parens */ if (strchr("+*/^vA", op_a) && strchr("+-", op)) { /* anything followed by + or - doesn't need parens */ paren_a = 0; } else if (strchr("*^vA", op_a) && strchr("*/A", op)) { /* * ^ or v followed by * or / doesn't need parens */ paren_a = 0; } } if (sym_attrs[op_b].seft == 'c') { /* We have s1 op (s2 op_b s3) */ paren_b = 1; /* default use parens */ if ((op == '+') && strchr("+-*/^vA", op_b)) { /* + followed by anything doesn't need parens */ paren_b = 0; } else if ((op == '-') && strchr("*/^vA", op_b)) { /* - followed by mult or higher operators doesn't need parens */ paren_b = 0; } else if ((op == '*') && strchr("*/^vA", op_b)) { /* * followed by mult or higher operators doesn't need parens */ paren_b = 0; } else if (strchr("/A", op) && strchr("^vA", op_b)) { /* / followed by ^ or v doesn't need parens */ paren_b = 0; } } /* We're all set to generate output. */ /* Emit leading operator for two-argument custom functions, 'A', and 'L' */ if (strchr("LA", op)) { /* This operator goes in front of both arguments */ term[optr++] = (char) op; } if (op == 'A') { term[optr++] = '('; } /* Emit first argument */ if (paren_a) { term[optr++] = '('; } for(s = term_a; *s; s++) { term[optr++] = *s; } if (paren_a) { term[optr++] = ')'; } /* Emit infix operator */ if (op == '*') { if (g_explicit_multiply) { term[optr++] = (char) op; /* emit an actual "*" */ } else if ((op_a <= '9') && paren_b) { /* digit times anything starting with parentheses */ /* Emit no symbol at all */ } else if ((op_a <= '9') && (term_b[0] <= '9')) { /* digit times anything starting with a bare digit */ term[optr++] = (char) op; /* emit an actual "*" */ } else if (op_b == 'n') { /* A times negative B, require explicit '*' */ term[optr++] = (char) op; } else if ((sym_attrs[op_a].seft != 'a') || (sym_attrs[op_b].seft != 'a') || (term_b[0] > '9')) { /* printf("op_a '%c' op_b '%c' mult '.'\n", op_a, op_b); */ term[optr++] = '.'; /* This becomes a blank space " " */ } else { term[optr++] = (char) op; } } else if (op == 'A') { /* Add the comma between the arguments */ if (atan2_show_denom) { term[optr++] = ','; } } else if (op == 'L') { /* We already emitted it */ } else { term[optr++] = (char) op; } /* Emit second argument */ if (atan2_show_denom) { if (paren_b) { term[optr++] = '('; } for(s = term_b; *s; s++) { term[optr++] = *s; } if (paren_b) { term[optr++] = ')'; } } if (op == 'A') { term[optr++] = ')'; } break; } /* terminate input and output strings */ term[optr] = 0; return 0; } /* End of infix.1 */ /* cv.phantoms takes a symstr and converts any phantom symbols to their ASCII equivalents. symstrs with phantom symbols are fairly short-lived, because they are created only by infix.preproc and then immediately converted by infix.1 */ void cv_phantoms(symbol * s) { if (s) { while(*s) { if (*s == PS_REVSUB) { *s = '_'; } else if (*s == PS_REVDIV) { *s = '\\'; } else if (*s == PS_REVPOW) { *s = '`'; } s++; } } } /* infix.preproc copies "expr" to "out", and performs manipulations on expressions that make the infix conversion easier. For example, the "squared" operator [s] gets turned into "^2" [2^]. That gives the infix conversion less special cases to check for when it figures out where to put the parentheses. We can also do some simplification here, for example [xn2+] which is "-x+2" in infix, becomes [x2_] "2-x". */ void infix_preproc(symbol * expr, symbol * out) { symbol * s; symbol * o; s = expr; o = out; if (debug_p) { printf("infix.preproc input [%s]\n", expr); } while(*s) { if (0) { } else if ((*s == '-') && (*(s+1) == 'n')) { /* [-n] is seen when --canon-reduction is used. Here we convert [-n] "-(a-b)" into [_] "b-a", where '_' represents the reversed subtract phantom op. This makes e.g. "1/-(x-pi)" into "pi-x". */ if (debug_p) { printf(" [-n]->[_]\n"); } *o++ = PS_REVSUB; s ++; } else if ((*s == '/') && (*(s+1) == 'r')) { /* [/r] is also seen when --canon-reduction is enabled, e.g. [27/r] in the output of "ries 2.4284920346331 --canon-reduction nr25". Here we convert [/r] "1/(a/b)" into [\] "b/a", where '\' is reversed division. */ if (debug_p) { printf(" [/r]->[\\]\n"); } *o++ = PS_REVDIV; s ++; } else if (*s == ' ') { /* ' ' is a no-op */ } else if ((*s == 'n') && (sym_attrs[*(s+1)].seft == 'a') && (*(s+2) == '+')) { /* converting [n2+] into [2_]. Test case: 1.3204 gives "-(x)+2 = e/4" without this conversion and "2-x = e/4" with. */ if (debug_p) { printf(" [nA+]->[A_]\n"); } *o++ = *(s+1); *o++ = PS_REVSUB; s += 2; } else if (*s == 's') { /* [s] -> [2^] */ if (debug_p) { printf(" [s]->[2^]\n"); } *o++ = '2'; *o++ = '^'; } else if (*s == 'r') { /* [r] -> [1\] */ if (debug_p) { printf(" [r]->[1\\]\n"); } *o++ = '1'; *o++ = PS_REVDIV; } else if (*s == 'E') { /* [E] -> [e`] where ` is reverse power */ if (debug_p) { printf(" [E]->[e`]\n"); } *o++ = 'e'; *o++ = PS_REVPOW; } else { *o++ = *s; } s++; } *o++ = 0; if (debug_p) { symbol prtmp[EXPR_ALLOC]; symstrncpy0(prtmp, out, EXPR_ALLOC); cv_phantoms(prtmp); printf(" result: [%s]\n", prtmp); } } /* symstrsym is like strchr for symbol strings. */ symbol * symstrsym(symbol * exp1, symbol sym) { while((*exp1) && (*exp1 != sym)) { exp1++; } if (*exp1) { return exp1; } return 0; } /* symstrlen is just like strlen, for symbol strings. */ unsigned int symstrlen(symbol * s) { unsigned int l; if (s == 0) { return 0; } for(l=0; s[l]; l++) { } return l; } /* symstrtrail detects a literal trailing pattern: it examines "big" to see if it ends with the same characters as "little". In most odd cases (e.g. if either string is null or 'little' is longer than 'big') it returns 0. */ int symstrtrail(symbol * big, symbol * little) { unsigned int i, l1, l2; symbol * s; l1 = symstrlen(big); l2 = symstrlen(little); if ((l1 == 0) || (l2 == 0)) { return 0; } if (l1 < l2) { return 0; } s = big + (((int)l1) - ((int)l2)); for(i=0; i= len) { l -= len; s[l] = 0; } } /* symstrcmp is like strcmp for symbol strings. */ int symstrcmp(symbol * a, symbol * b) { while((*a) && (*b) && (*a == *b)) { a++; b++; } if ((*a == 0) && (*b == 0)) { return 0; } if (*a == 0) { /* a ended, so b is lexicographically later */ return -1; } if (*b == 0) { /* b ended, so a is later */ return 1; } if ((*a) > (*b)) { return 1; } return -1; } /* symstrneq compares the first n symbols in two strings; it returns 1 only of that many symbols exist in both strings and all are equal. */ int symstrneq(symbol * a, symbol * b, unsigned int n) { unsigned int i; i = 0; while((*a) && (*b) && (*a == *b) && (i 0) && (out[len-1] == ' ')) { len--; out[len] = 0; } return len; } /* complexity simply adds up the complexity scores (weights) in an expression. */ s16 complexity(symbol * expr) { symbol sym; s16 comp; comp = 0; while((sym = *expr++)) { comp = (s16) (comp + sym_attrs[sym].sa_wgt); } return comp; } /* endstack goes through an expression and determines how many things it leaves on the stack when it is done. It also returns pointers to the last symbol in the expression, and the last symbol that left the stack with one item on it. These are all useful in expr_break(). */ int endstack(symbol * expr, int *ending_sp, symbol * * last_sp_1, symbol * * last_sym) { symbol sym, sf; int sp; symbol * ex; symbol * lsp1; ex = expr; sp = 0; lsp1 = 0; while((sym = *ex)) { /* Look at the symbol's seft */ sf = sym_attrs[sym].seft; if (sf == 'a') { /* Push a constant onto the stack */ sp++; } else if (sf == 'b') { /* Single-argument function */ } else if (sf == 'c') { /* Two-argument function */ sp--; } /* Check for trouble */ if (sp <= 0) { /* Nothing on the stack -- this means we underflowed */ printf("endstack underflow\n"); return ERR_EVAL_STACK_UNDERFLOW; } /* Keep track of the last place where the stack was 1. */ if ((sp == 1) && (*(ex+1))) { lsp1 = ex; } ex++; } /* Go back to the final symbol */ ex--; if (ex < expr) { printf("endstack null\n"); return ERR_ES_NULL_EXPRESSION; } if (ending_sp) { *ending_sp = sp; } if (last_sp_1) { *last_sp_1 = lsp1; } if (last_sym) { *last_sym = ex; } return 0; /* No error */ } /* End of endstack */ /* Break an expression up into its root operator and the argument(s) if any. */ int expr_break(symbol * expr, symbol * op, symbol * seft, symbol * * arg1, int * a1_len, symbol * * arg2, int * a2_len) { int ending_sp, err; symbol * last_sp_1; symbol * last_sym; symbol sf; /* Set some default return values */ if (arg1) { *arg1 = 0; } if (arg2) { *arg2 = 0; } if (a1_len) { *a1_len = 0; } if (a2_len) { *a2_len = 0; } err = endstack(expr, &ending_sp, &last_sp_1, &last_sym); if (err) { printf("endstack err %d\n", err); return err; } if (ending_sp > 1) { printf("expr_break incomplete (sp=%d)\n", ending_sp); return ERR_EC_INCOMPLETE_EXPR; } sf = sym_attrs[*last_sym].seft; if (op) { *op = *last_sym; } if (seft) { *seft = sf; } if (sf == 'a') { /* It's a constant, and should be just one symbol long. There are no arguments. */ } else if (sf == 'b') { /* Operator is a single-argument function, and the entire rest of the expression is its argument */ if (arg1) { *arg1 = expr; } if (a1_len) { *a1_len = ((int) ((last_sym - expr))); } } else if (sf == 'c') { /* Operator is a two-argument function, and the two arguments are divided at the point marked by last_sp_1 23+r 2s3r+ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ */ if (arg1) { *arg1 = expr; } if (a1_len) { *a1_len = ((int) (last_sp_1 - expr) + 1); } if (arg2) { *arg2 = last_sp_1+1; } if (a2_len) { *a2_len = ((int) (last_sym - last_sp_1) - 1); } } return 0; } /* expr_print_infix does everything needed to format an expression (which must be complete) into an infix string and print it. To right-justify the output, pass a positive field width in the justify parameter. */ void expr_print_infix(symbol * expr, int justify) { symbol escratch[EXPR_ALLOC]; char fscratch[F_ALLOC]; char gscratch[MAX_ELEN * MAX_SYM_NAME_LEN]; symbol ss; infix_preproc(expr, escratch); infix_1(escratch, fscratch, &ss); infix_expand(fscratch, gscratch); if (justify > 0) { int j; for(j=((int)strlen(gscratch)); js]=[] deals with a branch case: when transforming this to []=[q], the signs might disagree. An example is shown by "ries 0.8183431428522" which finds [x3-s]=[pf+]. After removing 's' and adding 'q' it calls eval() on the resulting expressions and if their signs disagree, it negates the RHS to give []=[qn]. * The sqrt sign check and others like it are subject to inaccuracies if eval() is using g_target instead of the root of the current equation as found by newton(). We could improve this by changing exec.x temporarily, and restoring it afterwards the way newton() does; or by making the exec.x an explicit parameter of eval(). * Most seft-c operators can be solved by appending arg2 to the RHS, by manipulating the lhs and rhs strings in-place. [L] is an exception: [L]=[] must be converted into []=[^], and it uses an extra temp buffer "rtmp[]". */ #define TS_ALLOC_L EXPR_ALLOC #define TS_ALLOC_R (EXPR_ALLOC*4) void try_solve(symbol * l, symbol * r, symbol * l_out, int l_len, symbol * r_out, int r_len) { symbol op, seft; symbol * arg1; int a1_len; symbol * arg2; int a2_len; symbol lhs[TS_ALLOC_L]; symbol part1[TS_ALLOC_L]; symbol part2[TS_ALLOC_L]; symbol rhs[TS_ALLOC_R]; symbol tmpc[TS_ALLOC_R]; unsigned int gg, l1; symstrncpy0(lhs, l, TS_ALLOC_L); symstrncpy0(rhs, r, TS_ALLOC_R); /* printf("try.solve [%s]:[%s]\n", lhs, rhs); */ gg = 1; while(gg) { op = 0; expr_break(lhs, &op, &seft, &arg1, &a1_len, &arg2, &a2_len); symstrncpy0(part1, arg1, a1_len+1); symstrncpy0(part2, arg2, a2_len+1); /* printf("try.solve: [%s] [%s] [%c] %c\n", part1, part2, op, seft); */ if (0) { /* -------------------- Seft c symbols -------------------- */ } else if (op == '+') { if (debug_S) { printf("transforming: "); eqn_print_infix(lhs, rhs); printf("\n by subtracting '"); expr_print_infix(part2, 0); printf("' from both sides\n"); } /* printf("construct [%s]:['%s'%s'-']\n", part1, rhs, part2); */ symstrncat(rhs, part2, TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncat(rhs, ((symbol *) "-"), TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncpy0(lhs, part1, TS_ALLOC_L); /* printf("now [%s]:[%s]\n", lhs, rhs); */ } else if (op == '-') { if (debug_S) { printf("transforming: "); eqn_print_infix(lhs, rhs); printf("\n by adding '"); expr_print_infix(part2, 0); printf("' to both sides\n"); } symstrncat(rhs, part2, TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncat(rhs, ((symbol *) "+"), TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncpy0(lhs, part1, TS_ALLOC_L); } else if (op == '*') { if (debug_S) { printf("transforming: "); eqn_print_infix(lhs, rhs); printf("\n by dividing both sides by '"); expr_print_infix(part2, 0); printf("'\n"); } symstrncat(rhs, part2, TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncat(rhs, ((symbol *) "/"), TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncpy0(lhs, part1, TS_ALLOC_L); } else if (op == '/') { if (debug_S) { printf("transforming: "); eqn_print_infix(lhs, rhs); printf("\n by multiplying both sides by '"); expr_print_infix(part2, 0); printf("'\n"); } symstrncat(rhs, part2, TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncat(rhs, ((symbol *) "*"), TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncpy0(lhs, part1, TS_ALLOC_L); } else if (op == '^') { if (debug_S) { printf("transforming: "); eqn_print_infix(lhs, rhs); printf("\n by taking the '"); expr_print_infix(part2, 0); printf("' root of both sides\n"); } symstrncat(rhs, part2, TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncat(rhs, ((symbol *) "v"), TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncpy0(lhs, part1, TS_ALLOC_L); } else if (op == 'L') { /* [L] = [] log to base of = [] = [^] = ^ */ symbol rtmp[TS_ALLOC_R]; if (debug_S) { printf("transforming: "); eqn_print_infix(lhs, rhs); printf("\n by raising '"); expr_print_infix(part2, 0); printf("' to the power of both sides\n"); } symstrncpy0(rtmp, part2, TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncat(rtmp, rhs, TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncat(rtmp, ((symbol *) "^"), TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncpy0(rhs, rtmp, TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncpy0(lhs, part1, TS_ALLOC_L); } else if (op == 'v') { if (debug_S) { printf("transforming: "); eqn_print_infix(lhs, rhs); printf("\n by raising both sides to the '"); expr_print_infix(part2, 0); printf("' power\n"); } symstrncat(rhs, part2, TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncat(rhs, ((symbol *) "^"), TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncpy0(lhs, part1, TS_ALLOC_L); /* -------------------- Seft b symbols -------------------- */ } else if (op == 'E') { if (debug_S) { printf("transforming: "); eqn_print_infix(lhs, rhs); printf("\n by taking the natural logarithm of both sides\n"); } /* printf("construct [%s]:['%s'l']\n", part1, rhs); */ symstrncat(rhs, ((symbol *) "l"), TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncpy0(lhs, part1, TS_ALLOC_L); /* printf("now [%s]:[%s]\n", lhs, rhs); */ } else if (op == 'l') { if (debug_S) { printf("transforming: "); eqn_print_infix(lhs, rhs); printf("\n by raising e to the power of both sides\n"); } symstrncat(rhs, ((symbol *) "E"), TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncpy0(lhs, part1, TS_ALLOC_L); } else if (op == 'n') { if (debug_S) { printf("transforming: "); eqn_print_infix(lhs, rhs); printf("\n by negating both sides\n"); } symstrncat(rhs, ((symbol *) "n"), TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncpy0(lhs, part1, TS_ALLOC_L); } else if (op == 'q') { if (debug_S) { printf("transforming: "); eqn_print_infix(lhs, rhs); printf("\n by squaring both sides\n"); } symstrncat(rhs, ((symbol *) "s"), TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncpy0(lhs, part1, TS_ALLOC_L); } else if (op == 'r') { if (debug_S) { printf("transforming: "); eqn_print_infix(lhs, rhs); printf("\n by taking the reciprocal of both sides\n"); } symstrncat(rhs, ((symbol *) "r"), TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncpy0(lhs, part1, TS_ALLOC_L); } else if (op == 's') { ries_val lsqrt, rsqrt; if (debug_S) { printf("transforming: "); eqn_print_infix(lhs, rhs); printf("\n by taking the square root of both sides\n"); } symstrncat(rhs, ((symbol *) "q"), TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncpy0(lhs, part1, TS_ALLOC_L); /* Since we took a square root, we now have to ensure that both sides of the equation agree as to which square root (positive or negative) generates the match. For example, one answer given for 0.8183431428522 is "(x-3)^2 = phi+pi"; when solving we'd get "x = sqrt(phi+pi)+3" unless we do these tests. */ /* %%% These calls to eval() would benefit from using the Newton root, which will have already been computed when try.solve is called */ eval(lhs, &lsqrt, 0, 0, 0, 0); eval(rhs, &rsqrt, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* printf("post-sqrt %17.15g = %s ?