// ==UserScript== // @namespace mrob.com // @name XKCD 1288 substitutions by mrob27 // @description See xkcd.com/1288 // @author Robert Munafo (derived from code by Eternal Density) // @version 9529.72 // @downloadURL http://mrob.com/time/scripts-beta/xkcd-1288.user.js.txt // @match *://*/* // ==/UserScript== // REVISION HISTORY: // // np8959.09: Copy from Eternal Density's version and add comments // np9529.72: replace the pony mappings with those in xkcd 1288 // foo3 function leopardize(str) { return str .replace(/\bkeyboard\b/gi,"leopard") // xkcd 1031 .replace(/\bbird\b/gi,"dinosaur") // xkcd 1211 .replace(/\bwitnesses\b/gi,"these dudes I know") .replace(/\ballegedly\b/gi,"kinda probably") .replace(/\bnew study\b/gi,"Tumblr post") .replace(/\brebuild\b/gi,"avenge") .replace(/\bspace\b/gi,"spaaace") .replace(/\bGoogle Glass\b/gi,"Virtual Boy") .replace(/\bsmartphone\b/gi,"Pokédex") .replace(/\belectric\b/gi,"atomic") .replace(/\bsenator\b/gi,"elf-lord") .replace(/\bcar\b/gi,"cat") .replace(/\belection\b/gi,"eating contest") .replace(/\bcongressional leaders\b/gi,"river spirits") .replace(/\bHomeland Security\b/gi,"Homestar Runner") .replace(/\bcould not be reached for comment\b/gi,"is guilty and everyone knows it") //.replace(/(?