License for the DEMZ Mandelbrot viewer The DEMZ web pages, images, and program code (in Javascript) are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. License details are here: DEMZ is based on an earlier web-based Javascript Mandelbrot viewer by David Eck. It is located here: In the index.html file at the beginning is the following license statement: Web page written by David Eck, You can do anything you like with this web page and with the code, but if you use a substantial portion of it, you should include attribution. DEMZ uses the "BigDecimal" arbitrary-precision arithmetic library At the beginning of the file BigDecimal-all-last.js you will find the license for BigDecimal. Read it and note that it has different contributors who give permission in somewhat different ways. The github repository for BigDecimal is here: which is a fork of the original Daniel Trebbien version, that was formerly here: DEMZ was subsequently copied and then heavily modified by Robert Munafo. That version is located here: Along with most of the rest of the pages on, at the bottom of the web page you can find a license statement: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Details here. with "here" being a link to