= %s = %17.15g\n", lsqrt, lhs, rhs, rsqrt); */ if (lsqrt * rsqrt < 0) { if (debug_S) { printf(" then negating the right side so the signs agree\n"); } symstrncat(rhs, ((symbol *) "n"), TS_ALLOC_R); } } else if (op == 'W') { /* The inverse of y=W(x) is x=w e^y, thus we solve this one by / changing "W(x)=RHS" by "x = RHS*e^RHS". This causes the RHS / to become more than twice as long. In theory if the LHS is of / the form [xWWWWW], TS_ALLOC_R would need to be something like / TS_ALLOC_L*2^(TS_ALLOC_L+1). We're not going to do that so / instead we declare TS_ALLOC_R to be something like 4*EXPR_ALLOC, / and we check to see if there is enough room to generate a / "RHS*e^RHS" here. */ l1 = symstrlen(rhs) * 2 + 2; if (l1 >= TS_ALLOC_R) { /* We can't handle this 'W', so we're done solving. */ gg = 0; } else { if (debug_S) { printf("transforming: "); eqn_print_infix(lhs, rhs); printf("\n by replacing 'W(a) = b' with 'a = b e^b'\n"); } /* if (debug_S){printf(">> start: lhs=[%s], rhs=[%s]\n",lhs,rhs);} */ /* Keep a copy of the RHS prior to manipulation */ symstrncpy0(tmpc, rhs, TS_ALLOC_R); /* if (debug_S) { printf(">> step1 tmpc=[%s]\n", tmpc); } */ /* Add the entire thing to the end, e.g. [1pq+] becomes [1pq+1pq+] */ symstrncat(rhs, tmpc, TS_ALLOC_R); /* if (debug_S) { printf(">> step2 rhs=[%s]\n", rhs); } */ /* Add an 'E' and a '*', so we have [1pq+1pq+E*] */ symstrncat(rhs, (symbol *) "E*", TS_ALLOC_R); /* if (debug_S) { printf(">> step3 rhs=[%s]\n", rhs); } */ /* Replace LHS with the argument, i.e. remove 'W' from the end */ symstrncpy0(lhs, part1, TS_ALLOC_L); /* if (debug_S) { printf(">> result: lhs=[%s], rhs=[%s] len %d\n", lhs, rhs, l1); } */ } /* ------------------ Unhandled symbols ------------------- */ /* Some symbols, e.g. sine and tangent, are not tested for at all. These functions have no inverse in RIES, so they cannot be moved to the right-hand-side. */ } else { /* We get here if the symbol 'op' is not one of the handled symbols */ gg = 0; } } if (l_out && r_out) { symstrncpy0(l_out, lhs, l_len); symstrncpy0(r_out, rhs, r_len); } } /* End of try.solve */ #define NEWTON_MAX_ITER 12 /* newton performs Newton's method to determine the precise value of X for a given LHS and RHS to match. If the method does not converge or if there is an error the target value is returned instead in place of a root. lhs - left-hand-side expression rhs - right-hand-side expression root - place to store the root diff_dx - place to store the derivative tags - place to put the tags (may be 0) */ s16 newton(symbol * lhs, symbol * rhs, ries_val *root, ries_dif *diff_dx, ries_tgs *tags) { ries_val rhs_val; ries_dif rhs_dx; ries_tgs rhs_tg; ries_val lhs_val; ries_dif lhs_dx; ries_tgs lhs_tg; ries_val curr, prev, prv2; s16 i, err, rhs_has_x; /* Set default return values. */ *root = g_target; /* If we return before we can compute a valid diff_dx, then we should treat it as a nonconverging case. We express that by returning a diff_dx of 0 */ *diff_dx = 0; if (tags) { *tags = TYPE_NONE; } rhs_has_x = (symstrsym(rhs, 'x') != 0); /* first get the RHS value. */ rhs_dx = 0; rhs_tg = TYPE_NONE; /* Assumed defaults */ err = eval(rhs, &rhs_val, &rhs_dx, &rhs_tg, 0, 0); /* In newton() */ if (err) { return err; } if (debug_n) { printf("newton RHS [%s] = ", rhs); spfg(k_nominal_digits, rhs_val); /* printf(fmt_g_nominal, rhs_val); */ printf(" tag %x", rhs_tg); printf("\n"); printf(" iterating LHS [%s]", lhs); if (rhs_has_x) { printf(" and RHS"); } printf("...\n"); } curr = g_target; prev = curr - k_1; prv2 = prev - k_1; for(i=0; i= 6) && (margin <= 4.0)) { curr = prev; i = NEWTON_MAX_ITER + 1; /* Force success, exit loop */ } } } /* restore exec's target value. very important!! (-:*/ exec_x = g_target; /* Check for acceptably close convergence / older versions were: / if (fabs(curr - prev) == k_0) / if (fabs(curr - prev) < fabs(g_target * k_prune_deriv)) */ if (curr == prev) { *root = curr; *diff_dx = lhs_dx - rhs_dx; if (tags) { *tags = rhs_tg; } if (debug_n) { printf(" converged precisely on "); spfg(k_nominal_digits, curr); /* printf(fmt_g_nominal, curr); */ printf("\n"); } return 0; } else if (FABS(curr - prev) < FABS(g_target * k_newton_settled)) { *root = curr; *diff_dx = lhs_dx - rhs_dx; if (tags) { *tags = rhs_tg; } if (debug_n) { printf(" converged on "); spfg(k_nominal_digits, curr); /* printf(fmt_g_nominal, curr); */ printf(" by margin of "); spfg(k_nominal_digits, FABS(curr - prev)); /* printf(fmt_g_nominal, FABS(curr - prev)); */ printf("\n"); } return 0; } if (debug_n) { printf(" did not converge (last delta = "); spfg(k_nominal_digits, curr - prev); /* printf(fmt_g_nominal, curr - prev); */ printf(").\n"); } return ERR_NEWTON_NO_CONVERGE; } /* End of newton() */ /* cv.simplify takes the same arguments as newton(). It looks at an lhs and rhs that is suspected to be a new match. First it tries to remove redundant trailing operations added by canon.val; for example if you run "ries 2.141592653 --canon-reduction nr25 -l0" it will transform [x1+2/]=[p2/] into [x1+]=[p]. It does not try to reorder things, so for example [xn2*]=[p2*n] would be left untouched. Then it runs newton() on the result, passing all the parameters through to it. */ s16 cv_simplify(symbol * lhs, symbol * rhs, ries_val *root, ries_dif *diff_dx, ries_tgs *tags, int do_newton) { s16 rv; int gg; s16 err; if (debug_Q) { printf("cv.simplify: [%s]=[%s]\n", lhs, rhs); } gg = 1; if (g_no_cv_simplify) { gg = 0; } while(gg) { gg = 0; /* Bilateral cancellation */ if (bothtrail(lhs, rhs, (symbol *) "2/")) { if (debug_Q) { printf(" remove shared trailing [2/]\n"); } symstrclip(lhs, 2); symstrclip(rhs, 2); gg = 1; } if (bothtrail(lhs, rhs, (symbol *) "2*")) { if (debug_Q) { printf(" remove shared trailing [2*]\n"); } symstrclip(lhs, 2); symstrclip(rhs, 2); gg = 1; } if (bothtrail(lhs, rhs, (symbol *) "r")) { if (debug_Q) { printf(" remove shared trailing [r]\n"); } symstrclip(lhs, 1); symstrclip(rhs, 1); gg = 1; } if (bothtrail(lhs, rhs, (symbol *) "n")) { if (debug_Q) { printf(" remove shared trailing [n]\n"); } symstrclip(lhs, 1); symstrclip(rhs, 1); gg = 1; } /* Asymmetrical simplifications */ if (symstrtrail(lhs,(symbol*)"nr") && symstrtrail(rhs,(symbol*)"n")) { /* [Anr]=[Bn] -> [Ar]=[B] This shows up in "ries 2.4284920346331 --canon-reduction nr25" which gives "1/-(ln(x)-1) = -(1-pi^2)" without this transformation, and "1/(ln(x)-1) = 1-pi^2" with it. */ if (debug_Q) { printf(" replace [nr]=[n] with [r]=[]\n"); } symstrclip(lhs, 2); symstrncat(lhs, (symbol *) "r", TS_ALLOC_L); symstrclip(rhs, 1); gg = 1; } if (symstrtrail(lhs,(symbol*)"n") && symstrtrail(rhs,(symbol*)"nr")) { /* [An]=[Bnr] -> [A]=[Br] */ if (debug_Q) { printf(" replace [n]=[nr] with []=[r]\n"); } symstrclip(lhs, 1); symstrclip(rhs, 2); symstrncat(rhs, (symbol *) "r", TS_ALLOC_L); gg = 1; } if (symstrtrail(lhs,(symbol*)"rr")) { /* [Arr]=[B] -> [A]=[B] This shows up in "ries 2.50618 --canon-reduction r" which gives "1/(1/x^2) = 2 pi" without this transformation, and "x^2 = 2 pi" with it. */ if (debug_Q) { printf(" replace [rr]=[] with []=[]\n"); } symstrclip(lhs, 2); gg = 1; } if (symstrtrail(rhs,(symbol*)"rr")) { /* [A]=[Brr] -> [A]=[B] */ if (debug_Q) { printf(" replace []=[rr] with []=[]\n"); } symstrclip(rhs, 2); gg = 1; } if (symstrtrail(lhs,(symbol*)"r2/") && symstrtrail(rhs,(symbol*)"r")) { /* [Ar2/]=[Br] -> [A2*]=[B] This shows up in "ries 2.4284920346331 --canon-reduction nr25" which gives "(1/((x/e)^pi)^2)/2 = 1/cospi(1/(4-1/pi))" without this transformation, and "2*((x/e)^pi)^2 = cospi(1/(4-1/pi))" with it. */ if (debug_Q) { printf(" replace [r2/]=[r] with [2*]=[]\n"); } symstrclip(lhs, 3); symstrncat(lhs, (symbol *) "2*", TS_ALLOC_L); symstrclip(rhs, 1); gg = 1; } if (symstrtrail(lhs,(symbol*)"r") && symstrtrail(rhs,(symbol*)"r2/")) { /* [Ar]=[Br2/] -> [A]=[B2*] This shows up in "ries 2.4284920346331 --canon-reduction nr25" which gives "1/-tanpi(sinpi(x-2)) = (1/cospi(2/e)^2)/2" without this transformation, and "-tanpi(sinpi(x-2)) = 2 cospi(2/e)^2" with it. */ if (debug_Q) { printf(" replace [r]=[r2/] with []=[2*]\n"); } symstrclip(lhs, 1); symstrclip(rhs, 3); symstrncat(rhs, (symbol *) "2*", TS_ALLOC_L); gg = 1; } } if (do_newton) { rv = newton(lhs, rhs, root, diff_dx, tags); } else { /* Do not perform Newton, but instead assume that lhs and rhs are already equal. This isn't currently used, but might be used by check.exact_match in the future. */ *root = g_target; /* diff_dx will have been already set by caller */ /* Call eval on the RHS to get the tags, and to discover any eval error. */ err = eval(rhs, 0, 0, tags, 0, 0); return err; } return rv; } /* End of cv.simplify */ void defsym_used(symbol * expr) { symbol * sym; sym = expr; while(*sym) { if (sym_attrs[*sym].defn) { sym_attrs[*sym].def_needed = 1; } if (symstrsym(((symbol *) "CST"), *sym)) { used_trig = 1; } sym++; } } /* AKA define_symbols, show_legend */ void describe_symbols(void) { s16 sym; s16 lineleft, sl, clen; s16 going; const char * candidate; symbol csym = 0; int need_lf = 1; if (sym_attrs['A'].def_needed) { if (used_atan1) { sym_attrs[PHSYM_ATAN1].def_needed = 1; } if (!(used_atan2)) { sym_attrs['A'].def_needed = 0; } } sym_attrs[PHSYM_ATAN1].defn = "atan2(s) = Angle of ray from origin through point (1,s)"; going = 1; lineleft = LINELEFT_INIT; while (going) { going = 0; for(sym=0; sym clen) && (sl < lineleft) ) { csym = (symbol) sym; candidate = sym_attrs[csym].defn; clen = (s16) strlen(candidate); } } } } /* did we actually find one that fits? */ if (candidate) { printf(" %s", sym_attrs[csym].defn); sym_attrs[csym].def_given = 1; lineleft = (s16) (lineleft - clen - 2); } else { printf("\n"); lineleft = LINELEFT_INIT; } } } if (lineleft < LINELEFT_INIT) { printf("\n"); } if (used_trig) { if (g_trig_scale_default) { /* In this case the functions are called "sinpi", etc. and are defined by the sym_defn[] strings */ } else { /* Tell what units were used, special-case radians */ printf(" For the trig functions, "); if (k_sincos_arg_scale == 1.0) { printf("2 pi"); } else { printf("%g", dbl(2.0 * k_pi / k_sincos_arg_scale)); } printf(" units are a full circle.\n"); } } } /* This routine is meant to be used for *integer* values given as a double, but formatted as if with the "%ld" format specifier. If the integer won't fit in the given width, it then prints it using using a %e format instead. The result is a char * pointing to a private buffer, which you need to use before calling pf_intfloat_wid again. This example demonstrates its handling of width limits, rounding, etc. #define TESTWIDMAX 14 double x; int w; for(x=143.0; x<1.0e14; x*=-7.0) { for(w=7; w 0) && (pfw_buf[i] == '0')) { pfw_buf[i] = 0; i--; } if ((i > 0) && (pfw_buf[i] == '.')) { pfw_buf[i] = 0; } } return pfw_buf; } int g_allow_slow_message; /* print.end generates the summary statistics that get printed at the end. Note that if the g_enable_output flag is not set, most of this does not get printed (such as when --find.expression is being used). */ void print_end(int exit_code) { stats_count combos; long total_insert; time_flt tsec = gettime(); if (got_exact && (g_restrict_subexpr < TYPE_INT)) { printf( "\n" " NOTE: 'exact' match may result from floating-point roundoff error.\n" ); } if (debug_s) { printf( "\n" " NOTE: Some values will have lost significance in the last one or\n" " two digits due to round-off during intermediate calculations.\n" ); } if (g_enable_output && (out_expr_format <= OF_NORMAL)) { describe_symbols(); } total_insert = lhs_insert + rhs_insert; if (total_insert && g_enable_output) { printf("\n"); printf(" --LHS-- --RHS-- -Total-\n"); printf(" max complexity: %11d %11d %11d\n", lmax, rmax, lmax+rmax); printf(" dead-ends: %11s", pf_intfloat_wid(lhs_prune, 11)); printf(" %11s", pf_intfloat_wid(rhs_prune, 11)); printf(" %11s", pf_intfloat_wid(lhs_prune + rhs_prune, 11)); printf(" Time: %.3f\n", tsec); printf(" expressions: %11s", pf_intfloat_wid(lhs_gen, 11)); printf(" %11s", pf_intfloat_wid(rhs_gen, 11)); printf(" %11s\n", pf_intfloat_wid(gen_total, 11)); printf(" distinct: %11ld %11ld %11ld", lhs_insert, rhs_insert, total_insert); if (mem_used_KiB > 1024L) { printf(" Memory: %ldKiB\n", mem_used_KiB); } else { printf(" Memory: %ld B\n", mem_used_bytes); } /* tell them how much work we did. */ printf("\n"); combos = ((stats_count) lhs_insert) * ((stats_count) rhs_insert); printf(" Total equations tested: %20s", pf_intfloat_wid(combos, 20)); if (combos > 9999) { printf(" (%.4g)", (stats_count) combos); } printf("\n"); } if (exit_code) { exit(exit_code); } } /* End of print.end */ /* Cross-reference to the initialization functions: / / validate_types: verifies that s16 is actually 16-bit, etc. / init_formats (aka check_precision, check_types): measures the precision / of the ries_val floating-point type / init_numerics: calculates the values of pi, e, phi, etc. / */ /* ieee.paranoia tries to check for IEEE-compliant compile options. Some optiona (such as those mentioned in the error printfs), make it hard to detect overflow, roundoff, etc. For background see: www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Infinity-and-NaN.html gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Optimize-Options.html */ void ieee_paranoia(void) { ries_dif a1; #ifdef __FAST_MATH__ fprintf(stderr, "RIES does not work when compiled with the --ffast-math option.\n"); exit(-1); #endif /* Detect IEEE NaN compliance, by generating a NaN and trying to detect it in the manner supported by IEEE 754: a NaN is defined to be "unordered", i.e. it is not equal to, greater than, or less than anything, including even itself. Note that in most GCC implementations, the C99 isnan() function exists but is merely defined by a macro, e.g.: static __inline__ int __inline_isnanf( float __x ) { return __x != __x; } We create a NaN by generating an oveflow value and subtracting it from itself. */ /* Generate an overflow value by starting with 2 and self-squaring 100 times. This overflows if the exponent field is less than 100 bits. */ for(k_d_inf=2.0,a1=1.0; a1<100.0; k_d_inf*=k_d_inf,a1++) { } k_d_ninf = 0.0 - k_d_inf; /* Subtract this overflowed value from itself: inf-inf is NaN. */ k_d_nan = k_d_inf - k_d_inf; /* By definition, a NaN is not equal to itself. */ if (k_d_nan != k_d_nan) { /* printf("detected NaN\n"); */ } else { /* printf("did not detect NaN\n"); */ fprintf(stderr, "RIES does not work when compiled with options that prevent full IEEE 754\n" "compliance, such as the GCC compiler options --ffast-math, -ffinite-math-only,\n" "and -funsafe-math-optimizations.\n"); exit(-1); } } /* init.formats measures available precision and sets the formatting strings and other values used to format and print numbers. For initialization of constants like pi and e, see init_numerics */ void init_formats(void) { float digits_usable, digits_nominal; ries_val a1, a2, k0, k1, k2; const char * gstr; k0 = 0.0; k1 = 1.0; k2 = 2.0; /* The following loop looks for overflow and roundoff error, and counts the number of significant bits. There are several ways computer arithmetic can fail; this code tests three of them: - Normal signed integers will "wrap around" and become negative, failing the "a1>k0" test. - Floating-point numbers overflow to Infinity; this is caught by the "a1-a1==0" test (because Infinity-Infinity is a NaN). - Normal floating-point numbers eventually reach a point where they are so large that adding 1 to X then subtracting X rounds off to 0 (or perhaps 2 or a larger power of 2). The "a2-a1==k1" test catches this. - Arbitrary-precision types might be able to continue intil we fill available memory, or there might be some numerical oddity that our other tests miss. The "k_mantissa_bits<256" test catches these cases. - Dekker-style "double-double" arithmetic manages to pass all of the above tests when working with powers of 2. Therefore, rather than just doubling a1 each time through, every other time we add 2 so that when expressed in binary the mantissa has a "10101010..." pattern. */ a1 = k2; /* 2 */ a2 = a1 + k1; /* 3 */ k_mantissa_bits = 1; rv_maxint = 1.0; while ((a2-a1 == k1) && (a1>k0) && (a1-a1==0) && (k_mantissa_bits < 666)) { a1 = a1 + a1; /* 4 20 84 340 */ a2 = a1 + 1; /* 5 21 85 341 */ k_mantissa_bits++; if ((a2-a1 == k1) && (a1>k0) && (a1-a1==0) && (k_mantissa_bits < 666)) { a1 = a1+a1+k2; /* 10 42 170 682 */ a2 = a1 + 1; /* 11 43 171 683 */ k_mantissa_bits++; } rv_maxint *= 2.0; } rv_maxint /= 4.0; /* NOTE: Cannot use test debug_z flag here because args have not been parsed yet */ #ifdef RIES_DEBUG_FORMATS printf("init.formats: got %d mantissa bits\n", (int) k_mantissa_bits); #endif /* Make sure the answer is "sane" */ if ((int)k_mantissa_bits < 20) { printf("init.formats: Precision seems to be only %d binary bits; RIES cannot proceed.\n", (int) k_mantissa_bits); print_end(-1); } if (k_mantissa_bits > (float)(sizeof(ries_val))*9.0) { printf("init.formats: ries_val seems to have %d binary bits, but only uses %d bits!\n", (int) k_mantissa_bits, (int) (sizeof(ries_val) * 8)); print_end(-1); } if (k_mantissa_bits > 256.0) { k_mantissa_bits = 256.0; } /* Compute size of the ULP (unit in the last place) for values in [0.5..1.0) */ k_ulp = 0.5; for(a1=0.5; a1 %d\n", digits_nominal, k_nominal_digits); printf(" usable: %f -> %d\n", digits_usable, k_usable_digits); #endif if (sizeof(long double) == sizeof(ries_val)) { gstr = "Lg"; } else { gstr = "g"; } snprintf(fmt_g_nominal, FMT_STR_SIZE, "%%.%d%s", k_nominal_digits, gstr); snprintf(fmt_g_nom_fixed, FMT_STR_SIZE, "%%-%d.%d%s", k_nominal_digits+6, k_nominal_digits, gstr); snprintf(fmt_g_usable, FMT_STR_SIZE, "%%.%d%s", k_usable_digits, gstr); snprintf(fmt_g_usa_fixed, FMT_STR_SIZE, "%%-%d.%d%s", k_usable_digits+6, k_usable_digits, gstr); snprintf(fmt_g_diff, FMT_STR_SIZE, "%%.%dg", k_usable_digits-8); snprintf(fmt_g_dif_fixed, FMT_STR_SIZE, "%%-%d.%dg", k_usable_digits-2, k_usable_digits-8); #ifdef RIES_DEBUG_FORMATS printf("formats: fmt_g_nominal '%s', fmt_g_nom_fixed '%s'\n", fmt_g_nominal, fmt_g_nom_fixed); printf(" fmt_g_usable '%s', fmt_g_usa_fixed '%s'\n", fmt_g_usable, fmt_g_usa_fixed); printf(" fmt_g_diff '%s', fmt_g_dif_fixed '%s'\n", fmt_g_diff, fmt_g_dif_fixed); #endif } /* End of init.formats */ /* check.exit checks to see if it's time to exit after a new match. If the g_exact.exit flag is set we exit because we're done. If not, then we test to see if best.match is negative. Once best.match becomes negative there is no chance of getting any more nonexact matches, and therefore this new match is the last useful output we'll get. */ void check_exit(int is_exact) { if (is_exact && (g_restrict_subexpr == TYPE_INT) && g_exact_exit) { printf(" (Stopping now because -ie option was given.)\n"); } else if (is_exact && (g_restrict_subexpr == TYPE_RAT) && g_exact_exit) { printf(" (Stopping now because -re option was given.)\n"); } else if (is_exact && (g_restrict_subexpr == TYPE_CONS) && g_exact_exit) { printf(" (Stopping now because -ce option was given.)\n"); } else if (is_exact && (k_max_match_dist == 0)) { printf(" (Stopping now because an exact match was found.)\n"); } else if (is_exact && g_exact_exit) { printf( " (Stopping now because --min-match-distance 0 or --max-match-distance 0\n" " was given.)\n"); } else if (best_match < g_min_matchsize) { /* Decide what number to print in the following message. If the --min.match-distance option was not given then g_min.matchsize will be zero; but k_min_best.match is positive in all cases. g_min.matchsize is zero then we're exiting because of subtracting k_min_best.match above. */ ries_dif t = (k_min_best_match > g_min_matchsize) ? k_min_best_match : g_min_matchsize; printf( " (Stopping now because best match is within %7.3g of target value.)\n", t); } else if (g_num_matches >= g_max_matches) { if (g_num_matches == 1) { printf(" (Stopping now because 1 match was found.)\n"); } else { printf(" (Stopping now because %ld matches were found.)\n", (long) g_num_matches); } } else { /* No exit condition was matched. */ return; } print_end(EXIT_NO_ERROR); } /* unique.eqn takes an equation (in the form of LHS and RHS) and searches the list g.matches (which gets filled with all equations that we have decided to report as a match) */ int unique_eqn(symbol * lhs, symbol * rhs, int addit) { symbol te[TS_ALLOC_R]; symbol *where; te[0] = 0; symstrncat(te, ((symbol *) " "), TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncat(te, lhs, TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncat(te, ((symbol *) "="), TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncat(te, rhs, TS_ALLOC_R); symstrncat(te, ((symbol *) " "), TS_ALLOC_R); if ((where = symstrsymstr(g_matches, te)), where) { /* printf("unique.eqn: found '%s' at position %ld in '%s'\n", (char *) te, (long)(where-g_matches), (char *) g_matches); */ return 0; } if (addit) { symstrncat(g_matches, te+1, (long) g_mtch_alloc); /* Carefully track memory usage */ mem_used_bytes += (sizeof(symbol) * (symstrlen(te+1)+1)); /* printf("unique.eqn: added '%s', result '%s'\n", (char *) te+1, (char *) g_matches); */ } return 1; } /* This field size is big enough for certain parts of a result output, including the "delta" part of an answer like "1.23456789 = T + 0.1234" and the "(1 part in 1023)" bit of a wide output */ #define REPORT_FIELD_SIZE 30 /* Must be big enough for largest value of k_usable_digits */ #define FROOT_SIZE 40 /* report.match does the formatting to print out a match. You can either supply an LHS and RHS that are already in the tree, or just one tree member and a pe (which you would do if reporting an exact match and don't want to insert the item) */ void report_match(symbol * lhs, symbol * rhs, symbol * exm, ries_val root, ries_dif delta, int did_newton) { symbol * le; symbol * re; s16 i; char fval[REPORT_FIELD_SIZE]; /* formatted numerical value (before manual left-justify) */ char froot[FROOT_SIZE]; /* formatted root of equation (value of X, not delta from T) */ char * x_T_intro; s16 posn = 0; /* "cursor position" for column padding */ int width; /* A column width */ int justify_overflow = 0; symbol l_solved[TS_ALLOC_L]; symbol r_solved[TS_ALLOC_R]; symbol l_escratch[TS_ALLOC_L]; symbol r_escratch[TS_ALLOC_R]; char l_fscratch[F_ALLOC]; char r_fscratch[F_ALLOC * 2]; char l_gscratch[MAX_ELEN * MAX_SYM_NAME_LEN]; char r_gscratch[MAX_ELEN * MAX_SYM_NAME_LEN * 2]; /* *2 for try.solve */ char * l_fmt; char * r_fmt; symbol ss; s16 err; s16 lf_len, rf_len; ries_val l_val, r_val; /* NOTE: None of these is used, not even in */ ries_dif l_dx, r_dx; /* debug messages, so we could just pass 0's */ ries_tgs l_tg, r_tg; /* to eval() */ /* ignore second and subsequent exact matches. */ if ((delta == k_0) && got_exact) { return; } /* If not doing refinement, prune based on the delta */ if (!(g_refinement)) { stats_count i; ries_val * closeness; closeness = g_nr_deltas; for(i=0; i t_width) && (l_pad > 0)) { l_pad--; width--; } while ((width > t_width) && (r_pad > 0)) { r_pad--; width--; } /* The result is bigger than t_width only when the equation genuinely won't fit in the space we want. Note this for use later. */ justify_overflow = (width - t_width); if (justify_overflow < 0) { justify_overflow = 0; } for(i=0; isym, rhs->sym); } /* start with a single step of Newton, which we can do easily because the x and dx values are already computed */ total_deriv = lhs->der - rhs->der; if (total_deriv == k_0) { fprintf(stderr, "check_match got dx = 0!\n"); return 0; } delta = (ries_dif) ((rhs->val - lhs->val) / total_deriv); score = fabs(delta); if (debug_o) { printf("check_match score %g, best_match %g, g_mms %g\n", score, dbl(best_match), g_min_matchsize); } if ((score > best_match) || (score < g_min_matchsize)) { if (debug_o) { printf(" first score %g not good enough\n", score); } return 0; } /* If we are not doing refinement, we can check this equation against those that have been reported. %%% This might actually slow things down! */ if(!(g_refinement)) { if (!(unique_eqn(lhs->sym, rhs->sym, 0))) { if (debug_o) { printf(" already reported\n"); } return 0; } } /* We have a good candidate for a new match. Now we use Newton's method to get a more accurate score. From this point forward we only need the symstr part of the expression */ { symbol lexpr[TS_ALLOC_L]; symbol rexpr[TS_ALLOC_L]; symstrncpy0(lexpr, lhs->sym, TS_ALLOC_L); symstrncpy0(rexpr, rhs->sym, TS_ALLOC_L); if (debug_q) { printf(" [%s] ~= [%s] (score %g), calling newton\n", lexpr, rexpr, score); } /* cv.simplify removes things from both sides where possible, then calls newton */ err = cv_simplify(lexpr, rexpr, &root, &total_deriv, 0, 1); if (err) { /* Eval got an error, or Newton did not converge: in either case we don't accept, because a failed Newton converge is probably a pathological case like sin(1/a) near a=0 */ if (debug_q) { printf(" newton returned %d (%s)\n", err, err_string(err)); } return 0; } else { if (debug_q) { printf("root: "); spfg(k_nominal_digits, root); /* printf(fmt_g_nominal, root); */ printf("\n"); } } if (FABS(total_deriv) < k_vanished_dx) { if (debug_q) { printf(" derivative = %g is too small\n", total_deriv); } } delta = (ries_dif) (root - g_target); if (debug_q) { printf("newton: target %g root %g delta %g\n", dbl(g_target), dbl(root), delta); } score = fabs(delta); if (score == k_0) { /* Newton's method revealed that we have an exact match. We'll report it (in case it's our first exact match) but not adjust our report threshold. */ if (debug_q) { printf(" exact match\n"); } report_match(lexpr, rexpr, 0, root, delta, 1); return 1; } else if (score < best_match) { if (debug_q) { printf(" new record %g\n", score); } report_match(lexpr, rexpr, 0, root, delta, 1); if(g_refinement) { /* The minus k_min_best.match is to avoid having lots of matches that beat each other only because of roundoff in the score calculation. This happens if you invoke e.g. "ries 0.434294481903252" */ best_match = (score * 0.999) - k_min_best_match; if (debug_q) { printf(" lowering match threshold to %g\n", dbl(best_match)); } } check_exit(0); return 1; } else if (debug_q) { printf(" post-newton score %g not good enough\n", score); } } return 0; } /* End of check_match */ /* bt_first gives a pointer to the first node in the tree. Pass in the tree's root pointer. */ expr * bt_first(expr * it) { while (it && it->left) { it = it->left; } return it; } /* bt_depth returns the depth (number of links down from root) of an item. */ int bt_depth(expr * it) { int rv; /* Start at zero */ rv = 0; while(it) { rv++; it = it->up; } return(rv); } void bt_stats(void); void bt_stats(void) { long n; int tdepth; expr * it; it = bt_first(lhs_root); n = 0; tdepth = 0; while(it) { if (debug_0) { printf("%8ld %10s {%3d} = ", n, it->sym, complexity(it->sym)); spff(k_nominal_digits, it->val); /* printf(fmt_g_nom_fixed, it->val); */ if (it->der) { printf(", dx = "); printf(fmt_g_diff, it->der); /* printf(fmt_g_nominal, it->der); */ } printf("\n"); } /* Accumulate stats */ tdepth += bt_depth(it); it = bt_next(it); n++; } printf("Current tree stats:\n"); printf(" Nodes: %ld\n", n); printf(" Avg. Depth: %f\n", ((stats_count) tdepth) / ((stats_count) n)); } /* bt_prev traverses the list "backwards" to the next-smaller expression. */ expr * bt_prev(expr *it) { expr *old; /* if it has a left child it's relatively easy */ if (it->left) { /* go down left, then down right to dead end */ it = it->left; while (it->right) { it = it->right; } } else { /* here we have to traverse up until we get to a node from which we were the right. We also need to worry about going all the way off the top, which would mean we're done. */ old = 0; while(it && (old == it->left)) { old = it; it = it->up; } } return it; } /* bt_next traverses the list to the next-greater expression. */ expr * bt_next(expr *it) { expr *old; /* if it has a right child it's relatively easy */ if (it->right) { /* go down right, then down left to dead end */ it = it->right; while (it->left) { it = it->left; } } else { /* here we have to traverse up until we get to a node from which we were the left. We also need to worry about going all the way off the top, which would mean we're done. */ old = 0; while(it && (old == it->right)) { old = it; it = it->up; } } return it; } /* check.sides looks for a match for a given expression. It checks expressions of the opposite type (LHS or RHS) on either side (lower- and higher-valued) of the supplied expression, and for each, calls check.match. */ void check_sides(expr *it) { expr * other; int cm_result; /* "it" is the expression that is just now being added to the database. Check if it is an RHS or an LHS. */ if (it->der == k_0) { /* New way */ /* we've got a RHS. Look on both sides for an LHS. If we find another RHS, we can stop because that RHS, by definition, will be a closer match to any LHS that lies beyond. */ other = bt_prev(it); if (other && (other->der != k_0)) { /* "other" is an LHS, test it. */ cm_result = check_match(other, it); if (cm_result && debug_q) { printf("(1st) LHS (left) = New RHS\n"); } } /* Now we do the same thing again, to the right this time. */ other = bt_next(it); if (other && (other->der != k_0)) { cm_result = check_match(other, it); if (cm_result && debug_q) { printf("(1st) LHS (left) = New RHS\n"); } } } else { /* we've got an LHS */ other = bt_prev(it); /* Check for an RHS, which always has a zero derivative term */ if (other && (other->der == k_0)) { /* We have an RHS, check it */ cm_result = check_match(it, other); if (cm_result && debug_q) { printf("New LHS = first RHS (left)\n"); } } /* do the same thing again, to the right this time. */ other = bt_next(it); if (other && (other->der == k_0)) { cm_result = check_match(it, other); if (cm_result && debug_q) { printf("New LHS = first RHS (right)\n"); } } } } /* end of check.sides */ void check_exact_match(expr * it, ries_dif new_dx, pe *ex) { symbol * lhs; symbol * rhs; ries_val x, xpe; ries_dif eps, total_deriv, delta, score; lhs = rhs = 0; if (new_dx == k_0) { /* new item is RHS. */ if (it->der == k_0) { /* Tree item is RHS, too. We just discard in this case. */ return; } else { /* Tree item is LHS... */ if (fabs(it->der) < k_vanished_dx) { if (debug_q) { printf("chk_ex_match it->dx = %g is too small\n", it->der); } return; } else { lhs = it->sym; rhs = ex->sym; total_deriv = it->der; } } } else { /* new item is LHS. */ if (it->der == k_0) { /* tree item is RHS... */ if (fabs(new_dx) < k_vanished_dx) { if (debug_q) { printf("chk_ex_match dx = %g is too small\n", new_dx); } return; } else { lhs = ex->sym; rhs = it->sym; total_deriv = 0 - new_dx; } } else { /* Tree item is LHS too, discard. */ return; /* %%% For x-on-both-sides, in this instance we will want to do a normal check.match, subtracting the two derivatives and rejecting if the result is too small (indicating an excessively high correlation or a tautology). Even if we get a match, we would still discard the new node afterwards because the existing node is more likely to yield equations with a lesser combined complexity. */ } } x = it->val; eps = ((ries_dif)x) * 1.0e-14; xpe = x + eps; if (x == xpe) { /* Answer is so small that we underflowed trying to compute epsilon */ return; } if (total_deriv == 0) { return; } delta = eps / total_deriv; score = fabs(delta); if ((best_match > 0) && (score > best_match)) { return; } if (score < g_min_matchsize) { return; } if(!(g_refinement)) { if (!(unique_eqn(lhs, rhs, 0))) { return; } } report_match(lhs, rhs, ex->sym, g_target, (ries_dif) k_0, 0); } /* bt.insert adds an expression to the tree. The dx parameter is used to determine if it's an RHS or an LHS expression. */ s16 bt_insert(ries_val x, ries_dif dx, ries_tgs tg, pe *ex, s16 * res1) { expr * it; s16 going, insert, fillin, i; fillin = 0; going = 0; insert = 0; *res1 = 0; it = lhs_root; /* If there's a tree to descend, descend it. */ if (it) { going = 1; insert = 1; } else { /* insert and copy first node */ lhs_root = (expr *) my_alloc(sizeof(expr)); if (lhs_root == 0) { return 1; } *res1 = 1; insert_count++; it = lhs_root; it->up = 0; going = 0; /* no descending to do */ insert = 0; /* and we just inserted */ fillin = 1; /* but we need to fill it in */ } while(going) { if (it->val == x) { /* Exact match: there is already a node with the exact same value. We never insert another node with the same value, because by definition (due to the way we generate simpler expressions first) any equation made with the newly inserted node would be more complex than the existing equation we can get with the existing, simpler node. However, we do take the opportunity to report an exact match, checking the derivative of the side that contains X to avoid reporting a tautology. */ going = 0; insert = 0; check_exact_match(it, dx, ex); /* BT_CODE_MATCH */ } else { /* no match yet: descend. */ if (x < it->val) { /* BT_CODE_CMP */ /* go to left child */ if (it->left) { it = it->left; } else { /* no left: that means we insert here. */ insert = -1; going = 0; } } else { /* go to right child */ if (it->right) { it = it->right; } else { /* no right: that means we insert here. */ insert = 1; going = 0; } } } } if (insert) { expr *n; n = (expr *) my_alloc(sizeof(expr)); if (n == 0) { return 1; } *res1 = 1; insert_count++; if (insert > 0) { it->right = n; n->up = it; } else { it->left = n; n->up = it; } it = n; fillin = 1; } if (fillin) { /* copy the expression into the new node (BT_CODE_FILLIN) */ it->val = x; it->der = dx; it->tags = tg; it->left = 0; it->right = 0; it->elen = ex->elen; for(i=0; i<=it->elen; i++) { it->sym[i] = ex->sym[i]; } } /* Last thing to do is to check for a new match. */ if (insert) { check_sides(it); /* BT_CODE_INSERTED */ } return 0; } s16 g_dbg_side; #define CANONVAL_NEGATE 1 #define CANONVAL_RECIPROCAL 2 #define CANONVAL_DIV2 4 #define CANONVAL_MUL2 8 int g_canon_ops; /* canon.val takes an expression which should be complete, and tries to append additional operators to make its value fall within the range [1.0,2.0). There are 4 types of transformations that we try to make, and they are partly redundant: [r] and [2*] are only used if the value is in the range (-1.0,1.0), but if [r] is used then the value will not be in that range anymore, and [2*] will not trigger. This redundancy is there to maximize the effectiveness of canon.val when the symbolset has been restricted via the -S/-O/-N options. We check sym_attrs[*].count vs. sym_attrs[*].allowed, but don't bother to update the counts because these are the last symbols that will be added and we don't add more than one of any symbol. All parameters except muc_ptr are both inputs and return values. */ s16 canonval( pe * bpe, /* The expression to operate on */ metastack * ms, /* The expression's metastack */ ries_val *p_x, /* Value of the expression */ ries_dif *p_dx, /* Derivative */ ries_tgs *p_tg, /* tags */ s16 *muc_ptr, /* Metastack undo count */ s16 using_x /* Nonzero if we're currently generating expressions for the LHS tree. */ ) { s16 muc = 0; s16 uc; s16 ip = bpe->elen; s16 sp; s16 exec_err; ries_val x; ries_dif dx; ries_tgs tg; g_cv_calls++; if (g_canon_ops == 0) { *muc_ptr = muc; return 0; } x = *p_x; dx = *p_dx; tg = *p_tg; if (debug_F & g_dbg_side) { printf("canonval: ip %d, el %d [%s] val=%g, dv=%g\n", ip, bpe->elen, bpe->sym, dbl(x), dx); } if ((g_canon_ops & CANONVAL_NEGATE) && (sym_attrs['n'].sa_ct < sym_attrs['n'].sa_alwd) && (x < 0.0) && (ip < MAX_ELEN)) { /* Negate */ bpe->sym[ip++] = 'n'; exec_err = exec(ms, bpe->sym[ip-1], &uc, using_x); muc=(s16)(muc+uc); if (exec_err) { *muc_ptr = muc; return exec_err; } x = ms_peek(ms, &dx, &tg, &sp); if (debug_F & g_dbg_side) { bpe->sym[ip] = 0; printf(" neg -> ip %d, el %d [%s] val=%g, dv=%g, tg %x\n", ip, bpe->elen, bpe->sym, dbl(x), dx, tg); } } if ((g_canon_ops & CANONVAL_RECIPROCAL) && (sym_attrs['r'].sa_ct < sym_attrs['r'].sa_alwd) && (x*x < 1.0) /* faster way to test if (fabs(x) < 1.0) */ && (ip < MAX_ELEN)) { /* Take the reciprocal */ bpe->sym[ip++] = 'r'; exec_err = exec(ms, bpe->sym[ip-1], &uc, using_x); muc=(s16)(muc+uc); if (exec_err) { *muc_ptr = muc; return exec_err; } x = ms_peek(ms, &dx, &tg, &sp); if (debug_F & g_dbg_side) { bpe->sym[ip] = 0; printf(" recip -> ip %d, el %d [%s] val=%g, dv=%g, tg %x\n", ip, bpe->elen, bpe->sym, dbl(x), dx, tg); } } if ((g_canon_ops & CANONVAL_DIV2) && (sym_attrs['/'].sa_ct < sym_attrs['/'].sa_alwd) && (sym_attrs['2'].sa_ct < sym_attrs['2'].sa_alwd) && (x*x >= 4.0) /* faster way to test if (fabs(x) >= 2.0) */ && (ip+1 < MAX_ELEN)) { /* Divide by 2 */ bpe->sym[ip++] = '2'; exec_err = exec(ms, bpe->sym[ip-1], &uc, using_x); muc=(s16)(muc+uc); if (exec_err) { *muc_ptr = muc; return exec_err; } bpe->sym[ip++] = '/'; exec_err = exec(ms, bpe->sym[ip-1], &uc, using_x); muc=(s16)(muc+uc); if (exec_err) { *muc_ptr = muc; return exec_err; } x = ms_peek(ms, &dx, &sp, &tg); if (debug_F & g_dbg_side) { bpe->sym[ip] = 0; printf(" 2/ -> ip %d, el %d [%s] val=%g, dv=%g, tg %x\n", ip, bpe->elen, bpe->sym, dbl(x), dx, tg); } } if ((g_canon_ops & CANONVAL_MUL2) && (sym_attrs['*'].sa_ct < sym_attrs['*'].sa_alwd) && (sym_attrs['2'].sa_ct < sym_attrs['2'].sa_alwd) && (x*x < 1.0) /* faster way to test if (fabs(x) < 1.0) */ && (ip+1 < MAX_ELEN)) { /* Multiply by 2 */ bpe->sym[ip++] = '2'; exec_err = exec(ms, bpe->sym[ip-1], &uc, using_x); muc=(s16)(muc+uc); if (exec_err) { *muc_ptr = muc; return exec_err; } bpe->sym[ip++] = '*'; exec_err = exec(ms, bpe->sym[ip-1], &uc, using_x); muc=(s16)(muc+uc); if (exec_err) { *muc_ptr = muc; return exec_err; } x = ms_peek(ms, &dx, &sp, &tg); if (debug_F & g_dbg_side) { bpe->sym[ip] = 0; printf(" 2* -> ip %d, el %d [%s] val=%g, dv=%g, tg %x\n", ip, bpe->elen, bpe->sym, dbl(x), dx, tg); } } /* We made it through the exec()s without error, so now we'll save the results of our calculations. */ bpe->elen = ip; *p_x = x; *p_dx = dx; *p_tg = tg; *muc_ptr = muc; return 0; } /* End of canon.val */ void decanon(metastack * ms, s16 muc) { while(muc) { ms_undo(ms); muc--; } } /* ge_2 is the core code for generating expressions from a form. base -----bpe----- comp elen syms ab 0 0 - ab 10 1 1 ab 17 2 1l ab 17 2 1n ab 13 1 2 ab 20 2 2r ab 20 2 2q ab 20 2 2l */ stats_count ge_2( form *base, pe *bpe, s16 e_minw, s16 e_maxw, metastack *ms, s16 using_x /* Nonzero if we're currently generating expressions for the LHS tree. */ ) { symbol seft, sym; symbol *syms; s16 ns; s16 in_cpx; /* Complexity of input partial expression */ s16 rminw, rmaxw; s16 ip; stats_count n; s16 recurse; attr_bits atts; s16 muc; /* metastack undo count */ ries_val curtop; ries_dif ctdx; ries_tgs cttg; s16 err; s16 cur_sp; n = 0; muc = 0; ip = bpe->elen; /* ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " Exec symbol and handle errors On entry, ge.2() usually has a symbol that was just added by the parent instance of ge.2(). We start by exec'ing this symbol, then return if any type of error happened. ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " */ if (ip > 0) { g_exec_calls++; /* if there are errors like [0/] or [1nq], we'll return right away, thereby pruning */ err = exec(ms, bpe->sym[ip-1], &muc, using_x); if (err) { if (debug_A & g_dbg_side) { bpe->sym[ip] = 0; printf("prune partial exec error [%s) got %d\n", bpe->sym, err); } while(muc) { ms_undo(ms); muc--; } return 0; } /* Now find out what the current value on the stack is */ curtop = ms_peek(ms, &ctdx, &cttg, &cur_sp); /* We can always prune zero subexpressions. Any solution that contains a zero subexpression can be reduced to a simpler solution that does not contain a zero subexpression. */ if (curtop == k_0) { if (debug_B & g_dbg_side) { bpe->sym[ip] = 0; printf("prune partial zero [%s) = ", bpe->sym); spfg(k_usable_digits, curtop); /* printf(fmt_g_usable, curtop); */ printf("\n"); } while(muc) { ms_undo(ms); muc--; } prune_count += 1.0; return 0; } /* Prune non-integer subexpressions if the -i option was given. */ if (g_restrict_subexpr == TYPE_INT) { if (!TAG_INT_P(cttg)) { if (debug_C & g_dbg_side) { bpe->sym[ip] = 0; printf("prune partial noninteger [%s) = ", bpe->sym); spfg(k_nominal_digits, curtop); /* printf(fmt_g_nominal, curtop); */ printf(" %s", tagname(cttg)); printf("\n"); } while(muc) { ms_undo(ms); muc--; } prune_count += 1.0; return 0; } } /* Similar pruning for less-restrictive values of g_restrict_subexpr. If an option like "-a" is used without modification, this test is redundant because the other restrictions e.g. g_restrict_exponents and the symbolset ensure that functions results remain within the restricted class. */ if (cttg < g_restrict_subexpr) { if (debug_C & g_dbg_side) { bpe->sym[ip] = 0; printf("prune partial g_restr_sub [%s) = ", bpe->sym); spfg(k_nominal_digits, curtop); printf(" %s", tagname(cttg)); printf("\n"); } while(muc) { ms_undo(ms); muc--; } prune_count += 1.0; return 0; } /* %%% here we could do a bt_find to search for the value curtop, and if an exact match is found, confirm that the derivative is also equal, then check if the trailing N opcodes of our PE are equal to that found (if any). If not, our PE is a redundant and possibly more complex way to generate a value, and can be pruned. This should be a significant optimization. It covers the same ground as the AM_ rules, but catches many cases they miss (like multiple equivalent sums: 37+, 28+, 19+, 136++, 136n-+, and on and on... */ /* %%% this could be done more efficiently inside exec() */ /* Any subexpression that overflows either in value or in the derivative causes pruning. */ if ((curtop >= p_ovr) || (curtop <= n_ovr)) { if (debug_D & g_dbg_side) { bpe->sym[ip] = 0; /* Do not display not-yet-exec'd symbols */ printf("prune partial overflow [%s) = ", bpe->sym); spfg(k_nominal_digits, curtop); /* printf(fmt_g_nominal, curtop); */ printf("\n"); } while(muc) { ms_undo(ms); muc--; } prune_count += 1.0; return 0; } /* ignore any LHS partial-expressions with nonzero but very small derivative (tautology problem from roundoff error) */ if (using_x) { /* formerly tested "(fabs(ctdx) > k_0) && (fabs(ctdx) < k_prune_deriv)" pp. 20111228 was "(fabs(ctdx)/(1.0 + fabs(curtop)) < k_prune_deriv)" Test the current top of stack for bogus derivative. We have to test ctdx != 0 to ensure we don't prune constants, like pruning the "2" in "x2+" before the "+" has been executed. The check for full-expression tautologies, e.g. pruning "x^2-x*x", happens in the next block. */ if ( (ctdx != k_0) && (FABS(ctdx)/(1.0 + FABS(curtop)) < k_vanished_dx) ) { bpe->sym[ip] = 0; /* Do not display not-yet-exec'd symbols */ if (debug_B & g_dbg_side) { printf("prune partial dx~=0 [%s) = ", bpe->sym); spfg(k_usable_digits, curtop); /* printf(fmt_g_usable, curtop); */ printf(", d/dx = "); printf(fmt_g_diff, ctdx); printf(" %s", tagname(cttg)); printf("\n"); } while(muc) { ms_undo(ms); muc--; } prune_count += 1.0; return 0; } /* Ignore complete LHS expressions with zero derivative (tautology problem). This catches all normal non-roundoff tautologies, like "-x/x" and "(x-4)-(x-1)" */ if ( (cur_sp == 0) && (FABS(ctdx)/(1.0 + FABS(curtop)) < k_vanished_dx) ) { bpe->sym[ip] = 0; /* Do not display not-yet-exec'd symbols */ if (debug_B & g_dbg_side) { printf("prune full.1 dx~=0 [%s] = ", bpe->sym); spfg(k_usable_digits, curtop); /* printf(fmt_g_usable, curtop); */ printf(", d/dx = "); printf(fmt_g_diff, ctdx); printf(" %s", tagname(cttg)); printf("\n"); } while(muc) { ms_undo(ms); muc--; } prune_count += 1.0; return 0; } } /* End of "if (using_x)" */ } /* End of "if (ip > 0)" */ /* ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " Handling complete expressions If the just-exec'd symbol makes the expression complete, we try to insert it in the database. ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " */ if (ip >= base->flen) { s16 res1; /* it's now as long as it can get. */ /* We still have values of curtop, dx, and cur_sp from calling ms_peek() above */ bpe->sym[ip] = 0; /* Needed by bt.insert */ /* Implement the --find.expression option */ if (g_num_find_expr) { s16 i; for(i=0; isym, g_find_expr[i]) == 0) { printf(" [%s] = ", bpe->sym); spfg(k_usable_digits, curtop); /* printf(fmt_g_usable, curtop); */ if (ctdx != 0) { printf(", d/dx = %g", ctdx); } printf(" %s", tagname(cttg)); printf(", complexity = {%d}\n", bpe->cplx); } } } if (using_x && (fabs(ctdx) < k_vanished_dx)) { if (debug_B & g_dbg_side) { printf("prune full.2 dx~=0 [%s) = ", bpe->sym); spfg(k_usable_digits, curtop); /* printf(fmt_g_usable, curtop); */ printf(", d/dx = "); printf(fmt_g_diff, ctdx); printf(" %s", tagname(cttg)); printf("\n"); } while(muc) { ms_undo(ms); muc--; } prune_count += 1.0; return 0; } else if (curtop < g_min_equ_val) { if (debug_B & g_dbg_side) { printf("prune equval [%s) = ", bpe->sym); spfg(k_usable_digits, curtop); printf(" too low\n"); } while(muc) { ms_undo(ms); muc--; } prune_count += 1.0; return 0; } else if (curtop > g_max_equ_val) { if (debug_B & g_dbg_side) { printf("prune equval [%s) = ", bpe->sym); spfg(k_usable_digits, curtop); printf(" too high\n"); } while(muc) { ms_undo(ms); muc--; } prune_count += 1.0; return 0; } else { s16 uc; /* Metastack undo count for canonval operation */ s16 oip; oip = bpe->elen; /* Bring value into canonical range */ err = canonval(bpe, ms, &curtop, &ctdx, &cttg, &uc, using_x); if (err) { if (debug_G & g_dbg_side) { bpe->sym[ip] = 0; printf("prune canonval exec error [%s) got %d\n", bpe->sym, err); } while(uc) { ms_undo(ms); uc--; } return 0; /* Don't count this as a valid generated expression. */ } /* Looks good so far, now try to insert in tree */ bpe->sym[bpe->elen] = 0; /* Needed by bt.insert */ if (bt_insert(curtop, ctdx, cttg, bpe, &res1)) { /* this is in ge_2 */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: Out of memory\n", g_argv0); print_end(1); } if (res1 == 0) { if (debug_E & g_dbg_side) { printf("reject [%s] = ", bpe->sym); spfg(k_usable_digits, curtop); /* printf(fmt_g_usable, curtop); */ printf(" (duplicate value)\n"); } /* We do not undo and return 0 here, because we want to count this as a "generated value". So we fall through to the "return 1;" below. */ } else if (debug_G & g_dbg_side) { /* We do this debug print in infix, because it's so useful for things like OEIS sequence A005245. */ printf("ge_2 inserted "); expr_print_infix(bpe->sym, 0); printf(" = "); spfg(k_usable_digits, curtop); /* printf(fmt_g_usable, curtop); */ if (ctdx != 0) { printf(", d/dx = "); printf(fmt_g_diff, ctdx); } printf(" %s", tagname(cttg)); printf(" {%d}\n", bpe->cplx); } /* Undo the canonval ops */ decanon(ms, uc); bpe->elen = oip; } /* undo stack manipulation and return */ while(muc) { ms_undo(ms); muc--; } return 1; /* We generated 1 item */ } /* End of "if (ip >= base->flen)" */ /* ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " Generate and add the next symbol(s) We reach here if we have an incomplete expression. This is also the first code executed in the case where there is no expression yet (initial call from ge.1()) ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " */ /* get seft and comp */ seft = base->sym[ip]; in_cpx = bpe->cplx; /* set up our variables for generation. Here we get a pointer to the list of symbols of the seft for this position in the form. %%% solve-for-x: If we're generating LHS's, this list will be either the LHS symlist or the RHS list, depending on the value of cur_sp */ syms = 0; ns = 0; switch(seft) { case 'a': syms = g_asym; ns = n_asym; break; case 'b': syms = g_bsym; ns = n_bsym; break; case 'c': syms = g_csym; ns = n_csym; break; } /* find out how much weight might be added to complete this expression. these stats were pre-computed at the start of the form (by ge.1) */ rminw = bpe->pe_rminw[ip+1]; rmaxw = bpe->pe_rmaxw[ip+1]; /* ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " Prune pattern recognition Here we look at the recentmost few symbols and match them against all the special patterns used for pruning. ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " */ /* calculate the attributes for the symbols we have so far */ if (ip > 0) { if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { bpe->sym[ip] = 0; printf("attributes for [%s)%c: ", bpe->sym, seft); } } atts = using_x ? 0 : AM_RHS; /* no debug print for using_x because it's pretty obvious */ if (ip > 2) { /* Three-symbol patterns */ if ( (base->sym[ip-1] == 'a') && (base->sym[ip-2] == 'c') && (base->sym[ip-3] == 'a') ) { /* We have ...aca */ if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" (%c%c%c)", bpe->sym[ip-3], bpe->sym[ip-2], bpe->sym[ip-1]); } /* KxK rule is true if we do K * K with the same constant both times. */ if (bpe->sym[ip-1] == bpe->sym[ip-3]) { if (bpe->sym[ip-2] == '*') { atts |= AM_KxK; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" K*K"); } } else if (bpe->sym[ip-2] == '+') { atts |= AM_KpK; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" K+K"); } } } } } if (ip > 1) { /* two-symbol patterns */ if (seft == 'c') { s16 a1i; /* next symbol will be a binary operator; look at arg1 */ a1i = base->arg1[ip]; if (a1i >= 0) { if (bpe->sym[a1i] == 'e') { atts |= AM_a1_e; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" e.."); } } else if (bpe->sym[a1i] == '1') { atts |= AM_a1_1; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" 1.."); } } else if (bpe->sym[a1i] == 'r') { atts |= AM_a1_r; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" r.."); } } } } /* currently, all two-symbol patterns are for (aa) forms */ if ((base->sym[ip-1] == 'a') && (base->sym[ip-2] == 'a')) { if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" (%c%c)", bpe->sym[ip-2], bpe->sym[ip-1]); } /* KK rule is true if the same constant occurs twice in a row. */ if (bpe->sym[ip-1] == bpe->sym[ip-2]) { atts |= AM_KK; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" KK"); } } /* 55 rule is true if both constants are integers less than or equal * to 5. */ if ((bpe->sym[ip-1] < '6') && (bpe->sym[ip-2] < '6')) { atts |= AM_55; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" 55"); } } /* 1K rule is true if first constant is 1 */ if (bpe->sym[ip-2] == '1') { atts |= AM_1K; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" 1K"); } } /* jK rule: true if smaller constant is followed by larger constant. * For these purposes, the noninteger constants are considered * larger than all the integers. (This can be changed if necessary * by adding an indirection array defining symbol sequence, or by * using the symbol weights as a sequencing measure -- but for now, * it works fine this way.) */ if (bpe->sym[ip-1] > bpe->sym[ip-2]) { atts |= AM_jK; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" jK"); } } } } if (ip > 0) { /* one-symbol patterns */ #if 0 if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" (%c)", bpe->sym[ip-1]); } if (bpe->sym[ip-1] == '1') { atts |= AM_1; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" 1"); } } else if (bpe->sym[ip-1] == '2') { atts |= AM_2; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" 2"); } } else if (bpe->sym[ip-1] == 'n') { atts |= AM_n; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" n"); } } else if (bpe->sym[ip-1] == 'r') { atts |= AM_r; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" r"); } } else if (bpe->sym[ip-1] == 'l') { atts |= AM_l; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" l"); } } else if (bpe->sym[ip-1] == 'E') { atts |= AM_E; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" E"); } } else if (bpe->sym[ip-1] == 'p') { atts |= AM_pi; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" p"); } } else if ((bpe->sym[ip-1] == 's') || (bpe->sym[ip-1] == 'q')) { atts |= AM_sq; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" sq"); } } if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf("\n"); } #else atts |= sym_attrs[bpe->sym[ip-1]].amkey; if (debug_H & g_dbg_side) { printf(" (%c)", bpe->sym[ip-1]); if (atts & AM_1) { printf(" 1"); } if (atts & AM_2) { printf(" 2"); } if (atts & AM_n) { printf(" n"); } if (atts & AM_r) { printf(" r"); } if (atts & AM_l) { printf(" l"); } if (atts & AM_E) { printf(" E"); } if (atts & AM_pi) { printf(" p"); } if (atts & AM_sq) { printf(" sq"); } if (atts & AM_plus) { printf(" +"); } if (atts & AM_mul) { printf(" *"); } if (atts & AM_pow) { printf(" ^"); } printf("\n"); } #endif } /* ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " Symbol-append loop Here we look at all the eligible symbols, and for each one we check the complexity limits to see if the symbol can be added to our partial expression. ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' " */ bpe->elen = (s16)(ip + 1); if (debug_I & g_dbg_side) { printf("%d symbols to try.\n", ns); } while (ns > 0) { s16 t_cpx; /* Test complexity with each candidate symbol */ /* get next symbol and see what this does to our complexity score */ sym = *syms++; t_cpx = (s16)(in_cpx + sym_attrs[sym].sa_wgt); if (debug_I & g_dbg_side) { bpe->sym[ip] = 0; printf("trying [%s) . '%c' {%d}:\n", bpe->sym, sym, t_cpx); } /* begin pruning */ recurse = 1; if (0) { /* Can the remaining symbols make a full expression that is within the global complexity limits? */ } else if (t_cpx + rminw > e_maxw) { if (debug_J & g_dbg_side) { printf("prune complexity {%d} + rminw[%d] {%d} > e_maxw {%d}\n", t_cpx, ip+1, rminw, e_maxw); } recurse = 0; } else if (t_cpx + rmaxw < e_minw) { if (debug_J & g_dbg_side) { printf("prune complexity {%d} + rmaxw[%d] {%d} < e_minw {%d}\n", t_cpx, ip+1, rmaxw, e_minw); } recurse = 0; /* does this symbol generate a stupid combination? */ } else if (atts & sym_attrs[sym].sa_mask) { if (debug_K & g_dbg_side) { printf("prune on symbol rules: "); if (ip > 2) putchar(bpe->sym[ip-3]); if (ip > 1) putchar(bpe->sym[ip-2]); if (ip > 0) putchar(bpe->sym[ip-1]); printf(":%c atts %x & mask %x == %x reject\n", sym, atts, sym_attrs[sym].sa_mask, atts & sym_attrs[sym].sa_mask); } recurse = 0; /* LHS expressions always start with 'x' */ } else if (using_x && (ip == 0) && (sym != 'x')) { if (debug_K & g_dbg_side) { printf("prune LHS must start with 'x'\n"); } recurse = 0; /* Check symbol count for this symbol */ } else if (sym_attrs[sym].sa_ct >= sym_attrs[sym].sa_alwd) { if (debug_L & g_dbg_side) { printf("prune symcount[%c]\n", sym); } recurse = 0; } if (recurse) { /* we're going to use this symbol: write it into the BPE */ bpe->sym[ip] = sym; sym_attrs[sym].sa_ct = (s16)(sym_attrs[sym].sa_ct + 1); /* update complexity */ bpe->cplx = t_cpx; /* okay, it's all set to recurse */ n += ge_2(base, bpe, e_minw, e_maxw, ms, using_x); /* ge_2 self-recursive call */ /* undo the writing of this symbol. */ sym_attrs[sym].sa_ct = (s16)(sym_attrs[sym].sa_ct - 1); } else { prune_count += 1.0; } ns--; } /* End of "while (ns > 0)" */ /* undo the damage */ bpe->elen = ip; bpe->cplx = in_cpx; /* we're done with the IR's of this opcode */ while(muc) { ms_undo(ms); muc--; } return n; } /* End of ge.2 */ /* ge.1() takes a complete form like "aabacbc" and sets up the data structures needed by ge.2() to generate and execute all valid expressions (like [32s1+s*]) that fit that form. This includes a metastack, lists of complexity ranges, etc. */ stats_count ge_1(form *base, s16 e_minw, s16 e_maxw, s16 using_x, s16 a_minw, s16 a_maxw, s16 b_minw, s16 b_maxw, s16 c_minw, s16 c_maxw) /* %%% For proper solve-for-x with restricted symbol sets, the {a|b|c}_{min|max}w variables will have been generated from two sets of {a|b|c}_{min|max}w variables depending on whether we are generating an RHS or an LHS */ { pe bpe; metastack ms; s16 blen; stats_count n; s16 i, rminw, rmaxw; symbol sym; long start_ins_count; blen = base->flen; /* put a null at the end, used by the debug prints */ (*base).sym[blen] = 0; if (debug_t) { printf("ge_1 on form {%s}\n", (char *) (&((*base).sym[0]))); printf("%3d >= %3d <= {%s} <= %3d >= %3d\n", e_maxw, base->min_weight, (char *) (&((*base).sym[0])), base->max_weight, e_minw); } n = 0; /* set up the pe struct */ bpe.cplx = 0; bpe.elen = 0; /* calculate and fill in the rmimw (remaining minimum weight) and rmaxw (remaining maximum weight) fields. For example, if the form is [abac] (length 4), the pe_rminw and pe_rmaxw arrays get set up like this: i 0 1 2 3 4 symbol seft a b a c - pe_rminw[i] 31 21 14 4 0 pe_rmaxw[i] 63 44 28 9 0 Each element of the array tells how much complexity might be added by the symbols at that position and later in the expression. For example, position 3 is seft c, and the minw and maxw values are 4 and 9. This is the symbol weight range for seft c (ranging from 4 points for [*] to 9 points for [L]) %%% For proper solve-for-x with restricted symbol sets, the {a|b|c}_{min|max}w variables will have been generated from two sets of {a|b|c}_{min|max}w variables depending on whether we are generating an RHS or an LHS */ if (debug_u) { printf("setting up rminw and rmaxw arrays for form [%s] (length %d):\n", (*base).sym, blen); } rminw = rmaxw = 0; i=blen; if (debug_u) { printf(" position %d (no sym): rminw[%d] = %d, rmaxw[%d] = %d.\n", i, i, rminw, i,rmaxw); } bpe.pe_rminw[i] = rminw; bpe.pe_rmaxw[i] = rmaxw; while(i>0) { i--; sym = (*base).sym[i]; switch(sym) { case 'a': rminw = (s16)(rminw + a_minw); rmaxw = (s16)(rmaxw + a_maxw); break; case 'b': rminw = (s16)(rminw + b_minw); rmaxw = (s16)(rmaxw + b_maxw); break; case 'c': rminw = (s16)(rminw + c_minw); rmaxw = (s16)(rmaxw + c_maxw); break; } if (debug_u) { printf(" position %d, seft %c: rminw[%d] = %d, rmaxw[%d] = %d.\n", i, sym, i, rminw, i,rmaxw); } bpe.pe_rminw[i] = rminw; bpe.pe_rmaxw[i] = rmaxw; } /* set up the metastack */ ms_init(&ms); /* generate! */ start_ins_count = insert_count; n = ge_2(base, &bpe, e_minw, e_maxw, &ms, using_x); /* this is in ge_1 */ if(debug_v) { printf("form %s generated %ld expressions", base->sym, (long) n); if (insert_count > start_ins_count) { printf(" and inserted %ld", insert_count - start_ins_count); } printf(".\n"); } return n; } /* long g_dstats[MAX_ELEN]; */ /* generate forms by simple recursive algorithm. ------base------ ------next------ flen sym-- stack flen sym-- stack Comments 0 - 0 Initial call 0 - 0 1 a 1 Setting up call to myself 1 a 1 Entering recursive invocation 1 a 1 2 aa 2 Setting up call to myself . . . (. . .) 1 a 1 Entering recursive invocation 1 a 1 2 ab 1 Setting up another call to myself */ stats_count gf_1(form *base, s16 e_minw, s16 e_maxw, s16 using_x, s16 a_minw, s16 a_maxw, s16 b_minw, s16 b_maxw, s16 c_minw, s16 c_maxw) /* %%% For proper solve-for-x with restricted symbol sets, the {a|b|c}_{min|max}w variables will have been generated from two sets of {a|b|c}_{min|max}w variables depending on whether we are generating an RHS or an LHS */ { s16 blen; form next; s16 i, recurse_forms, gen_expr; symbol s, slim; stats_count n; /* The "No identity optimization" skips the use of the 'I' operator and instead avoids using the 'b' seft in gf_1. */ #define NO_IDENTITY_OPTIMIZATION /* enable when brave */ #ifdef NO_IDENTITY_OPTIMIZATION int sincr; #endif n = 0; /* copy base form */ blen = base->flen; for(i=0; istack + (((symbol)'b') - s)); /* Compute the minimum and maximum possible weights, including the symbols we got from base plus the symbol we just added */ if (s == 'a') { next.min_weight = (s16)(base->min_weight + a_minw); next.max_weight = (s16)(base->max_weight + a_maxw); } else if (s == 'b') { next.min_weight = (s16)(base->min_weight + b_minw); next.max_weight = (s16)(base->max_weight + b_maxw); } else { next.min_weight = (s16)(base->min_weight + c_minw); next.max_weight = (s16)(base->max_weight + c_maxw); } /* check form symtax */ recurse_forms = 1; if (next.stack < 1) { /* stack can't be zero or underflow */ if (debug_w) { printf("gf_1 prune [%s) stack would underflow\n", next.sym); } recurse_forms = 0; } else if (next.min_weight + s_minw > e_maxw) { /* adding this symbol would make a form that can't possibly generate any expressions within the given complexity range. */ if (debug_w) { printf("gf_1 prune [%s) complexity\n", next.sym); } recurse_forms = 0; } else if (blen > MAX_ELEN) { /* limits expression length to our physical allocation size. If this actually triggers at runtime, it implies that the weights are too spread out or that MAX_ELEN is just too darn small. */ if (debug_w) { printf("gf_1 prune [%s) length\n", next.sym); } recurse_forms = 0; } else if ((next.flen + next.stack) > MAX_ELEN + 1) { /* in this case it would have no way of getting the stack down to one item before exceeding MAX_ELEN */ if (debug_w) { printf("gf_1 prune [%s) stack too high\n", next.sym); } recurse_forms = 0; } /* Fill in the stack-height and arg1 arrays. Here are some examples: expr xsE1Exs^- xsEexs^- 34+ ix 012345678 01234567 012 form abbababcc abbaabcc aac stk 111223321 11123321 121 arg1 .......42 ......32 ..0 */ next.stk[blen] = next.stack; next.arg1[blen] = ARG1_NA; /* Default value is "not applicable" */ if (s == ((symbol)'c')) { /* Find where the first argument is */ for (i=(s16)(blen-2); i>=0; i--) { if (next.stk[i] == next.stack) { next.arg1[blen] = i; i = -1; /* we found it, make the loop exit */ } } } /* check viability for expressions */ gen_expr = 0; if (next.stack == 1) { gen_expr = 1; /* if (next.flen < MAX_ELEN) { g_dstats[next.flen]++; } */ if (next.min_weight > e_maxw) { if (debug_w) { printf("gf_1 [%s] min weight too big for expressions\n", next.sym); } gen_expr = 0; } else if (next.max_weight < e_minw) { if (debug_w) { printf("gf_1 [%s] max weight too small for expressions\n", next.sym); } gen_expr = 0; } } if (gen_expr) { if (debug_w) { printf("gf_1 generating expressions on form [%s]\n", next.sym); } g_ne += ge_1(&next, e_minw, e_maxw, using_x, a_minw, a_maxw, b_minw, b_maxw, c_minw, c_maxw); /* this is in gf_1 */ } /* recurse, if appropriate */ if (recurse_forms) { n += gf_1(&next, e_minw, e_maxw, using_x, a_minw, a_maxw, b_minw, b_maxw, c_minw, c_maxw); /* gf_1 self-recursive */ } /* count the leaf nodes... leaf. huh-huh. heh huh heh-heh. */ if (gen_expr) { n++; } } return(n); } /* End of gf.1 */ /* generate forms on-the-fly, given a minimum and maxmum complexity score. * It will generate all expressions with valid forms that lie within the * complexity limits. */ stats_count gen_forms(s16 e_minw, s16 e_maxw, s16 using_x, s16 a_minw, s16 a_maxw, s16 b_minw, s16 b_maxw, s16 c_minw, s16 c_maxw) /* %%% For proper solve-for-x with restricted symbol sets, the {a|b|c}_{min|max}w variables will have been generated from two sets of {a|b|c}_{min|max}w variables depending on whether we are generating an RHS or an LHS */ { form base; stats_count n; /* int i; for(i=0; i= {"); for(i=0; i 0) { printf(", "); } printf("%ld", g_dstats[i]); } printf(", ...}\n"); } */ return(n); } /* End of gen.forms */ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Routines for initializing the data structures and variables used for the search. */ /* The amkey is a bitmask of all the single-symbol pattern flag bits * for a symbol. For example, the symbol 'n' has a single bit, AM_n. This * is all just a lookup-table optimization for ge.2(), which would * otherwise have to compare the current symbol against all the * single-symbol flags. */ void def_amkey(const char * syms, attr_bits mask) { symbol * s = (symbol *) syms; while(*s) { sym_attrs[*s].amkey |= mask; s++; } } void define_amkeys(void) { def_amkey("1", AM_1); def_amkey("2", AM_2); def_amkey("n", AM_n); def_amkey("r", AM_r); def_amkey("sq", AM_sq); def_amkey("l", AM_l); def_amkey("E", AM_E); def_amkey("p", AM_pi); def_amkey("+", AM_plus); def_amkey("*", AM_mul); def_amkey("^", AM_pow); } void add_symbol(symbol sym, const char * name_forth, const char * name_infix, symbol seft, s16 weight, const char * def_terse, const char * def_normal, const char * description) { if (out_expr_format == OF_NORMAL) { sym_attrs[sym].defn = def_normal; } else { sym_attrs[sym].defn = def_terse; } if (sym_attrs[sym].defn) { if(strlen(sym_attrs[sym].defn) > LINELEFT_INIT) { printf("Symbol definition for '%c' too long:\n%s\n", sym, sym_attrs[sym].defn); } } sym_attrs[sym].desc = description; /* Only set the names if the user didn't assign a non-null name */ if ((sym_attrs[sym].sa_name==0) || (strlen(sym_attrs[sym].sa_name) == 0)) { if (name_infix) { sym_attrs[sym].sa_name = name_infix; } if (name_forth) { sym_attrs[sym].name_forth = name_forth; } } sym_attrs[sym].seft = seft; if (IS_PHANTOM(sym)) { return; } /* All symbols have a base complexity of 10 points, plus the individual per-symbol weight */ if (sym_attrs[sym].preempt_weight >= 0) { weight = sym_attrs[sym].preempt_weight; } else { weight = (s16)(weight + weight_base); } sym_attrs[sym].sa_wgt = weight; sym_attrs[sym].sa_mask = 0; if (sym_attrs[sym].sa_alwd == 0) { return; } /* Set the sa_known flag to keep track of which symbols made it this far; this is for use by setup_abc_mmw(). */ g_addsym_seq++; sym_attrs[sym].sa_known = g_addsym_seq; /* printf("add_symbol: '%c'\n", (char) sym); */ if (seft == 'a') { if (n_asym >= MAX_SEFT_POP) { printf("add_symbol: Too many seft 'a' symbols.\n"); print_end(-1); } g_asym[n_asym++] = sym; } else if (seft == 'b') { if (n_bsym >= MAX_SEFT_POP) { printf("add_symbol: Too many seft 'b' symbols.\n"); print_end(-1); } g_bsym[n_bsym++] = sym; } else if (seft == 'c') { if (n_csym >= MAX_SEFT_POP) { printf("add_symbol: Too many seft 'c' symbols.\n"); print_end(-1); } g_csym[n_csym++] = sym; } } /* End of add.symbol */ /* Calculate, or re-calculate, the global g_{a|b|c}_{min|max}w variables and s_minw. This is needed for proper solve-for-x with restricted symbol sets. */ void setup_abc_mmw(void) { int i; symbol seft; s16 weight; /* %%% For proper solve-for-x with restricted symbol sets, we'll probably need to recalculate the number of symbols in n_{a|b|c}sym and rebuild the g_{a|b|c}sym arrays. If needed, I can preserve the order of the arrays (which affects the order symbols are tried in ge_2) by using the g_addsym_seq values in sa_known. */ g_a_minw = g_b_minw = g_c_minw = (int) MAX_SYMBOL_WEIGHT; g_a_maxw = g_b_maxw = g_c_maxw = (int) MIN_SYMBOL_WEIGHT; for (i=0; i g_a_maxw) { g_a_maxw = weight; } } else if (seft == 'b') { if (weight < g_b_minw) { g_b_minw = weight; } if (weight > g_b_maxw) { g_b_maxw = weight; } } else if (seft == 'c') { if (weight < g_c_minw) { g_c_minw = weight; } if (weight > g_c_maxw) { g_c_maxw = weight; } } } } } s_minw = g_a_minw; if (g_b_minw < s_minw) { s_minw = g_b_minw; } if (g_c_minw < s_minw) { s_minw = g_c_minw; } } /* End of setup.abc_mmw */ const char * seft_names[3] = { "Explicit values", "Functions of one argument", "Functions of two arguments", }; /* Show the set of symbols that is defined, along with seft, weight, definition, etc. */ void show_symset(void) { int i, seft; const char * def; for(seft = 'a'; seft <= 'c'; seft++) { printf("%s:\n", seft_names[seft-'a']); printf(" sym seft wght name description\n"); for (i=0; i 1.0) { i -= 1.0; /* 1.0 + 1/i * (k_e) */ k_e = 1.0 + k_e / i; } if (debug_z) { printf("init_num: k_e "); spfg(k_nominal_digits, k_e); printf(" chk "); spfg(k_nominal_digits, check_e); printf(" diff %g\n", dbl(check_e - k_e)); } } { ries_val check_pi = (ries_val) 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716L; ries_val i; /* This pi algorithm is based on the infinite sum attributed to Isaac Newton: pi/2 = SIGMA_(k=0..inf) [ k! / (2k+1)!! ] = 1 + 1/3 + 2/5*3 + 3*2/7*5*3 + 4*3*2/9*7*5*3 + ... = 1 + 1/3 * (1 + 2/5 * (1 + 3/7 * (1 + 4/9 * (1 + ...)))) which can be readily unrolled into the loop shown here. It is slow (requiring lots of divisions by distinct primes) but surpasses faster-converging methods like Gauss-Legendre and Borwein-Borwein in that it produces the most precise possible answer in IEEE binary64. */ i = 103.0; /* 50 for IEEE binary64; 61 for long double; 103 for PowerPC long double */ k_pi = 1.57; while(i > 1.0) { i -= 1.0; k_pi = 1.0 + (i / (1.0 + (2.0 * i))) * k_pi; } k_pi = 2.0 * k_pi; if (debug_z) { printf("init_num: k_pi "); spfg(k_nominal_digits, k_pi); printf(" chk "); spfg(k_nominal_digits, check_pi); printf(" diff %g\n", dbl(check_pi - k_pi)); } /* If the trig scale hasn't been set, use the default value */ if (k_sincos_arg_scale <= 0) { k_sincos_arg_scale = k_pi; g_trig_scale_default = B_TRUE; } k_2pi = 2.0 * k_pi; } } /* End of init.numerics */ /* init_symbol_names does nothing now, but will be needed when / user-defined functions and constants are implemented. The symbol names / table is updated as we parse through the arguments, and once defined, / a symbol name can be used by another function definition. This routine / will set up this database in a suitable initial state. */ void init_symbol_names(void) { int i; for(i=0; i<"), 'c', 0, 0, 0, 0); add_symbol(ADDSYM_NAMES(PS_REVPOW, 0, "!^"), 'c', 0, 0, 0, 0); /* These are used for infix formatting */ /* sym_attrs['('].sa_name = "("; sym_attrs[')'].sa_name = ")"; */ add_symbol(ADDSYM_NAMES('(', 0, "("), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); add_symbol(ADDSYM_NAMES(',', 0, ","), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* Arg sep for atan2 */ add_symbol(ADDSYM_NAMES(')', 0, ")"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); add_symbol(ADDSYM_NAMES('=', 0, "="), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* This symbol is a temporary placeholder for infix multiplication. %%% Figure out if I need this at all, or use PS_cross instead */ sym_attrs['.'].sa_name = " "; /* Report error and abort if there is only one type A symbol (namely X, which is always included) */ if (n_asym < 2) { printf("%s: You must allow at least one constant symbol.\n", g_argv0); if (S_option) { printf(" (Note that the -S option disables all other symbols)\n"); } brief_help(); print_end(1); } if (n_bsym == 0) { if (n_csym == 0) { printf("%s: You must allow at least one operator symbol.\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(1); } #ifdef NO_IDENTITY_OPTIMIZATION /* With the "no identity" optimization we don't need this kludge. */ #else /* Add "identity" operator if there are no type B symbols */ sym_attrs['I'].sa_alwd = MAX_ELEN; add_symbol(ADDSYM_NAMES('I', "nop", "I"), 'b', 10, "I = identity", 0, "identity"); g_used_identity = B_TRUE; #endif } /* Setup the g_{a|b|c}_{min|max}w variables */ setup_abc_mmw(); /* If there are no type C symbols, gf_1 will notice n_csym and will skip generating forms with 'c's */ define_amkeys(); /* operators have masks for pruning (optimization). These are commented * with reasons, given as "transformation" equations. A transformation * looks like this: [KK*] => [Ks], and represents two sequences of operators * that have the same value or have the same effect in an expression. The * form to the left of the '=>' is the form being eliminated by the rule, * and the form to the right is shown to demonstrate why the form on the * left is eliminated. When the transformation has a shorter form on the * right than on the left, as with [1r] => [1], the reason for the rule * is obvious. In other cases it is important to eliminate only the form * that has a higher complexity score. If the scores are equal, such as * [rn] => [nr], we pick one that interacts favorably with other rules. * The form on the right is said to be "forced", meaning that any expressions * involving this type of calculation are "forced" to do it in the right-hand * form. * You must not "force" a form that is also eliminated by another rule! * For example, the following two rules are OK by themselves, but together * cause a problem: * [sr] => [rs] * [rs] => [sr] * However, you can also "force" a form that is also "forced" into another * form by another rule. The following two rules exemplify this: * [rn] => [nr] * [rq] => [qr] * These two rules, combined, make sure that 'r' never comes before 'n' * or 'q'; this will cause the combinations of 'r', 'n', and 'q' to be * reduced from six {[rnq], [rqn], [nrq], [nqr], [qrn], [qnr]} to * two {[nqr], [qnr]} * Each rule has a symbolset which must be present in order for that * rule to be used (in a few cases this symset is null). * symset sym mask mval */ add_rule("", 'x', AM_RHS); add_rule("nr", 'n', AM_r); /* [rn] => [nr] */ add_rule("", 'n', AM_n); /* [nn] => [] */ add_rule("1", 'r', AM_1); /* [1r] => [1] */ add_rule("", 'r', AM_r); /* [rr] => [] */ add_rule("1", 's', AM_1); /* [1s] => [1] */ add_rule("4", 's', AM_2); /* [2s] => [4] */ add_rule("s", 's', AM_n); /* [ns] => [s] */ add_rule("rs", 's', AM_r); /* [rs] => [sr] */ add_rule("4^", 's', AM_sq); /* [qs] => []; [ss] => [4^] */ add_rule("1", 'q', AM_1); /* [1q] => [1] */ add_rule("rq", 'q', AM_r); /* [rq] => [qr] */ add_rule("4v", 'q', AM_sq); /* [sq] => []; [qq] => [4v] */ add_rule("", 'l', AM_1); /* [1l] => 0 */ add_rule("ln", 'l', AM_r); /* [rl] => [ln] */ add_rule("", 'l', AM_E); /* [El] => [] */ add_rule("", 'E', AM_l); /* [lE] => [] */ add_rule("Er", 'E', AM_n); /* [nE] => [Er] */ add_rule("Sn", 'S', AM_n); /* [nS] => [Sn] */ add_rule("C", 'C', AM_n); /* [nC] => [C] */ /* The operators are not included in their own require-symset string unless they are also used in the target of the forced transformation. This is important with the -O option. For example, if they specify -O+, the '+' rules will have the effect of "saving" the '+' for "a more important", i.e. irreducible, use. Of course, it doesn't actually prevent solutions from being found, it just makes them get found sooner. */ add_rule("2*", '+', AM_KK); /* [KK+] => [K2*] */ add_rule("*23456789", /* If our integers maxed out at an even number we wouldn't need the "*" here */ '+', AM_55); /* [25+]=>[7]; [55+]=>[52*] */ add_rule("+", '+', AM_jK); /* [jK+] => [Kj+] */ add_rule("-", '+', AM_n); /* [n+] => [-] */ add_rule("", '-', AM_KK); /* [KK-] => 0 */ add_rule("1234n",'-', AM_55); /* [JK-] => [L] or [Ln] */ add_rule("12345678n", '-', AM_jK); /* [35-] => [2n] */ add_rule("+", '-', AM_n); /* [n-] => [+] */ add_rule("s", '*', AM_KK); /* [KK*] => [Ks] */ add_rule("*", '*', AM_jK); /* [jK*] => [Kj*] */ add_rule("*", '*', AM_1); /* [1*] => [] */ add_rule("*n", '*', AM_n); /* [n*] => [*n] */ add_rule("/", '*', AM_r); /* [r*] => [/] */ add_rule("1", '/', AM_KK); /* [KK/] => [1] */ add_rule("r", '/', AM_1K); /* [1K/] => [Kr] */ add_rule("", '/', AM_1); /* [1/] => [] */ add_rule("/n", '/', AM_n); /* [n/] => [/n] */ add_rule("*", '/', AM_r); /* [r/] => [*] */ add_rule("", '^', AM_1); /* [1^] => [] */ add_rule("s", '^', AM_2); /* [2^] => [s] */ add_rule("^r", '^', AM_n); /* [n^] => [^r] */ add_rule("1", '^', AM_1K); /* [1K^] => [1] */ add_rule("v", '^', AM_r); /* [r^] => [v] */ add_rule("", 'v', AM_1); /* [1v] => [] */ add_rule("q", 'v', AM_2); /* [2v] => [q] */ add_rule("vr", 'v', AM_n); /* [nv] => [vr] */ add_rule("1", 'v', AM_1K); /* [1Kv] => [1] */ add_rule("^", 'v', AM_r); /* [rv] => [^] */ add_rule("1", 'L', AM_KK); /* [KKL] => [1] */ add_rule("", 'L', AM_1); /* [1L] => undefined */ add_rule("Ln", 'L', AM_r); /* [rL] => [Ln] */ add_rule("", 'L', AM_1K); /* [1KL] => 0 */ if (k_sincos_arg_scale == 1.0) { /* Added on 20070511 */ add_rule("", 'S', AM_pi); /* [pS] => 0 */ /* Added on 20090513 */ add_rule("1n", 'C', AM_pi); /* [pC] => [1n] */ } /* Added on 20090513 */ add_rule("", '/', AM_KxK);/* [K*K/] -> [] */ /* Added on 20111230 */ add_rule("", '-', AM_KpK);/* [K+K-] -> [] */ /* 20130130: The commutative operators + and * have the property that A+(B+C) = (A+B)+C. Thus, we can add a rule that forces one or the other of these two forms; the easier one to force is left-hand associative, i.e. do each operation as soon as possible. */ add_rule("", '+', AM_plus); /* [ABC++] -> [AB+C+] */ add_rule("", '*', AM_mul); /* [ABC**] -> [AB*C*] */ /* 20130130: Here we force A^(B*C) into the equivalent form (A^B)^C, which is only available if more than one ^ symbol is allowed. */ add_rule("^", '^', AM_mul); /* [ABC*^] -> [AB^C^] */ /* 20130130: [AB^q] = sqrt(A^B) is the same as [AqB^] = sqrt(A)^B */ add_rule("", 'q', AM_pow); /* [AB^q] -> [AqB^] */ /* 20141212: [2E]->[es], e.g. 1.07822380518236 finds xfLr = 2E1- */ add_rule("es", 'E', AM_2); /* [2E] => [es] */ add_rule("E", '^', AM_a1_e); /* [e..^] => [..E] */ /* 20141213 If I disable these I can find examples with the #search1# script, e.g. the command ./search1 es '1ab/' found that "ries 3.31130856083748 -F0 -n999 -l3 --no-refinement --max-match-distance 1e-6" gave the result "x4xr-+ = 31pq/v" */ add_rule("", '*', AM_a1_1); /* [1..*] => [..] */ add_rule("r", '/', AM_a1_1); /* [1../] => [..r] */ /* 20141215 More redundancy found via ./search1 es '[1r]ab*[v^]' */ add_rule("", 'v', AM_a1_r); /* [r..v] => [..vr] */ add_rule("", '^', AM_a1_r); /* [r..^] => [..^r] */ add_rule("e", 'E', AM_1); /* [1E] => [e] */ /* Compute the weight of the most complex expression that could possibly fit in the available MAX_ELEN symbols */ { s16 el_tmp = MAX_ELEN >> 1; /* Half, rounded down */ if (MAX_ELEN & 1) { /* Odd max length: most cplx is of the form [aaacc] */ g_exhaust_cpx = ((s16) ((el_tmp+1)*g_a_maxw + el_tmp*g_c_maxw)); } else { /* Even max length: most cplx is of the form [aaabcc] */ g_exhaust_cpx = ((s16) (el_tmp*g_a_maxw + g_b_maxw + (el_tmp-1)*g_c_maxw)); } /* Compute the alternative using all b's i.e. [abbbbb] */ el_tmp = ((s16) (g_a_maxw + (MAX_ELEN-1)*g_b_maxw)); /* See if the [abbbbb] complexity is bigger */ if (el_tmp > g_exhaust_cpx) { g_exhaust_cpx = el_tmp; } } /* This init is for ge_2. */ for(i=0; i>10); /* Carefully track memory usage */ mem_used_bytes += (2 * sizeof(symbol)); } if (g_target == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Target number cannot be zero.\n", g_argv0); exit(-1); } } /* End of init.2() */ int g_got_target; /* Parse out a number from a string and set g_target and g_targ_tags based on the result. This is a fancy version of sscanf. The additional functions it provides over sscanf are: * Comma and period are both accepted as a decimal point * Blank spaces are allowed between digits * It computes the magnitude of the ULP (unit in the last place) of the mantissa, which is needed for the --mad option */ int parse_target(char *str) { int nv; size_t slen; char * s; char * last_digit; ries_val targ; nv = 0; /* Default return value is "failure" */ g_mag_ulp = 0; /* By default, the ULP measurement is zero, which will / prevent use of --mad */ /* Copy the string, leaving out any blank spaces and changing ',' to '.' */ slen = strlen(str); s = (char *) malloc(slen+1); { unsigned int i, j; for(i=0, j=0; i= '0') && (s[i] <= '9')) { section = 'm'; /* mantissa */ last_digit = &(s[i]); init_sig = 0; } else if (s[i] == '.') { section = 'm'; /* initial decimal point, mantissa */ num_dots++; } else { s[i] = '0'; going = 0; } } else if (section == 'm') { /* Previous char was in the mantissa */ if ((s[i] == 'e') || (s[i] == 'E')) { section = 'e'; /* exponent */ } else if (init_sig && (s[i] == '0')) { /* still in manitssa, a(nother) leading zero */ last_digit = &(s[i]); } else if ((s[i] >= '0') && (s[i] <= '9')) { /* still in manitssa, another digit */ last_digit = &(s[i]); init_sig = 0; } else if ((num_dots == 0) && (s[i] == '.')) { /* still in mantissa, decimal point */ num_dots++; } else { /* This would be an error */ s[i] = '0'; going = 0; } } else { /* We're in the exponent now, so we can stop scanning */ going = 0; } i++; } } if (last_digit) { ries_val inc_ulp; /* value altered by one Unit in the Last Place (ulp) */ /* We successfully located a last digit, so we can use the converted string to get the target number. */ nv = sscanf(s, RV_SS_FMT, &targ); if (nv) { /* So far, so good. Now try altering the last digit. Whenever possible we want to diminish this digit, to avoid bumping up the base-2 exponent. */ if (*last_digit == '0') { *last_digit = '1'; } else { *last_digit = (char)((*last_digit) - 1); } if (sscanf(s, RV_SS_FMT, &inc_ulp)) { if (inc_ulp > targ) { g_mag_ulp = (ries_dif) (inc_ulp - targ); } else { g_mag_ulp = (ries_dif) (targ - inc_ulp); } if (g_mag_ulp == 0) { /* This happens when they give more decimal digits than RIES' native float format can represent. This case should be used to report that the --mad option is not realistic. We could handle this as "--max-match.distance 0" meaning that only an exact solution is accepted, but it's safer to assume we don't know the exact value of the last digit(s) and therefore cannot match them. */ } } else { printf("%s: could not parse target value (as altered for ULP check)\n", g_argv0); nv = 0; } g_target = targ; } } free(s); /* Tell the caller whether we got something */ return nv; } /* End of parse.target */ void set_debug_opts(char * str) { char d; while((d = *str)) { switch(d) { case 'a': debug_A |= DBG_RHS; break; case 'b': debug_B |= DBG_RHS; break; case 'c': debug_C |= DBG_RHS; break; case 'd': debug_D |= DBG_RHS; break; case 'e': debug_E |= DBG_RHS; break; case 'f': debug_F |= DBG_RHS; break; case 'g': debug_G |= DBG_RHS; break; case 'h': debug_H |= DBG_RHS; break; case 'i': debug_I |= DBG_RHS; break; case 'j': debug_J |= DBG_RHS; break; case 'k': debug_K |= DBG_RHS; break; case 'l': debug_L |= DBG_RHS; break; case 'm': debug_m = 1; break; case 'M': debug_M = 1; break; case 'n': debug_n = 1; break; case 'N': debug_N = 1; break; case 'o': debug_o = 1; break; case 'p': debug_p = 1; break; case 'q': debug_q = 1; break; case 'r': debug_r = 1; break; case 's': debug_s = 1; break; case 't': debug_t = 1; break; case 'u': debug_u = 1; break; case 'v': debug_v = 1; break; case 'w': debug_w = 1; break; case 'x': debug_x = 1; break; case 'y': debug_y = 1; break; case 'z': debug_z = 1; break; case 'A': debug_A |= DBG_LHS; break; case 'B': debug_B |= DBG_LHS; break; case 'C': debug_C |= DBG_LHS; break; case 'D': debug_D |= DBG_LHS; break; case 'E': debug_E |= DBG_LHS; break; case 'F': debug_F |= DBG_LHS; break; case 'G': debug_G |= DBG_LHS; break; case 'H': debug_H |= DBG_LHS; break; case 'I': debug_I |= DBG_LHS; break; case 'J': debug_J |= DBG_LHS; break; case 'K': debug_K |= DBG_LHS; break; case 'L': debug_L |= DBG_LHS; break; case 'Q': debug_Q = 1; break; case 'S': debug_S = 1; break; case '0': debug_0 = 1; break; default: break; } str++; } } /* End of set.debug_opts */ /* Summary of how each of the restricted class options is implemented Option -i -r -c -a -l g_restrict_subexpr INT RAT CONS ALG TRAN g_restrict_exponents RAT ELEM g_restrict_trig_args RAT ELEM set_restrict_rat * set_restrict_alg 1 0 somesyms_set: digits * * * * * +-* /nr * * * * * sqf * * * x 1 1 1 * * ^vASCT * * eplEL * */ /* Restrict to rational subexpressions. This is invoked by the -r option and when we switch to -r after getting -i with a non-integer target. */ void set_restrict_rat(void) { g_restrict_subexpr = TYPE_RAT; somesyms_set((symbol *) "pefqASCTlvLEW", 0); somesyms_set((symbol *) "+-*/nr", MAX_ELEN); somesyms_set((symbol *) "x", 1); somesyms_set((symbol *) "s^", 0); /* %%% Once I improve LHS vs RHS symbolset handling, I can enable [s] on RHS and on non-x-containing subexpressions in LHS, and I can allow q to be appended to LHS if and only if the stack is 1. I can do the same thing for ^ and v if I also implement an "integer arguments" option. */ } /* Restrict to algebraic roots. This is invoked by the -a and -l options. */ void set_restrict_alg(int restrict_trig) { g_restrict_subexpr = TYPE_ALG; /* This option is mostly achieved by turning off transcendental functions. */ somesyms_set((symbol *) "pelLEWA", 0); /* Unlike with the smaller classes (constructible, rational) we allow more than one x in the solution */ somesyms_set((symbol *) "+-*/nrsqfx", MAX_ELEN); /* Exponents are okay as long as we use only rational exponents. The implementation of g_restrict_exponents also disallows x in an exponent. */ /* %%% It might be nice to have a restriction permitting integer exponents of x if the exponent is 5 or less, which would let us offer an "algebraic closed-form" class. For now, -Ox is the only way to get a guarantee of closed-form roots. */ somesyms_set((symbol *) "^v", MAX_ELEN); g_restrict_exponents = TYPE_RAT; /* Trig functions are okay as long as we restrict their arguments to rational multiples of pi (and g_restrict_trig_args also disallows x inside a trig function). */ somesyms_set((symbol *) "SCT", MAX_ELEN); if (restrict_trig) { g_restrict_trig_args = TYPE_RAT; k_sincos_arg_scale = k_pi; g_trig_scale_default = B_TRUE; } } /* End of set.restrict_alg */ # define MAX_FILE_DEPTH 27 size_t stk_nargs[MAX_FILE_DEPTH]; char * * stk_argv[MAX_FILE_DEPTH]; int pa_sp; char * pa_this_arg; int pa_argnum; /* Look for a default setting file, and if one exists, return a pointer to its pathname with "-p" in front. This allocates a block of memory, and is only called once. */ char * pa_defaults_path(void) { char * hd; char * pdp; char sep; FILE * f; #ifdef _WIN32 hd = getenv("USERPROFILE"); sep = '\\'; #else hd = getenv("HOME"); sep = '/'; #endif if (hd) { size_t plen; /* Allocate enough space to copy the directory, plus a leading "-p", a directory separator character '/' or '\\', and filename e.g. "ries_profile.txt" plus trailing null */ plen = sizeof(char) * (strlen(hd) + 100); pdp = (char *) malloc(plen); if (pdp) { /* Copy the environment variable while adding all the rest */ snprintf(pdp, plen, "-p%s%c%s", hd, sep, "ries_profile.txt"); /* Try to open it */ if (f = fopen(pdp+2,"r"), f) { /* Successful: close the file and return the string pointer */ fclose(f); return pdp; } /* That filename did not work; try again with ".ries_profile" */ snprintf(pdp, plen, "-p%s%c%s", hd, sep, ".ries_profile"); if (f = fopen(pdp+2,"r"), f) { fclose(f); return pdp; } } } return 0; } /* End of pa.defaults_path */ /* Return a pointer to the next argument, or a null string if there are no more arguments on the present stack. */ char * pa_next_peek(void) { if (pa_sp < 0) { return ((char *) ""); } if (stk_nargs[pa_sp] <= 0) { /* No more arguments at this level. Note in particular we do not allow an argument in a profile to take a parameter from the argument list that included it. */ return ((char *) ""); } return(*(stk_argv[pa_sp])); } /* Returns true if the next argument (as given by pa_next_peek) is a non-null string beginning with '-' */ int pa_next_isparam(void) { char * p; p = pa_next_peek(); if (p && p[0] && (p[0] != '-')) { return 1; } return 0; } char * pa_get_arg(void) { char * rv; if (pa_sp < 0) { rv = 0; } else if (stk_nargs[pa_sp] <= 0) { rv = 0; } else { rv = *(stk_argv[pa_sp]); (stk_argv[pa_sp])++; (stk_nargs[pa_sp])--; } pa_this_arg = rv; return rv; } char * pa_stk_pop(void) { pa_sp--; if (pa_sp < 0) { pa_this_arg = 0; } else if (stk_nargs[pa_sp] <= 0) { pa_this_arg = 0; } else { pa_this_arg = *(stk_argv[pa_sp]); } return pa_this_arg; } /* End of pa_stk_pop */ /* Scan argv, parsing and executing arguments. When a --include/-p argument is encountered, open and scan the indicated file. Recursion is implemented by an explicit stack; this function does not call itself recursively. */ void parse_args(size_t nargs, char *argv[]) { int nv; /* Number of values returned by a sscanf */ double tmp_dbl; int do_getarg; { /* Skip our program name/path */ argv++; nargs--; /* Initialize the stack */ pa_sp = 0; pa_argnum = 0; stk_nargs[pa_sp] = nargs; stk_argv[pa_sp] = argv; } pa_def_path = pa_defaults_path(); while(pa_sp >= 0) { /* First figure out if we're going to auto-load the defaults */ do_getarg = 1; if (pa_argnum == 0) { if (strcmp(pa_next_peek(), "-p") != 0) { /* They did *not* give an initial '-p' */ if (pa_def_path) { pa_this_arg = pa_def_path; /* printf("Starting with defaults: %s\n", pa_this_arg); */ do_getarg = 0; } } } /* Get the next argument at the present stacklevel */ if (do_getarg) { pa_get_arg(); /* Sets pa_this_arg */ } pa_argnum++; if (pa_this_arg == 0) { /* This happens if pa_get_arg has run out of args or if it gets an arg that is a null string. Either case means we should pop */ pa_stk_pop(); } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--ries-arguments-end") == 0) { /* Ignore any more arguments at this level */ pa_stk_pop(); } else if ((strncmp(pa_this_arg, "-p", 2) == 0) || (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--include") == 0)) { /* load Parameters (or "Profile") from a file */ /* First check for a bare '-p' and not on the first arg; if so and if there is a defaults file, we use it. */ if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "-p") == 0) { if (pa_argnum <= 1) { /* -p on the first arg means do not load the defaults; this will have already been handled so all we need to do now is ignore the option. */ pa_this_arg = 0; } else { if (pa_def_path) { pa_this_arg = pa_def_path; } else { /* They gave a bare '-p' but there is no profile */ printf( "%s: got -p option, but could not find .ries_profile or" " ries_profile.txt\n" "in home directory.\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } } if (pa_this_arg && strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--include") == 0) { pa_get_arg(); if (pa_this_arg == 0) { printf( "%s: --include requires a filename, e.g. '--include trig.ries'\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if (pa_this_arg) { pa_this_arg += 2; /* skip the "-p" */ } if (pa_this_arg && *pa_this_arg) { char * filebuf; size_t n; char * * av; filebuf = file_read(pa_this_arg); delimit_args(filebuf, &n, &av); if (n) { if ((pa_sp+1) < MAX_FILE_DEPTH) { /* Push new set of args onto the stack */ pa_sp++; stk_nargs[pa_sp] = n; stk_argv[pa_sp] = av; } else { printf("%s: -p parameters nested too deep (max %d levels).\n" "\n", g_argv0, MAX_FILE_DEPTH); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else { /* File had no tokens; we could complain but we let it pass. */ } } else if (pa_this_arg) { printf( "%s: -p parameter requires a filename, e.g. '-ptrig.ries'\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "-") == 0) { /* Null option, useful for ending a string of numeric arguments, as e.g. after the --eval-expression option, before giving the target number. */ /* First we check the "--foo-bar VAL" type options, in which the "opcode" and its "arguments" are each separate elements of argv[]. These are used for special or rarely-used commands, like the command that gives an expression's complexity score */ } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--any-exponents") == 0) { g_restrict_exponents = TYPE_NONE; } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--any-subexpressions") == 0) { g_restrict_subexpr = TYPE_NONE; } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--any-trig-args") == 0) { g_restrict_trig_args = TYPE_NONE; } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--canon-reduction") == 0) { if (pa_next_isparam()) { /* Set which types of canonval reduction to use. */ char * s; s = pa_get_arg(); if (s) { g_canon_ops = 0; while(*s) { switch(*s) { case 'n': ; g_canon_ops |= CANONVAL_NEGATE; break; case 'r': ; g_canon_ops |= CANONVAL_RECIPROCAL; break; case '2': ; g_canon_ops |= CANONVAL_MUL2; break; case '5': ; g_canon_ops |= CANONVAL_DIV2; break; default: ; break; } s++; } } } else { printf("%s: --canon-reduction requires a set of reduction types, " "e.g. 'nr25'\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--canon-simplify") == 0) { g_no_cv_simplify = B_FALSE; } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--derivative-margin") == 0) { /* Override default value of k_vanished.dx */ ries_dif t; pa_get_arg(); if (pa_this_arg && sscanf(pa_this_arg, "%lf", &t)) { if (t < 0) { printf("%s: --derivative-margin must be positive (I got %g).\n" "\n", g_argv0, t); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } else if (t > 1.0e-4) { /* Too large */ printf("%s: --derivative-margin value should be at most 1.0e-4.\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } else { k_derivative_margin = t; printf("Allowing d/dx to be as small as value times %g.\n", k_derivative_margin); } } else { printf("%s: --derivative-margin should be followed by a numeric " "argument.\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--eval-expression") == 0) { if (pa_next_isparam()) { /* This is used to check FORTH expression syntax; it is a complement to --find-expression and some of the other command options like -F0 and -DGg */ while(pa_next_isparam()) { if (g_num_find_expr > MAX_FIND_EXPR) { printf("%s: --eval-expression takes at most %d arguments.\n", g_argv0, MAX_FIND_EXPR); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } g_find_expr[g_num_find_expr] = (symbol *) pa_get_arg(); g_num_find_expr++; } g_enable_output = 0; g_eval_expr = 1; } else { printf("%s: --eval-expression should be followed by compact " "postfix expression(s).\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--explicit-multiply") == 0) { g_explicit_multiply = B_TRUE; } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--find-expression") == 0) { if (pa_next_isparam()) { /* This is used to scan for one of more expression(s) and print out their stats, in whatever order they happen to be found. This is an easier-to-use replacement for the -DGg option filtered through grep. */ while(pa_next_isparam()) { if (g_num_find_expr > MAX_FIND_EXPR) { printf("%s: --find-expression takes at most %d arguments.\n", g_argv0, MAX_FIND_EXPR); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } g_find_expr[g_num_find_expr] = (symbol *) pa_get_arg(); g_num_find_expr++; } g_enable_output = 0; } else { printf("%s: --find-expression should be followed by compact " "postfix expression(s).\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if ((strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--match-all-digits") == 0) || (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--mad") == 0) ) { g_match_all_digits = B_TRUE; k_max_match_dist = -0.01; /* This will be calculated from the target by init.2 */ } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--max-equate-value") == 0) { ries_val t; pa_get_arg(); if (pa_this_arg && sscanf(pa_this_arg, RV_SS_FMT, &t)) { if (t <= g_min_equ_val) { printf("%s: --max-equate-value argument cannot be greater than " "--min-equate-value argument.\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } g_max_equ_val = t; printf("Equations will have both sides at most "); spfg(k_usable_digits, g_max_equ_val); printf("\n"); } else { printf("%s: --max-equate-value should be followed by a numeric " "argument.\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--max-match-distance") == 0) { ries_dif t; pa_get_arg(); if (pa_this_arg && sscanf(pa_this_arg, "%lf", &t)) { k_max_match_dist = t; g_match_all_digits = B_FALSE; /* Cannot use both options together */ if (k_max_match_dist < 0) { printf( "First match must be closer than %g times your target value.\n", -k_max_match_dist); } else if (k_max_match_dist == 0) { printf("Only give an 'exact' match (if any) then exit.\n"); } else { printf("First match must be closer than %g.\n", k_max_match_dist); } } else { printf("%s: --max-match-distance should be followed by a numeric " "argument.\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if ((strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--max-matches") == 0) || (strncmp(pa_this_arg, "-n", 2) == 0)) { double t; if (pa_this_arg[1] == 'n') { pa_this_arg += 2; /* Skip the '-n' */ } else { pa_get_arg(); /* Get the next arg */ } if (pa_this_arg && sscanf(pa_this_arg, "%lf", &t)) { if (t >= 1) { g_max_matches = (stats_count) t; } else { printf("%s: -n or --max-matches argument should be 1 or more.\n" "examples: -n7 or --max-matches 7\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else { printf("%s: --max-matches should be followed by a numeric " "argument.\n" "examples: -n7 or --max-matches 7\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--max-memory") == 0) { time_flt t; pa_get_arg(); if (pa_this_arg && sscanf(pa_this_arg, "%lf", &t)) { g_max_memory = fabs(t); printf("Will not use more than %g bytes of memory.\n", g_max_memory); } else { printf("%s: --max-memory should be followed by a numeric argument.\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--memory-abort-threshold") == 0) { time_flt t; pa_get_arg(); if (pa_this_arg && sscanf(pa_this_arg, "%lf", &t)) { if (t > 1.0) { g_mem_bad_ratio = t; printf("Memory slowness abort ratio: %g.\n", g_mem_bad_ratio); } else { printf("%s: --memory-abort-threshold should be at least 1.0," " and values less than about 1.5 are unlikely to be of" " much use.\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else { printf( "%s: --memory-abort-threshold should be followed by a numeric\n" "argument larger than 1.0 (larger than 1.5 is recommended).\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--min-equate-value") == 0) { ries_val t; pa_get_arg(); if (pa_this_arg && sscanf(pa_this_arg, RV_SS_FMT, &t)) { if (t >= g_max_equ_val) { printf("%s: --min-equate-value argument cannot be greater than " "--max-equate-value argument.\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } g_min_equ_val = t; printf("Equations will have both sides at least "); spfg(k_usable_digits, g_min_equ_val); printf("\n"); } else { printf("%s: --min-equate-value should be followed by a numeric " "argument.\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--min-match-distance") == 0) { /* %%% I might want to have "-ee" be a synonym for "--max-match-distance 0" */ ries_dif t; pa_get_arg(); if (pa_this_arg && sscanf(pa_this_arg, "%lf", &t)) { g_min_matchsize = t; if (g_min_matchsize == 0.0) { printf("Will exit if an 'exact' match is found.\n"); g_exact_exit = B_TRUE; } else if (g_min_matchsize < -0.1) { printf("%s: --min-match-distance argument can be negative but not " "less than -0.1\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } else if (g_min_matchsize < 0.0) { printf("Using a minimum match distance of %g times your " "target value.\n", g_min_matchsize); } else { printf("Using minimum match distance: %g\n", g_min_matchsize); } } else { printf("%s: --min-match-distance should be followed by a numeric " "argument.\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--max-trig-cycles") == 0) { ries_val t; pa_get_arg(); if (pa_this_arg && sscanf(pa_this_arg, RV_SS_FMT, &t)) { if ((t > 0.0) && (t <= 100.0)) { k_sincos_max_arg = (ries_val) t; printf("Arguments of trig functions will be restricted to "); spfg(k_usable_digits, k_sincos_max_arg * 0.5); printf(" cycles on either side of zero.\n"); } else { printf("%s: --max-trig-cycles must be between 0.0 and 100.0\n\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else { printf("%s: --max-trig-cycles should be followed by a numeric " "argument.\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--min-memory") == 0) { time_flt t; pa_get_arg(); if (pa_this_arg && sscanf(pa_this_arg, "%lf", &t)) { g_min_memory = fabs(t); printf("Memory-hogging safeguard disabled for the first %g bytes.\n", g_min_memory); } else { printf("%s: --min-memory should be followed by a numeric " "argument.\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--no-canon-simplify") == 0) { g_no_cv_simplify = B_TRUE; } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--no-refinement") == 0) { g_refinement = 0; } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--no-slow-messages") == 0) { g_allow_slow_message = 0; } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--no-solve-for-x") == 0) { g_solve_for_x = B_FALSE; } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--numeric-anagram") == 0) { if (pa_next_isparam()) { /* Remember the selected anagram string, we test this later */ g_anagram = (char *) pa_get_arg(); /* Set the sym_allowed values */ set_anagram(g_anagram); } else { printf( "%s: --numeric-anagram should be followed by a string of digits.\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--one-sided") == 0) { g_one_sided = B_TRUE; } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--rational-exponents") == 0) { g_restrict_exponents = TYPE_RAT; } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--rational-trig-args") == 0) { g_restrict_trig_args = TYPE_RAT; } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--relative-roots") == 0) { /* Show "x = T + epsilon" rather than absolute values */ if (g_match_all_digits) { printf("Note: Ignoring '%s' because '--match-all-digits' is set.\n", pa_this_arg); } else { g_relative_x = B_TRUE; } } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--show-work") == 0) { /* Same as -Ds (sets debug_s flag) */ set_debug_opts((char *) "s"); } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--significance-loss-margin") == 0) { ries_dif t; pa_get_arg(); if (pa_this_arg && sscanf(pa_this_arg, "%lf", &t)) { if ((t >= 0.0) && (t < 100.0)) { t = pow(10.0, -t); k_sig_loss = t; printf("Using significance loss margin: %g\n", k_sig_loss); } else { printf("%s: --significance-loss-margin must be between 0.0 " "and 100.0\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else { printf( "%s: --significance-loss-margin should be followed by a numeric " "argument.\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--symbol-names") == 0) { if (pa_next_isparam()) { char space_sym = ' '; /* Override the standard symbol names. Multiple arguments may be given. */ while(pa_next_isparam()) { char * a; symbol sym; a = pa_get_arg(); if ( (a[0] == ':') && a[1] && (a[2] == ':') && (a[3]==a[1]) && (a[4] == 0) && (space_sym == ' ')) { /* This syntax is used to define a symbol that stands in for blank space. */ space_sym = a[1]; } else if ((a[0] == ':') && a[1] && (a[2] == ':')) { sym = (symbol) a[1]; if (strlen(a+3) <= MAX_SYM_NAME_LEN) { str_remap(a+3, space_sym, ' '); sym_attrs[sym].sa_name = sym_attrs[sym].name_forth = a+3; /* printf("setsym %c:%s\n", sym, a+3); */ } else { printf("%s: Symbol name can be at most %d characters\n" "(I got '%s')\n", g_argv0, MAX_SYM_NAME_LEN, a+3); print_end(-1); } } else { printf("%s: --symbol-names argument syntax is ::name," " for example\n" " :-:deme to set name of '-' to 'deme'\n" " Instead I got '%s'\n", g_argv0, a); print_end(-1); } } } else { printf( "%s: --symbol-names should be followed by one or more tuples\n" " of the form :name, for example:\n" " :-:deme to set name of '-' to 'deme'\n", g_argv0); print_end(-1); } } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--symbol-weights") == 0) { if (pa_next_isparam()) { /* Override the standard symbol weights. Multiple arguments may be given. */ while(pa_next_isparam()) { char * a; unsigned char argtmp[20]; int i; ries_dif w; a = pa_get_arg(); ries_strncpy((char *) argtmp, a, 20); /* Skip the numeric portion */ for(i=0; (argtmp[i]=='.') || ((argtmp[i]>='0') && (argtmp[i]<='9')); i++ ) { } if ((argtmp[i] == ':') && (argtmp[i+1])) { argtmp[i++] = 0; /* Null-terminate the numeric portion by overwriting the ':' */ w = strtod((char *) argtmp, 0); if (w <= MIN_SYMBOL_WEIGHT) { printf("%s: Symbol weight may not be %f or less.\n", g_argv0, MIN_SYMBOL_WEIGHT); print_end(-1); } if (w > MAX_SYMBOL_WEIGHT) { w = MAX_SYMBOL_WEIGHT; } /* printf("set weight of '%c' to %d\n", argtmp[i], (int) w); */ sym_attrs[argtmp[i]].preempt_weight = (s16) floor(w + 0.5); } else { printf("%s: --symbol-weights argument syntax is NUMBER:," " for example\n" " 12:^ to set weight of '^' to 12\n" " Instead I got '%s'\n", g_argv0, a); print_end(-1); } } } else { printf( "%s: --symbol-weights should be followed by one or more tuples\n" " of the form NUMBER:, for example" " 12:^ to set weight of '^' to 12\n", g_argv0); print_end(-1); } } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--trig-argument-scale") == 0) { ries_val t; pa_get_arg(); if (pa_this_arg && sscanf(pa_this_arg, RV_SS_FMT, &t)) { if ((t >= 0.0) && (t < 100.0)) { k_sincos_arg_scale = (ries_val) t; g_trig_scale_default = (k_sincos_arg_scale == k_pi); printf("Argument of trig functions will be scaled by "); spfg(k_usable_digits, k_sincos_arg_scale); /* printf(fmt_g_usable, k_sincos_arg_scale); */ printf("\n"); } else { printf("%s: --trig-argument-scale must be between 0.0 " "and 100.0\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else { printf("%s: --trig-argument-scale should be followed by a numeric " "argument.\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else if ((strncmp(pa_this_arg, "-s", 2) == 0) || (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--try-solve-for-x") == 0)) { g_solve_for_x = B_TRUE; } else if (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--version") == 0) { show_version(); exit(0); } else if ((strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--wide-output") == 0) || (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--wide") == 0) ) { g_wide_output = B_TRUE; g_relative_x = B_TRUE; /* Single-character arguments: { %% those in braces are not yet implemented } -0 to -9 target number with leading - sign -a Algebraic class -c Constructible class -D Debug { -e Elementary class (between algebraic and Liouvillian) } { -ee Exact exit (might be confused with -e plus 'exact') } -F Format -i Integer class (and -ie) -l Liouvillian (if bare); level (if with digit) -N Not these symbols -O Once-only symbols -p profile/parameters (parsed above) -r Rational class (and -re) -s (try to) solve for x -S Symbolset { -t Transcendental class (enable [W], [G], etc.) } -x Show X, not T+epsilon */ /* Next we check the "-xN" type options, in which the "opcode" is a single letter and its "arguments" follow it without a space in between. These are used for the options you'll commonly want to give when invoking ries to solve a problem. */ } else if ((strncmp(pa_this_arg, "-a", 2) == 0) || (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--algebraic-subexpressions") == 0)) { /* Subexpressions must be algebraic numbers */ set_restrict_alg(1); if (pa_this_arg[2] == 'e') { /* They gave "-ae" %%% This should instead set an epsilon as with --min-match-distance with a negative argument proportional to the ULP as measured by init.formats */ g_exact_exit = B_TRUE; } } else if ((strncmp(pa_this_arg, "-c", 2) == 0) || (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--constructible-subexpressions") == 0)) { /* Subexpressions must be constructible numbers */ g_restrict_subexpr = TYPE_CONS; if (pa_this_arg[2] == 'e') { /* They gave "-ce": exit on exact match. NOTE: We already set k_min_best_match proportionally to the target size */ g_exact_exit = B_TRUE; } /* This option is just shorthand for turning off a bunch of functions. */ somesyms_set((symbol *) "peASCTl^vLEW", 0); somesyms_set((symbol *) "+-*/nrsqf", MAX_ELEN); somesyms_set((symbol *) "x", 1); /* %%% Once I add an integer arguments option for ^, I can enable it on RHS and in non-x-containing subexpressions in LHS. */ } else if (strncmp(pa_this_arg, "-D", 2) == 0) { /* Debugging options */ set_debug_opts(pa_this_arg+2); /* +2 to skip the "-D" */ } else if (strncmp(pa_this_arg, "-E", 2) == 0) { /* Enable these symbols: Like -S but doesn't clear everything else out */ NOS_options = B_TRUE; somesyms_set((symbol *) (pa_this_arg+2), MAX_ELEN); /* +2 skips "-E" */ } else if (strncmp(pa_this_arg, "-F", 2) == 0) { /* Select expression display format */ pa_this_arg += 2; /* skip the "-F" */ if (*pa_this_arg == 0) { out_expr_format = OF_FORTH; /* default */ } else { nv = sscanf(pa_this_arg, "%d", &out_expr_format); if (nv == 0) { printf("%s: -F parameter requires a number, e.g. '-F0'\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } } else if ((strncmp(pa_this_arg, "-i", 2) == 0) || (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--integer-subexpressions") == 0)) { /* Integer subexpressions */ g_restrict_subexpr = TYPE_INT; somesyms_set((symbol *) "pefqASCTlvLEW", 0); if (pa_this_arg[2] == 'e') { /* They gave "-ie" */ g_exact_exit = B_TRUE; } } else if (nv=sscanf(pa_this_arg, "-l%lf", &tmp_dbl), nv>0) { /* They gave a level eg. "-l-1" or "-l5.5" */ g_levadj = tmp_dbl; tlevel = DEFAULT_LEV_BASE + g_levadj; } else if ((strcmp(pa_this_arg, "-el") == 0) || (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "-l") == 0) || (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--liouvillian-subexpressions") == 0) || (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "-le") == 0) ) { /* We have "-el", a bare "-l", or "--liou..." without the "--"; in either case this means we want to restrict to Liouvillian roots */ set_restrict_alg(0); /* Enable exponential and logarithmic functions (but not Gamma or LambertW) */ somesyms_set((symbol *) "eplEL", MAX_ELEN); /* To disallow x within an exponent, but still allow anything else in an exponent, we set g_restrict.subexpr to TYPE_TRAN which causes g_target to be tagged as transcendental. Then we restrict exponents and trigonometric arguments to elementary, allowing even something like e^(2^(1/phi)). This allows sqrt(2)^sqrt(2) to be found, but prevents finding the root of x^x=7. */ g_restrict_subexpr = TYPE_TRAN; g_restrict_exponents = TYPE_TCEL; g_restrict_trig_args = TYPE_TCEL; if (pa_this_arg[2] == 'e') { /* They gave "-le" %%% This should instead set an epsilon as with --min-match-distance with a negative argument proportional to the ULP as measured by init.formats */ g_exact_exit = B_TRUE; } } else if (strncmp(pa_this_arg, "-l", 2) == 0) { printf("%s: -l parameter requires a number, e.g. '-l3'\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } else if (strncmp(pa_this_arg, "-N", 2) == 0) { /* Not these symbols */ NOS_options = B_TRUE; somesyms_set((symbol *) (pa_this_arg+2), 0); /* +2 skips "-N" */ } else if (strncmp(pa_this_arg, "-O", 2) == 0) { /* Once-only symbols */ NOS_options = B_TRUE; somesyms_set((symbol *) (pa_this_arg+2), 1); /* +2 skips "-O" */ } else if ((strncmp(pa_this_arg, "-r", 2) == 0) || (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--rational-subexpressions") == 0)) { /* Rational subexpressions */ set_restrict_rat(); if (pa_this_arg[2] == 'e') { /* They gave "-re" */ g_exact_exit = B_TRUE; } } else if (strncmp(pa_this_arg, "-S", 2) == 0) { /* Only these symbols */ pa_this_arg += 2; /* skip the "-S" */ if (*pa_this_arg == 0) { /* Without args, show the symbols in use and their definitions */ g_show_ss = B_TRUE; } else { S_option = B_TRUE; NOS_options = B_TRUE; allsyms_set(0, 0); somesyms_set((symbol *) pa_this_arg, MAX_ELEN); } } else if ((strcmp(pa_this_arg, "-x") == 0) || (strcmp(pa_this_arg, "--absolute-roots") == 0)) { /* Show values of x rather than "x = T + epsilon" */ if (g_wide_output) { /* -x is incompatible with wide mode (which shows both types of x value output) */ printf("Note: '%s' option with '--wide' is redundant.\n", pa_this_arg); } else { g_relative_x = B_FALSE; } /* test for number must be last, because it might have a leading '-' */ } else if (((pa_this_arg[0] >= '0') && (pa_this_arg[0] <= '9')) || (pa_this_arg[0] == '-') || (pa_this_arg[0] == '.')) { /* This would be the target number */ nv = parse_target(pa_this_arg); if (nv == 1) { g_got_target = 1; } else { printf("%s: Unknown option '%s'\n\n", g_argv0, pa_this_arg); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } else { printf("%s: Unknown option '%s'\n\n", g_argv0, pa_this_arg); brief_help(); print_end(-1); } } /* At this point pa_sp <= 0 and stk_nargs[pa_sp] == 0, so we're out of args */ } /* End of parse.args */ /* We use precise and sized datatypes (e.g. 16-bit integer), and / in some cases (old compilers) we need to define these with a custom / typedef. This function makes sure the definitions work the way we need / and complains if not. We can also tell the user which ifdef flag to / use when re-compiling. */ void validate_types(void) { #ifdef VT_TEST_CMP1 { int i; unsigned u; i = 1; u = ((unsigned) -2); printf("i %08x u %08x\n", i, u); printf("cmp1 %s\n", (u 1) { parse_args((size_t) nargs, argv); } else { printf("%s: Please specify a target number.\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(1); } /* init the evaluation system */ init2(); /* Execute the '-S' command */ if (g_show_ss) { show_symset(); /* We exit because the main purpose of a bare -S is to learn the weights. However the user may have expected more, so we explain the necessary -S syntax. */ printf("%s: %s", g_argv0, "Exiting now (to do an equation search, omit '-S' or include\n" " symbol names, for example: 'ries 3.14159 -S123456789+/')\n"); exit(0); } if (g_got_target) { g_targ_tags = guess_valtype(g_target); } /* printf("g_restrict_subexpr is %s\n", tagname(g_restrict_subexpr)); */ /* Here we tag the non-integer constants as being whatever type is set as the subexpressions restriction. This would allow the constants to be used as subexpressions, but the symbols are also excluded via e.g sym_attrs['p'].sa_alwd, so %%% I don't know why we even bother to do this */ /* printf("valtype of pi is %s", tagname(tg_pi)); */ if (g_restrict_subexpr > tg_pi) { tg_pi = TGMIN(TYPE_RAT, g_restrict_subexpr); } /* printf(" -> %s\n", tagname(tg_pi)); */ if (g_restrict_subexpr > tg_phi) { tg_phi = TGMIN(TYPE_RAT, g_restrict_subexpr); } if (g_restrict_subexpr > tg_e) { tg_e = TGMIN(TYPE_RAT, g_restrict_subexpr); } /* printf("sym_attrs['p'].sa_alwd == %d\n", sym_attrs['p'].sa_alwd); */ /* Execute the --eval-expression option */ if (g_eval_expr && g_num_find_expr) { s16 i, err, sp, contains_x; ries_val x; ries_dif dx; ries_tgs tg; symbol * expr; exec_x = g_target; for(i=0; i 0) { /* The other clients of eval() always have complete expressions, so eval() does not check for this error */ printf("Error: incomplete expression (%d item(s) remain on stack)\n", sp); } else { printf("[%s] = ", expr); spfg(k_usable_digits, x); /* printf(fmt_g_usable, x); */ printf("; d/dx = "); printf(fmt_g_diff, dx); printf(" %s", tagname(tg)); printf(", complexity = {%d}\n", complexity(expr)); } printf("\n"); } exit(0); } if (g_got_target == 0) { printf("%s: Please specify a target number.\n" "\n", g_argv0); brief_help(); print_end(1); } /* -i option is of no use when X isn't an integer, because X is a * subexpression of all LHS's; demote to rational.*/ if (g_restrict_subexpr == TYPE_INT) { if (!(TAG_INT_P(g_targ_tags))) { /* tgs-manip */ if (g_enable_output) { printf("ries: Replacing -i with -r because target isn't an integer.\n"); } set_restrict_rat(); /* g_exact_exit setting is still relevant */ } else if (FABS(g_target) > rv_maxint) { if (g_enable_output) { printf("ries: Replacing -i with -r because target is too large.\n"); } set_restrict_rat(); /* g_exact_exit setting is still relevant */ } } /* Set or adjust target value and match distance cutoffs. */ tgt_to_print = g_target; /* Save user-specified value for printing */ if (g_match_all_digits) { if (g_mag_ulp > 0) { /* Tweak the target and set a max match distance */ k_max_match_dist = g_mag_ulp * 0.5; if (g_target < 0) { g_target -= k_max_match_dist; } else { g_target += k_max_match_dist; } /* In the case where they gave an integer or rational with --match-all-digits, 1/2 of the ULP is added to the target which is therefore rational. */ if (g_targ_tags == TYPE_INT) { g_targ_tags = TYPE_RAT; } /* tgs-manip */ /* For --match-all-digits to make sense the roots should be displayed as absolute numbers, not "x = T + epsilon" */ if (g_wide_output == B_FALSE) { g_relative_x = B_FALSE; } /* printf("Setting target: %g and k_max_match.dist %g\n", g_target, k_max_match_dist); */ } else { /* %%% We could handle this as "--max-match-distance 0", but it's safer to assume we don't know the exact value of the last digit(s) and therefore cannot match them. */ printf( "Ignoring --match-all-digits option because I could not determine\n" "the magnitude of the ULP (unit in the last place).\n" ); } } if (k_derivative_margin > 0) { /* They selected a specific initial k_vanished.dx */ k_vanished_dx = k_derivative_margin; } else if (fabs((ries_dif)g_target) * k_vanished_dx > 0.1) { k_vanished_dx = 0.1 / fabs((ries_dif)g_target); printf("Auto-setting --derivative-margin %g\n", k_vanished_dx); } else if (fabs((ries_dif)g_target) < 1.0e-8) { k_vanished_dx = 0.1 * fabs((ries_dif)g_target); printf("Auto-setting --derivative-margin %g\n", k_vanished_dx); } if (debug_z) { printf("fabs(g_target) == %g; k_vanished_dx == %g;\n", fabs((ries_dif)g_target), k_vanished_dx); printf("fabs(g_target) * k_vanished_dx == %g\n", fabs((ries_dif)g_target) * k_vanished_dx); } /* If k_vanished.dx changed, make k_prune.deriv agree */ k_prune_deriv = k_vanished_dx / 1.0e4; p_ovr = fabs((ries_dif)g_target) / k_prune_deriv; n_ovr = - p_ovr; if (debug_z) { printf("k_prune_deriv == %g; p_ovr == %g\n", k_prune_deriv, p_ovr); } if (k_vanished_dx >= 1.0/FABS(g_target)) { printf( "%s: With this --derivative-margin option (%g) and\n" " target value (%g), I cannot compute any expressions. Either\n" " use a smaller target value, or a derivative margin below %g\n\n", g_argv0, k_vanished_dx, dbl(g_target), 1.0/fabs((ries_dif)g_target)); print_end(-1); } if (FABS((ries_dif)g_target) / k_vanished_dx >= 1.0e15) { if (sym_attrs['x'].sa_alwd > 1) { if (k_derivative_margin > 0) { printf( "WARNING: Your --derivative-margin option (%g)\n" " is so small that RIES might report tautologies like x/x = 1. To avoid\n" " this warning, use the option -Ox or give a target value smaller than\n" " %g.\n\n", k_derivative_margin, k_biggest_safe_target); } else { printf( "WARNING: Your target value is so large that RIES might report tautologies\n" " like x/(x/3) = 3. To avoid this warning, use the option -Ox or give a\n" " target value smaller than %g.\n\n", k_biggest_safe_target); } } } if (g_min_matchsize < 0.0) { /* Variable minimum match threshold */ g_min_matchsize = fabs((ries_dif)g_target * (-g_min_matchsize)); } if (k_max_match_dist >= 0) { /* They have set a fixed starting match threshold */ g_init_match_dist = k_max_match_dist; } else { /* Variable starting match threshold */ g_init_match_dist = fabs((ries_dif)g_target * (-k_max_match_dist)); } best_match = g_init_match_dist; if (debug_q) { printf("Initial match threshold = %g\n", dbl(best_match)); } /* Adjust k_min_best.match to accomodate precision and large targets. %%% We do this for large-magnitude targets and for targets close to 0. I still need to look more closely at how I handle SIG_LOSS errors and how that affects operation when the target is close to zero. */ if ((FABS(g_target) > 1.0) || (FABS(g_target) < 0.25)) { /* %%% 20170211: The numbers here should be adjusted in such a way that there is a smooth transition when the target goes outside the default range. To check, do commands like "ries 1.001 -Dz | grep kmbm" and "ries 0.249 -Dz | grep kmbm" and note what kmbm is being set to. */ k_min_best_match = fabs((ries_dif)g_target) * 8.0 * k_precision_ulp; if (debug_z) { if (FABS(g_target) > 1.0) { printf("Large target, setting kmbm=%g\n", k_min_best_match); } else { printf("Small target, setting kmbm=%g\n", k_min_best_match); } } } exec_x = g_target; if (g_anagram != 0) { g_one_sided = B_TRUE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finished adjusting parameters; start algorithm -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (g_enable_output) { char fmt1[FMT_STR_SIZE]; printf("\n"); printf(" Your target value: T = "); spff(k_usable_digits, tgt_to_print); /* printf(fmt_g_usa_fixed, tgt_to_print) */ /* If robustness were not important we could use the "%*" printf extension to get the variable width */ snprintf(fmt1, FMT_STR_SIZE, "%s%d%s", " %", 44 - k_usable_digits, "s"); /* " %27s" */ printf(fmt1, "mrob.com/ries"); printf("%s", "\n\n"); } /* printing symbol weight limits for debugging */ if (debug_z) { printf("Symbol weight ranges:\n"); printf(" seft num minw maxw\n"); printf(" %c %3d %3d %3d\n", 'a', n_asym, g_a_minw, g_a_maxw); printf(" %c %3d %3d %3d\n", 'b', n_bsym, g_b_minw, g_b_maxw); printf(" %c %3d %3d %3d\n", 'c', n_csym, g_c_minw, g_c_maxw); } /* calculate search cutoff. This number is the total number of * expressions generated. Note that the total number of possible * combinations between LHS and RHS is much more: If N expressions * are generated and equally divided between LHS and RHS, the total * number of combinations is N^2/4. Thus, we get 4 times as many * combinations each time we double this number. * The user interface says that each level will produce a 10-times * greater search. This means checking 10 times as many combinations. * however, as the number of combinations rises they also get more * spread out, because more very large and very small numbers are * getting generated. Because of this spreading out, LHS and RHS * expressions become slightly less likely to be near each other as * the number of combinations goes up. Therefore, in order to get 10 * times more "relevant" combinations, we multiply by factors of 4, * since 4^2 is 16, somewhat more than 10. */ lim_gentotal = 2000.0; if (tlevel >= -2.0) { lim_gentotal *= pow(4.0, tlevel); } lim_prune = lim_gentotal * 15.0; gen_total = 0; if (debug_y) { printf("Will stop after generating searchmax=%g expressions\n", lim_gentotal); } #ifdef RIES_USE_SA_M64 /* Test of new Lambert W function in msal_math64.c */ if (debug_z) { # ifdef RIES_VAL_LDBL msal_test_lambertl(); # else msal_test_lambert(); # endif msal_test_gamma(); msal_test_spfg(); } #endif /* generate and print solutions */ lmin = rmin = 1; lmax = rmax = PASS_GRAN; rhs_gen = lhs_gen = 0; rhs_insert = lhs_insert = 0; rhs_prune = lhs_prune = 0; got_exact = B_FALSE; g_num_matches = 0; ml_going = 1; while (ml_going) { /* We increase the complexity limit of whichever side has generated the least number of expressions so far. This is to ensure that we stay near the optimal point where the search time is O(sqrt(K^N)). If we let one side outnumber the other by a lot, the search gets to be more like O(K^N), and we don't want that (-: Note that we are going by the actual number of LHS and RHS items in the database, rather than maintaining an equal complexity limit for both types of expressions. This is to adapt gracefully to changes in the symbol set, which of course can be specified on the command line. For example, if they significantly limit the number of constants, the LHS will grow at a faster rate than the RHS because its one additional type-a symbol ('x') becomes a significant factor in how many expressions there are of each complexity. Since LHS and RHS are stored in the same struct type, there is no memory savings from storing fewer LHS's, however there might be a bit of speed cost from evaluating the derivatives. storing them. Some kind of benchmarking would be in order. For the --one.sided option, the main test is altered so that it inserts x as the sole LHS expression and then performs RHS passes from then on. */ g_ne = 0; insert_count = 0; prune_count = 0; if ( (g_one_sided && (lhs_insert >= 1)) /* We're in RHS-only mode and we have our 'x' */ || (lhs_insert > rhs_insert)) /* Or normal mode and LHS outnumbers RHS */ { rmin = (s16)(rmin + PASS_GRAN); rmax = (s16)(rmax + PASS_GRAN); /* Generate RHS expressions */ g_dbg_side = DBG_RHS; genf = gen_forms(rmin, rmax, 0, g_a_minw, g_a_maxw, g_b_minw, g_b_maxw, g_c_minw, g_c_maxw); if (debug_y) { printf("finished RHS from {%d} to {%d}: %g forms expanded, %g expressions.\n", rmin, rmax, genf, g_ne); } rhs_gen += g_ne; rhs_insert += insert_count; rhs_prune += prune_count; } else { lmin = (s16)(lmin + PASS_GRAN); lmax = (s16)(lmax + PASS_GRAN); /* Generate LHS expressions */ g_dbg_side = DBG_LHS; genf = gen_forms(lmin, lmax, 1, g_a_minw, g_a_maxw, g_b_minw, g_b_maxw, g_c_minw, g_c_maxw); if (debug_y) { printf("finished LHS from {%d} to {%d}: %g forms expanded, %g expressions.\n", lmin, lmax, genf, g_ne); printf("\n"); } lhs_gen += g_ne; lhs_insert += insert_count; lhs_prune += prune_count; } gen_total += g_ne; #ifdef OLD_EXHAUSTION_TESTS /* Test the number of new expressions found. Reset the timeout if we found new expressions. If we go too many passes and find nothing, the search will terminate. This test prevents an infinite loop in the case where the searchmax is so big (or the symbolset so small) that all possible expressions of size MAX_ELEN are generated becore searchmax is reached. (If this actually happens, it probably means MAX_ELEN should be increased.) */ if (g_ne > 0) { timeout = 0; } else { timeout++; } /* %%% with -i and/or -S it's not very reliable. Instead of timing * out we should use an explicit test: is complexity minimum * larger than max complexity possible in length MAX_ELEN? */ if (timeout > 40) { } #endif /* Detect exhaustion */ if ((lmax > g_exhaust_cpx) && (g_one_sided || (rmax > g_exhaust_cpx))) { /* If no actual results have been given, report some reasons why this might happen. Otherwise, we'll assume they know what they're doing. For example, "ries 17 '-S+*-/' --numeric-anagram 4444 -Ox" prints a single result and then triggers this code before the default searchlevel is complete. */ if (g_num_matches == 0) { printf( "exhaustion timeout (complexity LHS {%d}, RHS {%d}). Possible causes:\n" " MAX_ELEN %d too small\n", lmax, rmax, MAX_ELEN); if (NOS_options) { printf(" too many symbols excluded via -N, -O or -S\n"); } if (g_anagram) { printf(" --numeric-anagram too restrictive\n"); } if (k_derivative_margin == 0) { printf(" target too big or small for k_vanished_dx (use --derivative-margin)\n"); } g_reported_exhaustion = B_TRUE; } gen_total = lim_gentotal; } if (debug_y || debug_0) { printf("gen_total %g (lhs %ld rhs %ld) searchmax %g gnm %ld\n", gen_total, lhs_insert, rhs_insert, lim_gentotal, (long) g_num_matches); bt_stats(); } /* If we have spent more than a couple seconds and still not reported a match, it's probably because they made really stringent demands, such as a very small k_max.match_dist value. Let them know that this might take a while... */ if (g_num_matches == 0) { time_flt tsec = gettime(); if (debug_y || ((tsec > 2.0) && g_allow_slow_message)) { printf(" Still searching: %11s expr and %.3f sec so far... \r", pf_intfloat_wid(gen_total, 11), tsec); fflush(stdout); } } /* The main loop exits based on how much work we've done, as measured by counting how many expressions were generated (or pruned) rather than just looking at how high the complexity score has gotten. We measure how much work we've done in two different ways: number of "dead-ends" that were discarded (pruned), and number of valid complete expressions (not necessarily with distinct values). Having these two different exit conditions is important so that a "level N" search takes about the same amount of time in normal unrestricted search (bi-directional, full symbolset) and in uni-directional search modes (e.g. for --numeric-anagram). */ if ((lhs_prune+rhs_prune) >= lim_prune) { ml_going = 0; } if (gen_total >= lim_gentotal) { ml_going = 0; } } /* End of if(ml_going) */ if (debug_y) { printf("Level %.g search complete (gen_total exceeded lim_gentotal).\n", g_levadj); } /* Given appropriate advice about how to get more results */ if (g_enable_output) { if (g_reported_exhaustion) { /* If the exhaustion timeout error was reported, increasing the searchlevel will not help. */ } else if (g_num_matches == 0) { printf("No solution was found (try using -l%d", ((int) floor(g_levadj+1.0))); if (g_init_match_dist < (0.001 * g_target)) { printf(" or a larger --max-match-distance"); } printf("). \n"); } else if (g_exact_exit) { printf( " No 'exact' solution was found (try using -l%d).\n", ((int) floor(g_levadj+1.0))); } else { printf(" (for more results, use the option '-l%d')\n", ((int) floor(g_levadj+1.0))); } } print_end(0); return 0; } /* ries.c RIES -- Find Algebraic Equations, Given Their Solution Copyright (C) 2000-2024 Robert P. Munafo See copyright notice at beginning of this file. */